Chapter 10 Never Forget!
Chapter 10 Never Forget!

Yang Xu came out from the base camp.
At this time.

He is standing in the 13th castle passage.

The vast expanse, according to Yang Xu's visual estimation, is about several hundred meters long.

"My God! I forgot to read the reminder just now... What's in this castle?"

Yang Xu has a black line.

The next second, I was holding a parchment map in my hand.


There are only routes to the treasure, but no information about his castle.

Yang Xu frowned and said, "Guan, the castle you are in. Turn left and this is the treasure land..."


The parchment map in my hand is gone, but there are more pickaxes and crossbows.

This is his standard for exploring the castle.

After 10 minutes of careful walking
Yang Xu saw a river without source, clear and transparent...

The eyes are as wide as two bells.

"Damn it, I'm going to be the first big water user!"


A line of text prompts appeared in front of Yang Xu...

"If I stayed here, I wouldn't go there. It's not rich, and you can't get any kind of professional girl."

Yang Xu smiled happily...


A line of text prompts appeared in front of Yang Xu...

{Being a water ghost is not bad.You don't have to worry about drinking water for the rest of your life. }
Yang Xu: "..."

{If you have an indestructible body, you can enjoy it.Various toxins are hidden in the water

{There's a giant vampire in the river.It found you. }
"I, giao!"

Yang Xu was taken aback.

Come back from the water quickly.

Fear of being haunted by vampires.
He watched a movie about people and animals, and there was a man crossing a river.

There are giant vampires everywhere.

After a few seconds, the blood was sucked dry.

There are huge vampires in this clear river.

Time made his scalp tingle.

{Take it easy, old man.A spear can easily penetrate its body and kill it. }
"That is to say, as long as you build a spear, you can kill the giant vampire in the river!"

Yang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Now he has no turning back.

He has the blueprint for [Excellent Spear], but lacks obsidian.

"I seem to remember someone talking to me in private. Obsidian for bread..."

Yang Xu hurriedly checked the records.

some castle.

Lying on the ground is a dirty man wearing a broken straw hat...

Eyes fixed on the dark rock face.

Mumbling: "I'm the king, are we ending?" But... I haven't lost my virginity yet! "

The corners of the eyes were slightly moist, but no water flowed out.

Before he came to this castle.

Because I was admitted to the maritime school.

I have never had a partner, and finally I have the opportunity to go whoring.

As soon as he took aim, he was caught.

I have been hungry for two days.

Then I came in and couldn't find a bite to eat.

"It seems that my king cannot be a man. It is simply fatal!"

Wang closed his eyes in despair.
Tick ​​tock!

"Someone texted me before I died..."

Wang Fei breathed a sigh of relief and clicked on the news.

"Brother, 200 grams of wheat bread can give you 5 loaves."

Brush it.

Wang Fei suddenly sat up.

The faint breath was swept away.


"Brother, here's a hat for you. Can you change some water..."

Wang Fei posted a selfie.

Sunken cheeks, blurry eyes.
You look out of place.


after a while!

Wang Fei stood up and said.

"Hahaha I, the king of the castle. Back from the dead!"

"Grateful heart! Thank you, Yang Xu, you will be my Luffy in the future!"


[System reminder: 200 grams of wheat bread and 100 ml of purified water were successfully traded, and obsidian*5 was obtained]

Open Yang Xu's weapon production page.

Look down.

Select [Excellent Spear].

[System prompt: Iron Nugget-3, Obsidian-3, Silver Nugget-2]

Pingping, Pingping, the hammer hit the building.

[System prompt: The excellent spear has been successfully built! 】

next second.

Yang Xu had an extra silver spear in his hand.

Obsidian Spearhead…

Silver gun body, made of silver block.

The entire body of the gun has a silver metallic luster.

Yang Xu's eyes were all focused on this brand new spear.

{This is a new spear with a total length of 1.8 meters.Extremely sharp and can be used against large creatures in the castle. }
Yang Xu weighed it, the weight was just right, and the length was moderate.

It seems that it was specially made according to his height.

this long gun,

During college, when he joined the martial arts club, he practiced…

Holding a spear in his hand, he stabbed in the air for a while.

Familiar with the weight of the spear,
Yang Xu walked towards the river with his fine spear.


The river in this castle is so can see the bottom at a glance.

Water. It's the Lodge.

Only then did Yang Xu discover the tip of the giant vampire.

"Where is this huge vampire..."


A few lines of words appeared on the calm river, prompting...

{Water is the world of giant vampires, and going into the water is the most unwise choice. }

{Giant vampires like the smell of blood the most and can be attracted by fresh blood. }
Yang Xu bought some fresh Coke from the base camp...

Sprinkle it on the river bank until five meters away from the shore...

then hold your breath
Holding a spear, staring at the shore.

{Careful, the giant vampire smells blood and it has quietly come to the shore}
words just dissipated
He noticed a red figure on the shore.

The size is as big as an adult Tibetan mastiff.

The huge body is constantly surging towards the blood.

All its attention was focused on the blood, and it didn't notice Yang Xu at all.

Where the giant vampire climbed, there was no blood.

{Now, when the water comes out, it doesn't work.A gun pierced its head. }
The wind was blowing under Yang Xu's feet, and he prodded towards him with a silver-white spear in his hand.

A cold mountain came first, and then the guns rang like dragons!
The silver spear directly pierced the giant vampire's body.

Who knows, a line of words suddenly appeared on the giant vampire.

{wtf!Dude, I'm going to blow your head off.That's astragalus.
The huge vampire Astragalus was suddenly injured, and it rolled over randomly.

"Ah oh... ah..."

Yang Xu: Speechless.

"Omg it's in the wrong place..."

Yang Xu, quickly take it out.
Align the mouth, drum the biceps, and insert it hard.

The silver-white spear was suddenly inserted into the 20 cm long soil.

The huge body of the huge vampire was surging... no more vitality.

Huge vampire, pawn!
Yang Xu drew out his spear and fired again.

What if it plays dead?

At this time, Yang clearly saw the shape of a giant vampire...

The whole body is covered with reddish brown stripes.

Blood vessels in the abdomen, like needles.

Be good.

If it sticks to a person, it can drain the blood from the whole body in a few seconds!

[Gain Giant Vampire Soul +1]
[Get giant vampire blood +1000ml! 】

{Giant Vampire Blood: There are side effects after eating.This is an excellent forging material.Any weapon can be forged again with blood-sucking blood, and the attributes can also be improved! }
Yang Xu blinked.

It seems incredible.

Yang Xu took the blood and looked into the water again...

{Old man, don’t look, there’s only one.Only some rocks and nylon in the river
"Holy shit, just to see how deep the water is!"

Yang Xu was very angry.

I tried the depth with a long gun, but it was only about a meter...

Stone +6 ... Nylon +8, Kelp +5.


After crossing the river, Yang Xu came to the fork in the castle.

The scroll was handed into Yang Xu's hands again.

Looking at the treasure route, he muttered to himself: "Turn left, that's where the treasure is."

Yang Xu looked at the gate on the left.
Yang Xu looked at the gate on the left.
{Old iron, there is a strange treasure there.But there are two tough real crocodiles! }
"Armored crocodile, kill it."

{Be careful, its scales are very hard.You can't pierce it with your lance, and its teeth bite rock easily. }
Yang Xu: "MMP!"

You have a mysterious treasure at your fingertips.

He didn't want to give up.

Look at the door on the right.
{There is no danger here, and nothing at the same time. }
On one side there is no danger and nothing, on the other side there are rare treasures, but powerful real crocodiles.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

{Old iron, if your spear can be more powerful.In case you didn't know, you can pierce the scales of real alligators. }
"The spear is more powerful..." Yang Xu stared at his palm with a little doubt.

On the spear, a prompt pops up.

{The blood of a giant vampire is a good quenching material, which can improve its attributes. }
"I have vampire blood!"

There was a trace of determination in Yang Xu's eyes.

"Damn it, I don't want to give up the treasure!"

"Open the production page!" Yang Xu said in his heart.

A huge virtual page appeared in the air.

The virtual page shows the handle [Excellent Long Spear]!

Yang Xu's fingers moved quickly.

Under Yang Xu's gaze, I chose to refine and forge again!
Refining items, [excellent spear]!

[System reminder: Please add quenching material. 】

"Add 1000 milliliters of giant vampire blood and a cutting-edge spear!" Yang Xu said.

【System Reminder: Giant Vampire Blood-1000ml】

If you want to train, you can train the most powerful one, don't worry about the blood of 1000ml giant vampire.

The Lou Hammer hit the table, making a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" sound.

[System Reminder]: You Long Spear was quenched successfully.Attribute upgrade, upgrade to perfect spear. 】

next second.

A brand new spear appeared in Yang Xu's hands.

The obsidian tip turned crimson.

Silver and crimson barrel…

Hold it in your hand, a cold feeling.

Yang Xu is obviously more powerful than the original long spear.


A line of text prompts popped up from the silver-red spear in his hand.

{Perfect spear with powerful attack.When the spear hits the target, you will see different effects! }
"Is this the perfect spear?"

Yang Xu touched his silver-red spear carefully.

The qualities of weapons are generally categorized as Common, Excellent, Perfect, Rare, Legendary, Epic, and Mythic.

His spear was forged from the blood of a gigantic vampire from good to perfect.

Push open, the door to the treasure!
Holding a silver-red spear, Yang Xu quickly scanned the surroundings of the new castle.

The castle is like a small desert island.

There's sand, huge boulders, and shrubs reaching the thigh-bending...

He found no sign of any giant armored crocodiles around.
Holding a silver-red spear, he walked cautiously towards the center of the deserted island.


For a while.

One step~ one step~ one step~!

Slow steps, heavy and low.

Surrounding sand, gravel, earthquakes and earthquakes.

Yang Xu's pupils shrank.He knew that this kind of movement could only be performed by large creatures.

It's much bigger than a gigantic vampire, a gigantic creature.

"Yes, a real crocodile!" Yang Xu's heart trembled.

Quickly raised the spear and hid behind a boulder.

The dull sound of stepping on the ground, from far to near, to far...

In sight, a three-meter-long real crocodile appeared, with thick limbs, running forward quickly.

The crocodile scales on the back are unusually heavy.

Sharp and menacing teeth can easily crush boulders.

The huge tail drew a trace on the ground.

Yang Xu followed him quietly with a spear in his hand.


Yang Xu saw the real crocodile that just passed by, lying on another real crocodile...

Then go crazy and yell.

Yang Xu saw the earth shaking for the first time, what does the landslide mean...

"It's a treasure!" Yang Xu's eyes were bright.

Right in front of the two armored crocodiles, there is a colorful box.


A line of words condensed in Yang Xu's vision.

{Now!Go there and stab it straight in the head.Victory is yours. }
Two giant real crocodiles doing the family thing and completely unaware of it…

There was a third person watching behind them.

Yang Xu raised his perfect spear and his biceps bulged.

Towards the top of the real crocodile, he stabbed down fiercely.

a cold mountain first
Then the gun came out like a dragon.

The armored giant crocodile that was exerting strength suddenly turned its head...

call out.

The spear directly pierced its mouth.

{Perfect spear hits the target, triggers bleeding effect}
The iron giant crocodile let out a moan, but there was no sound...

Shoot and kill!

The real crocodile, enjoying the impact, sensed something was wrong.

hoo hoo hoo!
Immediately wailed.

Climb out from under the crocodile above...

Yang Xu pulled out a spear from the real crocodile's mouth,
"Humph! Humph! . . . "

The female real crocodile stared at Yang Xu with red eyes, and the mouth of the crocodile with sharp teeth gave off a strong breath...

The strong hind legs kept scraping the floor.

A giant iron crocodile pops up a line of text,
{Beast!I had a great time.You and I are going there to be killed by it, to die for me! }
Yang Xu: Speechless.

Look at the tip, the spear is tight in your hand.

My heartbeat can't help but speed up...

For the first time, he faced such a huge real crocodile.

He also killed her husband.
Step by step.

The sound of violent running.

Yang Xu seemed to see a torrent rushing towards him.
Hold your breath!

Wait a moment.

two seconds.

In the next second, a trace of determination flashed in Yang Xu's eyes.

Hold on to the gun and charge forward
A great force is coming.

Lances pierced its scales.

With a wail, the light in my eyes dimmed.

[System Reminder: Get a real crocodile mashup +1! 】

[System reminder: Get real crocodile meat +6]

[System reminder: get real crocodile teeth +6]

[System Reminder: Get a real giant crocodile skin +1! 】


"God, I'm scared to death."

Yang Xu's chest kept rising and falling, still in shock.

Such a big real crocodile hit the spear directly.

"Since they are all dead, I will open the treasure chest!"

The flesh and blood functions of iron-blooded giant crocodiles are far less precious than treasures.

The treasure he said was at your fingertips.

Give me a squeak.

Colorful boxes are opened.

[System Reminder: Obtain a mysterious easter egg. 】

"that is it?!"

Yang Xu stretched out his eyes and looked towards the treasure chest.

{Don't look, it's just an egg! }
"Fuck! Where's my treasure!" Yang Xu became anxious.

It takes a long time to get back to God.

I had to force myself to imply that the treasure was hidden by two crocodiles.


Yang Xu took out the eggs in the treasure chest.This is a pure white egg.

He just wanted to see the difference.

Big deal, you can have a full meal by making a poached egg.

{One drop of your blood and you will notice the difference. }

Yang Xu frowned, reminding him not to lie to him.

He immediately bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the egg.

next second.

(End of this chapter)

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