Chapter 71 Play!

Chapter 71 Acting!
The knight is about [-] to [-] tons, and the mutated butterfly is not as big as ten tons.Once he removed his tongue, he didn't pull the knight away.Instead, he cheered up.

"Teng..." Suddenly, the mutated butterfly jumped up along its tongue, and hit the knight with one head.

The sound of "touch" shocked the already battered knight.Countless parts clinked and fell from above.

"I can count on this."

Luo Ming immediately burst into cheers of joy.When your disease is torturing you, Luo Ming's hands are not soft, and the desert eagle in his hand rushes forward with a wave.The mutated butterfly collided with the knight, making him dizzy and his eyes turned white.The whole body turned over directly, with the white belly facing upwards and looking up at the sky. This mutated butterfly was so big that it looked like a turtle on the opposite side.

Lai just happened to have the Desert Eagle pierced directly into his stomach, and then emerged from his forehead.Just like that, the mutated butterfly was still alive, its four short legs fell fiercely, and it was still struggling to turn over.The Roman characters were as bright as lightning. He pulled out the Desert Eagle and poked it in again.After repeating it several times, the mutated butterfly calmed down.Died quietly.

But this is when the mutated butterfly was stung, and it was struggling violently all over its body.A few drops of mucus splashed on Luo Ming.

Fortunately, he was wearing a bio-battle suit.Just like that, Luo Ming felt that he was completely burned by the biochemical battle suit.After seeing the death of the mutated butterfly, he flashed back to the castle space.It fell into the sea with a splash.In the sea, Luo Ming desperately washed his biochemical battle suit.

Only then did he realize that there were several pieces on his chest and arms.The area sprayed by the butterfly venom has changed color.

"Good guy, this poison is really powerful."

Fortunately, I was wearing a biochemical combat suit.Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable.Clear the space where Luo left the castle.

As soon as I returned to the real world, I felt my ears ringing.There was a loud cry of frogs outside.He felt as if he had jumped directly into the nightclub speakers.

He saw nearly a thousand mutated butterflies across the street opened their mouths together.Puffing their cheeks and shouting "quack quack quack" together.

The sound is simply shocking.You can't imagine how loud a speaker the size of an armored car can make.

Luo Ming instantly felt dizzy, deaf and dazzled, and his eyes that had just drooped suddenly turned into more than 600 degrees of myopia, and everything was a double image.Without saying a word, he turned his head and ran, staggering and running directly into the distance.

The soldiers behind the river couldn't stand the continuous frog calls.When they saw Luo Ming coming back, they all turned around and ran back.After a crushing defeat, he ran a few kilometers and returned to the old place.

The soldiers who saw Jiang ran back, and the screams of mutated butterflies in the distance gradually subsided.Luo Ming did not expect that he just killed a mutated butterfly and triggered such a big battle.The system did not tell itself that the mutated butterfly's cry was a sonic attack.

"It's too dangerous. Fortunately, these mutated butterflies didn't catch up."

Li Long said with concern.Luo Ming, who was standing next to him, shook his head gently.

"Yeah, these mutated butterflies didn't catch up, that is to say, our plan to lure pigs out of the hole has basically failed. I want to lead these mutated butterflies to eliminate them bit by bit. This idea can be ruled out, try your firepower attack."

"Why don't these butterflies chase us?" Li Long couldn't figure it out.

"Why? Someone must have used this trick before. Don't underestimate these mutated butterflies. They also have a certain brain. Judging from their firm defense of this bridge, these guys are not simple."

After listening to Luo Ming's words, Li Long could only nod, and then directed the soldiers to regroup.

This time, all the soldiers collected some wood, old furniture and dead wood around.Then came again, the bridgehead occupied by mutant butterflies.

Knowing the safe distance, the soldiers stopped 40 meters away.All these logs and other things were piled up here, and then the powerful Jiangcheng soldiers advanced with their shields.

This time, they also behaved well.When these mutated butterflies show signs of attack, they will immediately turn around and run away.And the mutated butterfly in the back bounced and chased after him without any surprise.

He jumped through the woods with this jump.These woods were piled up in a pile, with a gap in the middle that people could pass through. Jiangcheng's soldiers ran out of these gaps in an instant.

Then came the overwhelming fireball.Every fireball of Jiangcheng warriors with gold ability has a splash effect, and it will soon become the fire here.

Flames blazed and smoke billowed.

It's a pity that those mutated butterflies were not stupid and jumped back without even burning a hair.Initially, Luo Ming and Li Long thought these mutant butterflies were afraid of desiccation.Then burn them in the fire.Most likely they will burn the slime dry!

I didn't expect these mutated butterflies to be so delicate.Looking at the fireball, they bounced straight back.Here's a big piece of wood.It took more than two hours to slowly burn out.Unfortunately, not even a mutated butterfly was burned to death.

The fire attack was a complete failure.

Then I tried using barbed

Failed to dig pits and plant traps.


Li Long and Luo Ming were at the entrance of Jiudao Bridge.It had been a long day, full of shenanigans.It's a pity that no one has succeeded in eradicating these mutated butterflies.

It’s not that I didn’t get any grades.At the end of the day, Luo Ming killed two mutated butterflies.

The second one is still with knights.The situation is almost the same as the first one.Unfortunately, when Luo Ming passed by again, the mutant butterflies had learned their wisdom and they refused to attack him with their tongues.Even when Luo Ming came over, these butterflies were still retreating faintly, forming a vague concave shape, actually trying to ambush Luo Ming.

Although this strategy was rough enough to make people laugh, Luo Ming really didn't dare to go there.If these dozens of tongues are shot at the same time.I'm afraid that he may not be able to handle it if he becomes the supercilious third prince of Nezha.

The last mutated butterfly was killed by Luo Ming with the help of Spirit Thorn and Desert Eagle.

But also amazing.When he killed the mutated butterfly, the mutated butterflies around him all jumped up.The pink tongue in the sky is like a net, covering it all over the ground.Luo Ming directly hid in the castle space, just to escape the tongues that filled the sky.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Luo came back. As soon as he came back, he buried his head and ran away.There are countless pink tongues chasing after me.

What a close call.Fortunately, Luo escaped.

He is like this, not to mention whether he can kill the mutant butterfly, even this is not efficient.It took a whole day to kill three butterflies.If this happens, the nearly thousand mutated butterflies guarding the entrance of Jiudao Bridge will all be killed.It is expected that the first snow will fall next year.

"What should I do?" Li Long had no choice but to ask Luo Ming, who sat on the ground, frowning.Fortunately, these mutated butterflies will not leave the entrance of Jiudao Bridge.They stayed five or six kilometers away from there.It's still safe.

Facing Li Long's question, Luo Ming didn't even have the energy to answer.It had been a long day, but he had never imagined that he had been through so much.I walked through the sea of ​​blood and souls, killed wolves, and defeated the boss of thousands of faces, Milan.Along the way, I was stopped by a group of toads.

have nothing to say.After eating something casually, everyone was in a low mood and found a flat ground to put their sleeping bags on.Go in, open your eyes and look at the stars in the sky.Almost everyone woke up and didn't know how to cross the Jiudao River Bridge.

Li Long didn't know when he fell asleep, but he was awakened by violent shaking.I struggled to open my eyes and saw Luo Ming right in front of me.

"What's wrong with the chief?" Li Long was still in a daze.He felt as if he had just closed his eyes and fell asleep when Luo Ming woke him up.

"Get up, I've already figured out how to get rid of these nasty mutant butterflies." There was a hint of excitement in Luo Ming's words.


Li Long's mind suddenly became clear, and he sat down from the ground with a "teng".

"Tell me what the director can do." Last night, he didn't think about what to do all night, and finally wanted to fall asleep.He didn't expect to come together this morning, and Luo Ming had already found a way.

After listening to Luo Ming's method, he was speechless again.

"Can this work?"

"You can always try, can we go back to Chuhua? I want to cross this Jiudaohe Bridge."

Luo Ming's tone was firm.

"Good leader, I listen to you."

Li Long stood up immediately and forgot to eat.He immediately summoned Jiang's soldiers.

"Captain of the fifteenth team, come here." Li Long's shout sounded over the camp.

Soon, a Jiangcheng soldier escaped. Detachment 15 is a very special one among Jiangcheng soldiers.Because their team has exactly 100 soldiers like other teams.

But their abilities are strange.What special abilities do you have?As long as it is possible to be useful, it has been incorporated into this team by Li Long.

Other Jiang soldiers nearby also started talking, wondering what Chu Guoqing was doing with these fifteen detachments. What surprised them even more was that the director of these fifteen detachments was actually called and gave instructions for a few minutes.

I turned back to my camp.He set off with a full 100 Jiangcheng soldiers in his own team.The direction they left is actually the direction they arrived, that is, they went back.

What follows is a tough wait.As for what Team 15 is going to do back, no one knows except Luo Ming and Li Long.Some directors around Li Long also asked, but Li Long just smiled and said, you will know when the time comes.Well, it looks like I'm holding a smart bead in my hand.

It's been four days.On the afternoon of the fourth day, Team 15 came back in despair.

As soon as the fifteenth team came back, Luo Ming and Li Long got busy. He led all the soldiers in Jiangcheng to dig for some mysterious things.

Even more incredible is that they also put on a full set of protective clothing and gas masks.

Soon, many pink balloons floated out of the camp.These balloons are tied with string.Make the whole camp look festive.

"Okay, everything is ready, King. After so many days of hard work, success or failure depends on this."

Although Luo Ming was eager to try, he was still a little nervous.This thing has not been tested, and who knows if it will work.Obviously, Li Long next to him saw Fang Wei's worry.

"Chief, don't worry. I was a little worried when I heard you talk about this idea at first. However, the more things continue like this, I feel that our chances of success should be very high."

"All right,"

Luo Ming didn't care whether Li Long comforted him or not.In any case, it's hard to get overwhelmed.We can only go according to plan.

At that time, there were many soldiers from Jiangcheng standing behind them.The families of these Jiangcheng warriors are no longer the 15th team, but the second team.This group is all wind energy type.

100 fighters from Jiangcheng's second team formed the fans.It vaguely surrounded the entire entrance of Jiudao River Bridge.Everyone has a dozen pink balloons in their hands.

"Start releasing the balloons..."

Li Long gave the order loudly.Hear these orders.The soldiers in Jiangcheng immediately threw the balloon forward.They stood 40 meters away from the mutated butterflies, and the balloons were thrown in front of them.All on the ground.

"If there was some hydrogen, these balloons wouldn't float." Zhou Tiantian, who was sitting in the back, began to express his opinion.

But before they could finish their words, Jiangcheng's wind soldiers had already begun to use their abilities, but this time they controlled their abilities to the lowest point. A small whirlwind waved by weak hands drove the balloons on the ground to float like mutated butterflies one by one. passed.

These pink balloons on the ground are carried by these small cyclones.Just floating at a height of one or two meters, drifting forward.If you look down from above, it is a very romantic scene.It's a pity that there are only some old men and some toads across the street.

The pink balloon in the middle slowly blows forward towards the mutant butterfly.

"No, boss, why didn't the mutated butterflies attack these balloons? That's our plan." Li Long looked at the balloons that floated into the 30-meter attack range of the mutated butterflies, but the mutated butterflies didn't respond.

"These balloons are not meat, nor are they animals. It is normal for the mutated butterflies not to attack. Don't worry. I have another move."

Luo Ming seems to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Everyone increase the wind power and rush the balloon directly into the group of mutated butterflies. You can blow as far as you can, and it is best to cover the entire mutated butterfly."

Li Long began to shout orders again.Those Jiangcheng soldiers who have been holding on to things and not daring to brag.The wind immediately increased.Jiangcheng's 100 soldiers were used together, and the wind in this area formed a strong wind.The cyclone directly stirred up the dust on the ground, carrying pink balloons with it.Blow directly to the area where the mutated butterfly is crouching.

The entire bridge mouth of the Jiudaohe Bridge was flooded by these pink balloons.

What makes people feel strange is that these mutated butterflies are just squatting there.None of them attacked the balloons.When Li Long was anxious, Luo Ming shouted something.


Following his order, gunfire suddenly rang out behind him.

slap, slap, slap,
Gunshots went off like popping beans.

I saw that the target of the guns on the opposite side was not the mutated butterfly, but the pink balloons floating around the mutated butterfly.These balloons are as big as a human head when inflated.It's pink again, and the goal is clear.

ps, please vote, thank you!mwah!I love you guys!Hee hee hee!

(End of this chapter)

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