The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 31 Preparing for the Battle of Zhuge Lai Vote

Chapter 31 Preparing for the Battle of Zhuge Lai Vote
Sun Ce and Zhou Yu declared with great fanfare that Liu Yao, the shepherd of Yangzhou, was dead, and asked Sun Ce to take care of Liu Yao's wife and children, and entrusted Sun Ce to be the shepherd of Yangzhou when he was dying.

It wasn't that Zhou Yu didn't want to hide the news, and then came to a sudden north-south attack with Qu'a, and Lu Heng's Jing County captured the entire Danyang County.

But it was impossible to complete such a plan. Zhou Yu used Liu Yao's death to obtain Zhu Hao's full strength for Sun Ce, [-] Zhu Hao's main force, and even the whole city knew that Sun Ce was in Yuzhang County.

Not to mention the disappearance of Zhuge Xuan in Jianchang City, and the scuffle in the south of Yuzhang, all signs showed that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were in Yuzhang County.

In this Yuzhang City or even Yuzhang County, it is impossible that there are no spies from Lu Hengjun. If they can't even do this, they are not worthy to be Zhou Yu's opponent.

If things are so bad, it is better to openly declare to seize righteousness, stabilize the civil affairs and restore one point of strength as soon as possible, and then have more confidence in competing with Lu Heng for Jiangdong!
Ten days after Sun Ce captured Yuzhang City, Jin Yiwei reported the news to Lu Heng. At this time, Lu Heng was tasting the first batch of new tea sent by his elder brother.

After receiving the news, Lu Heng didn't have the mood to drink tea anymore, and hurriedly notified everyone to hold a military meeting.

About half an hour later, all the main civil and military personnel in Jing County arrived. There were three more people in the conference hall than last time, namely, Mao Gan, Jin Qi and Shi Yi.

As Lu Heng's policy against Shanyue slowly fermented, Shanyue in other regions were very envious of Shanyue in Lu Heng's forces.

Tai Shici took Lei Beng and went to She County and Yi County. Mao Gan and Jin Qi learned that Lu Heng would treat them equally and surrender to Lu Heng without saying a word.

As for Yi, it was the talents Lu Heng recruited when he visited Sheng Xian.

He is a native of Yingling County, Beihai County, Ziyu, Yizi, and one of the people who fled to Jiangdong during the war in the north. After defecting to Liu Yao, he also left Liu Yao because he was dissatisfied with Liu Yao's attack on the ally Lu Heng.

The whole family moved to Kuaiji, and visited many times because of admiration of Sheng Xian's reputation!

When Lu Heng asked Sheng Xian to serve as an advisor to Jiangdong Academy, Sheng Xian praised him as a talented person. Of course, Lu Heng, who lacked civil servants under his command, would not let him go.

After visiting Shi Yi, I found that this inconspicuous person in history and not in any novels is indeed quite talented.

Just to be on the safe side, I used the system to check the basic attributes of Yi, which is Ziyu, the peak five latitudes: Commander 23, Force 27, Intelligence 74, Politics 82, Charm 73 (currently reached the peak).

After some conversation, Yi agreed to join Lu Heng, but she wanted to move her family to Wu County, so the last time Lu Heng held a meeting, it was not reported. This month, she finally moved her whole family to Wu County, and then to Jing County. Sun Ce happened before he was appointed as an official.

Although there are three more people in the conference hall, Lu Heng's reputation value has only been increased by 10 points to Shiyi's, and the current reputation value is 170. The highest attribute of Mao Gan and Jin Qi does not exceed 70, but they have special identities. Pay attention to.

In fact, Lu Heng was very surprised when he got Jin Yiwei's secret letter. He thought that he had already surrounded Sun Ce's forces and locked him in the northern part of Danyang, as long as he digested Jing County and other places.

It shouldn't be difficult for him to lead the army south to capture Yuzhang County. Wang Lang's Kuaiji County obviously intends to take refuge in him. Then he will fight Sun Ce. Even if he besieged Gongsun Zan like Yuan Shao, he can surround Sun Ce to death!
Unexpectedly, no matter how much he valued Zhou Yu, he would still be overthrown by Zhou Yu. He helped Sun Ce win Yuzhang County, and instantly swam freely like a dragon diving into the sea.

It's a pity that Zhou Yu has such great power, but his opponent cannot use it to my advantage. It seems that no matter how much he values ​​​​he, he still underestimates the top strategists of the contemporary era and takes it lightly!

His advisor group is still a bit weak, Lu Heng intends to take advantage of his current reputation to summon an advisor.

After seeing everyone arriving one after another, all kinds of civil and military affairs are still confused.

But looking at Lu Heng, he found that his face was not very good-looking, and he was silent. The news that Sun Ce had captured Yuzhang County had not yet spread to Jing County, but only ten days and a half months later, Jin Yiwei could advance Get the news and Lu Heng can deploy in advance!

Lu Heng passed the Jin Yiwei's secret message to his subordinates for viewing. Several illiterate bosses such as Yan Yu, Mao Gan, Jin Qi, and Lao Niu were also secretly asking their colleagues around him.

After everyone understood what was going on, Lu Heng said: "Everyone is my minister of Lu, and now Sun Ce, the biggest enemy of a certain, has suddenly seized such a large amount of foundation and some disadvantages! What do you think? "

The old men shouted loudly, afraid of what Sun Ce might do, the recruits we have trained for several months should see their blood!
Lu Heng automatically filtered out a few rough people, and looked at Yu Yunwen, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Shi Yi, Tai Shici and others.

Zhang Hong went out and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, although Sun Ce has captured Yuzhang, it will take time to stabilize the morale of the army. Our army has been training for several months, and recently we have won two troops, Generals Mao Gan and Jin Qi. Before we can attack Yuzhang, take the city of Chaisang to gain the upper hand."

Zhang Zhao also said: "There are Jiaozhou, Jingnan, Kuaiji, and our Danyang around Yuzhang. Sun Ce must give priority to plotting Kuaiji. My lord should send envoys to Kuaiji in case Sun Ce surprises Kuaiji."

Lu Heng listened to Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong's strategy and nodded, and saw Yu Yunwen thinking silently before asking, "What does the military adviser think our army should do?"

Yu Yunwen cupped his hands and said, "My lord, since Sun Ce has jumped out of the cage, he must guard against it!

Zibu and Zigang's advice was a good strategy. Now that She County and Yi County have surrendered, there are natural dangers in Jing County that can be defended and safe. The lord can implement it.

This time Sun Ce seized Yuzhang, he must call back elite soldiers to contend with the lord.

Within a few days there must be news of the mobilization of soldiers and horses in Danyang, my lord should order Piling's army to wait for Sun Ce's Danyang elite to come out in full force, and quickly send troops to capture the entire Danyang County.

In addition, the navy can be used to intercept and kill Sun Ce's elite on the river, and at the same time, General Lei (Lei Beng) can go south to persuade Shanyue Zhang Jie.

In addition, Sun Ce seized the post of Yangzhou pastor, in order to gain justice and disadvantage the lord, he sent envoys to the court to seek the position of Yangzhou pastor, and at the same time spread rumors that Sun Ce had an enmity with Liu Yao, so it was impossible for Sun Ce to murder Shangguan Liu Yao to seize the throne. "

After listening to the strategies of the three military advisers, Lu Heng thought for a moment: "I ordered Zhu Huan to be the commander, and Gu Yong was to accompany the army to lead Ling Cao, Xu Sheng, and Yang Jun (Little General Qu'a) to besiege Danyang North.

Gu Yong ordered Jin Yiwei to go to Yuzhang to spread the rumors, Sun Shao was guarding the adjacent area, and Tiao Shiyi and Quanrou were guarding Wu Commandery together.

Order Jiang Qin and Quan Cong to lead the navy to intercept and kill Sun Ce's army going down the south of the Yangtze River, and then take over the main force of our army to attack Chaisang. "

Zhang Zhao responded and said: "I accept your order!"

After a pause, Lu Heng continued: "Let Tai Shici be the vanguard, Niu Gao and He Qi lead the Fengqi Battalion, lead an army of [-] elite troops, and [-] Shanyue tribes. A total of [-] troops attacked Poyang County. Lei Beng went south to contact and lobby. Zhang Jie sent troops.

A certain person brought his own personal guard battalion (the personal guard battalion was transferred to his side after the attack), the thunder cavalry battalion, the crossbow battalion, and [-] elite and [-] Shanyue tribes, totaling [-] soldiers and horses.

Troubled the two military divisions (Yu Yunwen, Zhang Hong) to send troops with XX, and the rest of the generals will send troops south with XX.

Zhang Zhao led [-] elites and [-] Shanyue tribesmen to stay in Jing County, and Zhang Cheng provided food, grass and military supplies for the army. "

All the generals took orders to leave for the time being.

Lu Heng talked to the system alone in the military account: "The system will use 90 reputation points to summon the top strategists of the Song Dynasty!
The current host reputation is 160 points, using 90 points to summon the Song Dynasty counselor-type heroic spirit is matching...

The matching results are as follows. Randomly select a counselor who has a single intelligence value of 90-100 in the Song Dynasty hero and whose five-dimensional single attribute cannot exceed the intelligence value. When he arrives in the host's sphere of influence, the match is as follows
Zhu Shengfei's peak five latitudes: commander 24 force 43 intelligence 96 politics 88 charisma 86
Li Ruoxu's peak five latitudes: Commander 46, Force 31, Intelligence 92, Politics 72, Charm 61
Ding said the five latitudes of the peak: commander 31 force 22 intelligence 98 politics 93 charisma 55
Wang Qinruo's peak five latitudes: Commander 17, Force 24, Intelligence 90, Politics 84, Charm 43
Li Di's peak five latitudes: Commander 34, Force 32, Intelligence 91, Politics 72, Charm 61
Extracting from the system...

Is it too smooth recently?The list this time is too depressing. Li Ruoxu entered the palace for the second time, the five ghosts of the Northern Song Dynasty had Erdingwei, Wang Ruoqin, Zhu Shengfei was quite strategic but not well-known, and Li Di was even less famous. I hope to draw Zhu Shengfei or Li Ruoxu.

Congratulations to the host for summoning the counselor Ding Wei, who has arrived, and the remaining reputation points in the host's sphere of influence are 70 points, please invite the host to recruit as soon as possible.

Because the host summoned Ding Wei, the old enemies Han Derang came to the Yelu Abaoji camp, and Zhang Yuan came to the Li Jiqian camp to ask the host's attention.

The three armies went ahead without using food and grass, and it took several days to prepare for such a large-scale military operation, but only a few days later, Lu Heng saw Zhuge Xuan's family who had come to seek refuge.

Zhuge Xuan set out from Jianchang City after Zhu Hao's main force retreated. Zhuge Xuan decisively withdrew from Jianchang.

At that time, Sun Ce was busy stabilizing the hearts of the people. Zhuge Xuan, who had more time, not only brought his whole family, but also sent the remaining 3000 troops in Jianchang City northward to join Lu Heng.

Zhuge Xuanneng and Zhu Hao have been fighting each other for more than a year, and they still have some family background. In addition to more than 3000 troops, they also brought a large fleet.

Then Zhuge Xuan led an army to vote, and Lu Heng hoarded an army of about 4 in Jing County.

(About [-] new troops were recruited from the local area, about [-] elite soldiers remained after Huayang Shanyue was disarmed, Mao Gan and Jin Qi each had [-] Shanyue troops, and Zhuge Xuan's [-] troops)
Compared with the [-] troops, Lu Heng is more interested in Zhuge Xuan's family!
In Lu Heng's memory, the famous Zhuge surname in the Three Kingdoms is Zhuge Liang's family. In history, Zhuge Liang was sent to Jingzhou by his uncle after his father lost his early years. Soon after his uncle died, this uncle was Zhuge Xuan.

Zhuge Liang's two elder sisters, one of them married the Kuai family of Jingzhou, and the other married the Pang family, so they gained a firm foothold in Jingzhou.

At present, Lu Heng's army is preparing to go to battle, and all the generals and counselors are busy working together. Even Zhou Tai, the personal guard commander, is preparing for the expedition. Lu Heng only brings Yan Baihu and Yan Yu by his side.

Zhuge Xuan came to visit Lu Heng, and Lu Heng received Zhuge Xuan very warmly. To show his sincerity, Zhuge Xuan brought his family to visit Lu Heng.

Seeing Zhugexuan's family, Lu Heng immediately said to the system in his mind: "

The system helps me query the basic attributes of this family

Zhuge Xuanzi Jun Xian
Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 68, Force 33, Intelligence 78, Politics 84, Charm 77 (currently reached the peak)

Zhuge Liang styled Kongming
Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 93, Force 38, Intelligence 100, Politics 95, Charm 62
Current five dimensions: commander 36 force 34 intelligence 68 politics 54 charisma 55
Zhuge Jun Ziheng
Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 21, Force 17, Intelligence 70, Politics 71, Charm 64
Current five dimensions: commander 3 force 12 intelligence 22 politics 13 charisma 16
Zhuge Lan

Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 13, Force 12, Intelligence 55, Politics 32, Charm 86
Zhuge Xiu
Peak Five Latitudes: Commander 11, Force 13, Intelligence 52, Politics 31, Charm 85
Zhuge Xuan's abilities are good, and he is the backbone I urgently need now. It is the arrival of Yi and Zhuge Xuan that can alleviate the dilemma of not having enough civil servants.

This little Zhengtai is Zhuge Liang, haha ​​I can pick up Zhuge Liang even though it is still the Douding version!

But the current Zhuge Liang is far from reaching the peak and needs to be cultivated. Zhuge Liang, who did not learn from Sima Wei, let Yu Yunwen train him, and let him and Lu Xun be a good pair of brothers.

Zhuge Jun's ability is mediocre, but he should be able to become the backbone of the future if he cultivates it well. As for the second daughter, Lu Heng has temporarily ignored it. "

When Lu Heng saw 15-year-old Zhuge Liang, [-]-year-old Zhuge Jun, and Zhuge Liang's two older sisters, Yan Yu beside him blurted out, "This family is really tall."

Lu Heng was also slightly surprised that the 15-year-old Zhuge Liang was 1.7 meters tall. The two older sisters were tall and tall, and both were 1.7 meters tall.

Even the eight-year-old Zhuge Jun is 1.5 meters tall. In the era of the Three Kingdoms when the average height was only 1.7 meters, he was really considered a tall family.

Zhuge Xuan took the lead and said: "Jun Xian (Zhuge Xuan's word Junxian) pays homage to the prefect Lu. I have heard for a long time that the prefect Lu is a virtuous corporal and has righteousness all over the world. Xuan Ju's family came to vote and hope the prefect will take him in."

After finishing speaking, I took the whole family to bow down.

The two sisters Zhuge Lan and Zhuge Xiu are also secretly looking at Lu Heng!

These two sisters have been hearing about Lu Heng's various deeds in the market, and they are also full of curiosity about such a well-known figure who is similar to their own age.

The 15-year-old Zhuge Liang looked curiously at Lu Heng who was sitting in the main seat with his agile eyes. He also listened to his two sisters commenting on Lu Heng along the way.

Lu Heng immediately got down from the chief seat to support Zhuge Xuan and said, "No need to do that, hurry up and ask, it's really a good fortune for the prefect Zhuge to come to vote, these are all Jun Xian's family members?"

Lu Heng could only pretend not to know who these people were, and asked Zhuge Xuan.

Zhuge Xuan introduced to Lu Heng: "My lord, Xuan is my lord, these two sons are the sons of brothers, they are called Zhuge Liang when they are older, and Zhuge Jun when they are young.

The two also have an elder brother named Zhuge Jin, who was separated when he was fleeing, and his life and death are uncertain. The three daughters are Xuanzhi's wife, Xiu'er, and Lan'er. "

Lu Heng respectfully said to Mrs. Zhuge: "I've seen Mrs. Zhuge!"

Then he looked at Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun and said, "They are all clever boys, and they have a bright future!

Jun Xian, Heng also has two younger brothers. Lu Yi is 13 years old this year and Lu Ji is eight years old. The two boys are just about the same age as Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun and can be playmates.

Lu Yi worshiped military advisor Yu Yunwen as his teacher, and military advisors are talents in the world. Lu wants this kid Zhuge Liang to worship military advisors together. What do you think, Jun Xian? "

Zhuge Xuan was delighted, and said with a smile on his face: "Everyone in Jiangdong knows the talent of a military advisor. It's Liang'er's luck to be able to worship a military advisor."

While Lu Heng was talking with Zhuge Xuan, Yan Yu was also whispering to Yan Baihu: "Big Brother, Big Brother, look at those two beauties, they are so tall, if they can marry back home as daughters-in-law, It must be easy to give birth, and death is willing.”

Seeing so many outsiders, Yan Baihu endured the urge to beat Yan Yu's head and said: "Hush down, don't neglect the beauty, how can such a beautiful girl be married to us two old men, don't be a wife and daughter-in-law all day long!" , Didn’t you see that the protagonists are all single dogs?”

The term "single dog", of course, was what Lu Heng used to chatter about. Yan Yu and Yan Baihu, who followed Lu Heng inseparably all day, naturally learned some of Lu Heng's flabbergasted words.

Lu Heng didn't know what Yan Baihu and Yan Yu were muttering, and said to Zhuge Xuan: "I just heard from Jun Xian that these two boys have a big brother, so I ordered Jin Yiwei to look for this Zhuge Jin, Jun Xianjing Hou Jiayin, I The army is about to attack Sun Ce, what good strategy does Jun Xian have?
Zhuge Xuan cupped his hands and said, "My lord, although Xuan didn't confront Sun Ce, but Xuan Duo fought with Zhu Hao's army. On the way, Xuan saw that the soldiers under the lord's command are strong and strong, and they are all elite troops. They are bound to win. Xuan is willing to hand over three thousand soldiers and horses to go out with the lord. .”

"The system congratulates the host for gaining the support of Zhuge Xuan, a civil servant of the Three Kingdoms. The highest single attribute is political 84. The reward is 10 reputation points and the current reputation value is 80 points."

As Lu Heng prepares to go on an expedition, the land of Jiangdong will be ignited again...

(End of this chapter)

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