Chapter 38

When Lu Heng saw Zhou Yu's arrangement, he wanted to surround him to death. Lu said, "Sure enough, there must be an ambush as expected by the military adviser. The infantry battalion formed a round formation, and raised their shields to defend the formation. Those who panic will be killed, and those who run away without authorization will be killed!

The bow and crossbow battalion threw at Sun Cejun in place, and the sharpshooter level shot me to kill the soldiers who threw the crock pots on the city wall. "

Soldiers of Sun Ce on the city wall who were about to throw earthen pots at Lu Heng's army were shot and killed one by one by the archers of the Bow and Crossbow Battalion.

Several Sun Ce soldiers who were ambushing together were all ignited and instantly turned into a burning man, howling!
Only a few earthen pots and torches were thrown at Lu Hengjun, and the earthen pots were also shot to pieces by the sharp archer during the flight. The fire oil did not splash on Lu Hengjun's head, and did not cause too much damage.

The wave of arrows flying from both sides was mostly blocked by the tight formation of Lu Heng's infantry battalion and the defense of the big soldiers, and the damage was not many.

After the sharpshooters of Lu Heng's bow and crossbow battalion shot and killed the enemies who set fire to the city wall, they began to shoot each other with the archers in ambush.

Zhou Yu saw that Lu Heng commanded the troops in an orderly manner, and that rain of arrows and fire attacks could not be effective large-scale damage. The army showed no signs of panic and secretly admired it. You must know that the army will not be chaotic after being ambushed, and an army that can form a self-defense army is absolutely impossible in this world. It is the elite of the elite.

But with the fire wall at the east gate, Lu Heng's army had no way to retreat, and now they were the turtles in the urn!
Zhou Yu ordered Sun Ce, Han Dang, and Chen Wu to lead an ambush and attack in a surprise attack.

Sun Ce led the army to attack from the front, while Han Dang and Chen Wu each led the army to attack from both sides, forming a circle of three arrows rushing towards Lu Heng's army.

As for the special weapons of Lu Heng's army, there are Dalu, Wolf Whip and Mandarin Duck Formation.

Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and others had discussed for a long time and prepared some sharp weapons to break the enemy's formation!
First of all, the first weapon is the extended spear.

This extra-long spear is one foot eight to two feet long, longer than the one foot fifty-six wolf whisk, and is made of long wooden poles or iron.

Because this kind of long spear is too long, the center of gravity is too forward and cannot be used by those who are not strong!

Sun Ce assembled all the troops, and trained only [-] sergeants, and used arrows everywhere to kill Lu Heng's wolf soldiers.

It is relatively simple to break the big masturbation, and there are many methods!

For example, heavy weapons, such as axes and hammers, can easily break open a large hole.

Another weapon is the Lian hook gun that Lu Heng's army will also be equipped with. This weapon hooks the big gun in the opposite direction and can be dragged backwards to make the big gun lose its balance.

All in all, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and others, who fought against Lu Hengjun several times, tried their best to break Lu Hengjun's combination of Wolf Whistle, Big Lu, and Lian Gouqiang.

This is ahead of the princes from all walks of life, which also led to the fact that Sun Ce's superiority in armaments when he fought with other princes was not mentioned for the time being.

Sun Ce's army and Lu Heng's army, who had the same ordnance, started a real fight.

The two armies began to suffer casualties. Sun Ce's extra-long spear soldiers and the wolf spear soldiers poked at each other. The spears were two feet long and longer than the wolf spear, but the wolf spear had multiple branch-like cold awns that could kill a large area.

One is that the two types of arms fought evenly, and the casualties gradually increased!

There are also three fierce generals, Sun Ce, Han Dang, and Chen Wu, who entered the formation under the guard of super long spearmen.

Although the soldiers of Lu Heng's army had the cooperation of Wolf Whiskers and Da Lu, they were still no match for this fierce general. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great.

But Lu Heng's army is not without strong generals!
Tai Shici held a crescent halberd and Dong Xi brandished a barbed caltrop to slaughter Sun Ce's soldiers.

Lu Heng was under the protection of the middle guard battalion, and saw that the two sides were fighting fiercely like a meat grinder, Sun Ce, Han Dang, and Chen Wu were invincible wherever they went.

Lu Heng was afraid that Tai Shici and Dong Xi would lose out in numbers, so he quickly asked Zhou Tai to come forward to help.

Since Zhou Tai took refuge in Lu Heng, he has been serving as the captain of the personal guard and has never changed!

For example, Hu Yanzan and Dong Xi both served as the deputy captains of Lu Heng's personal guards, and now they have left the personal guards to lead the troops to fight.

And Zhou Tai has always been loyal and dedicated to defending Lu Heng. He is Lu Heng's most trusted confidant general, but this also has disadvantages.

Lu Heng is the commander-in-chief every time he goes into battle, and Lu Heng himself is not that kind of general-in-chief.

There are very few opportunities to fight in person, which leads to Zhou Tai's less number of battles. He is more like a firefighter. In that crisis, Zhou Tai went to fight fires everywhere.

It can be said that Zhou Tai's big sword has long been hungry and thirsty!

Zhou Tai roared and said: "Yan Baihu, Yan Yu, you protect my lord for me, if you lose a hair, let's see how I deal with you!"

After saying that, he clapped his horse and swung his sword to kill Chen Wu.

The circle formation in which the two armies fought to kill Lu Heng's army slowly began to become irregular. The two armies fought several times and they were familiar with each other and killed without talking nonsense.

Tai Shici met his old enemy Sun Ce, Han Dang was fighting Dong Xi, and Chen Wu was left alone for a while, killing Lu Heng's soldiers frantically, but then he was also entangled by Zhou Tai sent by Lu Heng.

"The system detects that Tai Shici, the general under the host's command, is fighting fiercely with Sun Ce.

Tai Shici's basic force value is 97, and the heavy weapon stunt 'painting halberd' is invalid for the weapon judgment of the generals in battle!
The force value of the magical soldier 'Crescent Halberd' increases by 1 point, and the current force value is 98.

Sun Ce's basic force value is 95, and the difference between the special skill 'Overlord' and the basic force value of the opposing general is less than 3 points, and the special skill becomes invalid!

The special skill 'Vendetta' increases the force value by 1 point when fighting with hostile forces that generate hatred!
Divine Soldier: The force value of the "lion head fire pattern gun" has increased by 1 point, BMW: the force value of the "five-color rouge horse" has increased by 1 point, and the current force value is 98.

Dong Xi, the host's general, is fighting fiercely with Han Dang.

Dong Xi's basic force is 88, and the weapon "镔铁大刀" is judged to be a heavy weapon. The stunt "Juli" takes effect, and the force value increases by 3 points.

Divine Soldier: The force value of 'Tribulus Guduo' has increased by 1 point, and the current force value is 92.

Han Dang's basic force is 86, and the weapon against the generals is not a sword. The special skill "Sword General" is invalid!
Divine Soldier: The force value of '镔铁大刀' has increased by 1 point, and the current force value is 87.

The host's general Zhou Taizheng fought fiercely with Chen Wu.

Zhou Tai's basic force is 90, and his special skill is 'bloody battle' - the current state is not injured and the special skill is invalid!

Chen Wu's basic strength is 87, and his special skill is 'fighting hard' - when he is at a disadvantage in battle or his basic strength value is lower than that of the opposing general, his strength value increases by 1 point, and his current strength value is 88 points. "

Lu Heng was a little surprised when he heard the prompt from the system in his head. Why did this animal, Sun Ce, have another special skill?

There has never been a battle before!Tai Shici, who was vaguely able to suppress Sun Ce before, is now completely tied!

So Lu Heng had a conversation with the system in his mind: "Did you make a mistake in the system, why does this animal, Sun Ce, have another special skill?

The system detection will not go wrong. Sun Ce's stunt "Vendetta" resulted in the consecutive deaths of his uncle Sun Jing, cousin Sun Fu, and uncle Wu Jing. Sun Fu and Wu Jing died in the battle with the host. Sun Ce deeply hated the host's new stunt. . "

After learning the information you want to know, the battlefield is still fighting and you need to command.

Lu Heng knew that he couldn't be stunned at this critical moment, so he hurriedly closed the system dialogue and looked at the battlefield.

The six fierce generals caught each other and fought each other until the sky was dark!
Tai Shici and Sun Ce are old rivals, and the murderous Sun Ce uses his aura to take it to the next level!

The veteran Tai Shici responded calmly like a cold swordsman. The soldiers around the two gradually dispersed, and all the blind soldiers died in the hands of the two.

As for Chen Wu and Zhou Tai, and Han Dang and Dong Xi, they are all generals under Lu Heng's command and have a greater advantage!
Chen Wu and Han Dang's force value was lower than that of their opponents, and gradually Zhou Tai and Dong Xi suppressed them.

In particular, Dong Xi's barbed thorns Guduo firmly suppressed Han Dang in terms of strength.

As Han Dang has played many times, we all know that he is also taking the path of opening and closing, and Dong Xi, who is born with supernatural power, will suffer even more in head-to-head encounters.

Although Han Dang's iron broadsword weighed 42 jin, Dong Xi's barbed wire thorn bone was even heavier, weighing 55 jin.

Every time the barbed caltrop bone and the iron broadsword collide, sparks will be sparked!

After Dong Xi fought Han Dang for [-] rounds, he felt that his sword was getting heavier and heavier, and the hand holding the sword began to tremble.

Han Dang thought to himself that the enemy generals were so strong, and the fierce generals that Lu Heng had recruited were all freaks. At first, they didn't dare to confront Dong Xi head-on and began to use their experience to fight Dong Xi.

The generals are fighting each other, and the soldiers are also fighting desperately. The super long spearmen are very effective against wolves!

As long as one breaks through the defense of the wolf trap, it will produce effective damage. Many wolf trap soldiers died at the hands of the ultra-long spearmen, and the heavy casualties of Sun Ce's army were the projectiles of the Lu Heng Army's crossbow battalion. After all, there was no way. Hold your shield up and fight with your weapon.

After a gap appeared in the mandarin duck formation, the big soldiers faced the enemy directly.

Seeing the Lian Gou gunmen appearing in the back row of Sun Ce's army one by one, they grabbed Da Lu with the hook of Lian Gou's gun and several Sun Ce soldiers worked hard together.

In the lightest case, Da Lu was hooked over, and in severe cases, some Da Lu soldiers who refused to let go were directly dragged to the enemy's formation and hacked to death.

Seeing the mandarin duck formation in the middle, Lu Heng was forced to give an order: "Now our army's retreat is cut off, and only if we win the fight can they survive for me to kill. Da Lu was hooked and couldn't bear it, so he was allowed to give up Da Lu."

Seeing the battle, Zhou Yu in Sun Ce's army thought to himself anxiously: "Lu Heng really deserves his reputation. Under such circumstances, he can still draw with our army, but it's useless! Tomorrow is your death day!"

Zhou Yu snorted coldly and waved the command flag in his hand.

In an instant, two ambushes suddenly appeared on the city wall, led by Deng Dang and Zhu Zhi, and attacked Lu Heng's rear formation from the left and right of the city wall.

The appearance of this ambush caught Lu Heng's army by surprise. The troops in the front line were fighting and found nothing, but the already nervous soldiers in the rear and Lu Heng's central army were even more nervous.

When Lu Heng in the Chinese army saw the sudden appearance of this army, his heart skipped a beat.

The good guy Zhou Gongjin is really scary, and he even saved a hand, the military adviser must hurry up!
However, in addition to its own guard battalion and crossbow battalion, the Chinese army also has some infantry battalions.

Lu Heng calmly ordered: "Yan Yu and Yan Baihu ordered the personal guard battalion to supervise the battle. Anyone who moves will be executed! Those who make noise will be executed! Those who flee will be executed!

The infantry battalion of the middle battalion is in a concave shape, and the crossbow battalion stops throwing and changing formation, and shoots me three backwards. "

Following Lu Heng's order, the infantry battalion of the middle battalion slowly separated from each other, and the captain of the crossbow battalion shouted: "Stop throwing, turn back, change formation, give me the command to shoot one by one."

The bow and crossbow battalion spontaneously turned backwards, changed formations, formed three rows and then shot arrows, instantly forming a rain of arrows all over the sky.

Compassion does not command soldiers!If there are changes and noises in the army now, causing the army's morale to be unstable, it is very easy to break the army under the current situation.

If there is one, the second will produce a herd effect. In the era of cold weapons, this is very terrifying and will directly lead to a mass flight.

Deng Dang and Zhu Zhi rushed down from the steps of the city wall with their ambush soldiers. When they saw the rain of arrows all over the sky, they didn't panic and yelled: "Raise the shield, follow me", and rushed to the front with the iron shield on their hands.

"Duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, duo, ouch, ah" the crossbow shot horizontally was blocked by soldiers holding large shields and iron shields in the front row, while the soldiers in the back row were holding up leather shields. Obviously, Zhou Yu was against Lu Heng's attack. The Bow and Arrow Battalion understands it very well and attaches great importance to it, and equipped Sun Cejun with a lot of shields.

Although there are many shields, there are still many casualties!
Deng Dang and Zhu Zhi had no choice but to charge with their shields desperately. This was also the price they had to pay for fighting Lu Hengjun.

The distance from the city wall to the position of Lu Heng's army was only about 150 steps, and there were only two or three waves of attacks when taking turns to shoot arrows. After Deng Dang left about hundreds of dead soldiers, he still had [-] steps to rush to Lu Heng's rear camp.

At this moment, Lu Heng shouted, "Bow and Crossbow Battalion retreat, return to the Chinese Army and let me continue throwing, the Chinese Army Battalion waits for the Guards Battalion to rush out to restore the circle formation.

Fifty personal guards remained in the personal guard camp, Yan Yu and Yan Baihu led the rest of the personal guard camp to press on me, Yan Yu beheaded the leader and the general will credit you for helping you find a wife. "

Yan Yu hesitated and said: "My lord, brother Zhou asked me and my brother to protect the lord, in case the lord has something wrong, brother Zhou will tear me up, oops!"

Don't get me wrong, this time it wasn't Yan Baihu who beat Yan Yu's head, but Lu Heng himself!
Lu Heng stared at this idiot viciously: "If Zhou Tai can tear you up, can't I tear you up?

What time is it, kill me and have these fifty guards by my side, what are you afraid of. "

Yan Yu rubbed his head and muttered, "It's all my brother's fault. My lord likes to hit me on the brains after he's learned badly. I'll kill that guy and he'll have a wife."

Yan Yu, who had finished muttering, realized that he had a daughter-in-law belatedly, and roared with joy in his heart: "The sons of the guard camp will follow me to kill!

Rhubarb (the dark horse that Lu Heng gave to Yan Yu, Yan Yu still named it Rhubarb in memory of the horse that died in the previous battle) Come on!Kill! "

Yan Yu and Yan Baihu divided the guards into two. Yan Yu rode out on rhubarb and rushed towards Deng Dang with a big knife.

But Yan Baihu rushed towards Zhu Zhi, and the two armies were only separated by about thirty steps, and they fought together in a blink of an eye.

Yan Yu raised a big knife and slashed at Deng Dang. Deng Dang used a long spear, but in order to ambush Lu Heng, he only fought on foot and did not ride a horse, so he had to roll a donkey to avoid Yan Yu's big knife.

Yan Yu slashed through the air with a knife, Dahuang rode Yan Yu and continued to charge forward, Yan Yu brandished a big knife and slashed left and right to kill corpses wherever he passed.

Yan Yu, who was thinking of his wife in his head, slashed for a while, and after killing the soldiers in front of him, he turned around and slashed at Deng Dang, but this time he controlled the speed of Rhubarb's horse.

But he said that Deng Dang's force was not high, only more than 70, although the soldiers he led were brave.

But Lu Heng's personal guard battalion is the elite among the elites selected by the middle layers of Lu Heng's army. All of them are wearing iron armor and equipped with the best swords (similar to the mending swords of the Song Dynasty) and iron shields. Their combat effectiveness can be said to be the strongest in Lu Heng's army. Yes, he gained the upper hand at once.

And Yan Baihu led the army to strangle with Zhu Zhijun, but Zhu Zhi belonged to the commanding general, and after the battle, he retreated to the rear to command the battle, and did not confront Yan Baihu himself.

"The system detects that the host's general Yan Yu is fighting with Deng Dang. Yan Yu's basic force value is 81, and Deng Dang's basic force value is 72."

Although Yan Yu is a naive guy, he still has some talent in martial arts!

In the past, without anyone's advice, I could reach a force value of 79 in a single pass of blind training.

As Lu Heng's personal guard, the force value should not be too bad. Zhou Tai has been training Yan Yu and Yan Baihu. In addition, many fierce generals in Lu Heng's army competed with each other, but the force of Yan Yu and Yan Baihu has increased a lot. Now Yan Yu's force is The value reached 82.

There was a difference of 10 points in force value, and Yan Yu had the advantage of riding a horse and chased Deng Dang all the way.

Suddenly Deng Dang was entangled by two soldiers from the guard battalion, and Yan Yu saw a flaw and slashed his back.

In an instant, Deng Dang was seriously injured. After desperately killing the two soldiers of the guard battalion, it was too late to turn around and fight Yan Yu again. Beheaded under the horse.

"The system detects that Yan Yu, the general under the host's command, killed Deng Dang. The highest value of a single attribute is 72 force, and the reward is 5 points of reputation. The current reputation value is 115 points.

Lu Meng's hatred towards the host has the highest single attribute of 91, and he gained 15 points of hatred, and the current hatred value is 60 points. "

With Deng Dang's death in battle, this ambush army collapsed in an instant and was killed by the guard battalion and fled!
Yan Yu led the army to break up the ambush and merged with Yan Baihu. With the existence of Yan Yu, a fierce general, Zhu Zhi's army was already struggling. Zhu Zhi supported it for about a cup of tea, and finally lost and went to the city wall run away.

This was the first time that Lu Heng and Zhou Yu confronted each other on the battlefield. The battle lasted for more than an hour, and Sun Ce's army and Lu Heng's army covered each other.

Suddenly, behind Zhou Yu's army, a Lu Heng army came from behind Sun Ce's army. Seeing this moment, Lu Heng's smile could no longer be concealed.

PS: The recommended slot will be updated, and there will be another chapter tonight~ Please bookmark and recommend tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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