Chapter 28
Sun Ce and Sun Jing discussed borrowing soldiers in the guest room, and Sun Jing said to Sun Ce, "Bo Fu! Bo Fu! I have a plan, and I can kill Qian Tong and Zou without a single soldier! Bo! Hurry up and listen to me..."

Sun Ce was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Sun Jing, "Uncle, what's the trick?"

Sun Jing pulled Sun Ce and said, "Ce'er, come sit down. I heard that Wang Sheng is quite afraid of Zou Ta and Qian Tong. Why don't we discuss with Wang Sheng in the name of Bo Fu."

"Invite the two of them to discuss the acquisition of Yuzhang County. Outside the banquet, we will arrange an ambush with knives and axes, and use the name of throwing cups to kill the two of them in one fell swoop. Wouldn't it be wonderful to annex the army?"

After Sun Jing finished speaking, she was quite proud of her strategy!
Sun Ce was overjoyed when he heard that, and after discussing for a long time, the two found Wang Sheng.

Still in the study, Wang Sheng knelt and sat in the main seat. After hearing the plan of Sun Jing and Sun Ce, he thought to himself slightly, this plan is really good. I heard that Sun Ce was brave and invincible, and used him to kill Qian Tong and Zou. Why not share the music part with Sun Ce's [-] old and weak men and send them away.

What's more, in the name of stabilizing the rear of Yuzhang, he annexed Yudu County and Gan County, and his power rose sharply, and then sent troops to destroy Shanyue Zhangjie in Huichang County. It is not impossible that the south of Yuzhang will be unified by Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng, who was gradually revealing his ambition, made up his mind and nodded in agreement, "Young Tai's plan, if this plan is feasible, then act according to Xiaotai's plan."

Afterwards, the three of them discussed again, and the details of how to implement it will not be mentioned for the time being.

A few days later, Qian Tong and Zou Ta in Yudu County received the letter, and Zou Ta hurried over from Gan County to discuss with Qian Tong.

It turns out that Zou Ren is as his name suggests, a person who has no independent opinions and relies on others for everything, but he is impulsive and good at solving things with his fists.

In name, the nearby forces Wang Sheng, Qian Tong, Zou Ta, and Zhang Jie act independently to check each other, but in reality Zou Ta and Qian Tong are sworn brothers, Qian Tong is the elder brother and Zou Ta is the younger brother.

Qian Tong and Zou Ta are both local tyrants, and they have been playmates since they were young. Qian, Zou's family, and other tyrants have hired soldiers to protect themselves since the Yellow Turban Uprising.

In the early days, Qian Tong and Zou Ta's family were in the same army. They controlled the local officials in Yudu County to protect themselves. They often had conflicts with Shanyue Zhangjie, but no one could do anything about them.

After Dong Zhuo's rebellion, the dignity of Liu's royal family fell to the ground. Qian Tong gathered about ten thousand soldiers and horses to attack the nearby Gan County, which was occupied by Zou Ta in name.

However, the nearby Shanyue Zhangjie has the largest number of soldiers, but the soldiers are not uniform. They can be soldiers with a spear. The age span of the army is very large, and there are old and young. But like all the Shanyue, it comes from a remote place in the remote mountains, and the folk customs are sturdy and defended. Undead but extremely poor discipline.

Xindu County is the northernmost of the three forces, Yudu County and Gan County are in the middle, and Shanyue Huichang County is the southernmost, forming an ingenious balance. Now Qian Tong and Zou Ta are discussing Wang Sheng's letter.

Zou he asked Qian Tong excitedly and said, "Brother, this Wang Sheng wrote to say that Xindu will make an alliance with us in ten days, saying that we, Wang Sheng and Sun Ce will jointly take Yuzhang City and Yuzhang County. When the time comes, the south of Yuzhang will belong to our brothers, and the north will belong to them, what do you think, brother?"

Qian Tong picked up the letter, read it carefully several times, and threw it into the case, saying: "This Wang Sheng and Sun Ce have no good intentions, and they want to plan for you and my brothers to annex us. What kind of plan is Yuzhang City? .”

"What? This old thief Wang Sheng, I will send troops to kill him right now. Grandma dares to plot against our brothers!"

Zou jumped up and was about to fight.

Qian Tong said angrily: "Come back, I've been frizzy all day long. Not only are we going to this meeting, but we also have to plan carefully. Aren't they trying to plot against me? county!"

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the day of the meeting agreed ten days later came. Qian Tong, Zou Ta, and his family and generals each brought 5000 troops and camped secretly in the mountains outside the city.

Qian Tong and Zou he were fully armed, and each brought fifty elite men in heavy armor into the city, and left half of their troops outside the prefect's mansion to meet them.

He secretly told his confidantes that if there was a sound of fighting, they would send out a signal for the brothers outside the city to attack the city, and you rushed into the mansion to meet us.

After saying that, the two of them took the remaining half of the troops into the prefect's mansion. Wang Sheng, Sun Ce, and Sun Jing had already received the news and came to greet them in person.

Seeing that Qian Tong and Zou he entered the prefect's mansion in full armor, their expressions changed slightly, but Wang Sheng still greeted him with a smile and said, "It's a great honor for you two to come in person! Come and discuss with us."

Just as Qian Tong and Zou Ta were about to enter the conference hall, Wang Sheng's family signaled them to dispose of their weapons, and Zou he said with a serious face, "Why, Wang Sheng, do you all have sabers? But we have to disarm them?"

"Outsiders don't know how our relationship is, and don't you, Wang Sheng, either? Could it be that this covenant is a grand banquet?"

Sun Ce's expression darkened when he heard these words, and just as he was about to explode, Sun Jing grabbed her. Sun Jing stepped forward and said, "You two, be safe and don't be impatient! Today, we will sincerely make an alliance, How could it be Hongmen Banquet?"

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and gave Wang Sheng a wink, Wang Sheng had no choice but to protect the plan and waved his hand at the general and said: "Go down, go down, Brother Qian and Brother Zou's family will look at Haihan if they are ignorant! Come! Come inside, please!"

After speaking, Wang Sheng personally took the two of them to the table. Wang Sheng naturally sat in the main seat, Sun Ce and Sun Jing sat in the lower left side, and Qian Tong and Zou He sat in the guest seat on the right side. The rest of the soldiers and horses who were sitting in the table stood behind.

Naturally, Wang Sheng ordered his servants to have a banquet. First, after the exchange of pleasantries, they made frequent toasts, but everyone had something on their minds, and they were all plotting to turn each other down. Naturally, they couldn't drink the wine, and the atmosphere would be there for a while.

Finally, Sun Jing spoke up and said: "You two, I invite you here for no reason. This is my master, Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong. He has recently planned to rule Yuzhang City in Yuzhang."

"Specially invite the two of you to come and march together. After we succeed, we will divide Yuzhang County from north to south. What do you think?"

Zou he was brave enough to hear someone claiming to be the overlord and said arrogantly: "Overlord? He was beaten to death in this Jiangdong."

Sun Ce's complexion changed, his veins burst out of anger, and he was pulled back by Sun Jing.

At this time, Qian Tong said: "The general situation of this matter has been explained in the letter, but the details are not clearly stated. First, this Ningdu is in the north, and my old nest, Yudu County, and Gan County are in the south. Wang Taishou is going to let me wait. Attack it?"

"Secondly, I am waiting in the south of Yuzhang, which is far away from Yuzhang City. Who will supply the food along the way?"

"Thirdly, it is well known that Yuzhang City is the administrative center of Yuzhang, and the city's defenses are strong, but how can these soldiers and horses take this Yuzhang City?"

"Fourth, even if we take Yuzhang City and rule from the north to the south as Sun Jingru said, where is the north? And where is the south?"

"Fifth, we are all mobilized, what about our respective lairs? Don't forget that there is a Shanyue Zhangjie nearby who is ready to move!" "

After finishing speaking, he silently held the wine glass and waited for Wang Sheng, Sun Ce, and Sun Jing to answer.

Wang Sheng was stunned by a series of questions, and he stared at Sun Jing with winks, but although Sun Jing had a trick, this time the trick was just an expedient one used by Sun Jing to appease Sun Ce, what did the three of them do when they planned Take down Qiantong and Zou.

How could he have carefully considered such a detailed question, and suddenly froze in sweat profusely, not knowing how to answer it.

As for Sun Ce, he has always been known for his bravery, and his resourcefulness is usually handed over to Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Sun Jing and others. When did he think about these details!

He just waited impatiently for Sun Jing's signal, because Sun Jing had repeatedly told Sun Ce to hold his patience and wait for his signal before he could act, otherwise the success would be ruined.

Sun Jing's original plan was to get someone to move out the map first, and get close to the time when the two of them were defenseless.

With one move, Sun Ce used force to subdue the two of them without any problem, but they didn't expect that a series of questions about the money and copper left them speechless and full of holes.

Seeing Wang Sheng and Sun Jing winking and winking secretly, Qian Tong froze there and froze in his mind, thinking that this covenant is indeed a trap, such an important matter is not a lie, it is better for a real fool to act first In order to be strong, he secretly winked at Zou Ta and his family and prepared to attack.

Sun Ce was waiting for Sun Jing's signal, and stared at Zou him angrily, but the greetings were exchanged, the introduction was introduced, and he had already had several drinks before he could wait for the signal.

Seeing that Qian Tong asked so many questions, he was still thinking that it would be over if this guy was so noisy and slaughtered them as soon as possible, but seeing Wang Sheng's anxious look, he turned to look at his uncle Sun Jing again. I froze there.

Suddenly, Sun Ce caught sight of Zou He, stood up and drew his knife and shouted, "Don't worry, you dog thief!"

He kicked the table in front of him and flew towards Zou Ta.

When Qian Tong heard Sun Ce's shout, Zou he flashed past the flying table and raised his voice, "Brothers, do it first, this time it really is a plot to murder us and kill them all."

There was instant chaos in the hall, but Zou he was seen rushing towards Sun Ce and Sun Jing with a dozen soldiers in armor.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wang Sheng was about to dodge and hide in the backyard when he was blocked by Qian Tong and hacked to the ground with a knife.

Although Sun Ce is highly skilled in martial arts, he did not wear any armor in order to paralyze the two of them because he was going to kill them today. His father's relic ancient ingot knife.

Sun Ce, who didn't have any weapons in his hand, lost a bit of his martial arts skills, and he lost the upper hand and had to protect Sun Jing.

The axeman who was lying in ambush outside the corridor heard something was wrong and was diving in, but was blocked by Qian Tong and Zou's personal guards at the door, and made a massacre.

Outside the mansion, Qian and Zou's personal guards, who had ambushed in advance, immediately released loud arrows, leading a team of generals to enter the mansion to kill anyone they saw, and there was chaos in the mansion instantly.

But Sun Ce killed several soldiers with the sharpness of the ancient ingot knife, but he was alone and had no horses and was entangled by Zou Ta. Qian Tong looked this way after killing Wang Sheng.

Seeing that Sun Jing was struggling to resist a few soldiers at the back, and more than a dozen guards were blocking the door and fighting with knives and axes, he thought to himself to get rid of these two principals first, and ordered the remaining guards to help Zou He rushed towards Sun Jing by himself.

Speaking of Sun Jing, although he is the younger brother of Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian, his martial arts skills are really far inferior to Sun Jian.

Three or five ordinary soldiers are already struggling, not to mention that Sun Ce still has a magic weapon, and Sun Jing only has a sword with him, and at this time there are already two or three wounds on his body.

This Qian Tong was born strong and mighty, although his martial arts are not as good as Zou's, it is not comparable to Sun Jing's. What's more, Sun Jing was entangled by several soldiers and didn't notice that Qian Tong went around him, and was accidentally stabbed in the back by Qian Tong There was a confrontation, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Seeing his brother-in-law being stabbed, Sun Ce was so heartbroken, he was furious and started desperately regardless of his defense, shooting murderous aura from his eyes and staring at Qian Tong.

In a fit of rage, Sun Ce picked up a desk and threw it at a soldier, with terrifying strength, the soldier in armor flew one meter away.

Gondi picked up an ordinary horizontal knife, held an ancient ingot knife in one hand, and only used the knife to block it unless it was cutting at his vitals.

Qian Tong didn't have any personal guards to protect him, so he cursed inwardly for a while: "No, I'm making myself bigger!"

Just as he was about to run away, his saber got stuck on Sun Jing's inner armor and he couldn't get it out.

I saw that Sun Ce took the price of Zou Ta's two sabers, and escaped from the siege of the crowd. Sun Ce only had inner armor on his body, unlike them who were full of heavy armor and ran fast in a rage.

He rushed towards Qian Tong regardless of Zou He and the soldiers behind him, Qian Tong had no choice but to pick up Sun Jing's long sword from the ground to fight.

But Sun Ce was furious, and when he saw the long sword approaching, he used the ancient ingot knife to block it, cut a gap, and the killed Qian Tong retreated step by step.

How could Zou Ta, who was behind Sun Ce, let Sun Ce be fierce, and rushed forward with his own martial arts, trying to entangle Sun Ce, but Sun Ce deliberately slowed down and waited for Zou Ta to slash at him.

Suddenly Sun Ce dodged the deadly knife, turned around and chopped off half of Zou He's head with a horizontal knife, but the horizontal knife was also useless. Sun Ce threw the horizontal knife to the pursuers behind, and hit a soldier on the forehead. He rushed to the money and copper again.

When Qian Tong saw that Sun Ce was covered in blood, some of his own, some of Zou's, and some of his own soldiers, his whole body was full of aura, as if Sun Ce's blood was covered in blood, and he was staring at Qian with a murderous look. Copper, like an evil ghost crawling from hell to claim his life, and he doesn't care about the pursuers behind him, as if the fully armed soldiers behind him don't exist.

Qian Tong collapsed, his heart was broken, he turned around and fled, a peerless killer was five steps away from him, and there was no personal soldier beside him, but the nearest personal soldier was seven or eight steps away behind Sun Ce, and his brother Zou Ta, who was outstanding in martial arts, , half of his head was chopped off by Sun Ce.

Under any circumstances on the battlefield, all actions that leave the enemy behind are stupid. Qian Tong, who was frightened by Sun Ce, no matter how cunning he was in the past, is stupid at this moment.

The moment Qian Tong turned around and ran away, Sun Ce threw the ancient ingot knife at Qian Tong's back.

The cold light flashed across the ancient ingot knife and stabbed Qian Tong from the back. A moment ago, Sun Jing died under Qian Tong's hands like this. Now it seems like a coincidence that there is an ancient ingot knife stuck in the same place on Qian Tong's body. .

Sun Ce stepped forward step by step, grabbed the handle of the Gu Ding knife and said fiercely, "Uncle, I will avenge you!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Ce pulled out the ancient ingot knife from Qian Tong's body. Qian Tong died instantly, and the guards brought by Qian Tong didn't dare to step forward for a moment. own two leaders.

At this moment, the swordsmen finally charged into the hall, Qian Tong's soldiers did not dare to go forward to kill Sun Ce in order to survive, and turned around to fight with the swordsmen.

Sun Ce walked slowly towards his younger uncle Sun Jing, dropped the ancient ingot knife and helped Sun Jing look at him sadly. It can be said that without Sun Jing, there would be nothing about Sun Ce!
When crossing the Yangtze River to attack Liu Yao, the most critical moment was Sun Jing, who led the only remaining Sun family forces in Jiangdong to raid Liu Yao's camp and won Niuzhu's victory. After that, Sun Ce could slowly gain a foothold in Jiangdong.

The journey southward to Yuzhang was long and difficult, and Sun Jing took care of Sun Ce's daily life without complaint or regret. In fact, Sun Jing had persuaded Sun Ce more than once to give up borrowing troops and go directly to Yuzhang City to join Zhou Yu, but Sun Ce Resolutely refused.

For Sun Ce's borrowing troops this time, he finally offered this strategy, and died in this strategy.

Sun Jing knew that she would die and said calmly: "Bo Fu, this time Ningdu is in chaos and we can no longer control all the soldiers and horses. We have no soldiers here. Find Wang Sheng's heir and treat him well."

"Recruit Wang Sheng's remaining troops, and then kill Qian and Zou's remaining troops to help me take care of Huan'er."

After finishing speaking, Sun Jing died of anger.

Hearing Sun Jing's last wish, Sun Ce could no longer bear it and cried, "Uncle, take care of Huan'er yourself! He was just born!"

Sun Ce hugged Sun Jing like this, tears streaming down his face, the rebels around him didn't dare to approach Sun Ce, making this uncle and nephew the last pure land on the battlefield...

PS: Sun Huan was born in 195. In history, he became a general in power and became a marquis of Sha Xian.

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