Chapter 111: Jianghu Loyalty!

Chapter 111: Jianghu Loyalty!
"Liu is all to blame for what happened today. I didn't plan the delivery time of these couriers in advance. Let these goods pile up immediately. Don't worry, I will definitely plan well in the future."

"Well, it's nothing, you did a good job. Just pay attention to this kind of problem in the future."

Luo Ming is very generous to her.Instead of blaming her, she praised her.So Liu Mei's father and daughter felt relieved, and Luo Ming and Li Lan were happily sent away.

None of them went anywhere else and went straight home.I just bought something casually in the small supermarket in the community.After returning home, Li Lan went to the kitchen to make something to eat, and ate something briefly.

What happened next is nothing to write home about.After all, Mr. Xie completely covered his bedroom, not to mention the picture, there was no sound at all.

Liu went the next day.

The two of them got up a little late, getting up at 8 o'clock and opening the bedroom door.

Now, Li Lan has taken the initiative to take on the responsibility of his wife and started to prepare breakfast for Luo Ming.He was in a particularly good mood and humming softly.He feels that his current life is very happy.This next little Liu is much better than the last one, who insulted his unlucky son every day.

Luo Ming just sat at the table and swiped his phone for a while, and breakfast was ready.While eating, Luo Ming answered the phone, smiling and nodding in greeting.

"Xiao Liu! What's the matter?"

Li Lan sat across from him and didn't hear the voice on the phone.So feel free to ask.

“Nothing. By the way, are you going to driving school today?”

"Yes, I have reached an agreement with the coach. Today I will take the second test and try to get my driver's license as soon as possible."

The two were talking when the doorbell rang.Luo Ming was slightly surprised, who will come at this time?He is more careful.He didn't ask Li Lan to open the door, but left by himself.

Before he went, he had seen it in the spiritual realm.In fact, there are two outside acquaintances.

Opening the door, two men in suits and leather shoes stood at the door.It was Detective Zhang and Detective Wang who came to ask him last time.

"Liu, I'm sorry we're bothering you again. There's something I need to know from you, uh, but don't get me wrong, it's no big deal."

Detective Zhang's attitude this time is much better than last time.He hasn't spoken yet, but he keeps laughing at Luo Ming first.

"Uh, okay then, come in. If you have anything to say, just come in and talk."

The three people who came in were still sitting in the last seat.Li Lan walked into the bedroom naturally.

"Why did you come to me this time? Is this the last time you go to the hospital? Didn't I make it clear? Lao Zhang has nothing to do with me. You should also watch the surveillance..."

Luo Ming didn't intend to pour tea for them either.

"No!. He has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. I heard that guy wants to appeal, but the evidence is solid, so he dared to live broadcast in front of so many people. There is basically no possibility of overturning the case."

This is what Detective Wang, who has always been taciturn, said.

Luo Ming nodded slightly after hearing this.He picked up a pack of cigarettes from the coffee table, handed each of them a cigarette, and took a puff slowly.Luo Caiming asked.

"Then you came to see me this time. What's the matter?..."

"That's right, Old Liu."

Detective Zhang sat up straight.He took out his mobile phone from his body again, looked at the screen, and said to Luo Ming.

"As far as we know, Old Liu seems to have participated in an auction yesterday."

"Yes, I attended an auction yesterday. Is it a crime to attend an auction?"

"Of course not, Lao Liu is really good at joking. Something happened at yesterday's auction, so we also asked everyone who participated in the auction yesterday where we are going. Don't worry, Lao Liu."

When Detective Zhang said this, the meaning in the words became a little interesting.

After hearing this, Luo Ming nodded slightly in his heart.It seems that after the death of the police station director, Wang Dong acted very quickly.This is already showing effect.

Judging from what he said, Detective Zhang has heard it, and this Detective Zhang must have been greeted by someone above.Otherwise, he wouldn't be so polite to Luo Ming.

"Then can I ask those two detectives what happened at the auction yesterday? I was involved from beginning to end. There was no criminal case like robbery?"

"Well, we won't say anything, but if Liu asks, I can reveal a little bit. After the auction yesterday, several people disappeared. We are just looking for clues about those people."

"Well, since you all want to ask, just ask if you have any questions."

"Well, since you all want to ask, just ask if you have any questions."

"Liu, you were also at the auction yesterday. Have you met Mr. Luo from the Emgrand Group?"

"Who is Luo Ming? No, I don't know any Luo Ming."

Luo Ming's face was full of doubts.With this acting skill, you can take a statuette home directly.

"Oh, Lao Liu, maybe I didn't make it clear. Mr. Luo Ming is the young man holding the number 57 in his hand."

"Oh, you mean him. It's normal for everyone to compete for the auction price. I have some impressions of him. That man is very rich. He bought tens of millions of watches. I remember the last set of Fantasy Water World jewelry very clearly. The rich man went directly 3 million."

When he said this, Detective Zhang twisted his mouth.I couldn't help cursing secretly.Then he has money, but spent 3 million auctions, not because you pushed up the price. 2 million could have been taken, but you let people spend 1 million.That's 1 million yuan!Give me financial freedom.

"Ah, isn't that Tang you're talking about? Where is Tang from? The rich man is gone. That's a big case." Luo Ming continued to display his acting skills.

"Who said it wasn't? To tell you the truth, everyone in the Liuxiu Police Station went out this morning. Behind Old Liu, we still have a dozen places to go, so we have to ask one by one."

"Are you sure you can understand the lives of rich people? Maybe they're having fun in that inn right now and haven't gotten up yet. How do you know he's just missing?"

"It's not convenient for us to disclose this, but we have solid evidence to prove it. Luo Ming is indeed missing."

"His family can't contact him. This may not last for a day or two in an ordinary home. This is a normal thing. But he is a top [-] group in the world, the Emgrand Group, and it is a big deal if he can be contacted for less than an hour."

The Detective Wang next to him wouldn't speak if he didn't speak.Every word reveals key information.Even Luo Ming was impressed.

"I understand."

"It's like this, Lao Liu, we found that after the auction, after you and two other people came out, you did not leave directly, but went to a public toilet. Is there such a thing?"


Luo Ming just nodded in acknowledgment.

"We looked at the surveillance and found that Luo Ming seemed to be in a new place with you. But after 10 minutes, the three of you came out, but Luo Ming and his people disappeared, so we initially suspected that you were the last to see Luo Ming people."

"How is it possible? I haven't seen Luo Ming at all. I haven't seen him since the auction, and I haven't seen him since I went out. I just went to the bathroom with two other friends. I went straight back and drove away. There is surveillance Look, I'm sure I'm not talking nonsense."

Luo Ming's face looked as if he was truly innocent.

When Luo Ming mentioned surveillance, both detectives coughed slightly, showing their embarrassment.

Of course, they couldn't tell Luo Ming that the monitoring of a large area there was completely paralyzed.It's so bad it can't even be repaired.

"It's okay, Liu, we're just making sure you've seen it. Or do you know where Luo Ming went?"

"I haven't seen Luo Ming, and I don't know where he went...."

Xia Xingfeng's answer was firm.The two detectives looked at Luo Ming and found no flaws, so they stood up.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, Liu. We've asked all the questions. This won't bother you."

Shaking hands with Luo Ming respectively, the two detectives went out.Luo Ming closed the door behind them and said nothing more.

It seems that the police have taken care of it for the time being.But Luo Ming knew that this was only on the surface. Secretly, the Dihao Group would never let Luo Ming go missing.

However, Luo Ming didn't take the Emgrand Group to heart.A large group wants revenge on one person, but there are only a few ways.I'm not afraid to bring anything to Luo Ming.

"Xiao Liu, have they left?..."

Hearing that the people outside had left, Li came out of the bedroom.

At this time, the two detectives outside the door were still waiting for the elevator.Detective Wang couldn't help whispering.

"There's something weird about Lao Zhang's case. 11 people just disappeared out of thin air. Not to mention blood. I can't even find DNA. Fangyuan checked all the surveillance cameras, but I can't see which exit they took. Do you think all 11 people were there?" Fell into a pit?”

"Fuck you, there is a toilet in that public restroom. Why did you drop it here? Drop one for me."

The two detectives were joking and the elevator came.However, what the two of them said almost made Luo Ming in the room laugh.

The detectives in this parallel world have big brains.Why didn't you say that those 11 people fell into the toilet and went straight through?I remember in the old world, some were written like this, through the toilet.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the two police detectives were slightly taken aback because a beautiful woman stepped out of the elevator.

He looks young, in his 30s.Wearing a high-end silver-gray suit.The top is a women's small suit, and the bottom is a hip bag.Her face was covered with delicate makeup and she was wearing a pair of glasses.The lips are slightly upturned, and the soft lip line is sexy and cool.

The woman stepped out of the elevator without looking at the two detectives, walking directly between them.A gust of fragrant wind wafted by, and the two detectives couldn't help turning their heads, and then looked behind their eyes.Then he walked into the elevator with some reluctance.

The beautiful woman twisted her waist and swung her hips, walked to Luo Ming's door, and gently rang the doorbell.

Luo Ming has been paying attention to the situation here, and he wants to know what the two detectives are saying behind the scenes.But he didn't expect the woman to ring the doorbell herself.I don't know who it is.Are you here to see Li Lan?
When the door was about to open, both sides paused for a moment.For Luo Ming, it is only natural to appreciate the beautiful scenery.This beauty is very beautiful, her snow-white body is dazzling, and her delicate facial features are beautiful and moving, giving people a strong sense of visual impact.

The beautiful woman outside must not have expected that the person who opened the door would be a handsome and sunny guy.


It was the beauty outside who reacted first and extended her jade hand to Luo Ming.

"Hello! Who are you looking for?..."

Luo Ming didn't reach out his hand, but asked in a flat manner, he had seen many beautiful women.There is one standing behind me.

Luo Ming didn't hold his hand, and the beauty outside the door showed no embarrassment on her face.Naturally, he withdrew his hand, took out a delicate business card from his jacket pocket and handed it over.

"Excuse me, Old Liu, are you Luo Ming? My name is Yin Youjun!..."

Luo Ming took her business card, glanced at it indifferently, and said softly.

"Yin Youjun, director of the bank's recruitment department. You are from the bank."

"Yes, Liu..."

"What can I do for the bank?" Luo Ming was a little skeptical.

"It's like this, Lao Liu, there have been huge transactions on your bank card in the past two days, so the bank sent me to find out about the situation. Can we go in and talk?"

Yin Youjun's voice was gentle and honest, revealing an undeniable aura.Clearly, this is a strong woman beauty.

"Yes, please come in."

Luo Ming took two steps back and let Yin Youjun come in.When he passed Xiao Liu, he brought a scent like the purest orchid, which made Luo Ming take a deep breath.

This is one delicious powerhouse.

Then close the door behind her.Luo Ming, who followed Li Lan from beginning to end, did not speak.He just looked at Yin Youjun with a pair of eyes, and there was a trace of caution in those eyes.

Now, seeing Yin Youjun walking in, I hurried up to meet him. "Hi, I'm Luo Ming's wife, Li Lan."


Yin Youjun also extended his hand in a friendly manner.The two women's hands were held together, and there was a slight smell of burning in the air.

After all three sat down, this time, Li Lan did not leave, but sat tightly next to Luo Ming.One hand was still clutching his arm.

"Okay, Lao Liu, let's get straight to the point. I'm here this time because of your bank card. There are several large deposits. The amount has reached the highest VIP level in our bank, the Black Supreme level, so this time I'm here Upgrade your bank card."

"I see.……"

Luo Ming nodded slightly.It's natural to think about it, because after yesterday's auction, the deposit in my bank card has exceeded 6 million.If the bank doesn't respond, that's not normal.Now it’s completely understandable to send someone to your door.

"Then Minister Yin, is there something wrong with my funds?"

"Oh, Liu, you don't need to call me Minister Yin, just call me. As the most valued customer of our bank, we will provide you with the best service. There is no problem with your bank funds."

Now Yin Youjun is very professional, with a friendly and sweet smile on his face, as perfect as a certain show.

Hearing what Yin Youjun said, Luo Ming didn't react, but Li Lan beside him stood up with a relieved smile.

"It turns out to be Yin's woman. Then you go ahead and I'll pour you some tea."

Then, no matter how Yin Youjun reacted, he walked briskly into the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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