Chapter 33 I Am It!

Chapter 33 I Am It!
In an instant, the entire treasure chest was surrounded.

too hot.

The monkey couldn't wait to slap him in the face.

Start banging against the treasure chest, trying to get away!
At the same time, their natural fear of fire makes them scream!

Bath. ! !

"Mom, it's so hot!"

"Ah! My wings are flying!"


"My ass is so hot!"

Bang, bang, bang!

There is a faint smell of barbecue in the faint, jumping high flames.

quite a while.

A monkey lies on the ground making no sound.

"Small tricks! Dare to make an axe!"

Yang Xu mocked.

[Memorandum, get the crafting scroll +1! 】

[Memorandum: Water core +2! 】

[Remarks: Cactus +6! 】


Wooden chests contain fewer items than other chests.

For Yang Xu, the most important thing is the dark scroll.

As soon as the dark scroll was opened, it was covered with dark blue lines.

Like that alchemy weapon, the flying wings.

The words floated in front of Yang Xu's eyes.

{Sure enough, except for handsome people, luck is always good!This is the alchemy map developed by the goblins! }
Alchemy drawings? !

Yang Xu was ecstatic.

Wings are an alchemy weapon.

But the golden monkey was obtained from the dwarf's palace.

Dwarf, goblin?
It doesn't matter.They are all dwarfs.

[Memorandum, are you researching production scrolls? 】


The voice just fell.

The alchemy map, like a black awn, drilled into Yang Xu's left wrist watch.

[Alchemy***: A tactical auxiliary tool developed by fairies.

Continue to cause visual damage to the enemy!Play a tactical role in offense and defense!
The duration is 30s. 】


"***, it's a good thing!"

Yang Xu couldn't let it go.

What if the enemy is too strong!
*** Throw it away to disrupt your vision.

Run away by yourself!

Indeed.This is a must-have weapon for a Jedi king.

Yang Xu already thought that *** would bring unexpected surprises to the creatures in the castle.

Alchemy requires only black and brimstone.

Just because Yang Xu doesn't have one, doesn't mean the tool man doesn't!
Time to use your tools, folks!
Without saying anything else, turn on the World Channel.

It's dead.

I think I'm sleeping so I don't feel hungry.

Yang Xu: Workers, are you working? !
Yang Xuyi spoke.

Like a boulder falling into a small lake!

On [World Channel], there was a big wave.

In the eyes of the remaining billions, that is,
I!Yang Xu!Throw money!
"Yang Xu, have you eaten yet?"

"Yang Xu, how's your harvest today?"

"Yang Xu, do you want a wife? As long as you open your mouth, you will have another wife."


A survivor is filled with stars and all kinds of kind regards.

"People in the castle eat tree roots!"

"Yang Xu, I finally fell asleep. You have to pay for me waking up!"

"Shh, don't talk. Wait for Daxie's instructions!"


[World Channel] Quiet, everything is waiting for Yang Xu's follow-up.

Just grandstanding.

Many survivors are jealous of Yang Xu and cannot do without him.

After all, what a bitch!

Li Xiu looked solemnly, staring at Yang Xu's head.

As expected of Yang Xu!
He's going to catch up to Luffy!
Really exciting!

Li Xiu thought secretly.

Yang Xu didn't expect his influence to be so great.

People give tools face!

Yang Xu: "Ahem, the boss has a black ass, brimstone!"



Didn't see a reply for a few minutes.


Lost the internet?

Yang Xu looked confused, shouldn't he?

"Yang Xu, if you don't make an offer, how will I know if we have one?"

"Yes! What are Yang Xu planning to change? Weapons! ^ω^!"

"Yes! That's right. Report it to Yang Xu."

I rely on.

This is literally killing me!

next second.

Yang Xu opened the trading market.
Many survivors of World Channel have opened up the trading market.

Eagerly waiting for Yang Xu to put things on the shelves.

Shen Ming shot, it doesn't matter!

There's nothing wrong with the old man!
Open Yang Xu's [Trading Market].

"Oh shit!"

Yang Xu's big-mouthed boss can hold a large piece of ham.


[Trading Market] What is the ghost that is trading?
Guess the castle! "

On How to Avoid Going Hungry for Nine Meals in Three Days! "

Three Thousand Questions About Castle Survival
Kassel: How to quickly solve men’s shopping list problems by hand! "

How to live a long life with rare things! "

castle search chatter

The [Trading Market] is also filled with survival experiences written by some experienced bosses.

These all require something to exchange for browsing.

[Memo, Nihu -3! 】

[Memorandum, you can view "Shock! Man..."]

next second.

Yang Xu's irritable voice sounded.

"Unscrupulous profiteers deceive consumers!"

"Cheating Lao Tzu's feelings, it's a party!"

"I'm an expert!"


"Hey, here are three more Nepalese tigers!"

Li Sansi opened his mouth full of big yellow teeth, and let out a wry smile.

With this title, he gets Mud Lake +100, Iron +5, Stone +6.

He used to be the head of the shock department at the University of California, but these things are handy.

Li Sansi looked at the big black and yellow cat in the corner, and already remembered the next eye-catching title.

A young woman accidentally...while her husband is away.


Yang Xu, who blurted out swear words, calmed down.

Blame yourself.

[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

[Transaction: 500 grams of blood ape meat]

[Purchasing list: 2 sulfur, 1 black **, 1 core, 1 reel]

[list: 8]
[Note: Freshly baked blood ape meat has an average taste and has no side effects!When you're full, come on! 】

Yang Xu [Base Camp] lost four units of Blood Ape Flesh.


Meat is very popular in the market.

Moreover, the quality of the meat Yang Xu sells is quite high.

After all, he could sell meat unscrupulously like Yang Xu.

That is killing one or more living things.

Unlike other survivors, they sell some, such as squirrel meat, snail meat...

This has some side effects, like rat meat with the side effect of diarrhea.

When snails eat meat, a layer of mucus appears on it.

However, it only needs to be washed once.

However, in a castle where money is scarce.

Nobody wastes water here.

this is not.

Yang Xu's blood ape meat has been on the shelves for less than three seconds.They are sold out.

"I'm Tefalk and I haven't grabbed a single handspeed in 50 years.!"

"Dogby! You don't explore the castle!"

"Ah! I missed it again!"

"Shen Ming, wait for the next wave."


[Memorandum, 500g of blood ape meat has been successfully traded!Get Firecore 1! 】

[Memorandum, 500g of blood ape meat has been successfully traded!get sulfur+4]
[Memorandum, 500g of blood ape meat has been successfully traded!Turn black**+4]
A total of fire core +1, sulfur +4, black ** +4, and soil core +1 were obtained!

[Alchemy***] All the crafting materials have been collected.

Yang Xu quickly opened the production page.

Found the Alchemy ***! 】


make sure.

[Memorandum: Iron Block-8, Black**-2, Sulfur-4, Water Core-1, Fire Core-1]

[Description: Auxiliary props developed by the alchemist *** Goblin.

Not only does it have a relatively large range after the explosion, but it can also cause a large smoke effect, which lasts for 30 seconds, and can also block the enemy's sight.

In battle, you can get a higher fighting environment and escape chance! 】

The hammer of the building struck the table with a loud bang.

[Memorandum, Alchemy *** successfully produced! 】

As soon as the system notification sounded, Yang Xu's [Base Camp] had two more *** people.

"Alchemy trick!" Yang Xu thought deeply.


A blue cylinder appeared in Yang Xu's palm.

Yang Xu's eyes lit up.

This thing is no different from an elite *** in reality, with circles.

Take the ring off and throw it at the target.

Alchemy guns emit smoke that interferes with vision.

With the right hand, the alchemy formula disappears into the palm.

Yang Xu used Tutankhamun to search for a while, and got Nihu +15, Iron+3, wife +5...

This is the way to the 27th castle.


{Castle ahead: very lively.There are three people arguing about can go there.Maybe, they will deal with you first. }

You go dreaming.I am not an indiscriminate murderer myself.

The main reason was that he was afraid that there might be some big killer among these three people, so he rushed over to kill him.

It's not worth risking your life for.

It's better to be steady.

Yang Xu focused on the other two city gates.

{Left Castle: Good guy!A skyweb spider had just digested the intruder, scattering the contents all over the floor.

It has what you it an adventure, an adventure, or an adventure? ! }
what do you need?
Yang Xu suddenly became interested.

A poisonous spider drove his thoughts away.

As long as one word is poisonous, he knows that Skyweb Spider is an old lady.

Forget it, life matters.

First check to see if there is any danger behind the last door.

Yang Xu stopped and looked at the words that appeared on the last door.

He was silent.

Fenghuo Monkey!
Open the castle collection.

【Flame Monkey】

Quality: Bronze

Attribute: fire protection system
Weaknesses: water system/electric system.

Strength: F-class eight-star!
Status: Excited!

Skill: Fire Bomb!

[Description] Burning fire monkey, a social animal.Can move at high speed and is good at fire!Can spray giant incendiary bombs to attack targets. 】

Yang Xu's face darkened, the strength of the wind and fire monkey was unexpected.

He didn't want to face a group of fast-moving monkeys who also breathed fire.

Yang Xu, look down.

Quality: Bronze

Attribute: Poison system!

Weaknesses: firefighting, firefighting system.

Strength: F-level nine planets.

Status: Injured.

Skills: tight siege, spider silk spray!
[Description: Knight, a mutant subspecies of spider.The spider silk has a paralyzing effect, leading the enemy into a pre-woven web, waiting for the enemy to lose mobility. 】

Hey, I'm hurt!

That's easy.

Yang Xu twisted his mouth.

Pushing open the door, one person and one beast disappeared into the same place.

No.20 seven castles!
Yang Xu shouted: "Oh my God! Damn it, it's Lao Yinbi!"

He was shocked by the knight's lair!

The next second, the figures of Yang Xu and Tutankhamun flashed past.

Immediately appear in the knight's lair.

The surrounding area was completely white, and spider webs could be seen everywhere, arranged together.

When the wind blows, it hums.

Yang Xu knew that if you looked down on these spider webs, you would definitely suffer a lot.

Many white long sacs hang from the top of the nest.

Yes, Yang Xu.

That's not an ornament.

Inside is the food reserve of the Skyweb spider.

A Daredevil who accidentally stepped into knight territory.


(End of this chapter)

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