Chapter 15 Finished!

Chapter 15 Ended!
"No dangerous creatures?"

Yang Xu suddenly remembered that the cheetah's flames were enough to burn a piece of grass.

I couldn't help laughing.What the scroll says is true.

Cheetahs are really harmless creatures.

[Wild Boar:]


[Risk coefficient: Level [-] risk]

[Ability: Crazy heavy blow. 】

[Disadvantages: Stupid. 】

Even the first monkey he killed has detailed information.Include risk factors and vulnerabilities.

With a thought, Yang Xu entered the name with a whoosh.

[Whoops: Creatures in mysterious animations.Has a cute appearance.

Just thinking about it, when I was a child, I would often stun myself because I couldn't master the ability to discharge electricity.

With a familiar sound, it has a strong attack power.

One hundred thousand volts of current is enough to electrocute an adult elephant. 】

[Risk coefficient: Level [-] risk]

[Disadvantages: Simple, insufficient defense. 】

Well, Yang Xu looked down at the man playing with his tail and smiled.

Although Xiu is now in its infancy, it has two control skills.

Helped him a lot.

"With the Castle Book, you won't feel confused when you encounter castle creatures again."


Yang Xu opened a 250ml bottle of Coca-Cola.


"Ah, it tastes really good. It would be even better if it was a bottle of Erguotou."

"call out?"

Hey, he raised his head and stared at Yang Xu's hand with his small eyes.

Obviously, it didn't understand why its owner was making such noises.

"Would you like to try it on?"

Yang Xu touched Xiu's ear, took out a cup, and poured a little.

Winter dew~
Hey, pick up the cup and drink it down.

There was a hiccup and the ears twitched rapidly to show their joy.

It swore it had never drunk water so delicious before.

As he spoke, Yang Xu fell down a little.have fun.
Good guy, swallowed again.

Looking at Yang Xu expectantly,

"You can't drink a good thing all at once, but you have to taste it slowly."

Hey, I don't know why, but I nodded.

"Come on, let's go to the next castle!"

Yang Xu came to the fork in the NO.18 castle with a squeak.

In front of his eyes, there are three castle passages.

Castle down, castle up, castle right.

{Dangdang Castle: There are a few vampire bats.If you have torches, you can disperse them.Unfortunately, even if you had a ladder, you couldn't get up. }
"I can't go up!"

Yang Xu frowned.

Come down, can't get up! ?

What happened in this castle!
Yang Xu had no choice but to pin his hopes on the castle on the right and the castle below.

{Castle on the right, congratulations.There's a bunch of hungry corpses over there.It had been a long time since they had tasted a living person.
I rely on.

Dead turtle? !
This kind of thing is terrible,

Forget it, this weight is not chewy enough.

{The castle below, there is a hyena below.Your little dark armor only restrains magic! }

Yang Xu's mind moved, and he opened the treasure house of the castle.

Hyena: A magical creature in the castle, huge in size.Living in a cold cave... wherever you are, the temperature drops. 】

[Risk coefficient: Level [-] risk level. 】

[Ability: Breathe with frost. 】

[Weaknesses: Fear of fire. 】

[Frost exhale: emit bursts of cold air through the mouth, solidifying the enemy. 】

After reading the information about hyenas, Yang Xu opened the gate to the castle of hyenas...

Yang Xu carried a long gun on his shoulder and a gun bolt on his waist, and walked cautiously towards the depths of the castle with a hiss.

As soon as he entered the castle, Yang Xu felt that the temperature here was lower than others.

Not far away, I found a lot of hoarfrost on the cave walls.

There is almost no humidity in the air.

The farther he went, the colder Yang felt.There was even a little frost on the cave walls.

Fortunately, Yang Xu was wearing a survivor's winter coat, which kept his body temperature normal.

With every step, the soles of the shoes will be stained with ice.

After walking for less than half an hour, Yang Xu's pants were suddenly pulled up with a hiss, and a slight noise came from his mouth.

Yang Xu hurriedly leaned down, lowered his head and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Finally, I saw a silver shadow ahead.

However, the distance is too far.Yang Xu did not observe the specific shape.

no doubt!

The silver shadow is a hyena.

Yang Xu hissed and walked forward cautiously.When he was more than ten meters away from the hyena, he finally saw and witnessed the true face of the hyena.

A glimpse of the whole leopard!
It was even more shocking than what he saw in the castle collection! !

The silver-white lizard scales, nearly two meters in size, shone with a cold light.

Very visually impactful.

Especially the piece of jade on the forehead.

As the hyena's huge tongue sticks out, the air condenses into droplets and falls.

Even his body was condensed into a thick layer of ice crystals, and Yang Xu, who was more than ten meters away, felt cold.

Fortunately, the hyena is resting.

They didn't realize that Yang Xu had already come in front of him.

Yang Xu wants to strike first!

Next second,
After leaving the base camp, more than a dozen pieces of dry firewood.

Set it on fire with flint.

Soon, the fire was already burning.

Yang Xu picked up the burning torch and threw it at the hyena.

He even hit the hyena with all his might with a torch.

After this step, Yang Xu was not idle.

Removing the bolts hanging from his waist, he loaded an arrow.

Kaka Kaka!

The cable was snapped.

Or that a crossbow is more deadly than a spear at a distance.

Yang Xu raised the bolt and aimed at the hyena's weakest point.

call out!
The diameter of a shot at a hyena is .


No arrows in the hyena's body, buzzing,


The hyena roared.

A huge force came from behind.


The physical pain directly woke up the sleeping hyena.

Continue twisting the lizard's head, but you won't be able to see under the tail.

It was like a hard object being forcibly inserted into the body, and then there was a force.

If there is no anger, it is all fake.

I rely on.

I slept soundly, who the hell would dare to see through me! !
Not only did you sneak attack Uncle Ben, but you set him on fire? !

It is really a birthday star who is impatient to eat arsenic.

The hyena looked at the burning flames around him, and a gust of wind and frost directly blew out the burning torch.

The hyena pounced on Yang Xu with four thick legs, like a calf.

Yang Xu: 〣(δ)〣!
Nima, I thought the weak point was afraid of fire!
In a flash,

Yang Xu felt bad as he was being targeted by the hyena.

There was a fierce look in the hyena's eyes, and even more contempt on his face.

Mom, you little rascal!Dare to penetrate me? ! ╰_╯╬.

Listen, I won't freeze you into a popsicle.

The hyena growled.

Opened his mouth and released [Frost Breath] to Yang Xu.

"I, giao!"

Yang Xu was stunned, seeing a mass of white mist that was visible to the naked eye covering him.

The ice is biting!
Seeing Frost's Fall, the hyena was gasping for breath and ran into Yang Xu.


As if wandering around, he staggered towards Yang Xu.

It has figured out how to eat this "little thing".

Outdoor BBQ?

You go dreaming.

Hyenas shake their giant lizard heads, and what they hate most is fire.

Still delicious frozen into popsicles, crunchy.

Thinking of this, the hyena is going to spray [Frost Breath] again.

Just when Yang Xu felt that he was about to be frozen into a popsicle, his black armor flashed past.

Absorb all the magic of the hyena.

"Scared the baby to death. This breath will kill me."

The cold white breath dissipated.

It was Yang Xu who was alive and kicking.

hyena:? ? ?

The hyena's eyes are wide open, boss.Is this little bastard okay?
“Ho Ho Ho Ho! (Error, try again!)”

did you see.

The white mist of frost sprayed out, enveloping Yang Xu again.


The frost blew away, and Yang Xu appeared alive and kicking in front of the hyena again.

"Big guy, you taste really good."

Yang Xu frowned and waved his hand towards his nose.

hyena:. . . . . .

Oh my god, this is not right. ?
Some time ago, people who played with fire treated themselves.

The hyena thought, they saw the 'little thing' ahead and stabbed themselves with a 'stick'.

The hyena showed contemptuous eyes, and roared at Yang Xu: "Hohohoho... (Boy, look at my old man, big car! Kill you!)"

Step by step.

The hyenas rushed over like armored tanks, menacingly.

As Yang Xu spoke, the cloth shoes under Yingying's feet glowed green.

call out.

While avoiding the impact of the hyena.


Hyenas want to stop their progress very quickly, and their inertia is so strong that it is difficult to do whatever they want.

good chance!
Yang Xu twisted his body, and under Butt's movements, he strode behind the hyena.

Raise the silver-red spear in your hand and stab it hard.


The sound of spears piercing through scales.

The hyena moved slowly, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Teng ~ Teng ~
The huge body suddenly fell down.

[System Reminder: Get Hyena Soul +1! 】

[System reminder: Get hyena meat +6]

[System reminder: Get hyena blood++ 500ml]

[System reminder: Get hyena skin +1]

[System Reminder: Obtain Hyena Ice Jade +1]


[Hyena meat: The meat is very elastic. Long-term consumption will make you stronger.Have some resistance to cold! 】

[Frost Lizard Blood: Tastes salty and cannot quench thirst.Long-term consumption can cause mental disorders. 】

[Ice Jade: Low surface temperature can liquefy the moisture in the air.The water liquefied by Bingyu tastes sweet. 】

Hyena blood, inedible.

Yang Xu directly smeared it with hyena blood to avoid being prepared for a rainy day.

Yang Xu held ice jade in his hand.

When it's cold, my hands feel moist instantly.

Bingyu, let him have a little accident.

Water purifiers require nylon or biological souls to operate and produce pure water.

However, Bingyu is a perpetual motion machine for him.He spent nothing!

next second.

Yang Xu disappeared into Castle No. 18...

Yang Xu poked a basketball-sized ice jade into a small hole with a spear, made a hemp rope out of astragalus, and strung the ice jade together.

Then, a simple "T" shaped bracket was made out of wooden blocks.Hang on a stand.
Under the ice jade, a 5-liter wooden basin is placed to hold the water droplets of the ice jade.

Tick ​​tock!Tick ​​tock!
A simple 'perpetual motion' water maker and it becomes!

There is also a saltpetre in his base camp, but it is a pity that there is no water core.

In other words, he hasn't showered in a long week.

"I lost it. I can make a few sets of cold-proof clothes to replace the core!"

Yang Xu patted his forehead and opened the production page.
Yang Xu opened the production page and found [Ordinary Survivor Cold Clothes]. 】





[System Reminder: Hyena Skin -4, Wild Boar -1, Frost Lizard -1. 】

next moment.

Under Yang Xu's feet, there were two identical sets of [Survivor Ordinary Winter Clothes].

Yang Xu opened the trading channel and wanted to exchange the survivor's cold-proof clothing for something.

turn out
He knocked out the dog!
{Reality Doll}Trading{{500ml Purified Water}
{Wild Vibrator} Deal {Is there anything to eat}
{Dandelion} Trade {Weapons}
{5kg Roots} Trade {Torch! }
"What are these things!"


A new transaction information popped up, catching Yang Xu's attention.

{Water Core+2} Trade {Hemostatic Drugs. }
{Note: I exchanged various hemostatic drugs with the two newly acquired water cores.Hurry up guys!
bleeding.too much}
Shouldn't Sophie be used in Blood Crash?Yang Xu showed a trace of doubt.

However, see two water cores!

Yang Xu clicked on the trader information. .

Name: Zhou Tiantian!
Occupation: Legal pioneer.

good. simple and honest appearance
other, common...

Yang Xu said directly, "I have a medical bandage. The core of the bandage."

One bandage was enough to wrap one of his legs.

a few seconds ago!

"Brother. Uncle (heartbreaking)! Change, change..."

Yang Xu got two water cores directly from Zhou Tiantian.

Look at Zhou Tiantian's speed.He also knows the priorities.

Delivers two bandages at a time.

[System reminder: The transaction of medical bandages*2 is successful and you will get water core*2]


Then I moved on to the World Channel.

As soon as Yang Xu entered the World Channel, something shocking happened.

"Ah, can someone help me. I'm surrounded by marching ants. They're eating my flesh..."

It was a male player calling for help.

Besides, this is someone Yang Xu knows.

Lawyer Zhou Tiantian!
At the same time, there is a bloody picture.

Man lying on the ground with two blood-stained thighs

The bandages on the legs were useless.

There are marching ants all over the ground, like locusts crossing the border, crawling towards people in the dark.

"We also want to save you, but we don't know where you are..."

"Brother, run away! (Scared)
"Hey, why are you running? Both legs are gone..."

"Use fire! The ants in the army must be afraid of fire..."

"Yes, I've seen people use fire against army ants."

"Damn, there are too many torches. And they're useless. Guys, I can't hold on anymore.
Every day, every week, he used torches to drive away the marching ants.

it's a pity!
Army ants are larger than your thumb, so a torch is of little use.

It can only delay the gnawing of the marching ants.Once the fire is out...

"It's over, they have surrounded me! I can't get out..."

As I was writing, the line was suddenly disconnected.

Everyone is waiting for a response from a person named Zhou Tiantian.

1 minutes.

2 minutes.


Spontaneous silence.

Everyone knows what happened to the person named Zhou Tiantian before he died.

Was it eaten by marching ants?My heart still hurts from the ants bite!
More than 60 billion people around the world are shrouded in haze...


A line of text popped up on the World Channel.

"Yao, I just remembered that I got insect repellent powder. Life. Save for now.
You can call me when you're!Please call me Legal Pioneer, Zhou Tiantian! "

Zhou Tiantian uploaded another picture.

The whole body is covered with bandages. You can vaguely see the blood.

Many army ants around were burned to death.

A cooked army ant in hand, delicious.

"Damn it! Feelings, grandpa, I'm so white and sad!"

"Damn, wasting my tears."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Zhou Tiantian escaped death.

The number of people in the castle is decreasing every day, and no one knows who will be next.

Suddenly I envied Zhou Tiantian and survived!

** Son: "One big one, give the army ants something to eat."

**"Yes, legal pioneer Zhou Tiantian! People, it's time we need you!"

"Holy shit, bastard! You think I'm eating army ants? I'm eating my own flesh."

Zhou Tiantian stuffed a roasted moving ant into her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Woooo~, it's all my own meat!


Just when Yang Xu and World Channel were silent.

Yang Xu's electronic watch rang a few times.

Legal pioneer Zhou Tiantian said: "Thank you Yang Xu for the medical bandages. Well, army ants, do you want some? It tastes like roasted grasshoppers..."

Yang Xu:. . . . . .

"Forget it, you can keep it."

Yang Xu was also very happy to see Zhou Tiantian survived.

Zhou Tiantian: "Thank you, Yang Xu, after you get out. Please call me Legal Pioneer!

A fine of 200 million, a fixed-term imprisonment of 20 years, and a 20-year suspension of execution... I can handle it easily! "

Yang Xu's mouth twitched... As expected, he is a big shot in the industry.

(End of this chapter)

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