Chapter 71
On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, some companies with good business and many orders have resumed work.

It's just, why, I, a jobless vagrant, have to go to work so early?What's more, my return to him is voluntary, and I'm quite happy.

Wrapped in a parka, Yang Wei muttered to himself while riding a shared bicycle.

Parking in front of a tin shed, Yang Wei slowly pushed open the rusty iron gate and walked in.

It was as cold inside and outside the house, so Yang Wei tightened his collar and couldn't help but miss the days when he worked at Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd.

I miss the independent office, I miss the hot coffee that I can drink for free, I miss the central air-conditioning system that is like spring all the year round, I miss...

Now everything here is bad, the company rents the iron shed in the village in the city, it is noisy, cold, and even has no salary to receive.

But there is only one thing that is not available in Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Yang Wei picked up a branch-like object from his laboratory bench, put it straight into his mouth, chewed it slowly, and at the same time took out a pen to record something on the paper.

Everything is so natural, Yang Wei didn't dislike the working conditions, he didn't consider the salary, he just did it day after day.

It was as if he should have done this, so he felt at ease.

Yes, it is peace of mind. This is the mentality that he lacked when he was anxious and guilty when Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd. was leading a high salary.

"Bah!" After spitting out the branch in his mouth, Yang Wei turned his head and nodded to Zhang Nuo at the next experiment table: "It's not bad, the efficacy of the medicine has increased by about 5%."

"Is it enough?" Zhang Nuo was tending to a pile of flowers and plants, and asked without looking back.

"It's not enough," Yang Wei shook his head, and looked at another experimental platform not far away: "I'm afraid, before our brothers starve to death, the only hope is him."

Over there, the chubby Luo Tianyi drank a bottle of purple cloudy liquid in one gulp.Then he closed his eyes and meditated quietly, as if he was carefully feeling the taste of the liquid.

Mu Nan who was standing aside rolled his eyes: "I've wanted to ask for a long time, don't you just try the taste, why do you have to drink it up every time? If you only take one sip, in case the drinks you developed are poisonous, Rescue is also easier."

"You can insult my personality, but you can't insult my profession!" Luo Tianyi opened his eyes and smacked his lips: "What I developed is a drink, even if it doesn't taste good, it won't be poisonous."

"Really, I don't think it's convincing at all." Mu Nan glanced at the bottles and cans on the experimental table, the corners of his mouth twitching.

The drinks developed by Luo Tianyi, not to mention the taste, are basically colorful in color, and generally turbid and sticky in texture. You have to swallow it with difficulty when you pour it into your mouth...

The soup made by the witch may look better than these.

Well, except for the yellow-haired Gu Yuanhai, all the employees of Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd. are here.

Even Li Tiezhu squatted in a corner, touching the scrap iron he picked up everywhere, wondering what he was studying.

The company was not dissolved, or in other words, after Chang Xiao dissolved the company, several of them spontaneously reorganized.

Thanks to Chang Xiao's generosity at the beginning, even if the company goes bankrupt, there is still a lot of inheritance.

Expensive laboratory research and development instruments, data obtained after several months of research, office equipment, etc...

Of course, the original expensive office must not be rented anymore, and all the company's benefits have also been cancelled.

The few of them took out all the high salaries they had received before and pooled it together as a new capital injection for the company. They rented this tin house in the urban village and continued research and development.

But just like at the beginning, whether it is new beverages, medicines or seedlings, R&D is a big project that burns money, and the cycle may be very long.

The only one who was more likely to produce results before the company ran out of funds and closed down again was Luo Tianyi.

But the current situation, it seems that the situation is not good.

"No, the taste is still not so good. If we put it on the market now, the success rate is not high, and we probably won't have a second chance." Luo Tianyi made a final judgment on the drink he just drank, and then asked: " Assistant Mu, how much money does the company have?"

"How much more do you need? I spent a lot of money recently, and the company only has more than [-] yuan left in the account." Mu Nan shook his head, paused, and pointed at the drinks helplessly and said:

"I also drank a few sips. In fact, the taste is very good. If you can improve the presentation, you may be able to sell well."

"You can insult my personality..."

"All right, all right, I won't insult your taste." Mu Nan interrupted the other party rolling her eyes, she really couldn't understand why Luo Tianyi thought viscous liquid was the best drink.

Then spread his hands together: "Don't talk about taste, you have to recognize the reality, right? The company has no money, and your best drink will only be aborted."

"No, I still have money." Luo Tianyi stroked those bottles and jars, as if he had made up his mind: "I have worked for so many years, and I always have some savings and a house."


Chang Xiao didn't know at all that his Penguin Network Technology Co., Ltd. was still in operation. After he came back from Balong Mountain, he was sending WeChat to Po Meng: "Is the goddess there?"

Granny Meng sent a nose-picking emoji.

"Can you continue the transaction? I want a villa with a single family and no less than [-] square meters on each floor, with a basement and a parking space."

The suite originally bought for 800 million yuan has already been lived in by his parents. Before Chang Xiao could barely cope with it in the company he rented, but now that the company is gone, he should consider buying a new house to live in.

And as a person with a net worth of nearly [-] million and a reputation, we have to live in a villa, right?

It's just that the housing prices in Menxia City are ridiculously high, and the asking price for such a villa can easily reach hundreds of millions. Chang Xiao doesn't want to lose everything just because of a house, so he naturally considers trading with Granny Meng again.

Granny Meng didn't disappoint him, and quickly replied: "Yes, if you don't mind, it's still the same villa that I let you live in before. You can live in it first, and after I think about what I want you to do, I will transfer the ownership right away. .”

Is it that set again?To be honest, Chang Xiao really minds.

Tianhu Yuyuan, the top residential complex in Menxia City, the villa where he lived for a month did not leave a good impression on him.

It has only been half a year now, and the experience of being kicked out of the villa by Meng Po and being desperate is still fresh in my memory.

Moreover, meeting his ex-girlfriend Bai Jie there at that time was not a pleasant encounter.

Forget it, Chang Xiao doesn't have much choice.That is a villa worth hundreds of millions. If you can get it, you should be overjoyed. How can you choose and choose.

"Okay, then thank the goddess. If you need me to do something, just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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