Chapter 1077
Wulianghetai, the outstanding one among the second generation of Bolu Mongolia.

The two commanded the Mongolian iron cavalry to block the charge of Wanyan Zongbi and Wanyan Zongfu.

This time it was a real battle with real swords and guns. The battlefield was in the Mongolian camp. Such terrain could not give the Mongols room to turn around.

The Jurchens dared to go all out and the morale of the mourning soldiers was booming. This time, neither Wulianghetai nor Bolu could withstand the impact of the Jurchens.

What's more, although Temujin planned to kill Lian'er Xinshan, Pusan ​​Zhongyi, Pusan ​​Anzhen, Pusan ​​Kui and other Jurchen generals.

But there are still sticky sledgehammers and the gilt boring of mountain lion camels as arrowheads.

Wuliang Hetai and Bolu were able to shoot and kill Wanyan Jindanzi and Wanyanheng entirely because of their lives, not their own bravery.

Guo Baoyu, the grandfather of Guo Kan, the Mongolian Han general, and Shi Bingzhi, the father of Shi Tianze, wanted to stop Nian Deli and Mountain Lion Camel.

Guo Baoyu has at least two brushes to be able to play, but his blood is exhausted at a young age, and he took over the sticky Zijin Hammer in the first five rounds.

Afterwards, he was bombarded with double hammers, and Guo Baoyu was slashed by Niede forcefully.

Shi Bingzhi was even more unbearable than Guo Baoyu, unable to catch the three borings of the mountain lion camel and died.

Unrivaled warrior Nian Deli and Mountain Lion Camel are already invincible, and today their morale is high, both of them are stronger than usual.

Relying on the stickiness, the bravery of the mountain lion camel, and the desperate efforts of the Jurchen soldiers, the Mongolian army was defeated steadily.

However, Mongolia's overall strength is still stronger than that of Jurchen, and more and more Mongolian troops are gathering at Temujin.

The Mongolian camp is like a meat grinder, and the two sides continue to send troops to confront each other.

Nian Deli and the mountain lion camel were tired, Monk Wanyan Chen and Guo Xiama took the top, and when they were tired again, Wanyan Zongxian and Wanyan Tu quickly went on the top.

Wanyan Zongxian and Wanyan Tuhesu may not be familiar to you, but they also have another nickname "Gaitian King" and "Dragon Tiger King".

On the Mongolian side, Wulianghetai and Bolu couldn't hold on, and Boyan and Tuotuo led troops to support them, and they couldn't stand the support of Ugulungje and Talahun any longer.

Wu Gulunjie is Liu Guojie, and Ta Lahun is Shi Bi. Both of them are famous generals of the Yuan Dynasty, and they have made great contributions to the Yuan Dynasty in history.

Mongolian talents went on and on, and there were Jebe, Muhuali, Subutai, Borhu and others before them. It does not mean that there are only these people in the huge Mongolia!

Like Lu Heng's Great Song Dynasty, Mongolia has been dormant until now, and countless Mongolian and Yuan talents have been thrown out by the system, and they gradually emerged after the deaths of Zhebie, Subotai and others.

The open space at the entrance of the Mongolian barracks has become a veritable meat grinder. In addition to countless Jurchens and Mongol soldiers strangling each other here, famous generals from both sides show their skills.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the Jurchens rushed into the Mongolian army, Liangmao, Han Zhong, Gongsunmo, Duji Sizhong, Huchahu and other generals from the Jurchen side died in battle.

Of course, the Mongolian side is not much better than that. Bu Lian Jixie, Aravarsi, Chaoer, Ye Baganbu, Zhao Agepan, Chunzhihai and others were killed by the Jurchen side in the meat grinder.

Temujin looked at the state of the Jurchen today and felt something was wrong. The Jurchen's eyes were full of hatred, and he wanted to eat his side alive.

This kind of look is very familiar to Temujin, and it will show such a look in the eyes of countless people in the West who have been destroyed by themselves.

And these people were all slaughtered by Temujin until Temujin saw that there was only fear in their eyes. No one dared to look at them with such eyes wherever the Mongolian cavalry went. Only then can I let it go.

A possibility came to Temujin's mind: "Could it be that Chahan Timur succeeded? Then why didn't he come to report?"

Temujin instinctively felt that his judgment was correct. Only when Chahan Timur succeeded in attacking the capital and severely injured the Jurchens could they show such a look in their eyes.

Temujin looked at the Jurchen Commander Wanyan Zongbi again, his eyes showed a naked killing intent, all the Jurchen generals had this look, which made Temujin more sure of his guess!
"The three armies were ordered to retreat, and Ugruenje and Tarahun led troops to contain them!" Temujin smiled confidently, not ordering a charge but a retreat!

Temujin's order made the Mongolian generals a little confused. Mu Huali was seriously injured, but Wulianghetai and Bolu thought a little bit.

Genghis Khan's order is the highest order, Mu Huali did not understand and did not dare to retreat against the order.

Wanyan Zongbi, who was fighting, saw Temujin's retreat, and seemed to be about to abandon the Mongol camp. He was displeased and cried inwardly: "No! Step up the attack!"

Temujin's guess was extremely correct, and even the reason was predicted by this person, that is, Yan Zongbi aroused mourners after the destruction of the capital.

"One bang, another decline, three exhaustion", but there is a special situation where there is no further decline, either victory or defeat!

This situation is the morale raised by the mourning soldiers. Throughout the history of China or the history of the world, as long as it is for revenge, there are countless battles that were delayed and defeated.

Liu Daer avenged Guan Yu and was burned by Lu Xun. Gao Huan of the Western Wei Dynasty sent troops to attack Yu Wentai for Dou Tai.

Temujin has killed countless people, slaughtered countless cities, and destroyed countless countries on the battlefield. He knows exactly how to deal with such vengeful people!
So Temujin made the same decision as Lu Xun in the original time and space, first avoiding his edge and waiting for morale to drop, and then giving a thunderous blow. This is Temujin's plan.

Temujin understands this. Wanyan Zongbi, Wanyan Zongfu and others understand this even more. The current morale is to forcibly mention that if it is consumed, it will be a devastating blow to the Jurchens.

It is very likely that he will never recover from a setback, and will be hit back by the Mongols, following in the footsteps of the Buliao people!
That's why Wanyan Zongbi was in a hurry!The whole army was ordered to attack!However, Liu Guojie and Shi Bi led troops to stop him firmly.

Looking at Temujin, Wanyan Zongbi gritted his teeth and ordered: "Yili Duo (Wanyan Zongfu's real name), lead the troops around the Mongolian camp to pursue!"

Wanyan Zongfu also knew that the situation was urgent, and immediately led his subordinates Wanyan Chen Monk, Wanyan Xieye, Guo Xiama and others to go around and pursue.

Not long after Temujin led the army out of the Mongolian camp, a large army from the north blocked the way.

They are not cavalry but infantry, they are not cavalry but infantry. The big black banners have big Song characters on them, and the eight-ox crossbow reveals the black cold light. The fire dragon cabinets have been erected and lined up in square formations. Blocked in the middle of the road to the north.

The three generals, Cao Bin, Guo Shouwen, and Pan Mei, were all under the commander-in-chief's banner, looking at Mongolia opposite.

Temujin looked at the army blocking the way with a gloomy face, and the fire of hatred in his heart immediately spewed out: "How dare a mere infantry stop my Mongolian iron cavalry? Kill me!"

Following the roar of Genghis Khan, the Mongolian iron cavalry began to charge towards the three legions of the Great Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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