Chapter 8 Threats!

Chapter 8 Threat!
"Is that what I depend on?"

Yang Xu smiled.

He thought I was relying on something different.No wonder there is sand in this castle.

Approach quietly.

two steps
Yang Xu tried his best not to make any obvious noises between himself and Huang Sha.

"Oh shit!"

When up close, I can see the full picture of what I depend on.

So big, probably as big as a vulture.

The carving is too big to be cooked in one pot.

One wing was drooping and bloody.

Obviously, the wing was broken.

With my keen eyesight, I had already discovered Yang Xu.

Stretching out the carved head, Wuming just looked at the little thing standing upright in front of him.

Yang Xu's bolt was aimed at it.

His index finger touched the trigger of the gun.


A line of words appeared in my head.

{It has powerful attack power and a powerful beak that can easily break need a fatal chance

{If you have a small piece of bread, it is very hungry now.That would be easier to deal with! }
Yang Xu saw the prompt and took out a small piece of wheat bread from the base camp...

Still on the ground near me
Maybe it was the smell of the bread that attracted it.


fell from the tree.

Stare at the bread, look left, look right at the steak.

They all raised their heads and glanced at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu's heart suddenly reached his throat.

Regardless of whether there are strangers around, the powerful eagle's beak will lower its head and peck...

In my head, the words condensed again.

{You can now hit its eagle head through the scope.This way you can get through the castle unscathed. }
Yang Xu quickly raised the gun bolt and aimed at the eagle pecking at the bread.

call out!

Great, blankly looking up...

Then fell powerlessly to the ground.

[System reminder: Get my soul +1! 】

[System Reminder: Get Carved Meat +3! 】

[System reminder: Get Jingdiao Blood++ 300ml]

Listening to the prompt of the electronic watch, I frowned.

This time it was meat, not as many as monkeys last time.

{Carving meat: It is more delicious than Flammulina velutipes, and the texture is fresh and tender. }
[Engraved blood: Long-term use can cause engraved vision. 】

In the corner is to see a copper box.

Copper, silver, and ironwood are one level higher than iron boxes.

Yang Xu walked directly to the iron box, but did not open it immediately.

{careful!The box is filled with poisonous gas.Opening it hastily may lead to death.
"Boy, how despicable. There is poisonous gas in the box..."

Yang Xu was glad that he could see the hint.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would open the box directly.

Then Goodby. .

"Damn, what if there is no gas mask!"

Yang Xu looked disappointed.He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to miss the box.

next moment,
Yang Xu held a bottle of mineral water in his hand.

Quickly wet your sleeves and cover your mouth and nose.

Opened the iron box.

The poisonous gas instantly disappears into the air
A line of words was reunited in the iron box.

{Iron Box: It's safe now.There seems to be something magical inside}
[System Reminder: Obtain Soil Core +1]

[System reminder: Get Snickers +1]
[System reminder: get ordinary tent +1]

[System reminder: Get black armor +1]


Yang Xu was happy.

Text prompts kept appearing in front of Yang Xu...

{Ordinary tent: air-raid shelter +1, cold protection +1, it can guarantee you enough sleep! }
{Xiao Yejia: Has magic defense and can absorb magic damage of any attribute.Valid figures are 3/3. }
{Snickers: I’m hungry, eat a Snickers.Fight hunger!Eating a Snickers bar can give you energy and vitality all day long! }

Finally, there is a tent.It is safe to sleep in the base camp at night, but it can't keep out the cold.

As for the iron box, it was directly broken down into iron by Yang Xu.

Snickers bars are good…, sweep hunger and energy all day long,
It seems that this little armor is not bad, and it can also protect against magic damage.

Yang Xu put on the night armor directly, life is the most important thing.

Then began to sweep the ninth castle.

Walk around and buy four more nylons, three stones and five palm leaves.

Make sure there is nothing else, and head off to the next castle.


According to the text prompt, Yang Xu entered the tenth castle without any risk.

There is nothing in the other two castles, but the one in front has some herbs...

[In the castle on the left, there are some herbs whose fruits can be used as desserts.taste good.]
Pull it up by the roots and take it all away!
Astragalus +6.

Orange (tortoise shell) +5.

After a while, I collected 6 astragalus and 5 tortoise shells (oranges), and the black and purple fruits and black stars on them were also picked off.

There are seventy or eighty black and purple peas, which are as big as a little mother's fingernail.

{Black Star: It can be eaten directly, it tastes sweet and minty. }
Next, I started collecting things scattered on the ground.

Stone +2, Nylon +4, Astragalus +8…

After exploring two castles one after another, Yang Xu felt his stomach growling.

Throw a few black stars in your mouth...


The whole mouth is full of mint flavor, sweet.

"Yeah, it tastes really good..."

Yang Xu thought it was delicious, sweet and refreshing.

next second.

A Snickers bar in a bag appeared in Yang Xu's hand.


"Hungry, come to Snickers! Fight hunger and gain unlimited vitality!"

In an instant, Yang Xu felt full of energy!

The lethargy was gone.


Yang Xu looked at the castle from three different directions in turn...

{The castle on the right, there is a huge slime in the passage, and the huge body blocks the entire passage.

It can melt everything but stone and assimilate itself. }
Good boy!
Yang Xu's eyes widened.

He saw the giant slime in the Barbarian Guide.

They can melt any meat or corpse.

Unexpectedly, there is such a thing in the castle passage.

Life is very important, no matter what, you must integrate your hundreds of millions of lives into one.

and so.

Yang Xu looked ahead and left the gate.

{In front of the castle, there is a silver box inside.But there is a magical witch guarding it.
{The castle on the left is full of man-eating vines...they can suck elephants into mummies...}
Yang Xu: "What the hell!"

He doesn't want to be sucked dry
With a pickaxe in his left hand and a crossbow in his right...

Entering the secret room with the silver box.

No.11 castle.

When Yang Xu came in, he walked less than 30 meters and saw the witch mentioned in the reminder.

And the silver box behind the witch.

Withered green skin, pointed mouth and monkey cheeks.The green face is full of pink.

On his head was a tall black hat.The sunken eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

If there weren't two sagging balls of flesh on the chest.

Yang Xu really couldn't tell the difference between a woman and a witch.

The witch condensed a line of words on her head
{Be careful, it will cast a spell on you}
"Young man, fall at my feet!"

witch sparkle
A small finger and a white streamer flew directly towards Yang Xu.

"Oh shit!"

Yang Xu is inevitable
It hit Yang Xu's chest accurately.

Then the stone sank into the sea without splashing a wave.

A vicious scream came from the witch's mouth, her expression unbelievable.

"How is this possible! I shoot very accurately!"

Yang Xu immediately understood that it was his black armor that absorbed the witch's magic damage.

"Shoot and numb you, you scared me to death!"

Yang Xu never wants to see such ugliness, witch.

next second.

With a satisfied smile.

The bolt in his hand was aimed at the screaming witch.

"Today, I will kill you!"

Kaka Kaka!

The arrow went straight through the witch's head.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

The witch's ugly body slowly fell down.


Yang Xu came to the silver box.

{The silver box is not in danger, the contents inside are very precious! }

When you see this word, you know that this is something that countless people in the castle want.

Yang Xu quickly opened the silver box.

[System prompt: Obtain mysterious fragments +1! 】

[System Reminder: Get scrolling +1]
[System prompt: Obtain iron dagger +1]

[System prompt: Take toilet paper*1]

Everything Yang Xu got was condensed into one line.

Among these, the most precious are the mysterious fragments and scrolls.

[Mysterious Fragment: One of the treasure fragments in the castle world, three pieces were collected.Treasures from nearby castles can be pieced together. 】

"What the hell, a second treasure fragment?!"

This mysterious piece is embedded in a deal with Milan.

All it takes is the last fragment, and he'll have a clue to the castle's treasure.

then he opened the scroll
[Scroll: Ordinary medical bandages! 】

{This is one of the rarest things in the castle.When you are injured, it can stop bleeding quickly. }
[System reminder: Do you want to learn ordinary medical bandages? 】

Medical bandages!

Yang Xu was in a hurry.

This is another good thing.


A flash.
Yang Xu quickly opened the production page, and found a medical bandage at the back...


Lack of linen, cotton, wood core.

Yang Xu raised his eyebrows and said silently: "Headquarters."

As soon as he entered the base camp, he received a system prompt.

[Water maker; pure water ++300ml! 】

Yang Xu poured 300ml of pure water into the wooden barrel in the corner.

Next to it, the orange tree.

On the lush branches, there are seven or eight thumb-sized fruits hanging.

"An extra biological soul can make it mature..." Yang Xu muttered to himself.

Then the trading market opened.

Put on a shelf and hang up to order.

[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

【Transaction: 300ml of purified water】

[Purchasing list: 1 wooden core]

[list: 2]
[Remarks: Other cores, biological souls, special things, private chats.Children are not bullied! 】


[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

【Transaction: 200ml of purified water】

【Purchasing list: 4 hemp cotton】

[list: 2]
[Remarks: Other cores, biological souls, special things, private chats.Children are not bullied! 】

This time, Yang Xu's boss easily gave 4 orders.Consumption, 1000ml pure water
Then on World Channel, I shouted again.

"Pure water, discount on bleeding!"

"I'm Giao! Yang Xu, come out and sell it again! 1000 ml of pure water!"

"Yang Xu, my model. 200ml of pure water, can unlock any position..."

"Ah! It hurts so good. Ah! Ah! Ah!"

A big (. people.) sister made strange words.

"Upstairs, what did you do!..."

"I can't pull it out.()!"

"Yang Xu, did you find water in the castle?"

"Sao Nian, my dad Ma, give me 300 ml of pure water. I'll help you get through everything..."

"Oh, that's too bad. There is only one big trousers left, and it has been broken into three hemp cottons... what to do!"


World Channel has set off one wave after another.

And Yang Xu was replying to the private chat.

Milan: Yang Xu, are you there?

"Why, you want to eat soft rice!"

Milan: "(*`*), I want to change the water..."

I have no idea.She searched four or five castles, but did not find a drop of water.

my mouth is bleeding
Coincidentally, Yang Xu sold water again.

Yang Xu: "Give me a photo and let me see..."


Milan gave Yang Xu a photo of being traded.

{This is a mysterious treasure fragment}
Hold!Milan, you must be my lucky lady.

After a while, another treasure was obtained.

This is the last piece of treasure.

Collecting three pieces, he can summon... a mysterious treasure.

He almost saw a huge treasure, beckoning to him...

"Change! 500 ml of purified water... for you to trade."

Milan sent the treasure directly.
[System reminder: The transaction is successful, and you will get treasure fragments +1. 】

Yang Xu thought for a while, and gave Milan half a roll of toilet paper for free...

Goddess cannot live without it.

[Note: Any size is acceptable and can be stacked for use]
Milan received the toilet paper and blushed...

Recently, she did have relatives
In the castle, there are very few things, so... she has nothing to use.


"Shards!" Yang Xu said silently.

Three pieces, but in Yang Xu's hands, formed a sheepskin map...

Opening Yang Xu's parchment treasure, it was a treasure map.

Treasure map, panorama.

Look, there's a red mark in the middle of the parchment.Red markers on parchment that read Treasure…

The parchment treasure map is the closest treasure to Yang Xu.

Detailed planning of the different routes to the treasure land.

"Well, the closest route is three castles away, and the farthest... there are eight."

On the parchment map, the castle where Yang Xu was located was drawn in different directions, and finally reached the destination.

Then, Yang Xu returned to the base camp with the parchment treasure map.

After all, his digital watch kept reminding him.

[System Reminder: 300ml of pure water was successfully traded and got Fire Core*1]


[System Reminder: 200ml of purified water, is the transaction successful? 4 get hemp cotton]
Unfortunately, his wood core was not traded.

World Channel is still very lively.

They didn't have what Yang Xu needed, so they could only flatter wildly.

Even if there are a thousand kinds of flattery, it can be summed up in one sentence: bully (scream~!), pity this poor child
It's a pity that Yang Xu doesn't have time to read these flattering things.

Yang Xu's fax reached 9999+ after setting up screen chat farts and so on.

"Yeah, don't trade early if you have the paper. I'm almost running out of clothes..."

next second.

Milan, the second retreat.

"Yang Xu, I have a scroll. Do you accept jk scrolls? 100ml of purified water..."

"Yang Xu, I have a doll in my hand. Only once, 300 ml of pure water, you take it."

"Baba, I'm Su Qiang, do you remember? I have a picture of the complete works of Jingdong... 200ml of water can be used to polish time...


Yang Xu smiled when he saw Su Qiang's message.

Is Yang Xu that kind of person?
next second.

[System reminder: The transaction of 100ml pure water was successful, and the full picture of the well and gas was obtained*1]

He just couldn't bear to see the child unable to even drink.


After a few minutes
There are two hidden doors and a castle in front of Yang Xu...

One left and one right.

On each gate, there is a condensed line of words.

{Castle on the right: There is a group of Eastern brown snakes, 2 mg of venom can kill an adult lion.}
Yang Xu's pupils shrank.

Boy, two milligrams can kill a lion.
look at the castle on the left
{The castle on the left: a huge Yizhuang.It doesn't have to go quietly.

Don't bother with the zongzi...or you'll end up like a zongzi.

However, there is a silver box on Yizhuang's table. }
Yang Xu looked at the Tongbao route on the parchment, frowning frequently...

"Starting from Castle No. 11, turn right or left..."

When Yang Xu made a choice... Many players on World Channel fell into the same predicament.

world channel.

Zhang: "Brothers, there is a male orangutan. She caught me...

He started stripping me of my clothes.what do I do?Waiting online is impatient!
It pulled out its huge…

ah!Oh. Aha! "

"Brothers, don't be afraid. In ancient times, playing with snakes is better than playing with ghosts. Today, with everyone, Zhang San is engaged in orangutans, which will be immortal..."

"Envy, many are not shallow."

"I'm giao! What do you do to deal with the army of ants. My stick was chewed up and they came running towards me..."


"I broke into a gas chamber and couldn't hold my breath. Goodbye..."

And Yang Xu has already pushed away the castle on the left.

He has to go through Yizhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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