Chapter 36 Together? !

Chapter 36 Together, right? !


Yang Xu opened his mouth and smiled.

Nothing else!

Just a simple mug.

Next, get some sleep.

Turn off the Yang Xu World Channel, and sleep on the double bed.


Early the next morning, Yang Xu was woken up by the beeping sound of his watch.

Let's not put people to sleep!

Yang Xu's eyes were red and he was completely crazy.

It wakes up.

When a gentle dream is suddenly interrupted, everyone will be a little irritable.

Then, I turned on the world channel.

He wanted to see what was going on.

Shiwatiao: "Brothers, is there a master of wilderness survival? Help me find out which weeds are non-toxic!" [picture], [picture]"

"Eat the second one!"

"Master, try the first one. The prettier the better! The reason is the same as girls!

I've had big red before!It tastes like bread. "

"I also agree to take the first one."


"Ahem, I am Fang Wei. I have rich experience in the jungle.

The first picture is in color. It is the secretion of weeds and contains various toxins. It can be seen from a distance, but it cannot be used for fun! "

"The last one is gray and inconspicuous. It doesn't sell well, but it's not dangerous!"

"I'm Zhao Tian, ​​and I have more experience in "Into the Wild". I agree with Fang Wei!"

"Thank you Master Wilderness, then I will eat the second one!"

Schwartz's heart was touched!
Who says people in castles are cold?The people on the top are all warm-hearted!
At last.

Also, the two masters were given a common weed for free.

Yang Xu clicked on the first picture of Schwartz Tower.

A line of text appears above.

{Cake Weed: This weed is brightly colored but does not contain any toxins.With a taste of cake, it's best served for breakfast. }
What a strange place this castle is.

Weeds can also taste cake.

Then Yang Xu clicked on the second one.

Don't slip away in the fall.

m type.

At first glance, it's really featureless.

{The loud weed, the mushroom, as the name suggests.Most of them are gray in color and contain crotonotoxin, which is not fatal!

After eating, one day people will release a certain amount of gas!The sphincter mimics the sound of firecrackers. }
Yang Xu was stunned. The plants in the castle really knew how to play.

Seeing the description of loud weeds, Yang Xu's awakening spirit disappeared.

“@Swartz Bunker! I suggest you eat the first one, which is cake grass.

The second is the sound of weeds that will make your sphincter sound like firecrackers! "

I rely on.

Jiang Ming, the best weapon wholesaler in Hong Kong, is here!

For all the people discussing what kind of weed to eat,

I suddenly came across a familiar name.

Someone asked, what is a sphincter?
Will the firecrackers go off together?
"Snow! The sphincter is the butt. Not only will the firecrackers go off, but they will go off!"

"As everyone knows, Shen Ming is amazing."

Someone suddenly realized.

"Poof! The loud weeds turned out to be farts!"

"My God, there is such a thing!"

"Yang Xu: Don't ask me how I know! (The dog head saved his life)"

"Also, the shape of the weed in picture [-] is m, isn't this a human's butt?"

"I rub it. Really, it's so similar!"

"Laughing dead! Eat a big weed."

!Have sympathy for a second! "

@剑屋, uncomfortable for a second"

"Distressed for a second!"

@剑屋@赵天@方荣, Xiu, is that you?

"No, no! If you want to die laughing in the morning, I will!"

"This thing can only be eaten at noon, because sooner or later something will happen! ()!"

in the castle.

Just envious of those survivors who get to eat Schwartz Tower weed.

At this moment.

They all laughed when they heard the pig's cry.

yes mom!
What a ridiculous series!
Zhao Tian's Fang Wei is really a dog-headed military strategist.

Analysis is as fierce as a tiger.

At first glance it looks like fart!
Stone Nest Carving: "!"

Fang Wei: "!!"

Zhao Tian: "!!!"

The stone nest eagle stared at the third plant grass that he had just bitten.

For a moment, hello green!

what the hell?

Common weeds are fart-inducing fruits! ?
Fang Wei was also puzzled by Zhao Tian who had just eaten wild grass.


That's today!
Who are they?

Professional jungle wilderness survival master!

Can you tell what you can eat and what you can't?
"Ha, what a joke. Ouwei! Vice President of the Blue Star Jungle Survival Association!"

"I am Zhao Tian, ​​the president of Wilderness Survival for 20 years! I can't tell..."


"Dong Dong Dong~"

Shiwo Diao, Fang Wei, and Zhao Tian writhed uncomfortably at the same time.

Stomach starts to bark.

It was tolerable at first, but the more you hold it, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Sphincter, creaking.

Lift your ass up.

boom! ! !
boom! !

boom! ! ! !

A loud and smelly chain fart rang out.

It's like setting off firecrackers.

My pants are all open.

Sniff gently.

I am special!

I almost fainted.

Then there was a pungent sensation down my ass.

of course can.

No one else knows about all this.

All the people in the castle waiting for the theater are waiting for the follow-up of Schwartz Tower, Fang Wei and Zhao Tian.

I wanted to see if it was really Yang Xu who said it.

after all.

Happiness is built on the suffering of others.

As for the ass of the three of them, can it withstand major loud weeds?
Yang Xu didn't pay much attention and was about to close the video channel.

Someone told him.

Fang Wei: "@杨旭, Shen Ming Tomahawk, awesome! Spike!"

[Image] [image]].File extension for encoded images stored using the jpeg file interchange format
Yang Xu opened Fang Wei's photo, and he was also a little curious.

I saw two burning dogs lying on the ground.

Open fire!
There was a huge wound on the body.

"Waterma! I shoot left and right, with ax and ax!"

Fang Wei said excitedly on World Channel.

I rely on.

How many days are these two dogs going to eat!
Everyone in the castle is turning sour!
Ah, is Minggou's weapon really that powerful?
biu~! biu~!

Liu Yiyi: "@杨旭(*)! I also killed a castle creature!"

[image] jpg
Click on Liu Yiyi’s picture.

I saw a 60 cm long bronze ax cut from a half-silver monkey.


Everyone was shocked!

This weapon is awesome!
Fang Wei is a tall and strong man.

It's not hard to kill two dogs.

However, a weak girl can kill a monkey monkey!
Shen Ming Tomahawk, extraordinary!horrible!
We want it too!
With a tomahawk, why worry about running out of meat? !
and so!
Hundreds of millions of people begged Liu Zhang and Yang Xu to sell copper axes.

Yang Xu frowned, this Fang Wei is pretty good, on par with Liu Yiyi.

The advertisements they put up will only make his "Shen Ming brand" tomahawk, and his reputation will fly again.


Yang Xu's speech made everyone in the castle look forward to it.

Then, Yang Xu opened the production page.

Charlotte stared at the channel, everyone eager for the word of arms.

Bright Eyes!
Looks very excited.

He knew that the opportunity to make a fortune had come!

Charlotte: "[image][image]]jpg"

"Hey guys! Ranged deadly weapon, regular crossbow bolts! Only 50 nits for a tiger or 30 irons and 30 nails!"

"Ordinary bolts, you deserve it!"

"Only three, first come first served!"


"Too dark? Ordinary weapons are so expensive?"

"Yes, this profiteer?"

"How much do you think God wants? 10 nit tigers!"

"Come on, come on. Let's wait for tomorrow's dog God."

Everyone was blown away.

Charlotte:? ? ?

{Memorandum, Yang Xufang [Ordinary Bronze Axe] +1! }
{Memorandum, Yang Xufang [Ordinary Bronze Axe] +1! }
{Memorandum, Yang Xufang [Ordinary Bronze Axe] +1! }
A series of prompts made the world channel explode.

"Whoa! I got it. Just a 10 nit tiger."

"Hahaha, I got it too! 5 iron blocks!"

"I'm a big grass, I've been single for 30 years, but I can't get it!"

"Mingshen Tomahawk really deserves its reputation. Get up and play with Tiger Tiger!"

"When I feel like the ax is falling, I can chop up a big bug with my white eyes!"

"Ah, too few. There are only thirty handles! Mingshen, this is for sale. QAQ~"


In a second, sold out!
The weapon that Yang Xu had just put on the shelves was traded directly.

Grab the smile and run to tell the other person.

Those who couldn't catch them beat their chests and stamped their feet, hating themselves for not being single.

Anyway, women only affect how quickly I can grab things.

Charlotte stared enviously, "The Grand Occasion" on the World Channel.


All the excitement is yours!

Charlotte: "Brother Meng, there are only three crossbows left!"

"It turns out there are three?"

"Too expensive! Cheap!"

"I say a number, 10 nit tiger!"

"Can you be more generous! Seeing how stingy you are? Can you learn theology from Ming Chao!"

Charlotte looked sluggish. "I'm special!"

at last.

Charlotte reduced fifty to fifteen with tears in her eyes.

As soon as he drops the price, the system prompts him to complete the transaction.

Charlotte's nose is crooked!

Horses, they are all waiting for me here!

When he saw hundreds of millions of people calling him to sell weapons on World Channel.

Who wouldn't want to have a ranged weapon?
He rushed over with more than 1 grass horses in his heart.

Yao, it's all Yang Xu's fault!

disturb the market!Make more money.Doesn't it smell good?
Although I say this, I am very happy in my heart!

A crossbow made him half the money.

Or did you create five crossbows with your tears?
I have no idea.This is called strange goods to live in!This is called hunger marketing!

Yang Xu has closed the World Channel.He was busy repairing his base camp.

He didn't know someone was taking his business.

The reason why he sells weapons at a low price is because the weapons are so poor that ordinary weapons are not worth much at all.

Like a lamb, it's better to fatten it up.

Kill again and eat meat.


Production page!

[Ordinary house production drawing: mud lake 515/100, stone 110/70]


put up!
[Memorandum, mud lake -100, stone -70! 】

next second.

base camp.

The position of the two wooden beds,
Suddenly, a wooden cabin appeared, covered with a double bed.

It turned out that there was only a base camp of more than 20 square meters.

At the moment, space seems small.

However, Yang Xu was already very satisfied.

The production map of the house traded with Milan also came in handy!

10 minute later.

Yang Xu brought the men to No.20 Nine Castles.

However, there is only one paragraph here.

Likewise, this is also the castle he must pass through!

In front of the city gate, Yang Xu looked at the castle.

{There is a silver treasure chest in the sandcastle ahead.But there is a sandblade patrolling its territory.Don't mess with Sandblade King!Its big knife could cut you in two! }
"Sandblade monster."

Yang Xu’s inner movement.

Watch, a picture pops up, and information about the Sandblade.

Yang Xu looked at the blade monster in the picture.

The appearance is ugly.

About 1.5 meters high,

There are some metallic spots on the back and tan scales on the body.

His eyes flickered, with purple ice flakes and scarlet lights.

(End of this chapter)

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