Chapter 47 Where is the ambition? !

Chapter 47 Where is the ambition? !
Trembling, trembling.

I don't know if it's real fear or acting.

There is no doubt that this acting skill can kill a large piece of fresh meat in seconds.


Tsk, he quickly responded, and grabbed Yang Xu's trouser legs with his claws.

so cute. (.)!
Only then stood up trembling.

"Human warrior, everything is in the treasure chest over there. Please come with us..."

Yang Xu took a look and said slowly.

"lead the way."

The beast took Yang Xu to a deeper place.

Look back from time to time, the man behind you.

Holding a giant monkey tooth stick, Yang Xu walked behind cautiously.


People walked around the ruins and came to a circle of red marks.stop suddenly.

Turn around and smile at Yang Xu.

Immediately start dancing like goat horns.

Singing in obscure language.

It's like starting some ancient ritual.

"There is no father in Western Ouxi..."


The six orcs had different shapes and were aging rapidly, as if their flesh and blood had been directly drained and withered!
Sitting weakly on the ground.

Breathing heavily.

1 'thorn'!
In front of the orcs, the size continued to expand.

The body is more than three times bigger!

The orc showed its sharp fangs and stared at Yang Xu viciously.

I go!

This scene shocked Yang Xu.

Can it still be transformed?
It really opened his eyes!

If it weren't for those ears, Yang Xu would have mistaken it for a knight.

"Hey! Man, wait to die!"


Yeah, huge anger.

Facing the orc was a ball of flames.

At this time, the orcs were not as afraid as before.

With a smirk, the orc rushed out!

He raised his fist and slammed at Yang Xu.

A loud bang.

The monkey's tooth stick hit the half-orc hard and flew straight out.


The orc let out a scream.

As soon as I got up, I saw a huge stick smashing towards me!

"Ouch!! Woohoo~~"


"Human warrior, stop fighting! I was wrong!"

The orc lay limp on the ground, blindfolded.

He stared wide-eyed, looking at the boss with blood bonus, and screamed after being beaten.

After half a sound.


Yang Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Damn, my back hurts!

But cool.

The orc had returned to its original size, with one leg hanging from the ground.

"We'll give you the treasure chest! Don't fight~"

"Well, that's not enough. It's just, hey!"

[Memo: You got the perfect core bomb scroll +1 from the orc! 】

[Memorandum: You got the core bomb +2 from the orc! 】

[Memorandum: You got Nihu+200 from the orc! 】


[Memorandum: You got obsidian +100 from the orc! 】

[Memo: You've got Earth's core +10 from the orcs! 】

[Memorandum: You got the fire core +25 from the orc! 】

[Memo: You got water core +10 from the orcs! 】


so many things!
Ha ha.

Yang Xu was beaming.

At this moment, he miraculously discovered that these ugly half-orcs are so fresh and refined!

Suddenly, I was moved and a little guilty.

These orcs have given themselves so many things through their own efforts!

I repay evil with virtue.

They are good orcs!
Although the orc was ugly and short, he was so mighty in Yang Xu's body!

So much to be commended.

Yang Xu silently removed the monkey tooth stick from the orc.

Feeling the pressure of the orc, he disappeared instantly.

Ma Liu stood up from the ground.

A bitter grin: "Brave and aggressive warrior! We can leave now..."

Tears were shining in his eyes, and at the same time, he was pleading.

"Don't go, have you..."

cough.Well, if you don't recover, let's go and see how you accidentally broke your leg! "

Yang Xu is lovelorn.

Orc 1: ? ? ?

Orc 2: I'm special!

Orc 4: I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!

Sit up when you're about to die!

Orc: Help me up!I can still do it!

The face of the orc is black.

God fucked himself up.

How to do it?you do not know?

Seeing the scratches where the monkey teeth stuck to the ground, I swallowed.

The orcs quickly forced a smile, which made them even more ferocious.

There was a wry smile on his face: "The warrior... is gone."

"What's missing?"

The orcs patted their pockets quickly.

"nothing left."

"Well! Well, don't you have anything to do? Just go."

Yang Xu waved his hand, feeling a little disappointed.

Orcs, what poor fellows!

That's all I have.

Orcs hear this and let them go, like amnesty!
Holding hands, they disappeared into the castle within a few breaths.

Look at Yang Xu, an expert!
"I'm leaving, I forgot to ask. What happened to the transformation just now?"

"Come on, come on. There's a lot to gain..."

Yang Xu handed over the "gifts" to the orcs and checked them one by one.

【Vitamin Energy Water: An energy potion that can enhance physical fitness.Can be used in any organism without side effects! 】

[Rare Armor: Armor developed by orcs to increase defense! 】


"Are you researching [Primary Home Upgrade Scroll] and [Perfect Core Bomb]?"


Yang Xu just finished speaking.

The two scrolls got into the watch in an instant.

Open the production page.

Got it, [Junior Homeland Upgrade Scroll] and [Perfect Core Bomb! 】


[Explanation: Using the primary household upgrade scroll can make the base camp space larger! 】

Yang Xu exclaimed: "MMP! This material is too much!"

After upgrading the base camp once, he will run out of things.

Then, Yang Xu looked at the situation of the core bomb.

The core bomb surprised him quite a bit.

A core bomb with fire attributes!

[Perfect Core Bomb: Core Bomb.The fire nuclear bomb developed by the orc master, special core equipment!Creates a corresponding core explosion when used!Disposable, limited power! 】


Yang Xu made another nuclear bomb.

[Memorandum: Wooden Core - 4, Obsidian - 8, Nail - 4]
[Memorandum, the fire nuclear bomb was successfully manufactured! 】

next second!
A bomb that was exactly the same as the two finished core bombs appeared in the palm of his hand.

It is a spherical iron knot surrounded by metal, and the metal shell is carved with intricate lines.

[Core Bomb: When it explodes, it will release a lot of flames!It has a certain restraint effect on hairy creatures! 】

{Be careful, the fire released by this thing can not only burn the enemy, but also burn itself! }
"I understand."

Yang Xu has some knowledge about the use of nuclear bombs.

Carefully place the core bomb into the base camp.

This thing is like a device for storing flames.If you encounter a large number of enemies, you can throw them directly.

Burn a chunk!

Biu~! biu~!

biu~! biu~
His watch rang frequently.

Open the communication area page.

Another billion dollar fax!

"what's the situation!"

Yang Xu randomly opened several faxes.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr` I heard that you killed a huge scorpion with a single knife. Is it true? Brother~()!"

"Brother, brother, did you really kill the five-meter-tall knight?"

"I will offer 50 billion US dollars to buy your weapon to kill Jiaohu!"

"Yang Xuyan, Lin Yin is showing his feet. Wait for you to hit the nail on the head (Xue) ()!"

"Yang Xu, I am a professional abalone seller!!"

"Yang Xu, Yang Xu! I want to give you a monkey!"


What the hell is this!

Can a Jiaohu be killed?

And what happened to the abalone seller!
Then, Yang Xu turned on the world channel.

Milan: "Thank you Yang Xu for saving my life! Kill the scorpion angrily, then kill the giant knight! [picture] [picture]"

Milan: "At this moment, Yang Xu descended from the sky! There was a pair of silver wings on his back, like a god! He killed the knight with one knife! (Nympho! Nympho!)"

Liu: "It's true! I was there! Those wings are so cool. I almost thought Yang Xu wasn't human!"

"Really, I was almost bitten to death by a dog! Did two such big beasts die just like that?"

"That's it? I almost got bitten by a mouse!"

"Upstairs, don't poke!"

"You're using Mito Xiuxiu!"

"Get lost! There is a picture and the truth!"

"Ah, Yang Xu is so beautiful!"

"Damn it! Such a big scorpion!"

"Show! Hulk, you can't beat Yang Xu!"

"It's amazing!"

"Hang to the explosion!"

"Mist Grass! Didn't you notice that Yang Xu's weapon has changed again! The horse is two meters long!"

"Yang Xu: Two-meter long sword, come on! I allow you to run 1.9 meters!"

"I'm sour, why do I only have one stick!"

"(д) Sad! I only have a ten centimeter weapon!"

"Jealousy separates me from the wall!"

"Zhao Tian! That's awesome!"

"@杨旭, kneel down and beg for weapons! I promise you everything! From now on, the door of Ju is open for you!"

"Brothers, Yang Xu's bosses are here!!!"

When Yang Xu first opened the world channel, countless people whispered frantically to him.

[Boss Yang Xu!is that true?Did you really kill two beasts? 】

[This beast is hollow? 】

[The two-meter-long broadsword is your new weapon! 】

[Boss Yang Xu, how do you kill these two beasts! ? 】

[It feels like these two creatures can kill me with a fart. 】


[Hehe, you are too easily deceived.It's just that among Xia's clansmen, only Michelle from the United States has the strength to kill such a beast! 】

【Yes!Xia is mean!While the beasts are not prepared, I must use despicable means to kill these two beasts! 】

[Lucky, Jie Luo of the White Bear Kingdom, I heard that he got an epic weapon! 】

[Yang Xu or something is just a clown! 】


Milan watched Black Yang Xu's words on World Channel, and he was very angry!
Michelle, Gerald, have all come into their own lately.

Although there are always people on the World Channel saying that they are awesome,
She prefers Yang Xu!

Yang Xu slashed the knight, giant knight!
And saved her!
Milan is going to fight back.


Note a familiar name!

"I killed the two creatures."

Yang Xu didn't hide anything and answered directly.

Epic Weapons!

He secretly wrote down the names of Michel and Gerardo.

After hearing Yang Xu's exact answer, the world channel instantly boiled over!

[Beautiful!As expected of our Yang's boss Xu! 】

[Haha, upstairs!Let your Michelle and Gerardo kill such beasts too! 】

【Yep!Oh shit!After eating Yang Xu's food, he still hates Yang Xu's boss!Climb up for me! ! 】

[Yang Xu August 8th, I am Su Qiang Ow!I will always be by your side!Poor thing, give me something to eat! 】

【Oh shit!Yours, steel plate!This is beneath our dignity! 】

[Fucking dignity, dignity can enrich me!Whoever makes me eat is my father! 】

World Channel is in chaos.

[Boss Yang Xu, your wings are also weapons! ! 】

【Yes, I heard that you look like a hammer that fell from the sky! 】

Yang Xu: "It's a weapon."

After learning that wings are also weapons, the world channel is boiling again!

[Good guy, I really envy my separation from the wall.I want to fly too! 】

[Ha tui!It's not fair.It is also a nine-year compulsory military education.Why stand out? 】

[Hey, when can I be like Boss Yang Xu?I have been here for three days! 】

As soon as I got to Newcastle, I saw bones all over the place.Scared the baby! 】

Kudos to me, I just killed a hyena with a knife! 】

[Boss Yang Xu, I don’t know Taishan with my eyes.Do you sell the weapons to kill these two beasts? 】


The people in the World Channel seem to have been hit!
It dawned on me.

Yes, why is Yang Xu awesome?
No two-meter weapons?
If he doesn't have a weapon, isn't he a scumbag?
If I had this weapon.I, I can do it!

Yang Xu, I'm hot in Gudao.Can I exchange this weapon? (Ask the weak one)]
【Crack!I am on a dark path.Nothing else, just wanted to ask.Brother, are you going or not? 】

[The initial stage is extremely narrow, and there are dozens of steps in the revival.Suddenly
Milan couldn't stand it anymore.

These people are really licking dogs!
【Ha ha!You really think you have a weapon.Just like Yang Xu's boss!Innocent!

Let me tell you, brother Yang Xu has a pet again!Can control the sun and the moon, release lightning! 】

【Hmm, I was there!You can testify that there are absolutely no false statements! 】

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The speeches of Milan and Xiao Liu made the World Channel quiet for a moment!

next second!
The world channel is completely blown up!
【What!The fierce beasts in the castle can also be pets? 】

[Tian Lulu, I'm still struggling to fight alone!Yang Xu, I can't believe we have pets. 】

【How to raise a pet!Wait online, hurry up!Hehe, it can be used as a food reserve! 】

[It’s Pikachu.Ouch! (.)!]

[Ancient dragon, the ultimate evolution!Tiger Beast! ! 】

[Upstairs, you went to the wrong set! 】


At this moment, Yang Xu has closed the world channel.

Because it's already noon.

He feels a little hungry.

To his delight, his rice was done!
[Memorandum: Ordinary rice is cooked! 】

Yang Xu walked into the base camp.

I was attracted by the bursts of rice fragrance.

The rice grows strong, like a tomato tree.

One fruit was as big as a fist, and the shell had cracked.

The white rice inside is exposed!

The fly in the ointment is that a rice plant can only bear one fruit.

Yang Xu picked a rice cracker, broke it open, and sprinkled a small pile of rice.

The particles are crystal clear and exude a rice fragrance.

It's even more gratifying than the meal in my previous life!

All natural and pollution-free.

A fruit actually bears half a catty!

Yang Xu is in good spirits!

Quickly take out the bucket, pick out the remaining plump fruits, and knock out the rice inside.

The rice alone is less than half a barrel.

He has enough to eat for a long time.


After half an hour.

Basmati rice emits white smoke, but it is not fragrant.

The texture is clear.

Yang Xu tasted it and it melted in his mouth!It smells so good!
Hurry up and give Tut a bowl.

Turn your head sideways and you will see tut tut, looking at the steaming rice.

His eyes were full of questions, and it was obvious he didn't know what it was.

Curious, he stretched out his claws, grabbed a few and stuffed them into his mouth.

For a moment, my eyes were full of little stars.


"Huh? (Wow! Delicious!"

In my haste, I burned my tongue.

Hurry up and fan the wind with your little paws to relieve the pain of your tongue.

Let Yang Xu laugh a lot.

Stretching out his hand to touch Tsk Tut's head, he said with a smile: "Eat slowly, no one will grab you! The big tube is full!"

With a snort, he glanced at Yang Xu.

What about you?

Turn around and pick up the wooden bowl to enjoy by yourself.

Yang Xu:? ? ?

Holy shit, the clown is me!
Should I give it to him directly?Blackening!
this way
Yang Xu ate delicious rice and turned on the world channel again.

Many people are digesting Milan's words.

Thinking about how to collect beasts!

On the other hand, other people started exchanging food with each other.

[Deal the cards, deal the cards!Half-expired potato chips, change bread, fruit, big bananas!Jay endorses, my Kobe!Come on, ouch! ! 】

[Three obsidians, just one piece of meat!One piece of meat, and you suffer.Ow!Children are not easy to bully!Reasonable price! 】

[Half a bottle of homemade black tea, delicious! 】

[100 nit tiger, exchange for food! !There are no shops after passing this village! 】

Two oranges, anyone want? 】

[Hey, I have meat! [Image] [image! ] I just don't change, just play! 】


Yang Xu swallowed a mouthful of rice and frowned.

Suddenly, rice in my mouth.
too delicious!

[Two taels of white rice, in exchange for your 100-ni tiger!don't change]


Zhao Tian!

Captain Superman, Yang Xu is online again!

Deathly quiet!

The World Channel, which was noisy just now, fell silent in an instant.

Countless fleeting words, there are mistakes!
The words of World Channel still remain in Yang Xugang’s message.

"Hey! Is it swollen? Is it stuck?"

Yang Xu gulped down a mouthful of rice.

[Ahem, if you don't like rice.I also have fried meat.No, glazed green onions are fine too! 】

It was deathly quiet again!

[I rely on it!Yang Xu said, are you human?There is rice! 】

soon!I don’t know who sent the message, breaking the silence.

Yang Xu: [Fan, isn’t that just a hand? 】

[Fuck!Yang Xu was excited again, but we were still worrying about food.He has already eaten!Anyway, I went to Yang Xu for a meal. 】

【Rice, fried meat, colorful onions, pets!I feel more and more that Yang Xu and we are not from the same world!Say, did you make this castle? 】

【Yang Xu, I will exchange a hundred iron plates for a bowl of rice! 】

[I’ll give you 20 cores.Hurry up and bring your rice! 】

[I am Huateng, a bowl of rice.Give you 100 billion! 】

[@花vine, when will you pay for the half banana you spent 5 million on? 】

【Ha ha!I'm Huateng, who can owe you money?joke! o_o! 】,
[@杨旭, I am an iron-blooded man!See how much it is worth? 】


Yang can't take care of people from World Channel.

He is in a hurry to trade!

[Memorandum: 200g of rice traded successfully!You get 100 nit tigers! 】

[Memorandum: 300g of rice traded successfully!You have 100 nails! 】


[Memorandum: 100 grams of rice and 100 grams of colorful green onions were successfully traded!You have 50 cores! 】

Yang Xu put another spoonful of rice into his mouth.

I'm so happy!
This wave of harvest, he explored for several days.

Moreover, even if you are using the main house upgrade scroll, you must upgrade the base camp.He also has a lot of stuff!

"Why hasn't anyone come to trade yet? This kind of sparkling stone is so rare!"

Yang Xu opened the trading market again.


Gunpowder Stone is an important material for making the rare weapon Fire Knife.

Now he has only two burning stones.

So creating a shiny stone is essential.

Once the fire knife is created, his combat power will increase exponentially!
In order to face Superman more confidently!


A message loosened his furrowed brow.

God, it's red!

Milan: "I have a shining stone! I don't need a boar's broadsword, I'm going to choose something myself!"

Yang Xu agreed without even thinking about it!

This Milan is really his lucky star!
In the end, 500 sheets of plain paper, 300g of rice (raw) and 10g of potion were successfully traded!

[Memo: You have obtained 4 burning stones! 】

Yang Xu played with the fiery red stone in his hand, looking happy.

that's all.I feel twice as cool!
Very spicy.

Then, Yang Xu used 10 ingots of silver to make 30 ingots of silver foil in the furnace.

Then, in the crafting list, I found 【Rare Fire Knife】.


Choose the burning knife.


[Memorandum: Fire Core-40, Iron Block-40, Silver Foil-30, Gunpowder Stone-6, Bronze-5, Nail-10, Obsidian-7]

[Memorandum: The rare flame knife was successfully created! 】

next moment!
Yang Xu held a long crimson red knife in his hand!

The length of this knife is about 1.5 meters.

The knife is about three fingers wide.

The whole body is slightly red!

The upper surface of the blade is covered with flame-like stripes from top to bottom.

Yang Xu held the fire knife and felt a warm current flowing from his palm to his whole body.

When Yang Xu stared at the fire knife intently!
The hint jumped out!

[Rare flame knife: This is a rare weapon!Driven by six flaming stones!There are lots of flames in the burning knife!Every attack can be released with flames! 】

Yang Xu shook it vigorously.

The red sword burst out with flames in an instant!The flame is attached to the blade!

Yang Xu held it in his hand, but he didn't feel the burning.

"Fuck! ヽ()!!!!"

Yang Xu was so shocked that he couldn't close his jaw.

This is great.

There were waves of excitement one after another.

Every time you swing it, the fiery red blade is surrounded by flames!
Yang Xu looked at the fire knife and felt the impact it brought!


Yeah, cocked his zig-zag tail and looked unhappy.

I finally have the ability to fire.


The master turned around and took a big knife that could release flames.

Yes, staring at the fire knife in Yang Xu's hand.

Seriously, this knife is awesome!
Be sure to express yourself!Don't let a broken knife affect your position!
Based on the determination that today will not be ruthless, and tomorrow's position will be unstable!

Yes, I ate another bowl of rice until my little stomach couldn't hold it anymore!
Yang Xu couldn't put it down, he wiped the fiery red knife and admired it for a long time.

It was barely accepted into the base camp.


Take out the main page upgrade scroll!
[Memo, confirm the upgrade of the base camp! 】

"Okay." Yang Xu said silently in his heart.

The primary home upgrade scroll instantly turned into Huaguang and got into the wristwatch.

[Memorandum: Mud Tiger-200, Stone-100, Round Stone-200, Water Core-20, Fire Core-30, Earth Core-20, Wood Core-30, Water Core-30? ! 】

[Memorandum: Base Camp Upgrade Complete]!
Yang Xu hurried into the base camp.

But I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

His base camp has changed a lot.

At present, the place where this stronghold is located is still a "Nuo" character.

It is a new base camp with three times the space before the upgrade.

The crowded and narrow base camp became very spacious.

"Wow, that's great!"

Yes, I was stunned by this scene.

It can only respond to its curiosity with a look of astonishment in its eyes.

It's so strange how the day goes by.

First, the owner got a big knife that could spray, and then the base camp became twice as big as usual.

After half a sound.

Yang came to his senses and chose to leave the base camp.

Take a deep breath and say, "Go! Go to the next castle!"


after an hour.

Yang Xu took Jenart to the next gate of the same castle.

(End of this chapter)

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