Chapter 89 Shrimp and Pig Heart
Chapter 89 Shrimp and Pork Heart

They are all their own now.It's the same for anyone.After we go out, the contents inside are not decided by the leaders.

The three quickly gathered under a street lamp.Look around warily.For the time being, there are still no cheetahs and krizmann.Maybe that's how it happened.Both waves were wiped out.

"Well, did Fang Wei turn on the water?" Now Luo Ming felt that he was burning.The lips on my mouth were chapped and bleeding.

In the end, it took two years. I didn't expect to be dragged into this killing game forcibly this time because there was no shortage of food and drink in the castle.I didn't even drink my saliva after I mixed it.

"There is no leader. This is strange." Fang Wei said as he took out the things in his backpack.The first is the wooden box that Cheetah exploded just now, and two things came out.

There is nothing to say about a bottle of blue medicine, and a 250g ham sausage, which is the same as the previous one.Men like to eat me, women like to use me, Sao Nian, are you sure you don't like it? ) remarks are somewhat infighting.

All that was left was for the monkey to reveal the contents of the wooden box.There is nothing surprising about this.Suddenly opened two boxes of self-heating rice, which is also a dish of eggs and tomatoes.I can warm myself up too.I just need you to give me some water. )
Luo Ming and Fang Wei were staring at each other.In addition, a crossbow was fired.This crossbow is a fine weapon.I also carried 12 crossbows. (I can shoot, don't shoot farther than me, you can't beat me.)
But this thing is not as important as the box of self-heating rice in Luo Ming's eyes.Now he feels it.Although it is also a wooden box, it looks like the cheetah is full of pieces.And the contents of the wooden box were blown up by monkeys.It tends to be double the contents of the cheetah wooden box, basically two pieces.

Just like this time, two boxes of self-heating rice burst out at once.Looking at the things on the floor, Luo Ming licked his chapped lips with his tongue.

Still no fucking water, sad!

Suddenly, beside Wang Jie, there was a deep voice, as if there was some breathing sound, and after the sound was made.

Luo Ming looked at him and found that Wang Jieman's forehead was covered with sweat, and one hand was tightly covering his lower abdomen, from between his fingers.Actually oozes the blood of speech.

"You are hurt……".Luo Ming's face immediately tensed up.

"Yes, chief, when I was fighting with that monkey just now, I was accidentally scratched by its claw."

When Wang Jie spoke, his face was pale and his lips were trembling.He appeared to be in severe pain.

"Director, do you think I will be infected.?"

"Don't talk nonsense. How did you get infected? This is a killing game. It's not going to Jiangnan. Don't worry, even if you are injured by infected people outside in Jiangnan, I can save you."

Luo Ming is not talking big, although ordinary people will also be infected after being injured by an infected person.But he can enhance the physical strength and mind of soldiers.Under normal circumstances, as long as he gives the soldier 50 physical strength.Then the corpse poison of the infected person can be counteracted.

In this kind of killing game, he has no way to enhance Wang Jie's physical strength.But he wasn't afraid either.He has red medicine.


Seeing what Wang Jie wanted to say, Luo Ming immediately stopped him.

"Stop talking, I invite you now. Fang Weier! Bring a bottle of red medicine."

Fang Wei has clearly seen the situation beside him.Before Luo Ming could say it, he was already holding a bottle of red medicine in his hand.

Hearing what Luo Ming said, he handed it over immediately.

He's not stupid either.Instead of handing it to Luo Ming Yao Hong, unscrew Yao Hong's cap.Pour the red liquid directly into Wang Jie's mouth.

Seeing Wang Jie's appearance, he wanted to say something, but the red medicine was poured into his mouth, and he gulped it down.

"Let me give you a warning, Fang Wei. Please check his wound. If not, wrap him in a medical first aid kit."

Luo Ming stood up because he had seen another cheetah rushing over there.

There are street lights on this road, and the lights are bright.There are always monsters attracted by the lights and come to attack them.

Luo Ming was greeted with a fire axe, and he was not polite.Three times, five times and two times, the cheetah fell to the ground.

In this way, Weier had already removed Wang Jie's hand and found that the hole was very large, and there were not one but three holes.Fang Wei didn't speak, closed his lips, took out the first aid kit, poured the alcohol in it on his wound to disinfect him.

As the alcohol poured in, the blood was washed away, revealing the pale body and white bones inside.

"Fortunately, Wang Jie, you are a lucky boy. You didn't hurt your ribs..."

As she spoke, Fang Weier poured the bottle of Yunnan Baiyao directly onto him, and the wound was not deep.No stitches are needed, just wrap him in gauze.

After applying thick Yunnan Baiyao, his bleeding basically stopped.

But it was this operation that caused Wang Jie to bite his lip in pain.It is unbearable for you to take wine directly from such a big wound.

After taking care of his injuries, she helped him to sit down against the street lamp, Fang Weier was panting.Looking at Heze, his face became pale, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Take a rest, don't worry. I still have a bottle of red medicine here. If that doesn't work, drink it too."

At this time, Luo Ming had already killed the cheetah and came back.Not surprisingly, the cheetah reported nothing.

"Chief, it seems we should take a break here. Wang Jie needs to wait for a while before he can take action."

Fang Wei told Luo Ming that Luo Ming looked at Wang Jie and nodded.

At this time, Chengda started to put everything on the ground into his backpack.

"Chief, there's no water here. How about we eat a piece of ham? I'm really hungry."

After speaking, Fang Wei picked up a ham sausage from his son, and tried to peel it off and eat it.But before he could start, a long voice suddenly sounded.

"I have water..."

It was Wang Jie leaning under the street lamp.

"What did you say?"

His voice is too low.Luo Ming and Fang Wei'er couldn't hear what Wang Jie was saying, so they asked involuntarily.

"Director, I said I have water."

This time, Wang Jie's voice was as weak as before, but Luo Ming and Fang Wei watched him intently and finally heard what he said.

"You have water! Damn, you have water, why didn't you say it earlier..."

Fang Wei was the first to cry.

"I, I just want to say that you didn't give me a chance."

Wang Jie drank the bottle of red medicine, which seemed to have a certain effect, and his spirit was slowly recovering.This sentence is much more dynamic than before.

Fang Wei'er ignored him at this time, and rushed to him directly, taking off the backpack behind her.

There is no need to ask Heze.Since he has water, he must have put water in his backpack.It is also strange that Luo Ming and his two people were too focused on opening the box just now, and did not notice that Wang Jie was carrying a green luminous hiking backpack.

Fang Wei felt that this backpack was heavy at the beginning, and his heart was full of joy, the door and the location.

"Stab!." 1. Unzip the backpack.

Fang Wei reached out and took out a whole bag of mineral water from his backpack.

"Leaders have water!"

Fang Wei shouted in surprise.I checked the whole 12 bottles of mineral water by hand.500ml per bottle.

"Haha, that's great!"

Luo Ming directly reached out to tear open the package and picked up a bottle of mineral water.Unscrew the cap and pour out.

There is nothing to say at this time.drink it!
Fang Wei woke up immediately when he saw the leader's movement.I also picked up a bottle and drank it down.

A full bottle of 500ml was blown clean by Luo Ming in one breath.After drinking the bottle of water, Luo took a long breath and threw it on the road.

"Fuck, I'm alive again."

There is nothing to say next, since there is water, and there are exactly three self-heating meals, one for each person.

Fang Wei is busy right now.Tear open the self-heating rice and pour mineral water into the bottom box.Put the heating pack in.Then put the rice on the heating bag, cover and dry together, it can be eaten later.

Under the watchful eyes of the three people, white steam quickly rose from the three meals.

A little bored waiting, Cheng Bole turned and asked.

"Wang Jie, where did you get this bag of water? The leader and I killed so many monsters, and even a bottle of water didn't break. How lucky is your son? How many monsters have you killed?"

Wang Jie's spirit was much better than before, and his face was not so pale.He moved on the ground, changed into a comfortable position, and leaned against the street lamp.Only then did he talk to Fang Wei.

"To be honest, I was lucky, I didn't kill many monsters! Before I met you, I only killed one monkey. My ability is fireball. It took me a long time to kill that monkey. A fireball hit Killed it. At most it did a little damage to the monkey. But you don't know, when I got into this killing game, I was in a dark alley."

"I was looking at the street lights in the distance, and when I wanted to come over, the monkey jumped out. Fortunately, my fireball can bring out a little light and I can see the surrounding situation clearly. But that monkey is very stupid. As long as I send a fireball to go Hit it, and it's coming at me. And as soon as I turn around after throwing the fireball, he'll miss it."

"What's even more ridiculous is that the monkey's mouth is still roaring. Let me put it simply. I will go wherever he tells me to go, just hit the fireball. After smashing it, I just need to change places so that the wire will be I was exhausted to death. When I died, I came out with a wooden box. When I opened it, there was nothing but this bag of water. And this green backpack."

After listening to Wang Jie's introduction.Luo Ming and Fang Weier looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, no one had such luck.Two people killed so many people, not even a bottle of water burst out.It is good for Wang Jie to kill only one monkey and reveal a bag of water.

don't say anything.At this time, the self-heating rice is already hot, and the three of them are already hungry, so there is no need to humbly distribute it, one for each.The three of them stood back to back in three directions and stood under the streetlight just like that.Start eating.

Behind him is his reliable teammate,
Before us is the dark night,

Dim streetlights overhead.

A mouthful of red tomatoes, sour, will directly open the thirsty mouths of the three of them.The stomach is like a hungry black hole trying to devour rice and eggs.

After eating it bite by bite, Luo Ming's hands soon shook out afterimages.

Now he knows how sweet eggs and tomatoes are with rice.Although the temperature of the rice was a little too high, I also felt a little hot, but he didn't care at all.Are you joking?He is now a man with all four attributes at 29 points, and he can fully withstand this temperature.

The two people standing next to him were also panting.Although the scalded tongue stuck out, I kept stuffing rice, tomatoes, and eggs into my mouth.

Just then, another cheetah swooped ferociously from the dark shadows.It moves very fast.It's a pity that what greeted it was a fist-sized fireball, which hit it directly on the head.

This fireball was thrown by Wang Jie.After throwing the fireball, the hand came back and continued eating from the mouth.Seamless, as skillful as an antelope hanging its horns.

The fireball smashed the cheetah, rolling on the ground.When it stood up, the entire dog's head was bloody, mangled from the fireball.

The cheetah roared angrily.His limbs kicked on the ground, as if he was about to pounce on him again.

But then a bolt of lightning seemed to cross the distance of space and shot directly from its left eye.The crossbow arrows pierced directly into his head from his eyes, and the tip of the crossbow gleaming with cold light was exposed from the back of his head.

The cheetah seemed to have been pressed the pause button by someone, and suddenly stopped in place.Everything seems to freeze.In less than a second, the cheetah crashed to the ground, and Joe died quietly.

At this time, Fang Wei put down the crossbow in his hand, and continued to pick food from his mouth.There was a canvas strap on this crossbow, just enough for him to straddle his shoulders.

With the cooperation of the two, it was easy to kill a cheetah, but it did not disrupt their eating speed.

And Luo Ming looked at the side, did not make a move, shook his head and sighed.It seems that I am still suitable for close combat.This fire ax is the best choice.

If this crossbow was in his hand, he might be able to hit the target just now.

Luo Ming has a deep understanding of his shooting level.I don't know, God is always fair.Since he opened a window for you, he must have blocked another door for you.

The three ate very quickly.In less than 5 minutes, the self-heating rice melted into their stomachs.

After wiping their mouths, the three of them were reluctant to leave the empty box on the road.Luo Ming stroked his slightly painted and protruding belly.Hiccup a satisfied belch.

"Comfortable, comfortable now..."

"Yes, Chief, this rice is delicious, but the amount is a bit small. It would be great if there is another box."

Fang Weier's food has been hiccupped, but there are still some unsatisfactory places.

"Come on, be content, are you Fang Wei or a fool? Let me tell you, be vigilant from now on."

Lai, at this time, the tentacles of the spirit have arrived, and time has disappeared.If you turn on this skill again, it will take another hour.So for this hour, we had to rely on Fang Wei's invisibility.Come and spy for them.

"It's okay, our goal is to clean up the glorious community, Fang Wei. You open the invisible to explore the front. If we encounter a cheetah and a monkey, we will kill them. After all, they can explode some food and medicine. If you encounter Lots of monsters we can't kill, please come back as soon as possible and let us know. We're going to take a detour."

(End of this chapter)

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