Chapter 1015 Far East and West
The Mongols went south three years ago, it was more of a temptation.

The indomitable Borjijin Temujin conquered countless countries and focused on the West.

Maybe he thinks that his neighbors can be determined in one battle, maybe he doesn't pay much attention to Jin and Liao at all, let alone the Song Dynasty in the south.

Bo'er Zhijin Temujin was really arrogant, which made him eat a big nail. Liao and Jin joined forces to let Temujin know that his neighbors are not easily conquered.

On the contrary, Temujin didn't know that there was a group of people in Song Dynasty farther south who had been watching his every move since ten years ago.

As trade became more and more mature, ships from the Song Dynasty to and from Europe became more and more frequent, and the Silk Road in the Western Regions continued to flow.

Western powers such as Rome, Anxi, and Guishuang all know that there are two extremely powerful capitals in the East.

Mongolia likes to conquer, and Song Dynasty who brings wealth and peace!

Mongolia, who came from the extremely cold steppe, is more cruel and greedy than the Celts, Slavs, and Germans.

All Western empires preferred the Song Dynasty, which came from the sea and across the desert.

Mongolia brought killing, plunder, conquest, and terror, while Song Dynasty brought friendship, commerce, respect, and wealth.

However, due to human nature, the Mongols are cruel and not very lucrative. Some people dare not provoke them, but the merchant ships of the Song Dynasty are kind and rich. They think they are easy to bully and rich big fat sheep, so what are you waiting for?
The first time was an island country called Lion Country. That stupid king actually detained Da Song's fleet, causing Lu Heng to do the same thing as Genghis Khan. If you take the initiative to provoke me, you will be killed!
Lu Heng dispatched Jiang Qin, Marshal of the Song Dynasty Hailong, to lead the Haijiao Camp, directly attacked the Lion Kingdom, destroyed the country and captured the stupid king. Only when the Song Dynasty army attacked did this idiot know what kind of existence he had offended. .

Since then, the Kingdom of Lions has ceased to exist, and has become Jixi Island, the westernmost territory of the Song Dynasty. Jiang Qin found that this island has an excellent geographical location. An important supply station on the road.

When Lu Heng saw from the chart submitted by Jiang Qin that the Lion Kingdom is now the Far West Island, which is located in Sri Lanka below India in later generations, and is located in the middle of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. important.

Since then, Jixi Island has become the westernmost territory of the Great Song Dynasty, temporarily stationed by Jiang Qin!
Coincidentally, less than a year after the Great Song Dynasty destroyed the Lion Kingdom, the merchant ship of the Great Song Dynasty was hijacked by pirates in the sea near the Guishuang Empire.

At this time, Lu Heng had learned about Western countries' views on Mongolia through the Silk Road in the Western Regions and maritime trade. He was afraid of the machetes of the Mongols, but not the Song Dynasty, right?Think of Da Song as weak and can be bullied, right?
In addition, Guishuang took in Yelu Dashi, Wu Mahai and others who were defeated in the war at the beginning, and it can be considered that they had formed a relationship with Song Dynasty long ago.

If you don't frighten Ximian's high nose well, then such things will happen one after another, and Song's trade will become the prey of everyone, and they must be dealt a severe blow.

Then don't blame me for being rude, my navy is idle and has nothing to do!
With a big wave of Lu Heng's hand, Jiang Qin, Marshal of the Sea Jiaolong of the First Fleet of the Great Song Expeditionary Army, commanded the Haijiao Battalion.

Marshal Zhou Tai, Marshal Kunpeng of the Second Fleet of the Expeditionary Force, led the Shenshui Battalion and temporarily stopped secret missions to go to the Extreme West Island.

Marshal Li Baojin Fan Battalion of the Third Fleet of the Expeditionary Force went to the Western Expedition together.

There is no Zhou Yu's fleet because Zhou Yu's fleet is stationed on the extreme east island to deter the Jin people, so Lu Heng did not mobilize.

And the extreme east island is the Sakhalin Island of later generations, and the Chinese call it Sakhalin Island, which has been part of the Chinese territory since the Tang Dynasty. Qianlong, the braided country, was still complacent and powerful.

The braided country was still unaware of all this, and it completely lost this territory in modern times.

Now that Zhou Yu has pacified the entire island country and became the Dasong Island State, he continued to conquer Heishuimohe and seized this territory in the north, which was nearly a thousand years earlier than the original time and space.

Because this place is just across the river from the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin, it has become an important area to contain the Kingdom of Jin. Zhou Yu has been stationed here all year round. Lu Heng named it Jidong Island, and Jixi Island was named after Jidong Island.

To the northwest of Sakhalin is the Kamchatka Peninsula, and to the east is the Bering Strait, where there are only the New World and no other large-scale islands.

Let me briefly introduce the matter of Jidong Island. Looking back at the situation in Europe, the three naval armies marched into the Arabian Sea. The first thing is to wipe out all the pirates. As long as they are all islands in the Arabian Sea, no matter whether they are occupied by countries Let's talk later.

All sea trade of the Guishuang Empire was blocked, and all ships going to sea were regarded as provocative Song warships were sunk. At the same time, Lu Heng ordered the Song Dynasty to temporarily cut off trade with Guishuang, including the Silk Road trade.

With these three sets of combined punches, what Lu Heng wants is one goal. I yearn for peace, but I can't fight!
It is not impossible to force Lao Tzu to learn from Genghis Khan. The unique geographical environment of the grassland made it difficult for the Song Dynasty, but these plains in Europe and Central Asia are not a problem.

The big deal is that Da Song will start the colonial mode first!

Facing the tough Da Song fleet, the Guishuang Empire was naturally unwilling to have its own sea area blocked, and a sea war broke out with Da Song and was defeated.

This battle, which Sima Guang called the "Guishuang Sea Battle", completely reflected the strength of the Song Dynasty to the fullest. At least on the one hand, the sea battle, including Rome, felt that the Song Dynasty was three points weaker.

The three maritime armies made Anxi and Shidu feel that they should not provoke Da Song to cut off their trade, and at the same time, they showed their favor to Da Song and took the initiative to cut off the trade with Guishuang.

You must know that the three major kingdoms of Anxi, Guishuang, and Shendu are not without filth.

Rome regards itself as a big country and has not cut off Guishuang's trade, but Rome always wants to invade Guishuang, so it is good not to make trouble!
The Guishuang Empire persisted for three months, and the domestic nobles put pressure on the royal family because of huge trade losses, forcing the Guishuang Empire royal family to send an envoy to the Song Dynasty to seek peace.

Similarly, other European empires such as Anxi and Rome saw the strength of the Song Dynasty, and suddenly thought why not let the East solve the troubles from the East?
Missions were dispatched one after another to prepare to go to the Song Dynasty, and Guishuang's side naturally softened and hoped to lift the sea ban and resume trade with the Song Dynasty.

And Shendu and Anxi hope to provoke a war between the Song Dynasty and Mongolia!
That's right, part of the Song Dynasty now borders on Mongolia's territory. Kangju in the northwest of the Western Regions is a vassal state of Mongolia, which was conquered by Temujin and incorporated into the territory of the Mongolian Empire.

The high-level leaders of the two countries, Shendu and Anxi, hope to provoke the Song Dynasty and fight against Mongolia to bring the disaster back to Asia.

(End of this chapter)

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