The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 402? The Medical Sage Appears

Chapter 402
200 A.D., the fifth year of Jian'an is also called the first year of Youyuan (under the rule of Yuan Shao). This year was a crucial year for the heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and many major events took place in the world.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Lu Heng in the Central Plains battled against each other. Because of Yuan Shao’s strength and Lu Heng’s natural cooperation, Cao Cao was first kicked out of the battlefield and retreated to Sili. The Central Plains was divided into two from Yanzhou and Yuzhou. The two powerhouses began to fight.

At the beginning of the year, Sun Ce, Liu Biao, and Lu Heng fought fiercely again in the southern battlefield. As a result, Liu Biao's weakness showed to the world that he was a piece of fat.

However, Liu Biao formed an alliance with Lu Heng in order to survive, so he can ask Lu Heng for help. At the same time, the relationship between Lu Heng and Sun Ce is well known in the world. Lu Heng will not let Sun Ce have any chance to expand. The war has fully proved it.

Sun Ce's counselors Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Huan Jie, and Lou Minzhong all agreed that after Cao Cao and Yuan Shao started the war, Lu Heng must go north. At this time, there is no time to go south, and it is a good time to annex Liu Biao.

Among them, Lou Minzhong was another adviser recommended by Huan Jie to Sun Ce. In addition to this person, Lu Su also recommended Lu Shinang. Of course, the appearance of these two people was still a problem with Lu Heng's system.

In this way, Sun Ce is like Lu Heng waiting for Yuan Shao and Cao Cao to decide the winner. Sun Ce sent spies to Jiangdong and Huainan to wait for Lu Heng to lead his troops northward.

But Sun Ce had been waiting for almost a year. Just when Sun Ce was getting impatient, the spies sent news that Lu Heng led troops north to attack Xuzhou.

Just in case, although the possibility is slim, Sun Ce also sent Lu Fan to Cao Cao to ask for an army to attack Nanyang County from the north, but at this time Cao Cao was in a state of desperation, so how could there be any extra troops to cooperate with Sun Ce?

Cao Cao declined due to lack of troops. Of course, Lu Fan also saw that Cao Cao had no troops, so he returned to Wuling.

Sun Ce, who received the news of Lu Heng's northward march, immediately mobilized his troops to go northward from Wuling. Although Zhou Yu's navy was defeated by Lu Heng, it was still easy to deal with Liu Biao's navy. Since then, Sun Ce has controlled the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and lost Liu Biao's defense line Everywhere is passive.

For example, now Sun Ce asked Fang La to garrison Changsha, and after Zhou Yu's water army transported Sun Ce's main force to the vicinity of Yiling, the waterways advanced again. Zhou Yu led the water army to oppress Jiangling, while Sun Ce led the mighty army to Jiangling.

At this time, Jiangling was the southern fortress defended by Liu Biao's heavily armed forces. It was guarded by the confidant generals Wenpin and Wang Wei, and Kuailiang was the military advisor.

Liu Biao saw Sun Ce storming Jiangling, and the letter of plea for help was sent to Xiangyang again. The old man Liu Biao just recovered from his serious illness at the beginning of the year, and when he saw the plea letter again!

Moreover, Sun Ce directly attacked Jiangling this time!Almost blacked out and passed out again.

If Lu Heng were here, he would feel that he didn't need to go all out to attack the city. He feinted a few times every other month. In fact, the old boy Liu Biao would ascend to heaven first, but Lu Heng would never tell Sun Ce this secret.

But Lu Heng didn't want Liu Biao to ascend to heaven at this juncture. This would only benefit Sun Ce and Liu Bei, so when Lu Heng received the news from Jinyiwei in Jingzhou, he wanted to send a genius doctor there!

But at random, Lu Heng found that he didn't need it. It wasn't because Liu Biao recovered from his illness and returned to youth, or believed in some Taoist gods and Buddhas, and ate relics, golden pills, or blood Bodhi, but Liu Biao himself had a miracle doctor.

When Lu Heng read the information and mentioned that the doctor who treated Liu Biao was named Zhang, Mingji, and Zhongjing, he knew that he didn't need to send someone.

A joke, "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases" written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing is known to everyone. He was one of the two great doctors in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

Hua Tuo is good at surgery, and Zhang Zhongjing is good at internal medicine. If this genius doctor Zhang can't cure Liu Biao, it means that this old boy's destiny has come to an end, unless Da Luo Jinxian takes action.

But why is Zhang Zhongjing in Jingzhou?Lu Heng remembered that this genius doctor was the prefect of Changsha, and he had Jin Yiwei look for him.

But here comes the contradiction. We all know that Zhang Xian is also the prefect of Changsha, and at this time and time, he took refuge in Sun Ce and rebelled against Liu Biao.

This made Lu Heng blind at the same time, and at the same time made Jin Yiwei, who was looking for it based on Lu Heng's information, blind. Naturally, it was impossible to find it if the general direction was wrong!
This is actually a deviation in Lu Heng's memory. In the original time and space, Zhang Xian rebelled against Liu Biao in the Battle of Guandu, which led to the rebellion in Jingnan.

It is likely that Zhang Zhongjing was sent to Changsha by Liu Biao to serve as the prefect after Zhang Xian's defeat, and Changsha had just rebelled against Liu Biao.

There are three pieces of evidence. First, Zhang Zhongjing was born in Nanyang County. The Zhang family where Zhang Zhongjing lived was a local rich family. This person's father was an official, and Zhang Zhongjing was even promoted as Xiaolian.

It is an indisputable fact that after Liu Biao entered Jingzhou and the troubled times began, the Jingzhou family all attached themselves to Liu Biao.

Second, Liu Biao employs people only based on their family background, not from poor families. Don't you see that it is better than Gan Ning and Huang Zhong, who can't get into Liu Biao's eyes.

Although Changsha is not as important as Jiangling and Jiangxia, it is also an important town in Jingnan that has just experienced a major rebellion, and no matter how stupid Liu Biao is, he will send his henchmen.

The third is the masterpiece "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases"!
This medical book was written around 200-210 AD, which happened to be when Cao Cao annexed the Yuan family after the Battle of Guandu. During this period, Jingzhou was relatively stable, and even Liu Bei's muscles became white meat!
Besides, the study of medicine has been a matter of consumables and labor since ancient times. Zhang Zhongjing must spend a lot of money to study this!It is impossible to do things alone, and it made sense to rely on Liu Biao, who was relatively stable in Jingzhou at that time.

Some people here want to refute that it is enough for a person to go up the mountain to collect herbs and treat patients casually. What huge financial resources are needed?
That's right, there is a certain possibility if it is to rule the world, but don't forget that the era Zhang Zhongjing lived in was the troubled times at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!
In a chaotic world where even the bark would be eaten up, herbs are scarce materials, even strategic materials!
One or two are fine, and there are no herbs that require a lot of experimentation. Don’t you see that Hua Tuo treats the princes and generals from time to time. In addition to the spirit of the doctor, there are also corresponding connections.

But now that Changsha is occupied by Sun Ce, it is impossible for Zhang Zhongjing, the prefect, to be an official under Liu Biao.

So Lu Heng didn't care about the old boy Liu Biao, but Lu Heng asked Jin Yiwei to send two people to infiltrate Zhang Zhongjing's side to protect him.

Once there is a huge change in Jingzhou, he will be 'escorted' to Jiangdong. Zhang Zhongjing, a physician, Lu Heng still attaches great importance to it!

When Zhang Zhongjing came to Jiangdong, there was Hua Tuo in surgery, Zhang Zhongjing in internal medicine, Chen Ziming in gynecology, An Daoquan in comprehensive treatment, Lu Heng summoned another pediatrician Qian Yiqi to live!
Let the above five people recruit apprentices, and after a certain number of doctors, Jiangdong General Hospital can embark on the agenda to provide certain benefits for the common people under Lu Heng's rule!

(End of this chapter)

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