Chapter 1044
War is a continuation of politics, and diplomacy is a manifestation of national strength.

Under the coercion of Song Dynasty, Queen Xiao Chuo of the Liao Kingdom signed the "Dragon City Treaty", and Wanyan Aguda also signed the armistice agreement with alacrity.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Fei attacked the Mongolian army and gave the mighty Temujin a blow, a complete and complete defeat.

Ye Luxian, the victorious country of Liao, returned to his teacher triumphantly. Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zongbi also celebrated with Yeluxian and returned to the Kingdom of Jin.

At this time Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zongbi had already learned about the truce with Song Dynasty from Wanyan Aguda, neither of them were single-minded reckless people, they thought it was a very good choice.

The strength of the Song Dynasty and Mongolia, Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zongbi have a deep experience, it is the best thing to be able to defuse a strong enemy and let them fight, not to mention that this time the heavy damage of Mongolia will definitely come back, and the next time the spearhead is likely to be aimed at of the Song Dynasty.

Ye Luxian was also very happy. This person didn't know about the "Dragon City Treaty". Although the imperial conquest was tiring, he had achieved good results. Ye Luxian's reputation as the leader of the Liao Dynasty rose sharply after this battle.

But when Ye Luxian came to Longcheng, the capital, he saw his queen Xiao Chuo and all the civil and military officials bowing down ten miles away to welcome him.

At first Yelvxian thought it was a great victory over Mongolia, and he was very happy to pick up the victorious army.

But Xiao Chuo and all the officials knelt down to apologize, and Xiao Chuo's words made Ye Luxian hit the bottom of the valley from the clouds: "My lord, my concubines are incompetent and unable to protect the country, please punish me!"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" All the people in the court of Liao Kingdom begged for apology.

This made Ye Luxian feel uneasy. In the end, after Xiao Chuo told Ye Luxian the ins and outs, he knew that the large territory to the west and south of Yanran Mountain was no longer Liao territory!

"Ah! Pfft!" Under great joy and sorrow, Ye Luxian, who was already physically weak, couldn't hold on at all, and his face turned pale, spurting a mouthful of blood and fell off the horse.

For this reason, although Yeluxian didn't immediately go west as angry as his father Yelu Abaoji, he still couldn't afford it. With Yeluxian's illness, he was unable to govern the government, and the Liao Kingdom completely entered the Xiaochuo era.

Maybe God blessed Temujin again, he was not preyed by wolves on the grassland alone, and the arrow wound on Zhao Yun's back only seriously injured Temujin, but there were no complications such as infection, which made this man I lived alone on the grassland for seven days.

He stopped the bleeding with the wound medicine he carried with him, and ate weeds and horse meat when he was hungry. Temujin's beloved bloody BMW had long been exhausted and was used as food by Temujin.

Temujin, who has been enjoying it for decades, seems to have returned to the beginning. Temujin swore with his immortality: "As long as I, Boerjijin Temujin, can survive, I swear to destroy Song! I will slaughter all Song people! Not a blade of grass will grow!"

In this way, seven days later, Jebe found Temujin on the border of Liao Kingdom at the risk of finding him, and escorted him back to the imperial court in Mobei.

According to Temujin's post-war statistics, this Mongolian defeat was the first time since Temujin's debut that he lost so badly.

Three sons died in battle alone, the fourth son Boer Jijin Tuolei, the fifth son Boer Jijin Uluchi, and the sixth son Boer Jijin Kuolejian.

Nephews Boer Jijin Hantuhu and Boer Jijin Yesubhua died in battle, and the four sons-in-law Butu, Oraer, Ashihei and Botu died in battle, representing the four daughters of Temujin Promoted to a widow.

The "Four Brothers" lost Zhuochi Hesa'er, the "Four Heroes" lost Chi Laowen, the "Four Dogs" lost Kubilai, plus Zhe Lemi, who had died in battle long ago, left only Su Butai and Zhebie are two dogs.

The "Four Adopted Sons" Shiji Hutuhu and Hulu Buhua were taken prisoner while guarding the logistics. They were also one of the important prisoners captured by Yue Fei. They were beheaded by Lu Heng for public display.

The 88 heroes of the founding of Mongolia, at least more than a dozen died in battle, and the number of casualties exceeded [-] Mongolian soldiers and [-] soldiers from other tribes, as well as countless losses of cattle, sheep, spare Mongolian war horses, and baggage as food. The 'Nine-White Banner', a symbol of Mongolian power.

Lu Heng was overjoyed when he saw Yue Fei's good news in the Shouchun Palace. Although it was a pity that he didn't know that Temujin was dead, he immediately ordered Jin Yiwei to go to the grassland to investigate, and he must find out whether Temujin was alive or dead.

Among them, the killing of Tuo Lei made Lu Heng most excited. This person was inadvertently washed out by Mr. Jin Yong, but this person is most like his father. How much less Temujin.

Don't look at the "Four Heroes", "Four Dogs", "Four Adopted Sons", and "Four Younger Brothers" in Mongolia. The only one who can really worry Lu Heng is Genghis Khan Temujin himself, and the rest are Guo Kan, Tuo Lei, and Jebe. Although Subotai, Mu Huali and others are famous generals, Lu Heng believes that the famous generals under his command are no less than half a point weaker than them.

Although it was a pity that Jebe and Temujin were not killed today, he was very satisfied with killing Tuolei.

Now Lu Heng is eager to know whether Temujin is dead or not. This life and death are related to the national policy of the Song Dynasty. If Tuo Lei is dead and Temujin is dead, based on Lu Heng's understanding of the remaining people in Mongolia, it is likely to be For the Khan's position, fight first.

Of course, Temujin, whom Lu Heng was thinking of, hadn't died so easily. The first thing Temujin did when he returned to the Mobei imperial court was to recall Jochi's partial master. It would be meaningless to continue fighting if the main force suffered a disastrous defeat.

The second order asked Borjijin Chagatai and Borjijin Wokuotai to return from the Chagatai Khanate.

The third order ordered Borjijin Hulagu's expeditionary army to return to the east, including the two major Han marshals Guo Kan and Zhang Rou's army.

These three orders are undoubtedly mobilizing the most elite army in Mongolia, ready to fight the Song Dynasty to the end!
However, the Mongolian Empire now has a vast territory, including Asia and Europe. With the current marching speed, the farthest Borjijin Hulagu will not arrive until at least next year or the year after.

Now this battle will take two years to start. Lu Heng's Song Dynasty has not noticed it yet, but soon after the maritime trade, he learned from the Persian merchants that Mongolia has made a big move. I will not mention it for now.

Even if it takes more than half a year to send a message from Asia to Europe, when Guo Kan, the subordinate of Borjijin Hulawu, learned that his Anta Tuolei had died in battle, his eyes were red, and he vowed to avenge Anta Tuolei avenge.

In this life, Guo Kan was the marshal of the Han people, and at the same time Temujin's son-in-law with the golden sword had a high status in Mongolia. Zhang Rou and Guo Kan had an army composed of pure Han generals.

Guo Kan's subordinates include Xia Gui, Liu Zheng, Dong Jun, Yang Weizhong, Li Quan, Liu Heima, Fan Wenhu and others...

(End of this chapter)

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