Chapter 1075

After killing Chahan Timur, Di Qing rescued part of the Jurchen clan, most of them were women with empty eyes and naked clothes. Di Qing learned from them that the Jin Kingdom was destroyed. The description in their mouths can tell what kind of hell on earth it is.

It is said that the Mongols are cruel, but this time it is Di Qing who really knows how brutal the Mongols are.

Di Qing felt the same as Yue Fei about this, but he couldn't let this kind of thing happen in Song Dynasty.

The news that the capital city of the Kingdom of Jin was breached, when Wanyan Zongpan brought Wanyan Quan, Wanyan Shouxu, Wanyan Yong, Wanyan Liang, Wanyan Sheyema, Wanyan Xiebao and others to the front line, all the top Jurchen officials were shocked. Already informed of this sad news.

For a moment, the top management of Jin Kingdom was in turmoil, and Wanyan Zongbi immediately gave an order with red eyes, everyone is not allowed to take a step closer to the camp, or they will be killed without mercy!

This news must not be spread, otherwise the morale will collapse to such an extent that there is no need to fight this battle.

Wanyan Gao fainted immediately after receiving the news, most of the people's wives and children are in Shangjing.

At this time, Wanyan Zongbi's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and looked towards the Mongolian camp to the west: "Porjijin Temujin!"

The camp is in chaos!
Someone greeted Wan Yangao.

There were those who gritted their teeth like Wanyan Zongbi.

There were also those who cried out in grief.

There are even those with dull eyes and lost confidence.

In short, for a while, the top management of the Jin Kingdom revealed all kinds of life.

Wanyan Zongbi only had hatred in his heart at this time, but he was not overwhelmed by hatred: "The news cannot be blocked for too long, and Temujin will send people to spread the news.

Only in a short-term decisive battle with him can there be a possibility of victory. "

The senior leaders of the Kingdom of Jin discussed in the big tent and did not play against the Mongols for two consecutive days.

Di Qing continued to march north with the rescued Jurchen clan.

We went around fifty miles south of the main battlefield between Temujin and Wanyan Zongbi, which is where Chahan Timur was expected to arrive.

Cao Bin, Han Shizhong, Wu Lin, Zhou Yu, Wenpin, and Zhu Huan are already in place in the north, and Chahan Timur in the south is also in place, and now they are waiting for the arrival of Yue Fei's army, which has traveled the farthest.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. On the evening of the second day after Di Qing arrived with his troops, the Jurchen camp was full of murderous spirits.

In the past two days, the Jurchens didn't face each other, they huddled in the big camp, and slaughtered cattle and sheep so that the soldiers had a few hearty meals.

At this time, the emperor Wanyan Wu begged for money, the marshal Wanyan Zongbi, the clan ministers Wanyan Zongfu, Wanyan Zonggan, etc. were at the top of the camp.

Wanyan Zongpan appeared and told the whole process of Chahan Timur's attack on Shangjing.

In an instant, all the Jurchen soldiers wailed!
After dealing with the Mongols for so many years, everyone knows the brutality of the Mongols, not to mention the lessons learned from the Liao Kingdom.

Wanyan Zongbi stepped forward: "My compatriots, listen to me!

The upper capital has been destroyed, including His Majesty, all of us, wives and daughters, have suffered misfortune.

Even if we rushed back, we could only see corpses and ruins everywhere.

Our wives and daughters have all been murdered by the Mongols.

We Jurchens have never suffered such a big loss, and have such a big hatred!

We're not here when you're crying, you're crying and Temujin is eating meat and playing with your wives and daughters!
The enemy is not far from us, what we want now is to avenge our wives and children! "

"Revenge!", "Revenge!"

Wanyan Zongbi's words are very convincing, if one Jurchen is provoked to hate, there will be a second one, and it will slowly spread throughout the three armies.

"Revenge! Everyone mounts and follows me!"

The Jurchen shouted loudly: "Revenge and hatred!" The voices of the crowd were unreserved, so that the scouts of the surrounding forces could hear clearly.

The Song Dynasty scouts immediately felt that something was wrong and went back to report to their respective coaches. Of course, there were also Mongolian scouts who did not understand what the Jurchens said, but instinctively felt that something was not good and immediately went back to report to Genghis Khan.

But Wanyan Zongbi had already led Nian Deli, Mountain Lion Tuo, Lian Xinershan, Heshi Lie Zhining, Li Cheng out of the camp, Wanyan Zongfu followed closely behind Wanyan Xielie, Wanyan Chen Monk, Guo Xiama , followed by Wan Yangao's disciples Dan Kening, Pu San Zhongyi, Pu San Anzhen, and Pu San Kui.

There are also all the Jurchen generals including Wanyan Xibushi, Wanyan Zongxian, Wanyan Heda, Wanyan Xiansun, Wanyan Zhongyuan, Xie Mao Ali, Wanyan A Lin, Yi La Pu'a, Wuxian, Gu Lan and so on. He rushed out of the camp with a solemn and murderous expression.

The Jurchen military camp and the Mongolian military camp were not far apart. When the Mongolian scouts arrived about forty miles away, the Jurchen army also arrived almost at the same time.

At this time, the Mongols were eating dinner. Wanyan Zongbi did not choose to attack at night but at this time point, because the meal time is also a time when it is very easy to loosen up.

The Mongols have strict military discipline, and even the Mongolian scouts near the Jurchen camp were alarmed by such a big move by the Jurchens, and the scouts patrolling Mongolia all the way were alarmed.

Although he didn't know what the Jurchens were mad about, Temujin still dispatched troops from Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Jochi Tai, and Duo Er Bo Duo He Shen to attack.

In the war between Mongolia and Jurchen, the two sides have never hated each other until now, and now they have a deep hatred.

Mu Huali was seriously injured, and Subotai and Arla Boershu died in battle. Belu was a little disappointed when he heard that Temujin didn't say anything.

Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Shu Chi Tai, Duo Er Bo Duo He Shen lead troops to face the Jurchens, but all the Mongolian soldiers are a little unwilling to fight, why?
Halfway through the meal, I will go to war. Who knows if I will be able to come back and continue eating?
What's more, how can you fight when you are hungry?Supplies during the war are very tight!
The Mongolian army has strict military discipline. The soldiers dare not speak out when they are angry. They take two more bites of meat and then go into battle with the general.

This is the case with the Mongols, but the Jurchens have blood-red eyes of the same enemy!

Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Shu Chi Tai, and Duoer Boduo Heshen felt something was wrong when they saw the Jurchen army, which was very different from the Jurchens who had been fighting all the time.

The battle has been going on for more than a month, and the Mongols have already figured out what is going on with the Jurchens, but now the opponents are all like crazy bulls.

The two sides were still fighting or shooting at each other, but the Jurchens seemed to have gone crazy and charged regardless of their horses.

This action caught Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Shu Chi Tai, Duo Er Bo Duo He Shen and others by surprise.

Wanyan Zongbi personally led the generals Zhe Deli, Mountain Lion Camel, and Lian Xin'er Shan to the front line, and the Jurchens followed closely behind.

The so-called mourning soldiers will win!
Relying on this breath, the Jurchens let Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Shu Chi Tai, and Duo Er Bo Duo He Shen be killed into the formation without even using their roundabout tactics.

(End of this chapter)

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