The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1053 Xiao Chuo's Death

Chapter 1053 Xiao Chuo's Death
Genghis Khan went south for the third time, the Liao Kingdom independently fought against Mongolia, and Temujin defeated Xiao Chuo's central army with scorpion tactics.

Han Derang protected Xiao Chuo and fled to the east, ruining the battle completely.

As soon as Xiao Chuo's phoenix flag moved, Yelu Tuluqian, Yelu Fulisi, Yelu Nugua, Yelu Aoluwo and others who were still fighting bravely in the front army did nothing. The only one who retreated without losing morale was the Mongolian family , and it was the only one in ancient times. It wasn't until a thousand years later that a second army of this type emerged in modern times.

The coach retreated and fled. Morale collapsed, and the entire army fell into panic. The defeat had already been formed and the rear was cut off. Yelu Tulu made a completely different choice from Han Derang and fled westward with his army.

Including Khitan, Lieutenant General Yelu Balide, Lieutenant General Yelu Zhilie of the right wing, General Yelu Fulisi, Yelu Aoluwo and others were in a panic and did not think much about fleeing westward with Yelu Tulu.

Only Yelunugua saw Fengqi and went east to chase after him, but Jebe caught up with him and shot him dead.

Apparently Temujin's plan was very successful. When there was an army intercepting him from the rear, neither Xiao Chuo's central army nor Yelu Tulu's embarrassing front army chose to flee south and return to Dragon City.

Handerang naturally wanted to escape to the territory of the Jurchens to seek asylum when he went east, but Yelu Tulu went west because he knew that the territory of the Song Dynasty was in the west, and the defeat of the Liao Kingdom had no hope.

With Xiao Chuo as a huge weapon to pull monsters, Yelu Tulu's embarrassing choice is undoubtedly the right one!

Temujin even ordered Xiao Chuo to be captured alive. Based on Temujin's hatred for the three kingdoms of Liao, Jin, and Song, one can imagine how miserable Xiao Chuo would be if he fell into the hands of the Mongols alive.

Most of the former Khitan army followed Yelu Tulu and fled westward, while part of the Khitan central army fled eastward under the leadership of Han Derang and Xiao Chuo.

Most of the remaining Khitan legions were surrounded by the Mongols, and finally gave up resistance and about [-] Khitans surrendered.

But Borjijin Temujin issued a horrific order: "Shoot them all, leave no one behind!"

A total of [-] unarmed Khitan soldiers were slaughtered by the Mongols, including Yelu Renxian, Yeluhou, Xiao Han's slaves, Xiao Han's family and others who followed Xiao Chuo's conquest, like Yelu Tuiyu, Yelu Sahe, Yelu Helizhi, Yelu Guyu, Yelu Duyi and other generals are countless.

As mentioned before, most of the war horses of the Liao Kingdom were tall and large, and their endurance was not as good as that of the Mongolian horses. The advantage of the Mongolian horses' good endurance made the Mongols most powerful in pursuit battles.

No matter how many Xiao Chuo belonged to the Empress Dowager's personal soldiers, it would not be enough for the Mongols to hunt down and kill them.

Han Derang ran around protecting Xiao Chuo for a whole day, but in the end he was shot in the back by an arrow, which was given by Jebe!
Han Derang was seriously injured by the arrow, and Xiao Chuo knew that he couldn't run away at all. He looked to the southwest and muttered to himself: "I'm still not as good as Queen Shuluping! Da Libo must lead Manjusri slave to live a good life!"

Xiao Chuo drew out the sword in his hand and cut Han Derang's neck first, then swung the sword to kill himself...

In this way, the famous Empress Dowager Xiao and Handerang of the Liao Kingdom came to an end. The bodies of the two were found by the Mongolian soldiers the next day. Temujin still couldn't understand his hatred and ordered them to be naked in public.

At the same time, Zhebe was sent to lead an army to take Xiao Chuo's body to Shangjing of the Liao Kingdom, and massacre the city if he did not open the city and surrender!

Temujin personally led the army and was not in a hurry to attack the Song Dynasty in the south. Although Temujin hated Lu Heng's Song Dynasty the most, according to the strategic policy, the wings should be removed first. Temujin believed that the Kingdom of Jin belonged to the Song Dynasty Feather Wing, you must first destroy the gold and then go south.

Faster than Jebe's army was Xiao Chuo's confidant, and he arrived at Shangjing City to report the news to Dalibo faster than the defeated army.

When this woman heard that the Liao army was defeated, Empress Dowager Xiao turned pale when she fled to the east. She immediately packed her bags according to Xiao Chuo's instructions, and was ready to take Yelu Longxu, Yelu Longyou, Yelu Longqing and other Xiao Chuo's children to the south to join the Dalai Lama. Song.

In a few days, the army of the Liao Kingdom was defeated, Xiao Chuo, Han Derang, etc. were killed, and the news that Jebe led an army to invade the south reached the upper capital of the Liao Kingdom. In the city, not only the court of the Liao Kingdom was in chaos, but also the people in the city were in chaos. .

Taking advantage of the chaos in Shangjing, Dalibo first took a few children out of Shangjing and ran south.

In the most critical moment of the Liao Kingdom, no outstanding figures like Shu Luping, Xiao Chuo, and Yelu Xian stepped forward, and everyone was in panic.

Xiao Jixian, Xiao Fengxian, Xiao Pu, Shi Fang, Xiao Xiaozhong, Zhang Jian, Yelu Yixin, Yelu Fulu and others who stayed in Shangjing originally discussed to use Xiao Chuo's son, ten-year-old Yelu Longxu, as the top tank, but they didn't expect Yelu Longxu Even Xiao Chuo's children are missing.

Now things are getting serious. The Mongols will never let them go. Someone must top up the tank in order for this group of people to survive.

Since Xiao Chuo's children are missing, the most suitable person is Yelu Abaoji's youngest son, Yelu Yanxi, who just wanted to escape but was detained by soldiers led by Xiao Jixian, Xiao Fengxian and others because he had too much belongings. , Forcibly established as the emperor of Liao.

It is said that Yelu Yanxi didn't want the throne for life or death that day, crying and fainting, but Yelu Yanxi cried and passed out, but she didn't escape being forcibly added to the yellow robe by Xiao Jixian, Xiao Fengxian and others.

Yelu Yanxi was in a coma and was forced to be the lord of the Liao Kingdom by the ministers. In fact, he woke up halfway through, but he kept pretending to be dizzy and wanted to escape, but he didn't expect Xiao Jixian, Xiao Fengxian, Xiao Pu and others to be so shameless. To a fainting person, the king and his ministers gave a great gift.

In this way, Yelu Yanxi became the emperor of the Liao Kingdom in a daze.

But Yelu Yanxi was worthy of the title of escaped emperor, and after seeing the fact that it was a foregone conclusion, he began to work hard to save himself!
This person proposed a plan to move the capital, before Jebe's army arrived in Shangjing, move the capital to the south and return to Longcheng!
Why Dragon City?Yelu Yanxi made a wishful thinking, because Dragon City is so close to Song Dynasty!
Longcheng is only [-] miles away from Yanran City, which was established by the Song Dynasty on the easternmost side of Yanran Mountain. When the Mongol army arrives, they will run to Dasong!
Not to mention that Yelu Yanxi's bad idea was unanimously approved by the Liao Kingdom. The people were too late to do anything, and they just posted notices in a hurry to run as much as possible.

However, the Liao Kingdom is not without loyal people. For example, Han Derang's father Han Kuangsi and minister Yeluwa voluntarily stayed in Shangjing.

In this way, Yelu Yanxi took his beloved concubine and the extra civil and military officials and rushed towards Nanlong City under the protection of Xiao Fengxian, Xiao Jixian, Xiao Pu and others, as well as the Tielin Army.

Here is why the Iron Forest Army is still in Beijing, because after the last battle with Mongolia, the Iron Forest Army is basically useless against Mongolia, so this time Xiao Chuo did not bring the Iron Forest Army with him at all but stayed in the capital.

It's so cheap to run away Emperor Yelu Yanxi...

(End of this chapter)

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