Chapter 1064 Xu Liewu died

Zhang Rou and Guo Kan, two Han Marshals, were shot and killed by Gan Ning, and by Yue Lei and Zhao Yun.

Xu Liewu was escorted and fled by Shi Tianze, Shi Tianni, and Shi Tianxiang, the historian brothers. Liu Heima, Fan Wenhu and others died in battle, and Liu Zheng and Xia Gui surrendered to Song Dynasty.

The three brothers Shi Tianze, Shi Tianni, and Shi Tianxiang are indeed extraordinary.

During the breakout, Shi Tianze met Gao Chong first, and Shi Tianni and Shi Tianxiang led Xu Liewu to go first. Shi Tianze and Gao Chong fought fiercely for a long time.

Although it is said to be a fierce battle, Shi Tianze is actually defending with all his strength. This person's martial arts skills depend on who his opponent is!

Gao Chong Wushuang fierce general is almost the ceiling of martial arts in the Song Dynasty, and Shi Tianze can only persist on the defensive under the outbreak of desperation.

But even so, Shi Tianze's bravery is commendable!
Also one of the brothers of the Shi family, Shi Tian'an was killed by Gao Chong with one move!
However, although Shi Tianze broke out in desperation, he was still not Gao Chong's opponent after all. After about 20 rounds, Gao Chong saw Shi Tianze's strength and timidity, and a flaw and a single shot ended his life.

It is not wrong to be able to take over 20 rounds of Gao Chong's Shi Tianze's death. In fact, Gao Chong still recognizes Shi Tianze's martial arts!
If it were other battlefields, Gao Chong might show mercy because of Shi Tianze's martial arts, but not against Mongolia.

Lu Heng once issued an order that unless he voluntarily disarms and surrenders, he will never take the initiative to persuade the Han Chinese who serve Mongolia to surrender and kill them as much as possible!

Why?Of course it wasn't Lu Heng's murder!

Lu Heng believes that there are only three kinds of people working under the Mongols.

The first type is people who have been completely deluded. Guo Jing, the hero of the eagle shooting, is just a beautiful fantasy. The case of Guo Kan made Lu Heng understand that reality is not a novel, and the Han people who grew up in Mongolia are no longer Han people.

If you have a positive heart, you will return to the motherland as Mr. Jin Yong wrote as early as adulthood. The reality is that these people have never thought about this, and they are not merciless in dealing with their compatriots.

So is Guo Kan, so is Shi Tianze, and even more so is Zhang Hongfan!

Maybe these historical names are even more outstanding, but for his own Song Dynasty, these people are scourges and hidden dangers!Get rid of them all!
The second type of people are those who could not get along in the Song Dynasty, but worked for the nomads.

Now in Lu Heng's own Great Song Dynasty, the promotion channels are not monopolized by the gentry. After more than ten years of operating the bundle of various interest chains, coupled with Lu Heng's bottom line.

The imperial power of the Song Dynasty has taken back the channels for talent promotion and talent training from the gentry.

Such people are not capable enough, and if they still seek refuge in a foreign country, they will have to bear the consequences for their own choices.

The last type is a pity that they are balance characters thrown out by the system, but because of the system, they are thrown to serve the Mongols. As long as this type of people is willing to surrender, Lu Heng is still willing to give the other party a chance.

For example, Liu Zheng can barely be considered this type of person, and Zhao Bi is more intuitive.

Therefore, because of the Emperor Song's order, Gao Chong was merciless and beheaded Shi Tianze, the so-called 'Meng Yuan Guo Ziyi'!
Shi Tianze was stopped by Gao Chong, Shi Tianxiang was chased by Lu Wenlong, Shi Tianni protected Xu Liewu and continued to fight north to break through.

Shi Tianxiang's reputation is lower than Shi Tianze and Shi Tianni's, but he is also a general in the history of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. He is famous for his great military exploits and strength.

However, this strength is just the upper limit of human beings. Compared with Yue Yun, it is not enough. With two hammers in hand, Yue Yun and Shi Tianxiang head-to-head with ten strokes. On the tenth blow, Shi Tianxiang's hands burst from the tiger's mouth, and the weapon fell immediately with the hammer. kill.

Shi Tianni and Xu Liewu rushed into the siege, and felt that the other party's pursuers were not there after walking for a few miles, thinking that they had just escaped from birth and felt like the rest of their lives.

The next moment, a large group of soldiers from the Song Dynasty appeared in the north with great momentum, and the black basalt on the big banner was majestic and majestic, indicating the identity of the person who was ambushing again.

Yue Fei personally led the Yue family army out, looking at Xu Liewu and Shi Tianni.

Xu Liewu saw an army of tens of thousands appearing, and there were less than a hundred people on his side with a look of despair. This person was also Gang Lie leading a hundred people to rush towards Yue Fei's army.

This kind of suicidal charge is of course useless, but Shi Tian Ni Xiaoyong met Wu Shangzhi and Yao Gu who were defeated and killed, and Xu Liewu fought and finally saw that there was no hope of breaking through and swung himself with a sword.

Almost at the same time when Xu Liewu slayed himself, the Mongolian camp under the command of Lu Xun compressed the encirclement layer by layer. The Mongols who desperately wanted to escape died under the arrow rain of the Song Dynasty. Among them were Dong Jun, Dong Wenbing and Lu Wenhuan. He wanted to break out and was shot on the spot.

Originally, the west was a weak area, but Yue Sheng saw that no enemy had rushed out for a long time, and the commander of the army stepped forward and saw countless stone catapults and stone cannons. He ordered to buckle a few of them and ignite them all. The fire of the camp became more intense, and the road to the west was completely cut off.

The encirclement circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the raging fire is constantly spreading in the middle. The soldiers from various countries surrendered to the Song Dynasty long ago, and the Mongolian elites who persisted until the end fought to the death and did not surrender.

Lu Xun was not in a hurry to surround the crossbow battalion nearby, and kept ordering rockets to add some fuel to the raging fire. Countless Mongols tried to fight out of the camp, but were blocked by Song's sharp weapon.

They rushed out and were shot, and they stayed where they were and turned into burning pigs. Many Mongolians jumped into the Yunhe River desperately!

This time, Lu Xun and Yue Fei joined forces, and Yunhe was the main battlefield of the Song Dynasty. The Mongols who ran into Yunhe relied on their water skills?
There is no need for a professional water army, but water ghosts composed of infantry to kill them all.

When Yue Fei led his troops to the encirclement, he completely surrounded and killed the Mongols. Until dawn, all the Mongol elites led by Xu Liegu were killed, and the battle of Yunhe came to an end.

According to statistics, in the first battle of Yunhe, [-] elite Mongols were wiped out, and most of the [-] other Mongolian troops from various countries died when they attacked Yunhai City.

Xu Liewu's counselors Xu Heng, Yao Shu, Dou Mo, Yang Guo, etc. were all captured, Dong Wenyong was burned to death, and Xu Liewu's subordinates Zhang Rou, Guo Kan, Shi Tianze, Shi Tianni, Shi Tianxiang, Dong Jun , Liu Heima and others were all killed in battle.

In addition, Wu Ye'er, Yin Dahu, Tongzhi Wu Gulun, Ai Maung, Shi Mo Yazhi, Ye Zhili, Yan Shi, Wang Yi, Wang Yu, Zhao Di, Di Shun, Wang Shan, etc. die in battle.

There are also Durashaheer, Yinan, Malik Shah, Sanjar, Tayangu Taraz, Tayangu, Sujiao Modi Zalandin, Othman, Il Arslan, Taqash Mahamo, Sultan Shah Mahamo, Aladdin Maha, Shihab Ding Maha, Jahan Soz, etc., and the generals of the Mongolian tribes or conquered Western countries surrendered.

At the same time, the entire Mongolian army on Xu Liewu's route was annihilated, which directly cut off the fourth Mongolian army. Chahetai and Wo Kuotai had insufficient troops for the feigned attack, and they were even more suspected of not working hard.

The third time the Mongols went south also entered a turning point because of this battle...

(End of this chapter)

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