Chapter 98 No way!

Chapter 98 No way!
"What's up?……"

Luo Ming looked back at the observation deck and shouted.

"Chief, look at the sky." The lookout's voice was a little hurried.His voice is a little hoarse now.I can't stand having anyone yell at me all day.


Luo Ming was a little skeptical.He just killed some people.I didn't pay attention to the situation of the butterfly on the opposite side, so I turned my head now.He first looked under the city wall subconsciously, and the butterfly was still as calm as before.Go on the offensive.

However, the number is significantly less than before.When he looked up at the sky, he saw nothing at a glance.

Only half of the burning clouds are exposed in the sky, half of the red sun has set, and only half of the red smiling face is exposed, rendering half of the magnificence of the sky.

But soon Luo Ming's expression changed, he saw something flying in the sky.Not one or two, but many.

Then he suddenly remembered that starfish can fly.

"Everyone is ready. Muzzle guards the air..."

Fang Wei issued the order again, holding the telescope in front of him.There is still a long way to go for starfish to fly to the sky.He couldn't see clearly for a moment.So with the help of binoculars, he could clearly see that the overwhelming starfish were really flying.

He could clearly see these starfish with dragonfly-like wings on their backs.The flight speed is not fast.But there are many.The darkness flew over, covering the sun and blocking the last ray of light from Xiyang.

"Butterfly, a mutated creature native to Water Blue Planet.

carnivorous ants,

They are just ordinary members of the butterfly group, but they can fly.Fly high.Weakness, fear of fire. "

After seeing the system prompts, Luo Ming thought it was normal.It is normal for butterflies to fly.The wings look as thin as cicada wings.It’s normal to be afraid of fire.But the next one is not normal.Because there is another hint below.

"Butterfly, a mutated creature native to Water Blue Planet.

Burst the ants.

This is a special kind of starfish among butterflies.I don’t know when, some starfish went deep into the ground, where they encountered magma, and many starfish died.But the surviving starfish evolved the ability to explode.

Don't touch me, I have a bad temper and I'm going to explode.Weakness, the explosive power is doubled after being attacked by fire. "

Is this a weakness?
When Luo Ming saw the prompt of the bursting ants, he felt his initial pain.

It turned out that he only saw predatory ants flying in the air.I didn't notice that there were small black starfish under the claws of this predatory ant.

These starfish curl up to the size of a basketball.But their outer shells are not dark, but red and shiny.

It was obvious that Butterfly was going to play air force bombing with him.

This hurt Luo Ming's brain a little.He didn't expect this butterfly to have so many tricks.There was a sprayer ant that can spray formic acid before, but this time two new varieties were produced at once.Will there be other tricks in the future, will it make people live?

Luo Ming quickly told the field army soldiers around him about the characteristics of the two starfish he saw.

Most of the city walls are now filled with city defense troops, Luo Ming told the Jiangcheng soldiers who had been resting for an hour.Ready to fight.After the order was given, Luo Ming turned around and called Zhou Tiantian.

Zhou danced the pas de deux with the butterfly there every day, having a great time.Unexpectedly, Luo Ming called him, and then ran over with some regrets.Zhou Tiantian's partner was split by a strong field army soldier in 2 minutes.

"Uncle..., why are you calling me? Give me another minute and I can kill that butterfly."

Although Zhou danced the pas de deux for half a day every day, there was not a drop of sweat on his face.Calm, boastful, and unruffled.

"If you let the butterfly go, it will be exhausted by you. Now give me the order! Tell those gunships to take off. Do you see the sky? We are in big trouble..."

Of course, this order does not have to be handed down every day.Luo Ming can also issue such orders.Isn't this his sympathy for butterflies?I really want to be exhausted by Zhou Tiantian, but I still don't know how many hours to walk.

Zhou Tiantian looked at it, and in the distance, it was full of carnivorous ants.It was also a heartbeat.At this time, he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.Are you joking?He quickly called the Yang family and passed on the order.

Almost immediately, there was a disturbing hum.Imagine a room full of flies flying around you at the same time.what does that sound likeWhat kind of voice did they hear in Luo Ming now.

"Fuck, this starfish is killing me with mental attacks..."

Seeing the carnivorous ants flying closer and closer, Zhou Tiantian was the first to vomit.

"Boom boom!..."

There were countless explosions on the city wall.It was a carnivorous ant clinging to the wall, and directly let go of its six long legs.Throw the exploding starfish they were holding down directly.

The exploding starfish curled up one by one and fell like basketballs.As long as it hits a wall, it will explode immediately.

Luo Ming saw the power of these exploding starfish, not small, similar to the power of the grenades used by his field army soldiers.It only takes one explosion to create a crater the size of a washbasin on the city wall.If the city defense army is directly bombed, the city defense army can be directly blown to pieces.

This is indeed a good cycle of heaven, but it is bad karma.

Before, they bombed butterflies with cannons in Luo Ming, but now they turned around and were bombed by butterflies.There were explosions all over the walls.

Don't look at the exploding starfish. The outside is red, but the plasma inside is still white after exploding.

Don't look at the burst starfish, the outside is red, and the plasma inside is still white after bursting.And there was a strong disgusting smell coming out.I don't know, it tastes like a hot pot of incense.

The explosion became more and more violent.All kinds of guns in the hands of soldiers Jiang also began to shoot into the air.The blue flame spewed out a dense steel storm, knocking down the carnivorous ants in the air.

However, the effect is not obvious.The carnivorous ants had already crossed the city wall and flew south of the upper river.Throw exploding starfish onto the city streets.Suddenly, the whole Shangjiangnan was in chaos.Ordinary survivors were defenseless against these explosions.

For a while, the streets of Jiangnan were full of blood and flesh.The smell of blood rises to the sky.

Now Luo Ming also knows about these flying butterflies, so why not call them flying starfish?It's called a carnivorous ant.

Seeing the smell of blood, these carnivorous ants immediately descended from the sky.Apparently, the smell of blood is irresistible to carnivorous ants.They began to bite the survivors.These carnivorous ants are more bloodthirsty than soldier ants, it is a kind of madness.

When these carnivorous ants gnawed at the corpses of survivors, they were in a state of complete ecstasy.A few daring survivors attacked them.They completely ignore the attack and just indulge in the delicious food.

Zhao has always considered himself lucky.

When the ending began, I happened to be at home with my wife.Not affected much, the two hid at home and ran out after eating the remaining food, but quickly found the gathering place.

This gathering place is not far from Shangjiangnan, and there are probably tens of thousands of survivors.He can make do with his wife at the gathering place.It is a lucky thing to be able to live in this world.He dared not pray for anything else.

He went out every day, doing heavy work in the assembly area, earning a little bone.After changing food, he hides in the dark cabin with his wife and shares some rotting food, which is his best time.It was also when he felt the happiest.

Later, the butterfly devours the entire colony.Zhao and his wife luckily escaped.This made him believe that he and his wife could continue to live in the last days.When he fled to Shangjiang, his belief became stronger.He put his arm around his wife's waist and held her hand.The two were squeezed among countless survivors.

They are foreigners and there is no house for them to live in.Survivors had their necks slashed and rushed straight into the street.Squat on both sides of the street.But Zhao still considers him lucky to be with his wife.He felt lucky not to be torn apart by angry survivors.

Zhang's wife is not beautiful, but she is very kind to Zhao.When there is something to eat, Zhao always does his best first.

It's a pity that Zhao's face is covered with blood now, and he is standing blankly in the corner.

Just now a bomb starfish exploded directly beside him.Before she could react, she was thrown to the ground by her own wife.

The explosion was so strong and powerful that it hit his wife's back.Now his wife was lying at her feet, her back completely open and her organs blown out.

To Zhao's despair, a carnivorous ant was lying on his wife.He had a piece of meat he had just bitten off from his wife in his mouth and swallowed it hard.

The blood on Zhao's face belonged to his wife.He just looked at what was happening in front of him and couldn't believe it.

Then he gets mad.Luckily, Zhao got angry directly, with tears all over his face, his expression distorted in pain.

He grabbed a brick on the ground and rushed towards it, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Go away! Go away, I'm going to kill you! Give me my wife..."

With a roar, he rushed over and smashed a brick on the head of the carnivorous ant.Carnivorous ants are not as big as army ants.The body is also obviously very light.The total weight was only 20 catties, and it flew back directly after being hit by a brick.

The meat-eating ant that he smashed into the air still had a piece of meat the size of a palm in its mouth.hard to swallow.After being broken by Zhou Tiantian.He didn't come to resist, but lay down on the ground and continued to eat that piece of meat.

Every day, Zhou stood next to his wife's dead body with a brick on his head.

His wife's head was tilted to one side, revealing her pale face.A pair of eyes are wide open.did not look.Zhou looked at his wife's face every day and found that his wife was not in great pain.There is no fear and despair, only apathy.It's a calm.

His wife's body was stained with blood.The open back exuded a strong smell of blood, attracting countless carnivorous ants to pounce on it.These carnivorous ants swoop down and make an unbearable noise.They flapped their wings like cicadas, and the sound made Zhou Tiantian thought it was the sound made by the old refrigerator at home when it was started.

"Get out, get out with me, everyone,"

Zhou screamed every day while protecting his wife's body with the only brick.

Almost every carnivorous ant that rushed down would bite off a piece of meat from the wife and beat it with a brick.

Zhou's face was covered with tears every day.

"Who help me. Can't you help me? This is my wife. She's all dead. Can't she keep a whole body? You guys!, You red neck with a red scarf. When entering the city. I I searched all the bones in my body. Didn't you say you want to protect us? Didn't you say it's all taxes? Why don't you protect me now? Why don't you protect my wife?"

Every day, Zhou desperately shakes the remaining half brick in his hand.Piercingly accusing some redneck against the wall.

Those rednecks turned their faces the other way and pretended not to hear.


Suddenly there was a louder roar in the sky, and several behemoths appeared in the sky.

"It's an armed helicopter! It's an armed helicopter. It must be Yang's gunboat."

The rednecks hiding in the streets looked up at the sky as the gunships appeared and cheered loudly.

"It's saved now..."

They were right.A gunship in the sky indeed, and not one.This is a total of ten planes. Under Zhou Tiantian's command, they all took off and flew towards the east and south walls.

"Is there any help?..."

Zhou Tiantian suddenly stopped moving, and half a brick in his hand was broken.My hands were covered with blood.The other arm was bitten by a carnivorous ant and now there is a bit of skin all over the palm of the hand attached to the arm.Standing there swinging back and forth, sticky blood trickled down his fingers, dripped to the ground, and pooled with his wife's blood.

He knows all his efforts are in vain.Every day, Zhou had three or four predatory ants lying on the ground.His wife's body looks away, up to the sky.

Several huge figures flitted across the sky.Block the sun, the momentum is extraordinary.

The wind pressure generated by the helicopter propeller directly knocked down the predatory ants in the air.

And with Zhou Tiantian's numb eyes, watching a basketball-sized circular exploding starfish fall from the sky.

With a faint smile on his face, he knew he was lucky.

The target of this exploding starfish was aimed at him, and if he was not mistaken, he would hit him on the head impartially.

"Sure enough, I'm the luckiest..."

These were the last words Zhou Tiantian said.After saying this, a trace of relief appeared on his face.All he knew was that he didn't have to think about his wife alone in this evil end.He went with his wife.

Isn't this a kind of luck?

Cheng Nan's battle for the city wall is in full swing, and Luo Ming is very busy.He received constant messages from the other walls, and he knew the situation on the east wall was as precarious as his own.Countless carnivorous ants carrying bombs and starfish have rushed into Shangjiangnan.

These bomb starfish caused great harm to the survivors in Upper Jiangnan.Most of the survivors hiding in the streets were survivors who had run away from other gathering places.

These people have no shelter on the streets.And the concentration is so dense that a single bomb dropped by a starfish can kill several survivors.

. . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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