Chapter 96 Yes Yes!

Chapter 96 Yes Yes!
So when Li Long found Luo Ming, he saw Yang Jing hugging him.

"Good leader, good second lady..."

Li Long greeted the two of them politely.Looking at him with a smile, "Wang, why are you here again? Have you done everything well?"

Jiang Daxia is now being formed, and he is no longer suitable as a battalion commander.We are discussing with Luo Ming whether to expand the scale of Jiangcheng.

"Chief, I'm not in a hurry. Jiang's fighters are currently training and integrating. There are still many people who want to sign up for our Jiangcheng, and the number of our Jiangcheng soldiers can be further expanded. Let's talk about this later. I'll come to you, or I want to tell you Your thing about Milan..."

"Milan? What happened to Milan.?"

As soon as Li Long heard Luo Ming's words, he immediately became anxious, "Chief, how many times have I told you? This Milan is getting more and more out of line now. When I'm doing well, go around in front of him, you know? He It's getting too much now. I've never heard him mention it. These fish soups are the protagonist. You tell Milan to distribute them to the survivors. He always expresses that these survivors will thank him. What to do. ? "

"Wang, how many times have you said this? I've told you all this. I have my own ideas. Why don't you talk about the situation of going to Jiangnan Middle School? All departments are not sure."

"Chief, after nearly a month of stability, Jiangnan has basically been controlled by our Jiang Bing. Several important departments, city defense and some important areas are firmly in my hands. The current situation is our own Yes. Basically, it is impossible for anyone to come back..."

Speaking of the form of going to Jiangnan Middle School, Li Long was very happy.He was right.After more than a month of operation, this Jiangnan Middle School is indeed quite different from before.

"So Comrade Milan still made a contribution, and it's time for me to reward him."

When Li Long heard the news, his eyes almost popped out.Luo Ming waved his hand to signal him not to worry.Hand back the two pieces of paper to Li Long.

"I originally planned to stay for another two days, but if you are in such a hurry, just take it to Milan... You can take a look first, don't worry."

Li Long took two pieces of paper.Frowning and looking together, the first one is a letter of commendation, and the second one is a letter of appointment.

"What's happening here.?"

He only looked at the title and looked up at Luo Ming, but Luo Ming smiled and asked him to take a look.He read both papers from beginning to end.There are not many words on it, and the meaning is very simple.

The letter of commendation is pure praise and Milan has supported Romin's work for some time.You did a great job distributing the dashi.Give me a thumbs up.

Letters of appointment are even simpler.Milan was appointed as the head of the tax bureau. When the master was there, he was stationed in the tax bureau where the red neck was.

The tax office is right next to Luo Ming's villa.He no longer lives in the Night Misty Club, but has moved to the owner's villa.First, Yang Jing doesn't like Ye Mimi's nightclub, and second, his abilities are too chaotic.Although Luo Ming doesn't care, he also needs to take care of his subordinates' feelings.It's hard to say that the leader lives in that place.

His villa is the tax office on one side and the mental hospital on the other.

"Boss, what do you mean? Why did you give Milan such an important position? To be honest, boss, this is a fat job. Many Jiangcheng soldiers are already eyeing this position."

Li Long really didn't have much talent, he could say such things in front of Luo Ming.Sure enough, he is a true loyal minister.

Luo Ming listened to his words and smiled.

"Of course I know that this is a fat job. Because he is a fat man, we have to give it to Milan, not to the soldiers of Jiangcheng."

"Why is this? Jiang Chengbing is one of our own."

"As for why, Xiao Wang, if you go back to your own product and can't taste it, just wait and see. Okay..."

Luo Ming didn't give Li Long an explanation, but everyone heard what he meant.Yang Jing who was standing next to him didn't speak, but he kept laughing.It seemed that she completely understood what Luo Ming meant.

Li Long scratched his head and thought for a long time, but he didn't want to know why Fei Queer didn't give it to his own people.Instead, give it to Milan.He didn't understand, and Luo Ming and Yang Jing didn't explain it to him.Slowly, he began to get tired of the dog food. Li Long saw that his light bulb was a little bright and left immediately.

In this regard, Li Long will faithfully carry out Luo Ming's orders.He sent the letter of commendation and letter of appointment directly to Milan.

When Milan saw it, he smiled from ear to ear.He can now be said to be very proud of himself.He was a little worried about doing things.Afraid of going too far, what does Luo Ming think of himself?But later he discovered that Luo Ming didn't care about him.So it became more and more unscrupulous, and some nonsense even appeared on the street.

But the same effect was leveraged, and his popularity among survivors skyrocketed.Some even started calling him Bodhisattva.It is simply a Bodhisattva alive.Turn all beings into all beings.

This time he received a letter of commendation.After receiving the letter of appointment, I felt that my life had reached a bright moment, and I took up the position immediately without saying a word.

In fact, this man does not like fame and wealth.That's nonsense.He formed the League of Light only for fame and fortune.He is not strong enough to squeeze into the five major families in Jiangnan.We can only go another route, the route of the survivors below.Didn't expect it to work.

The people from the League of Light in Milan also threw away those pots, tables, and chairs.He rushed directly into the original tax office occupied by the red neck.

The red neck here has long been scattered by crows and wild beasts, either caught by Jiang Bing or already gone.There is no one here, and the tax office has been empty for ten days.

As soon as Milan came in, he chose the best office as his own office.Then it started to fall.According to Luo Ming's instructions, all the vests of the people in the Light Alliance were taken off, and they could not write the word "light" on their bodies.

Instead, we still tie a red cloth around the neck in accordance with the glorious tradition of the past.With the foundation laid during the master's period, people on this street basically know that they are here to collect taxes as soon as they see the red cloth.

Sure enough, Milan took people to the street and got back a lot of bones.This made him even more ecstatic.Since then, it has embarked on a road of no return for tax collection.

Of course, survivors are discerning and snobbish.

Jade Bodhisattva, who had been shouting for two days just now, turned around and went to collect taxes.In the mouths of these survivors, they immediately changed from Buddha to skinned.

Someone claimed to be the wind of skinning, and it spread to Milan's ears.He just laughed a few times.They can be called whatever they like. The bones in their hands are real.This is typical greed.

At this time, Li Long figured out some flavors.Just such an easy appointment letter from the leader completely shattered the image that Milan had worked hard to build for more than a month in the minds of the survivors.

This is the only way to really admire Luo Minglai.

High, too high.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Luo Ming.He dug a hole for Milan.This is the first pit, and there are more pits waiting for Milan.

Yu Jiade is busy collecting taxes here.Of course no one will ever give out fish soup again.Luo Ming also means that this winter is about to pass.No need to hand out fish soup for free.The key is that the situation in Shangjiangnan is in his hands.

At first, Yang Jing, Zhou Tiantian and Li Long discussed tax issues together.Everyone feels that there is nothing wrong with continuing to collect taxes.After all, owners can collect taxes.Why can't we collect them?
Now Luo Ming's biggest expense is Jiangcheng soldiers.Under his instruction, Jiang's soldiers were directly expanded to 3.

Thirty thousand strong men do not work, only eat.Training in Seongnam every day.How many bones do these 3 people eat a day?If it's just Luo Ming's castle space, it's already a bit beyond his means.

After all, nothing in the castle space can be used in Jiangnan.In the space of the castle, Lao Wang and Luo Ming kept in touch.Now he has been able to remotely control the construction of his four cities.

Those four cities almost need the support of two-thirds of the space of his castle.Therefore, only 1/3 of the upper Jiangnan can be left at most.

In addition, Luo Ming told Milan to start collecting taxes in these four cities through Lao Wang.It is an inevitable way to collect taxes.There used to be no tax collection because the survivors in those four cities were too poor to eat.Survivors will starve to death at any time.If you were collecting taxes at that time, wouldn't you force others to fight you?

Life in these four cities has now changed, and most survivors have stabilized.Can start with a little tax on some people.In the following time, Luo Ming communicated with Lao Wang again.General Jiang was officially promoted directly to the field army.

After all, in Jiangnan Middle School alone, Jiangcheng soldiers reached [-].And in these four cities, the Zhou Tianbing led by Jiang and Jiang broke through [-].After this field army, the number of soldiers can be expanded.At present, Luo Ming basically tries his best to recruit soldiers from the field army.

He needs a strong force to expand his territory, and he will not be satisfied if he just occupies these cities.He needs to take all the districts around these cities into his own hands.He will bloom everywhere, up and down, left and right.Fight back against lizards and infected.

It had a whole set of plans in his head.

Therefore, the expansion of field army soldiers is inevitable.After changing to the Jiangcheng Field Army, there were three army commanders, all of whom were directly appointed by Luo Ming, divided into the First Army and the Second Army.This makes it easy for him to manage.

Li Long was an army commander.

The field army he led was [-] Jiangcheng soldiers who went to the south of the Yangtze River.

Fang Wei and Sandy were appointed commanders of the Second Army at the same time.Two of them led Chuhua, Chuhua and other [-] Jiangcheng soldiers to divide into four cities.For the second army.

In this way, there will be a big change, and positions below the commander need to be appointed by themselves.This also gave a boost to the entire field army.After all, there are too many vacancies.You can become an official with a little performance.Therefore, the training enthusiasm of field army soldiers is unprecedentedly high.

Every day, under Li Longcheng, soldiers from the Field Army blocked the door, demanding to join the battle.Unfortunately, Romin has no combat missions yet.

With the passage of time, the field army was formally established, and a large number of newly joined field army soldiers began to enter busy exercises and training.

And Luo Ming also took advantage of this winter to firmly hold Jiangnan in his hands.There is basically no resistance that can create strength.At this time Luo let out a sigh of relief.

He looked at the time and found that it was already March.There is only a little more than a month until the due date in Milan.He began to prepare to return to Chuhua.

At the same time, he returned to Chuhua this time, ready to take Yang Jing back.In Luo Ming's design, Chuhua is his hometown, where his parents live.

Yang Jing doesn't have much opinion on this.After all, while Jiangnan is under control, the Yang family is also firmly in hand.

Luo Ming, a great god, stood behind Zhou Tiantian, and Zhou Tiantian did everything smoothly.

Now his Yang family's territory is more than twice that of before.It occupies almost 1/3 of the area of ​​Shangjiangnan, completely annexing the territory of the original Han family.

Not only the territory of the Han family was annexed, but also the business of the Han family.Those mercenary missions are all in his hands.Plus your own business activities.The two projects are added together and then integrated for greater efficiency and speed.

Now, it has been able to control the Yang family ship very well.

Therefore, Yang Jing left without any mental burden.Yang Jing is now recognized as the second lady by all field army soldiers.She mainly manages the city defense army.There are still about 2 city defense soldiers in the upper city.Together with the police Xu Qin formed some time ago, this is the current armed force of Shangjiangnan Middle School.

Just when Luo Ming was about to return to Chuhua.There was an accident.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

This accident is like a shameless bitch.You don't know when she's going to come out.She suddenly gives you a wink and seduce you immediately.

On Jiangnan in March, the ice has begun to melt into a trickle.The God of Winter also packed his backpack and prepared to leave, which made him reluctant to part.

It happens, expect the unexpected.Then all of a sudden countless survivors poured into Shangjiangnan, and these survivors who came in were not the aborigines of Shangjiangnan.They are all survivors from other gathering places around Shangjiangnan.

There are many large and small gathering places around Jiangnan.Those places are basically where the Yang family does business.

Now, however, those survivors have abandoned their gathering places and fled to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in this cold early winter.This large group of survivors brought shocking news to Li Long and Luo Ming.

Ants are coming!

Now, Li Long, Yang Jing, Zhou Tiantian and Luo Ming.Stand on the wall of the south gate.

Luo Ming felt suddenly.Walking along the south gate seems to be very destined.The first time he came to Jiangnan, he entered through this door.Now look at the survivors coming here in the darkness outside, the south gate has the most survivors.

"Director, I'm afraid something bad will happen this time. Just now, I asked someone. These survivors were attacked by mutated ants in the gathering places. Listen to what these survivors said. Few people persisted in those gathering places. All of them It was breached by mutated ants. Only a small part escaped, and most of them were buried in the mouths of mutated ants. Those mutated ants are very cruel, leaving no grass along the way, and eating people without leaving bones."

"Mutated ants.?"

Luo Ming rubbed his chin with his hands.For some reason, he remembered when he first came to Jiangnan.At this time, he led Jiang's soldiers and saw a group of army ants.Swagger in front of you from west to east.

ps, vote, hee hee!
(End of this chapter)

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