Ex-girlfriend group rebirth

Chapter 83 Leng Yuying

Chapter 83 Leng Yuying

A car, carrying Chang Xiao and Leng Yuying, drove out of the police station slowly.

Although they were both sitting in the back seat, the two of them had a tacit understanding and were separated by a long distance, as if there was a poisonous snake between the seats.

In the carriage, the atmosphere was extremely awkward for a moment.

Chang Xiao had no choice but to find something to say, and said to Mu Nan who was driving: "Mu Nan, it's really thanks to your help to clear up the relationship this time."

If the family members were to pick him up, at most he would be scolded by his father, and Leng Yuying would be miserable, he couldn't explain why, and maybe he would get a divorce.

This is not what Chang Xiao wants to see, so he contacted Mu Nan immediately and asked him to "clear" with the leaders of relevant departments.

"You're welcome, anyway, you have to reimburse me for the 'event expenses'." Mu Nan waved his hand, and peeked at Leng Yuying from the rearview mirror, and smiled strangely: "Yo, Mr. Chang, I didn't pay attention just now , so you succeeded."

"I think back then, when I saw you making a big wedding and giving away millions of dollars, I was sad and envious. If you could be so infatuated with me, I would be willing to die for you."

"Be careful when driving your car!" Chang Xiao's expression darkened, and she turned to Leng Yuying and said, "Yuying, believe it or not, it's not what you think. In fact, I can't help myself when dealing with the Ge family..."

Chang Xiao talked and talked, but he couldn't go on. He couldn't and didn't want to reveal the matter of Meng Po to the irrelevant people, so that he would never be able to explain it clearly.

That being the case, simply do not explain.

"In short, I promise you that I won't deal with the Ge family anymore. I'll take you home first. Where does your family live?"

Embarrassed, Leng Yuying didn't respond to Chang Xiao from the beginning to the end, it was like air to him.

"Mr. Chang, how about I take you back to your villa, where you don't have to worry about ward rounds..." While talking, Mu Nan quietly raised her middle finger.

Chang Xiao: "..."

Forget it, with Leng Yuying's state and Mu Nan still worried that the world would not be chaotic, Chang Xiao decided not to deal with Leng Yuying first, but changed the subject: "Mu Nan, you seem to be planning to find me too?"

"Yeah, people miss you."

"Hmph! That sounds nice." Even if Leng Yuying was present, Chang Xiao didn't have any scruples, and said directly:

"At the beginning, I gave you a high salary of 30 yuan a month. Although I didn't pay you for a few months, once the company closed down, you disappeared and you haven't contacted me so far."

"Tsk tsk, I originally thought we had a lot of 'friendship', but it turned out that it was just a 'business' after all."

"Boss, you are wrong to blame him. He is still working for you during this period of time."

In Mu Nan's voice, the car stopped in front of a tin shed.

"Mu Nan, where are you bringing me here..." Chang Xiao's startled voice stopped abruptly, because he saw those familiar faces.

Zhang Nuo, Yang Wei, Li Tiezhu, Luo Tianyi.

"Mr. Chang!" The four spoke in unison.

Chang Xiao nodded slightly at the four people, realized something, and pushed open the iron door without exchanging greetings.

Sure enough, it was those familiar experimental instruments and office equipment, as well as some flowers and plants, scrap iron, and chewed unknown plants.

Even the business license of Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd. that he asked Mu Nan to cancel was still hanging on the wall.

"We used some of the company's legacy, such as these expensive experimental instruments, etc., plus the high salary you gave us, to put together a pool and continue to maintain the company until now."

Mu Nan walked around the shed with Chang Xiao, looked at Luo Tianyi and said, "But in the end, the company couldn't hold on anymore. It was Lao Luo who took out all his life savings."

"Old Luo, you..." Chang Xiao's eyes were a little red.

When he set up the company, he was just playing for fun at first, and later, at the request of Meng Po, he intentionally let it go bankrupt.

It's like building a wooden house randomly, living in it for two days, and then discarding it like old shoes after the novelty wears off and burning it on fire.

But he never thought that this "wooden house" that he had long forgotten was a precious home in some people's hearts.

"Don't get excited, hehe, let's have a drink." Luo Tianyi held a glass of unknown liquid in his big chubby hand, and handed it over.

Looking at the mucus in the cup, which was sticky like snot, and there were some blood-colored lines of unknown liquid on it, Chang Xiao frowned and scratched his head:
"Uh...Although I also know that it's inappropriate to ask such a question at this tender moment. But Lao Luo, isn't it because you got angry and had a runny nose? "

"You can insult my personality, but never my character..."

"Get out of here!" Mu Nan and others glared angrily.

If it weren't for Luo Tianyi's strange taste, it would be much easier to introduce this new drink to the market. Of course, Mu Nan and others had a lot of opinions and didn't give Luo Tianyi a good look.

As for Chang Xiao, after taking a sip, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not bad, better than his favorite Coca-Cola.

What's more, when you really drink it, it's not as...so sticky as expected, which is acceptable.

Silently put down the new drink in his hand, Chang Xiao couldn't help but picked it up and took a big sip, then said: "So, why are you looking for me?"

Luo Tianyi spread a circle of cigarettes for everyone, and took a deep breath: "The new product is released, how can the boss be missing."

"This is your achievement." Chang Xiao shook his head.

"Currently, we just researched and developed new beverage formulas. Next, we need to carry out advertising, purchase production equipment, raw materials, recruit workers, etc. And we have no money, boss." Mu Nan snapped his fingers one by one, and finally his eyes were burning. Staring often laughing.

"Okay, let's move forward hand in hand!" Chang Xiao was not a pushy person, and stretched out his hand with a smile.

A few hands came up immediately and held each other tightly!


"Is the goddess there? I want to discuss something with you." Chang Xiao sent a WeChat message to Po Meng.

Meng Po: "Speak."

"Can we just leave it at that for the second task? The whole factory is fine, but now there seems to be some misunderstandings that have affected the relationship between the husband and wife, which is not good." Chang Xiao sent it a little nervously, for fear of getting angry. the other side.

But he also has a certain certainty that he will try this way.

Because he knew very well that Granny Meng asked him to do such an inexplicable task just to make him feud with Ge Tian and even the Ge family.

As far as the current situation is concerned, regardless of whether the Ge family's handicraft factory has closed down or not, Ge Tian must hate him to death.

The hatred of killing one's father and taking one's wife away are far more intolerable crimes than breaking one's job.

In fact, the result was exactly as he had expected, and even fell into the hands of Po Meng and the others.

Granny Meng: "Well, for the sake of cooperating many times, Miss Ben will mercifully agree to you. But this is conditional, because you have failed in this task, so I will give it to you later. You have another task, and the villa can only be transferred to you after you complete it."

Chang Xiao's face darkened. He was not stupid. Although the task of Ge's factory had not been completed, Po Meng's actual goal had been achieved.

Damn it, it's cheap and good-looking.

Chang Xiao cursed secretly, but still could only reply "agree".

Who told him that he did not complete the mission requirements?Sorry.

"Chang Xiao, come and see, this way, this way." Mu Nan yelled.

Chang Xiao silently turned off the phone, got up and walked towards Mu Nan.

"Look, the headhunters provided good candidates, especially this uncle named Lu Jiaguo, who is 48 years old and has 30 years of working experience in a beverage factory. In the last 15 years, he was the factory manager. This is what our beverage factory needs. What do you think of the management talents?"

Mu Nan spoke with great enthusiasm and excitement, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.But in fact, she has stayed up late for several days, and her dark circles are quite heavy.

Not only her, but almost everyone else is immersed in the passion of entrepreneurship and suffers from severe lack of sleep.

Luo Tianyi continued to be busy with the final adjustments, fine-tuning the formula of the new drink, striving for perfection.

And Yang Wei began to be busy applying to the relevant departments for the relevant procedures of new beverages, such as food safety certification and so on.

Originally, these things were in charge of Mu Nan, but Mu Nan was really too busy, so these things could only be done by him with certain experience.

After all, he is engaged in the development of new drugs, food and medicine, many procedures are quite similar.

Zhang Nuo is in charge of the infrastructure construction, coordinating and supervising the construction of the new company's new plant, the installation of production equipment and so on.

Chang Xiao, the boss, is also not idle. This time is different from before, and he has to go all out.

In addition to a one-time capital injection of 7000 million, he also seriously participated in everyone's work, and at the same time used his good relationship with Liu's Group to try his best to get some preferential treatment for the company.

"It's just that this Lu Jiaguo is good. Our company is starting from scratch now, and he may not be willing to give up his current stable job and come here." Mu Nan was excited, but also a little worried.

Chang Xiao smiled nonchalantly: "Under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. If the money is enough, there is nothing we can't talk about."

"Okay, with you as the boss making the decision, I will let go and do it." Mu Nan said with a smile, then turned her head to look in a certain direction, with a half-smile expression on her face: "Speaking of the boss, what is the answer to that one?" thing?"

At the end of her sight, Leng Yuying was sitting in front of the computer, seemingly busy with something.

How the hell do I know what's up with her?I want to know too!
Chang Xiao was speechless, thinking that when he stopped dealing with the Ge family, Leng Yuying would naturally go back.Who knows, they won't leave.

Without any reason or a word of explanation, Leng Yuying stayed naturally, and she and Chang Xiao worked hard together for 150 days, and then worked for another 150 days to start a business vigorously.

"Boss, I took a sneak peek. She is helping us design the shape of the beverage bottle and the outer packaging. However, her aesthetics are really... well, it's hard to describe." Mu Nan whispered in Chang Xiao's ear, It seems to be a headache.

"This...forget it, it's hard to refuse people's good intentions." Having said that, Chang Xiao couldn't help but rubbed his temples, and he didn't know what kind of weirdness Leng Yuying had designed. Luo Tianyi's taste... I don't know if this drink can still be sold.

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say. But how do we treat her? The employee, or the boss' wife?" Mu Nan asked again.

"I see you are itchy!"

"There is a place in the house that is very itchy."

Chang Xiao: "..."

"Moon, moon, don't sleep ~ The confused person is already drunk ~ The person I miss is no longer ~ Life is just a pile of thoughts..."

The phone rang, and when Leng Yuying saw the familiar name, she felt irritated for no reason, and reached out to press it.

This is Ge Tian No.30's first call, and Leng Yuying No.30's refusal to answer.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of Chang Xiao and Mu Nan who were not far away were whispering, and Leng Yuying pouted angrily.

Bah, scumbag!

Then, she turned her attention back to the computer screen.

Chang Xiao promised not to deal with the Ge family anymore, but she didn't treat her one or the other. Leng Yuying wanted to do her best to help as compensation, so she voluntarily stayed and worked.

However, whether she likes it or not, she has to admit in her heart that staying in this place seems to be quite happy.

She didn't even... really want to go home.


(End of this chapter)

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