Chapter 98

Chang Xiao first observed this book of the Ge family's ancestors, and this book alone is very interesting.

The material is modern hardcover book paper, and there is a book cover on the outside, that is to say, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a modern product.

But when you open it, you will see that the characters inside are all handwritten, and there are various fonts, such as oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Xiaozhuan... all the way to modern traditional and simplified characters.

After a little thought, Chang Xiao understood that this is an ancestral precept passed down by the Ge family for thousands of years.But the content can remain unchanged for thousands of years, but the carrier cannot.

For thousands of years, the bone fragments, sheepskin, and silk may all have rotted. The ancestors of the Ge family had to rewrite the ancestral precepts over and over again to become like this.

Not only that, but Chang Xiao looked through it carefully and found that due to the different scripts of different dynasties, once the script used changed, the ancestors of the Ge family of that generation would translate the ancestral instructions and keep the original text at the same time.

Therefore, this ancestral training is actually a combination of multiple text description versions, bound together.

This saves Chang Xiao from translating again, and directly flips to the final simplified Chinese version and reads it.

Ten minutes later, Chang Xiao put together the Ge family ancestor's instructions.

Some of the contents recorded in it have already been guessed.

For example, an immortal was sealed in the ancient banning circle, and the sealed person was Leng Yuying's ancestor, a great immortal cultivator in ancient times, what should be done to lift the ban, and so on.

There are also some things that can help Chang Xiao prove certain things, such as immortals are not a good thing!

Zhenren's suicide note mentioned that after the fall of Emperor Xin, there will be no more emperors in the world.It is said that the overthrow of the Shang Dynasty by the Zhou Dynasty was actually driven by the gods behind the scenes, and it was a conspiracy to monopolize the interests of the ruling class.

Ge Jiazu's training not only confirmed this point, but also revealed more.

It turned out that the gods at that time, that is, humans who had already attained the Tao, in order to monopolize the resources of the world of cultivating immortals, used all-powerful means to completely separate the immortal world and the human world, which had no clear boundaries.

Through the barrier of the planes, the world will no longer have aura, and cut off the road of ordinary people's cultivation of immortality.

In other words, as Chang Xiao guessed before, it is actually the ruling class with vested interests who do not want to be turned over by social animals, so they take away all the ladders of social progress.

It's just that the gods at the time didn't expect that Zhou Tianzi was not a fuel-efficient sophomore.

Although the vast majority of immortal cultivators went to the fairy world at that time, a small number of people could not understand it and voluntarily stayed in the human world.

Zhou Tianzi secretly summoned these "aspiring" immortal cultivators and launched an attack suddenly.

It seems that after the fairy world and the human world are separated, it is not particularly easy for the gods to find the human world. They need "coordinates" to guide them.

So they left five immortals in the human world, who rotate regularly so that they can "send signals" when necessary.

The immortal cultivators summoned by Zhou Tianzi attacked the five immortals, and after making great sacrifices, they all succeeded in suppressing them.

It's not killing, it's suppressing and banning.

Because gods are gods, immortals are immortals, immortals are special immortals with godheads,
Immortals can be killed, but godheads can never be destroyed.

If the immortal is killed, the godhead will automatically return to the immortal world, thus providing the immortal world with the coordinates of the human plane, so that Zhou Tianzi's busy work will be in vain.

On the contrary, just suppressing and banning the five gods can completely cut off the fairy world and the human world.

After that, although mortals can't cultivate, they don't need to be used by gods anymore.

"Kill Jie!" Chang Xiao said these two words to himself, as if they weighed a thousand catties.

Now Chang Xiao finally understands whether immortals are good or bad.

However, it seems that it is not easy to make a conclusion.

According to the Ge family's precepts, after attaining the Dao, many immortal cultivators really have kind thoughts in their hearts, they will protect the world, they will answer the prayers of ordinary people, and even when there are major natural disasters and man-made disasters in the world, they will come to the world to save lives and heal the wounded.

But killing and robbery was a hurdle they couldn't get over.

The karma between heaven, earth and man leads to chaos in the heaven and earth, and the killing and calamity will come out, cutting off all cause and effect, and bringing the heaven and earth back to peace.

All those who create karma are those who should be robbed.

According to the teachings of the Ge family ancestors, those who practice supreme mana must return the stolen heaven and earth good fortune according to the amount of the stolen heaven and earth good fortune.

The way to return to nature is to commit suicide, to kill others, and to take the place of someone close to you.

The most typical suicide is Pangu, the creator god. He scattered the stolen creations of heaven and earth into the world, so that the prosperous and prosperous world is now.

It's a pity that most gods are selfish, and few have the consciousness of Pan Gu.

The second method is to kill others. The key is to kill an immortal whose cultivation level is not too different from his own, which is not chosen by ordinary immortals.

After all, you have Zhang Liangji and I have a wall ladder, which god is a soft persimmon?
In this method, there is a [-]-[-] split between crossing the robbery and being killed, and the risk is too high.

Therefore, ordinary immortals always choose the third type, and those close to them will die instead.

The method of crossing the catastrophe is also similar, that is, to accept disciples first, or even directly teach your own children to cultivate immortals, and then let them die...

Originally, if it was just because of this, at most it would be to scold these immortals for being immoral, and Zhou Tianzi would not come up with a plan to draw salary from the bottom of the pot.

The point is that there is a flaw in this method of surrogate death for a close person.

The cultivation of these apprentices or children is usually far lower than that of the immortals themselves, and it is not enough to let them die, and it is not enough to kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of mortals by the way.

Therefore, whenever the gods kill and calamity arrives, the world will inevitably go to war, and the lives will be ruined.

Thinking of this, Chang Xiao chuckled: "This Ji Fa is really black-bellied."

Some people may read the Ge family's ancestor's instructions and think that Zhou Tianzi is a man, for the safety of the common people, he did not hesitate to put all the immortals together.

In fact, it is not the case, King Wu has his own little abacus.

King Wu banned the five gods to prevent people from the fairy world from descending to the mortal world.In this way, as long as time drags on for a long time, those people in the fairy world should have a headache.

Because there is no "help" from mortals, they have only two options left if they want to cross the catastrophe, either commit suicide or kill other immortals.

Whichever you choose, you die pretty fast.

As long as the time is long enough, the entire fairyland may even be automatically "emptied" and become fertile ground waiting for the Zhou Dynasty to receive it.

That's right, King Wu's idea is to take over the ruling class and turn the Zhou royal family into masters!
The ambition is great, and the plan is theoretically feasible.

It's a pity that King Wu overestimated his descendants. The Zhou royal family is already a dynasty that can last for a long time, but it only lasted for 800 years.

Even if things are up to now, King Wu's plan to steal the sky really succeeds, and the gods are all dead, the new ruling class can no longer be the descendants of King Wu.

"Are all the gods dead? If not, then the problem is a bit troublesome..." Chang Xiao rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, his expression very ugly.

He recalled that Ge Tian got a ray of light from the ball of light at that time, saying it was a godhead.

All of this confirms the statement of the Ge family's ancestors that immortals can be killed, but gods can't be destroyed.

In other words, that ball of light is actually the godhead left behind by the gods who were suppressed and killed at the beginning.

Ge Tian just stole a strand, what about the rest?

At first, Chang Xiao thought it had dissipated, but according to Ge Jiazu Xun, the remaining godheads should have returned to the fairy world, and provided the coordinates of the human plane!

(End of this chapter)

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