Chapter 1072 Yue Fei Di Qing
Boer Jijin Temujin suffered a defeat on the banks of the Heishui River, which calmed down Genghis Khan, who had originally defeated Liao in the first battle.

Fortunately, the adopted son Qu came to the rescue and rescued Mu Huali, and took advantage of the situation to attack Wanyan Ang and move back to Yicheng.

But even so Temujin pulled away from his complacency and began to take the Jurchen, the opponent in front of him, seriously.

In the first battle, Temujin lost three generals, Subotai, Arra Borshu, and Belgutai, and Mu Huali was seriously injured and unable to go to the battlefield for a short time.

However, there are Qu Chu, Kuo Kuo Chu, Wu Liang He Tai, Bolu, Chahan Timur, Wang Baobao, Guo Baoyu, Boyan, Tuotuo, Duoer Boduo Heshen, Shi Bingzhi and other famous generals whose strength should not be underestimated. .

In addition, Temujin sent Chahan Timur and Wang Baobao's army to carry out secret missions. Don't you see that the battle of Heishui was so dark that Chahan Timur and Wang Baobao were not seen, and they were Temujin's backers.

Although the Jurchen side won a lot of victory, they lost the top general Wanyan Jindanzi and his successor Wanyanheng, as well as Wanyan Ang, Wanyan Salihe and other good generals died in battle, and their morale fell instead of rising.

In particular, the death of the number one master Wanyan Jindanzi cast a heavy shadow over the three armies. Wanyan Jindanzi's bravery penetrated into the hearts of every Jurchen, but he died in this battle, which was an inevitable blow. Watching every Jurchen.

Wanyan Wu begged for the battle and died in the battle. Wanyan Jindanzi was named King Zhao, Wanyanheng was named King Han, Wanyan Ang was named King Yun, Wanyan Salihe was named King Jinyuan County, and at the same time, he was very concerned about this battle. The hero Wanyan Zongbi was named the King of Yue by Marshal Du, and Wanyan Zongfu was named the King of the South to inspire people's hearts.

Temujin, who guarded against arrogance and impetuosity, was more cautious, while Wanyan Zongbi was still very jealous of Temujin despite the pain of losing his son, and was even more cautious.

Temujin was severely injured but his strength was still there, and he would not retreat easily with his backhands left. Since this is the case, the war will continue, but both sides are more cautious.

Temujin and Wanyan Zongbi formed a camp to confront each other by the bank of Heishui Lake, and the two sides fought with each other continuously, but each side won and lost.

On the Song side, the five legions of Cao Bin, Han Shizhong, Pan Mei, Wu Lin, and Guo Shouwen were entrenched in the Mazanovo area of ​​Temujin’s northern descendant Maoxiong State, waiting for fighter opportunities.

Zhou Yu brought two armies, Wenpin and Zhu Huan, to the east of Daxing'an Mountains to ambush.

Zhou Yu, who was the latest to arrive at the battlefield in the Song Dynasty, did not act rashly. Compared with Yue Fei in the distant Yunhe City, Di Qing's Dragon City is even closer!

After receiving the mission from Emperor Lu Heng of the Great Song Dynasty, Di Qing led Marshal Ma Teng of the Great Song Dynasty Luwu, Marshal Zhang Xiu of the Great Song Kaiming, Marshal Zhang Liao of the Great Song Bifang and other legions to the east, and it took more than ten days to arrive first. Break the city of Liao.

The famous Marshal Yang Yanzhao of the Song Dynasty has long been in command of the first generation of Yang family generals Wang Yin, Yang Yanqi, Yang Yande, Yang Yanding, Yang Yanguang, Yang Yanhui, Yang Yanshun, Wang Lanying...

Yang Jizhou, the son of Yang Zaixing, Yang Wenguang and Yang Zongbao, the sons of Yang Yanzhao, Yang Zongxian, the son of Yang Yanping, Yang Zongkui, the son of Yang Yanding, Yang Zongxian, the son of Yang Yanguang, Yang Zongyuan and Yang Zongxiao, the sons of Yang Yanhui, Yang Zonghuai, the son of Yang Yande, and Yang Zonghuai, the sons of Yang Yande. Continue to garrison the border in Luronse.

In this battle, except for Yang Zongmian, Yang Zongzheng, Yang Zongkui, Yang Zongying, and Yang Zonglian, the first and second generations of the Yang family were less than sixteen and did not participate in the battle.

One of the most powerful generals of the Yang family in the Great Song Dynasty, his talent is stronger than Hu Yanzan's Hu family general!

Although Yang Yanzhao made few appearances in the later stage, he led the first and second generations of the Yang family to station in Lulongsai for more than ten years. Together with Gao Shun and Meng Gong, they were called the Northern Barrier of the Great Song Dynasty.

In addition to the lineage of Yang Ye, Yang Zaixing, and Yang Yanzhao, another lineage of Yang Si, Yang Zhi, Yang Xin, and Yang Wen was also active in the entire Song Dynasty.

Under this circumstance, Yang Yanqi, who was never married in the original time and space, was not favored by the Song Emperor in this life, so she married Wang Yin smoothly, so this king is considered a general of the Yang family.

Coincidentally, Yang Yansi was in Di Qing's army, and he joined Yang Yanzhao's Yang family in a neat family, continuing to the northeast and arriving at the battlefield within half a month.

Di Qing's departure from Longcheng was relatively short, while Yue Fei had to travel thousands of miles from Yunhe City, which is the northeast of the Western Regions, to the northeast battlefield.

However, when Yue Fei received Lu Heng's order, he led the generals and four cavalry to set off, and all the infantry stayed behind in Yunhe City.

Because Yue Fei's legion were all cavalry, they were not slow, and it took ten days to go east through the Yanran Mountains to reach Shangjing, the current capital of the Liao Kingdom.

However, when Yue Fei arrived in Shangjing, there were no Mongolian soldiers left, and the place had already been turned into ruins, with charred, headless and white corpses everywhere.

Shangjing, the third capital of the Liao Kingdom, was slaughtered and the city was destroyed. In the end, the Mongols set fire to Shangjing.

The charred corpses are the corpses that had been massacred by the Mongols after the fire spread and scorched. The headless corpses are the corpses that were not destroyed by the fire. As for the white corpses, there is not much introduction...

It is also unlucky to say that it is the capital of the Liao Kingdom. The first capital Che Shi was beaten and burned by Wanyan Agu himself, and the third capital was slaughtered and burned by Mongolia.

The second capital, Longcheng, was almost destroyed by the Mongols. If Di Qing hadn't made a decisive decision, then Longcheng would have stepped into the back road of the capital.

The ruins of the upper capital made Yue Fei determined in his heart that Mongolia must be destroyed. Temujin was too cruel. If it weren't for the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty today would be the same tragedy as the Liao Kingdom.

Yue Fei was powerless about the tragedy in Shangjing, this gentleman could only swear in his heart that this kind of tragedy would not happen in the Song Dynasty.

After witnessing the tragedy in Shangjing, Yue Fei continued eastward and passed Fenglangjuxu Mountain, a place that Yue Fei could never reach in his original time and space, but he definitely longed for it in his heart.

Fenglang Juxushan is actually not the ultimate goal for the Song Dynasty today!
The Liao Kingdom has been destroyed. As long as this battle completely cripples Mongolia's vital forces, the remaining land of the Liao Kingdom will definitely be captured by the Song Dynasty.

Fenglangjuxu Mountain will become the border of the Song Dynasty, and it is not so far away.

Different pursuits and meanings are different in different times. Today's Fenglang Juxu Mountain has long lost its sacred meaning to Song Dynasty!

Only under the witness of Yue Yun, Yue Lei and the generals, Yue Fei quickly crossed this mountain range which is of great significance to China.

After passing Fenglangjuxu Mountain, Yue Fei's army has actually entered the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, and continued to run eastward all the way to Julunbo (Hulun Lake in later generations).

Because arriving at Julunbo is not far from the main battlefield between Mongolia and the Kingdom of Jin, it only needs to go a hundred miles east to Daxinganling, attacking Temujin's back.

(End of this chapter)

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