Chapter 22
When Lu Heng was overwhelmed by the sea-like government affairs in Jing County, he finally made up his mind to recruit some political experts to help him.

The first targets are the 'two Zhangs', Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong. Both of them are great talents, among whom Zhang Zhao is more 'famous' in history.

Neither of them are native scholars in Jiangdong.

The first "Zhang", Zhang Zhao Zibu, was born in Pengcheng, Xuzhou, and now lives in seclusion in Shangyu, Kuaiji.

His great fame is entirely due to the portrayal of Zhang Zhao as a cowardly, timid, and timid villain in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which erased his lifelong achievements of assisting Jiang Dong.

In fact, Zhang Zhao is not a cowardly or timid person at all. If you must find an analogy with the characters in the Three Kingdoms period, Zhang Zhao's character and situation are actually very similar to a person.

This person is Yuan Shao's chief counselor, Tian Feng, a well-known scholar in Hebei, who is disliked by the same "offending the superior" and neglected by the same policy that runs counter to the master!

Zhang Zhao has a strong personality and is not good at communication. Once the master is at fault, he will speak bluntly and remonstrate, which is gradually disliked by Sun Quan and gradually fades out of the political core.

(Don't mention this, Sun Quan is basically the same as Yuan Shao, but his luck is much better than Yuan Shao).

The only stain in Zhang Zhao's life is that he advocated for peace in the Battle of Chibi and persuaded Sun Quan to surrender to the Eastern Han court. This is indeed true in history.

But what Zhang Zhaoli advocated was "surrender to the imperial court" instead of Cao Cao. To welcome Cao Cao is more to welcome Cao Cao, and to avoid his edge is more, but this is what Sun Quan has been doing since he matured in the later period.

Even so, Zhang Zhao's internal affairs ability is the best in the world. In the middle period of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, the three representatives of internal affairs are Xun Yu, Zhuge Liang, and Zhang Zhao!
Of course, such talents must be used, and they must be reused!
All you need is to know people well and let Zhang Zhao only take care of political affairs and not touch military affairs.
A talent like Zhang Zhao is suitable to be an executor, not a policy maker. In fact, Zhang Zhao's performance is very similar to those of the old school in the Northern Song Dynasty when there was no party dispute.

In fact, the choice, formulation and implementation of this policy is a test of the monarch's ability.

Instead of throwing the scapegoat directly to the person who offered advice, otherwise, over time, there will only be people who take advantage of the situation, and it is impossible for the crowd to gather ideas.

Another 'Zhang', named Zhang Hong, was born in Guangling, Xuzhou and now lives in Youquan, Wu County.

Zhang Hong's reputation is not obvious, but in Lu Heng's opinion, Zhang Hong's ability may be even higher than that of Zhang Zhao!
It's true that Zhang Zhao is a top talent in internal affairs, but Zhang Hong is not only weaker than Zhang Zhao in internal affairs, but also a counselor!

Zhang Hong in history was the mastermind of Sun Ce, not Zhou Yu!
Every time Sun Ce goes into battle, he must bring Zhang Hong with him to the front!

It can be seen that Zhang Hong's plan was top-notch at the time, but it is a pity that Sun Ce died too early, and he was able to reuse Zhang Hong's people to die.

Comparing the situation before and after Zhang Hong was with Sun Ce, until he was transferred to Xuchang by Cao Cao's design, and then returned to Jiangdong, it can be seen that Zhang Hong's character is indisputable and pragmatic.

Before Sun Ce's death, Zhang Hong was the mastermind and the maker of the strategic policy. He attacked and defended with Zhang Zhao, and Zhang Hong followed Sun Ce in every battle.

If you look at Sun Ce's camp, look at Cao Cao's camp at the same time.

Zhang Zhao's role is actually the role of "Wang Zuo Zhicai" Xun Yu, while Zhang Hong is Guo Jia's status, and Zhou Yu is more like Cao Renzong's pro-general status.

Later, Cao Cao was afraid that Sun Ce, who was assisted by Zhang Hong, would be too threatening, so he transferred Zhang Hong to Xuchang. Cheng Yu, who Luo Guanzhong wrote, plotted Xu Shu, and was transferred from Liu Bei to Xuchang.

The prototype of this strategy is very likely to be Zhang Hong. From this perspective, Zhang Hong's strategy threatened Cao Cao.

However, a pertinent evaluation, whether it is character or loyalty to the Han Dynasty, or Zhang Hong's character who is loyal to the Han Dynasty like Xun Yu, only those who have a weakness in character or philosophy will fall into the strategy, otherwise Guo Jia and Jia Xu would never fall into the trap. plan.

This point has indeed been verified. As a counselor, Zhang Hong is flawed, not as good as Guo Jia and Jia Xu!
The defect referred to here is not a defect in intelligence, but a defect in character or philosophy.

Just like Guo Jia and Xun Yu, they are both top strategists in the world, each with their own strengths, Guo Jia is good at military strategy, and Xun Yu is good at internal affairs, both of them are extremely resourceful.

However, Xun Yu was absolutely loyal to the philosophy of the Han Dynasty, which gave Xun Yu a fatal weakness that could be exploited by other top counselors. Guo Jia did not have such an obvious weakness, and such examples abound.

After Sun Ce's death, Sun Quan took over the regime and reused Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Zhang Zhao and others.

At this time, after Zhang Hong returned to Jiangdong, he recorded only a few strokes in more than ten years. The gap was like a day and a place!
Even the Battle of Chibi, such a battle about Sun Wu's life and death, Zhang Hong didn't even have a single word of record.

It was not until two years after the Battle of Chibi that Zhang Hong proposed to move the capital to Jianye that it appeared in the historical records again.

After Sun Quan moved the capital to Jianye, Zhang Hong died of illness on the way to move the capital. The life of this veteran official was wasted like this. It can be said that Zhang Hong’s misfortune was a talent delayed by the Sun family, and it was also caused by Sun Wu’s political structure. .

In Sun Wu's political structure, the position of "Supervisor of the Navy" is more important than the position of prime minister.

This position is a combination of general + mastermind, in charge of the military, and monopolizing power in one post. It can be said that apart from the monarch, the next No. 1 is not the prime minister but the governor.

The position of the Metropolitan Governor is still for life!

Too important and brilliant, covering up all other strategists and generals!
Peerless generals as strong as Gan Ning and Tai Shici have almost no outstanding points except for a few battles.

Sun Wu has neither Cao Cao's meritocracy, nor Cao Cao's group of advisers, just like the cabinet system of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the group of people gathers strategies, and it is not like Liu Bei's nepotism. There is always rotation for reuse.

Such a system must have suppressed the abilities of other advisers and generals, but when it comes to Jiangdong talents, only the four major governors are the first to think of.

After Lu Heng finished handling some necessary government affairs in Jing County and other places.

Lu Heng planned to leave Tai Shici, Hu Yanzan, and Zhou Tai behind to station in Jing County, while he took Lao Niu, Yan Baihu, and Yan Yu back to Wu County first, and then visited Zhang Hong.

But Zhou Tai rejected this order on the grounds that he must not leave lightly as a personal guard general, and must accompany him on the road, but Lu Heng had no choice but to let Zhou Tai go with him.

But before Lu Heng set off, he received a report from his subordinates that Wang Lang's envoy had arrived in Jing County. Lu Heng could only receive Wang Lang's envoy first.

Enter the parliament hall and order someone to invite Wang Lang's envoy to come.

Not long after, the messenger brought a middle-aged scholar of about thirty, wearing a red Confucian gown, wearing a lun scarf, eyes like a red phoenix, eyebrows like lying silkworms, square lips, and an upright face.

The scribe entered the lobby, cupped his hands and said, "Yuyao Yubin and Yu Yunwen have seen the prefect Lu! Finally, I have seen the prefect Lu, so Yunwen can find it easily!"

It turned out that Wang Lang received the news that Lu Heng retreated to Piling and Sun Ce captured Qu'a.

So Yu Yunwen was sent as an envoy, and Lu Heng negotiated the alliance, but Yu Yunwen set off from Kuaiji all the way north, and finally arrived at Wujun to meet Gu Yong.

However, Gu Yong said that Lu Heng had brought the light cavalry team to the south to rescue Tai Shici!
Yu Yunwen had no choice but to follow southward and arrive at Wuxing County to wait for news from Lu Heng. After hearing that Lu Heng had captured Jing County in a big victory, he set off again to reach Jing County.

Lu Heng's heart shuddered, Yu Yunwen!finally found you!wrong!It sounds like Yu Yunwen finally found me!
Lu Heng summoned Yu Yunwen and asked Jin Yiwei to find his whereabouts.

But for nearly half a month, there was no progress. Yu Yunwen came to Kuaiji County, not Wu County, and it was Yu Bin's word Yunwen, which greatly increased the difficulty.

Lu Heng secretly made up his mind to recruit Yu Yunwen immediately!

Lu Heng began to rack his brains, and first asked insinuatingly: "I wonder what the important matter is for Mr. Wang to send you here? What position does Mr. Wang hold under Mr. Wang?"

Yu Yunwen bowed his hands and said: "Wang Taishou (Wang Lang) used to have a deep friendship with Lu Gong (Lu Kang), and Sun Ce was very powerful in the past!"

"Prefect Lu retreated to defend Piling, and Prefect Wang sent Yun Wen to form an offensive and defensive alliance with Prefect Lu."

"But now the situation is changing rapidly. I never thought that Sun Ce would be defeated by the prefect Lu! Return to Qu'a!"

"Now the prefect's forces are bordering Kuaiji, and we must form an alliance so that the friendship between the two families will last forever!"

"As for Yunwen, who has no official position, because his elder brother Yu Fan is a meritorious officer in Kuaiji, he is favored by the prefect Wang."

"I have heard Yunwen mention the prefect Lu many times, and I followed my elder brother's advice to let Yunwen come to form an alliance with the prefect."

Lu Heng was overjoyed when he heard that: "Yu Yunwen has no official position, and he has never been an official of Wang Lang, so the difficulty of recruiting Yu Yunwen is greatly reduced."

"Sure enough, the heroic spirit summoned by the system has a certain affection for me, Lu. In Lu Heng's memory, Wang Lang and my Lu family are indeed quite related. It seems that Kuaiji County has a chance to go down without a fight."

Lu Heng thought for a while, and after sorting out his thoughts, he said, "I vaguely remember that when I was a child, Uncle Wang came to Lujiang to visit my father."

"Heng still remembers the scene when my uncle was taking a certain knowledge test!"

"Uncle learned that Heng loves the art of war and specially gave Heng a volume. My uncle copied the Six Strategies by himself, and Heng still reads it often!"

"In a few days, because my nephew will go to visit in person! As for the alliance, it should be so."

"Mr. Jiuwen is a great talent. I wonder if he can clear up Heng's doubts?"

Yu Yunwen replied: "Dare to ask the prefect of Lu Heng what to ask for advice? Yunwen should know everything!"

"Dare to ask, sir, what is the situation in Jiangdong now? What is the situation in the world? What should a certain Lu do in this troubled world? I would like to ask you, sir!"

Yu Yunwen thought for a while and replied: "The situation in Jiangdong, Yunwen dares to speak out without shame, and within a few years, this Jiangdong will be owned by the prefect!"

"In the four counties in the east of the Yangtze River, Wu County is already in the hands of the Lu family and other aristocratic families. The prefect of Danyang County has already taken half of it. Although Liu Zhoumu (Liu Yao) and Zhu Hao in the south have spare strength, they are not the heroes in the end and will be defeated by the prefect."

"The prefect of Kuaiji County and the prefect of Lu have a deep relationship, and the power of the prefect is in full swing in Jiangdong, so we can decide without a fight!"

"As for Sun Ce's big defeat this time, the good opportunity to seize Jiangdong has been ruined. The timing, location, and harmony of people are all in the prefect instead of Sun Ce."

Yu Yunwen paused and continued: "As for the general trend of the world."

"The princes in the north only need to care about three people, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei. These three have the appearance of heroes, especially Cao and Liu!"

"As for the south, Fei Yunwen underestimated the heroes of the world, and the prefect Lu only needs to annihilate Sun Ce."

"Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Liu Zhang of Yizhou guard the city. In troubled times, there should be a place for prefect Lu."

"Finally, as for where the governor will go, it depends on the governor's ambition. Yunwen dare not make any hasty conclusions."

After hearing Yu Yunwen's answers one by one, Lu Heng's eyes lit up, thinking that the topic is coming, and he said, "Mr. Heng Jiuwen is a great talent! When my father taught Heng in the past, he often talked about the two sages of the Yu family in Yuyao!"

"Great in talent and learning, he can be called a great Confucian in the world. Duke Zhong Xiang (Yu Fan) is especially proficient in "Book of Changes", and he is also proficient in medicine and versatile in both civil and military affairs."

"Grand Yunwen has read poetry and books, learned a lot, and is proficient in the art of war. Both of them are Jiangdong talents, like thunder."

"I can see you today, sir. You should know that what my father said is true. It is fortunate that you are here."

Heng would like to ask Mr. to treat him as a military advisor. As for Uncle Wang, Heng should visit him in person to plead guilty. I just ask Mr. Heng to give me some advice! "

After speaking, Lu Heng bowed to the bottom of the road and bowed to Yu Yunwen.

Yu Yunwen quickly helped Lu Heng up and said: "Yunwen, I have heard for a long time that Second Master Lu is a wise man, thirsty for talents, and a corporal who is courteous and courteous. Today, I see that his reputation is well-deserved, but Yunwen still needs to dare to ask, what is the ambition of Second Master Lu?"

As soon as this question came out, Lu Heng knew that the most critical question came, and the answer to this question would directly determine whether he could recruit Yu Yunwen.

Lu Heng secretly analyzed that Yu Yunwen in history was loyal to the Southern Song Dynasty and bowed to the essence all his life until he died.

For the great cause of the Northern Expedition in the Southern Song Dynasty, he worked conscientiously and made suggestions, and even stepped forward to save the country and the country several times in distress. He is obviously a person with the world in mind.

Moreover, Yu Yunwen was not a conscientious person in history. He boldly used the New Deal to govern Shuchuan, and now he came to the Jiangdong family. Inevitably, his soul will be combined with the disposition of Jiangdong scholars.

It's the heroic soul summoned by the system again, who has a good impression of a certain person innately!
So Lu Heng decided not to play the nonsense of helping the Han Dynasty and saving the country with curves, and directly express his desire to fight for hegemony and return the people to a peaceful and prosperous world.

Lu Heng said inwardly, "Now the Han Dynasty has lost its deer, and all the heroes in the world are vying for the deer!"

"Heng is from Jiangdong, and he is also determined to join this feast!"

"Nowadays the world is in chaos, the order is broken, wars have been fought for years, and the people have been displaced. Although Heng is not willing to restore order and restore the world to a peaceful and prosperous world!"

What kind of order did the second son hope to build?The method used by the second son?Confucianism, Legalism, and Huang Laoyu Yunwen asked again.

Lu Heng's heart was shocked. Sure enough, recruiting a top strategist like Yu Yunwen was not as easy as convincing generals.

No matter, let’s talk according to my own ideas, and after a little tidying up and thinking, I said: "The Han lost the deer, although the emperor was fatuous, the eunuchs, foreign relatives, and gentry struggled more than serious internal friction."

"There are also constant foreign aggressions, huge military supplies, heavy military service, imperial power left behind by bureaucrats and corruption, and because of the monopoly of aristocratic families and wanton annexation of land, the people cannot survive."

"It's a little rough to think about. To re-establish order, we should use the power of thunder to conquer the Quartet, deter foreign countries, restore peace to the world, let the people recuperate, educate the people with morality, rule the country with the law, develop people's wisdom, educate talents, educate people, and emphasize agriculture. Sang, conduct industry and commerce, strengthen the country with scientific research, and let the economy benefit the people."

"As for the aristocratic families, land annexation has been a long-standing problem for the aristocrats of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Pre-Qin Dynasty."

"Nowadays, aristocratic families are all products of interests. They are unavoidable, let alone eradicated. If the aristocratic families are completely eliminated, meritorious ministers will appear again in the future. Aristocrats, generals, dignitaries, etc., just change their names."

"Even if all the land in the world is nationalized, it still needs to be managed and cultivated by people. It's just a disguised merger. This chronic disease has accumulated over time, like a chronic disease, like managing a river. Blocking is worse than dredging, and dredging is worse than letting it out."

"Accidents should strengthen the elite soldiers, value glory, and despise the land, so as to shock the world!"

"Those who open up the frontier and open up the land will glorify their hometown and return the land to the state. They can borrow from the powerful and the people to broaden their horizons, so as not to hinder the land and interests in front of them. Competing with the people for profit will lead to annexation of land."

The more Yu Yunwen listened, the more shocked he became. The previous policy was understandable with a little consideration, but the subsequent policy was even more incomprehensible.

Lu Heng, on the other hand, was completely immersed in his own thinking, and forgot to integrate many later generations, national concepts and policies, into this era with his own understanding and ideas, and spoke out on his own.

With Yu Yunwen's knowledge and understanding, the previous national policy can be said to be the way to govern and strengthen the country!
The difficulty is not trivial, but once it is completed, it will be enough to open up a prosperous age, and it will not be a problem to establish a dynasty as strong as the Qin and Han Dynasties again.

But the subsequent strategy was even more unheard of, but it felt correct. For the first time, this young man who hadn't reached double tenth felt incomprehensible, but he could also know that Lu Hengzhi's ambition Overjoyed.

Yu Yunwen bowed solemnly and said: "The lord is above, the lord is a great talent. Yunwen heard that Kong Wen (Gao Dai's word Kongwen) praised the lord very much when he was in Wuxing! Today I know that the lord is a great talent in the world, and he has the world in his heart. Please accept the text." Bless!"

 Thanks to the book friend: book friend: 20201214215929258 for the recommendation ticket!Book friend: A recommendation ticket for the destination in the sky, book friend: A recommendation ticket for Tuo Shaman!


(End of this chapter)

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