Chapter 12 A chance to turn heads!
Chapter 12 A chance to turn heads!

However, the cheetah has been caught by the hyena.

Roaring all the time, it's a pity that the flames that can burn grass and the weak body make it all in vain.

Yang Xu picked up the spear under his feet, and "Tubu" fired.

Hyena's text prompt appears again,
{Watch out for its rusty iron axe, one cut and one tetanus. }

Yang Xu turned pale when he saw the tetanus.

In Castle World, if you get a tetanus.he can only face death
Take advantage of the hyena and make it go faster.

"Water orange" Yang Xu said in his heart.

The next moment, a water orange bigger than a fist appears in your hand.


After taking a bite, Yang Xu felt his mouth was full of sweetness and softness.

An unprecedented force rushed to Qi Qi's legs.

The legs are condensed with green light...

Hyenas with red eyes and grinning teeth hold cheetahs and stuff them in their mouths.

No matter how the cheetah struggles and screams.



The wind under Yang Xu's feet was as fast as an arrow.

This shot is extremely fast.

A cold mountain pierces the hyena directly in the head.

The cheetah looked at the blood basin with its mouth open in fear.


i stopped in mid air
Time seemed to freeze.

In the next second, the cheetah saw a blood hole in the head of the hyena that wanted to eat it.

The blood kept flowing out, and the red eyes gradually turned gray.

The hand holding it drooped feebly.

Then, "Bang!" He fell heavily on his back.

"Damn it, thanks to the double blessing of the agility buff and Bout, I have come to this point."

Yang Xu said in disbelief.

Looking at the hyena falling on his back, Yang saw the true face of the hyena clearly.

The dead hyena is only about 1.2 meters tall, and its head is like a earth monkey.

Only hyenas have gray-green skin and an inch of down on their heads.

The biggest difference from ordinary ground monkeys is that they can use tools and walk upright.

Before he died, he held it in his right hand, an old iron ax that gave people tetanus.

Its little log shield had been set aside.

[Obtain: Hyena Soul +1. 】

[Get: Hyena Meat +2! 】

[Acquisition: Hyena Blood++ 500ml. 】

[Obtain: Iron Smashing Ax +1]

[Benefit: Rotten wooden shield +1. 】

Hyena Meat: Bad taste, sour taste.When your ammo and food run out, you can satisfy your hunger. }
Hyena Blood: Very smelly and inedible, but some castle creatures like the taste. }
Yang Xu consumed another four pieces of nylon to build a 2-liter bucket to hold the blood of the hyena.

Then, look at the cheetah.

The cheetah was frightened just now and regained its sense.

Just seeing this 'ugly' person in front of me, staring at him like a hyena.

"What! Hey!"

The cheetah pinched his waist and shouted at Yang Xu angrily.

"Huh? I saved your life just now." Yang Xu bent over and said with a smile.

Yang Xu's actions directly angered Cheetah.

"Zaza what the hell! (Oh shit. Ben Song just stepped out of the fire pit and into the mouth of death!)"

The body emits enough fire to burn grass and look like a calf.

call out.

Yang Xu ran out of his arms.

"Huh! Huh!"

One paw pinched its waist, and the other fleshy paw pointed at the cheetah, howling angrily.


"Huh! Huh!"

With a whoosh, a cheetah and two castle creatures yelled at each other.

Cheetah is burning.
With a bang, the two pink faces turned red, and the crazy shaking of the two ears actually flashed a "sizzling" arc.

Two creatures, looking like they like to fight.

Seeing Yang Xu, he was confused.

I have no idea what the two castle creatures are doing.

"Damn, I finally know the importance of mastering a foreign language."

Yang Xu: "π__πt . t .ε(┬┬_┬┬)3╥"

The angry roar of the cheetah gradually stopped.

Then he looked at Yang Xu suspiciously.

After a moment.

Finally, I ran in the direction of Yang Xulai.Run two steps, turn around and face Yang Xu twice.

Phew, hurry up.Seeing that Yang Xu didn't keep up, he called him twice.

Yang Xu blinked and followed quickly.


Cheetah, run behind a boulder.pull for a while,

With an unhappy face, he handed something to Yang.

"Xiao Song, what is this?" Yang Xu called Xiao Songyuan Cheetah.

Yang Xu walked in and blurted out dirty words: "My giao! Do you have this thing?"

The cheetah opens its small paws, revealing a core.

Another little paw waved his hand, and his face looked disgusted.

"What's wrong with Zaza..."

Then he threw it to Yang Xu, expressing his gratitude to him for saving his life.

"My God, this is the core of water."

Yang Xu took the core thrown by Cheetah and said in surprise.

Lying in the palm of your hand is a green core, with the traditional Chinese character water on it.

The skill book he obtained still lacks cores and evolution crystals.Skills can be unlocked.

When Yang Xu was shocked, a line of text prompts appeared on the cheetah.

{Castle's stuff collector, it has a very rich collection.

Inheriting the fine tradition of ordinary squirrels, its east XZ is in every corner of the castle.

You can choose to kill it, or you can choose to build a relationship with it, and exchange food for its things.}
Yang Xu looked at Cheetah's prompt.

"Do I still have to choose this?!"

As soon as Yang Xu closed his hands, the green water core disappeared.

At the same time, holding a few blueberries in his hand, he bent down, opened his mouth and narrowed his eyes and said, "Xiao Song, come on. The fruit you just ate..."

The cheetah jumped onto the boulder next to it and glanced at the blueberry in Yang Xu's hand.

Showing disdain, the voice of "Zha Zha Zha" came out of his mouth.

The little expression on her face seemed to say: This is it? !
Damn, I was despised by a squirrel. ?
This is outrageous!
Yang Xu: ()!

Yang Xu snorted in dislike.He growled and signaled to the cheetah.

As if fighting for its master.

Yang Xu was in a daze again.He doesn't understand the language of squirrels.

I can only watch Hsu and the cheetah 'negotiate'.

After a moment.

The cheetah stared at Yang Xu, opened its mouth wide, clenched its small paw into a fist shape, and brought it to his mouth.

Make a "cuckoo" sound.

Then, make an expression of enjoyment.

Yang Xu suddenly realized that he understood what Cheetah meant.

In an instant, a bottle of mineral water was taken out from the base camp.

Now he has no shortage of pure water, and the water maker is also on hand.All over the world.

He now has 3 liters of purified water produced by the lamp manufacturer.

Yang Xu's small eyes widened when he saw the pure water in Cheetah's hand.

With his furry paws, he pointed at the pure water in Yang Xu's hand, and then at himself.

He lived in this castle and had no shortage of fruit to eat, not even pine cones.

Drink only water, and drink the dew from wild blueberry leaves daily.

"You can want water, but you need something." Yang Xu said with a smile.

The cheetah pouted its head, not understanding what this thing was talking about.

Then, Yang Xu took out the water core that Cheetah gave him.

"It's this kind of thing, you give me three. Don't. These five things, this bottle of pure water is yours."

Cheetah looked at Yang Xu, and then at Xu.


I made a quick gesture to communicate with the cheetah.

Then Cheetah nodded.He glanced at the water in Yang Xu's hand and motioned Yang Xu to follow him.

The cheetah runs to where there are fluorescent mushrooms.

"There's a show!" Yang Xu hung up the phone with a smile, and hurried over quickly.

"Hey, isn't this the place to pick blueberries?"

Yang Xu was surprised to find that the cheetah was sniffing around several wild blueberry trees.

Finally, it stopped in front of a slightly thick blueberry fruit tree.

"Sasha Vujacic..."

The cheetah didn't care about Yang Xu, and quickly pulled the soil on both sides with its two small paws.


Yang Xu noticed a small object and was pulled out by it.

One thing after another was pulled out by the Cheetah.

"It's the heart of the fire."

"Blue Wood Core"

"Blue core..."

"Earth's core."


The cheetah gathers the core together, and there are seven or eight of them.

God, heartless!
Yang Xu's eyelids twitched, the cheetah that can burn every tree and tree after being angry has seven cores.

As a human, I only have five cores.

Yang Xu was extremely ashamed.

"What's wrong with Zaza..."

The cheetah kicked forward with its paw, and then pointed at the pure water in Yang Xu's hand...

Yang Xu immediately understood that as soon as he took a step forward, he aroused the cheetah's anger.

Once again, there was flame on me.

The cheetah then drew a line on the ground with its paw.He signaled Yang Xu not to move, otherwise he would be burned to death by the flames.

Yang Xu looked at the cheetah wary of him and smiled.

I opened the cup in my hand, put it on the ground...then took two steps back.

Seeing this, the cheetah stepped forward cautiously.

The little tongue licked towards the water with satisfaction
Then he picked up the water bottle with two paws, turned around and ran away.


Yang Xu looked at the cheetah that had run out, he was a little surprised.He also wanted to see this Komatsu, nothing else.

"Forget it, seven cores are not bad."


[System Reminder: Obtain Wooden Core +3]

[System Reminder: Get Water Core +2]

[System Reminder: Get Fire Core +1]

[System Reminder: Obtain Soil Core +2]

"To unseal the skill book, you need an evolution crystal."

Yang Xu checked the hyena's weapon.Because of the cheetah, he didn't come to check just now.

The rusty iron ax, a common weapon, is one of the hyena's many weapons, and using it to hit the enemy is likely to cause tetanus. 】

[Rotten shield: ordinary round shield.If you are lucky, you can resist the attack of the castle creature. 】

Very ordinary.It doesn't seem to work.Yang Xu frowned and thought to himself.

"Okay, let's throw it into the trading channel. Try to trade the evolution crystal. If not, change some scrolls and say..."

He already had a perfect spear, excellent crossbow bolts, and ordinary cloth shoes.

This rusty iron ax and decayed shield are just like ducks in water for him.

Not sure that's a good thing for the rest of the castle though.

There are billions of survivors in castles around the world.

If billions of people search together, it will be [-] times stronger than yourself.

In any case, he must make good use of these billions of tools.

After making up my mind, I opened the trading channel.

Yang Xu searched for 'evolution crystal', but found no news.

It's all about trading food and water for something else.

How many days, no one cares.

After all, the castle world lacks water.At present, except for Yang Xu, no one will really trade their own water.

Hang up the list and put it on a shelf.

[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

[Trade: Rusty Iron Ax (Hyena weapon, one knife and one tetanus)]

[Purchase list: 1*evolution crystal]
[list: 1]
Note: The rusty iron ax is a common weapon.There are special materials for scrolls and private chats. 】

[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

[Transaction: Rotten shield (hyena weapon), which can resist the attack of the castle. )】

[Purchase list: 1*evolution crystal]
[list: 1]
Note: Are you still afraid of castle creatures?Come, I have weapons here.Take up arms and you'll be fine!This is a must for every player exploring the castle...with scrolls and special stuff for private chat. 】

Yang Xu hesitated and decided to put the hyena meat on the shelves.

Taste bad, fishy hyena meat heavier than mutton.

But he doesn't want to eat it.

Especially these humanoid animals that can walk upright.

4 kg of hyena meat, although it has a fishy smell.Enough for those dying survivors to survive.

He couldn't bear to starve the children in the castle to death.

[Seller: Yang Xu 142508]

【Trade: 1 kg of hyena meat】

[list: 2]
[Note: Weak hyena meat, the taste is slightly poor, and the meat is slightly fishy.Premium deals, special materials with scrolls, cores, creature souls, private chats. 】


He doesn't feel bad about meat at all.He has enough food to eat and use.

Might as well trade the excess meat for the remaining survivors in the castle world.

Make the 60 billion castle survivors your own tool.

At this moment.

A few seconds later, Yang Xu put the order on the shelf.Global Channel, Fryer.

A line of words quickly crossed the world channel.

"Kong! Boss Yang Xu is here again! This time it's weapons and equipment."

"σ(△|||)︴, a rusty iron axe, one knife and one tetanus. This collateral damage is too awesome!"

"Giao, the difference is too big! I still use a stick to brush monsters,

Da Yang Xu has already started trading weapons?What a special set! "

"I'm still unarmed, and my smooth shovel pants are torn..."




"Whoever has the evolution crystal, I'll exchange it with you with a scroll! I'm exchanging it with Yang Xu."

"Baba, do you remember me? My steel plate! Let this rusty iron ax protect your son."

"Get out, you islander. Yang Xu, I have a masturbation cup scroll. Give me an ax and I'll give you a sex life..."

"Upstairs, I have water. Private chat..."

"You only saw the weapon! I didn't expect that Boss Yang Xu still put 2 catties of meat on the shelf! Why don't you change it quickly..."

"Damn, hyena weapon, hyena meat. Mr. Yang Xu killed a hyena..."

"Gentlemen, have you ever thought about it? Mr. Yang Xu can kill hyenas with weapons. If we meet them with bare hands..."

"Damn! How to do this. I only have a short stick."

"Brother Yang Xu, tell me what hyenas look like and how to deal with them."


Chaos, confusion.The whole world channel is messed up
No matter who it was, they were frightened by the things on Yang Xu's shelves.

The castle houses a creature called a hyena, which can also wield weapons.

Rusty iron ax, defensive shield.

The question then is, would you survive if you encountered a hyena?

He was still stabbed and tetanused, and was successfully taken away.

There are some survivors in the castle, they get some water and food.I feel like I'm ahead of everyone else
As a result, there is now a haze over my head.

After Yang Xu put the items on the shelves, he went to do other things.

Unexpectedly, the weapons on the shelves.It will spark discussions among billions of people.



A fragrant roast with golden grease.

Salt and chicken essence, sprinkled on the golden roast, made a sizzling sound.

"Hey~! Hey."

Hey, standing next to Yang Xu, his little nose was wriggling fast, and his ears were shaking fast.

From time to time, it makes a pleasant sound.

next to.

The cheetah standing in the corner has straight eyes.

The hare dripped from its mouth.

Yang Xu quietly observed the expression of the cheetah.

"Small, just holding your hand, isn't it? Today, I want you to bring out the hidden things.'
"Mmm, it's delicious."

Yang Xu picked up a piece of carved meat, cut off a small piece of roasted carved meat with a sharp dagger, and handed it to Xu.


Chew quickly, with a look of enjoyment on your face.

The cheetah in the corner showed envy.

"Want to eat?"

Yang Xu once again cut into pieces of meat the size of a thumbnail with a dagger, and looked at the cheetah kindly.


The cheetah quickly turned its head to one side, and put its two small paws on its chest.

Those eyes seemed to be telling Yang Xu that he dares to use an ax in class for his petty skills!
"Come on, whoosh."

Yang Xu smiled and handed it to Xie.


Phew, the sound of eating barbecue is louder, and the ears make a pleasant sound.

(End of this chapter)

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