Chapter 5

Liu Jianhan is an enthusiast of stand-alone games. He has played more games than any woman he has ever seen since he was a child of Sword and Fairy to Heluo Heroes, from Super Mario to Minecraft.

On this day, he was caught in a "game shortage", and he was boring "Taobao" on the steam platform, and accidentally discovered a game called "Legend of Xueba Qixia".

"Xueba Qixia? This name is a bit curious." Liu Jianhan's eyes lit up, he looked at the introduction and said:

"Domestic indie game? It only sells for 10 yuan a piece, which is not expensive. Buy it and support domestic production!"

Domestic stand-alone games have been dead for many years. Thinking about the lost youth, Liu Jianhan is full of emotions. He has always supported domestic stand-alone games, even if he does not play, he will buy a copy.

"Yes, the picture is not only beautiful, but also Chinese style, very eye-catching."

"Music is guzheng playing? Wow, it seems to be back in ancient times, cool!"

"A poor boy with both parents dead, with a dream of being a martial artist. The first task is to learn martial arts from the village boxer Wang as his teacher. Well... the plot is a bit old-fashioned, but it's okay, I look forward to it."

Liu Jianhan commented while controlling the protagonist "Little Dragon" in the game.At this moment, Xiaolong has found Boxer Wang, and Boxer Wang handed Xiaolong a book, and the dialog box shows:

Xiaolong, practicing martial arts requires talent. In order to test your aptitude, you should do the questions here first.

"Do the quizzes to test your qualifications? I understand this. It's the same as the radiation series. It doesn't matter what you choose in the front, and there will be an interface for adding skills." Liu Jianhan seemed to have seen through the routine completely, and clicked the icon of the book.

The book on the screen is slowly opening, and the first page shows:
Question 2: A bottle of beer is 4 yuan, 2 bottle caps are exchanged for one bottle, and 10 empty bottles are exchanged for one bottle. How many bottles can I drink at most for [-] yuan? (please enter).

Looking at the blank space on the computer screen and the three words "Please enter", Liu Jianhan fell into a daze.

Well, forget it, don't say it, it's quite interesting.Liu Jianhan typed in the correct answer and pressed the Enter key.

I thought this would pass the test, but unexpectedly, the screen flickered.

Question 35: Xiao Ming raises a group of rabbits and chickens. There are 94 heads counted from the top and [-] feet counted from the bottom. How many chickens and rabbits does Xiao Ming raise? (please enter) (please enter).

Liu Jianhan: "..."

I spend money to play games, not to attend classes!Liu Jianhan complained wildly in his heart, habitually looking for the "skip" button.

It turns out... nothing.

Press ESC, no response.

Press space, no response.

Press enter, no response.

The mouse clicked wildly and didn't respond.

Still forced to do the questions?Liu Jianhan was in a mess.

After thinking about it, I finally found the paper and pen on the table, and made a linear equation in two variables.

Although it is very uncomfortable, but the game is here, the save is not allowed, and the forced shutdown has to start all over again.It's better to spend some more time, Liu Jianhan is a little bit curious about what else to hunt for.

After finally untying it, Liu Jianhan pressed Enter, feeling a faint premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the third question...

After doing ten math problems for elementary school students, Liu Jianhan ended the fucking test with his messy hair.

Unexpectedly, Boxer Wang in the game was still dissatisfied and popped up a dialog box: "Everything you did was right, but it took too long to answer. Your aptitude is mediocre, go back, I can't take you as an apprentice."

Then the screen flashed, and a line of words appeared on the screen: Xiaolong failed in his apprenticeship, and went home in a daze, but was accidentally shot and killed by Zhang Orion on the way.The rivers and lakes are dangerous, heroes, please start again.

Liu Jianhan: "..."

Is my half-hour topic for nothing? @#$^&%!$#...*&%¥&@34%#!
After greeting the eighteenth generation of the game creator's ancestors with various swear words, Liu Jianhan clicked the "New Game" button.

Not reconciled, I insist on seeing what is behind this broken game.

Soon, the game went to the apprenticeship session.

"Fortunately, I have written down the answers, and I will pass this time soon." Liu Jianhan gritted his teeth and pressed his hands on the keyboard.

The first question: Please silently write the ancient poem "Ode to the Goose", Goose Goose Goose (please input).

Liu Jianhan: "..."

Are the questions random? @#$^&%!$#...*&%¥&@34%#!

After several hours of torment, Liu Jianhan finally passed the test of Master Wang, but he still failed to learn martial arts. Master Wang asked Xiaolong to go to the woods to chop firewood first.

"Okay, it's normal at last. I understand this routine. Cutting firewood will increase your arm strength. Only when you reach a certain level can you teach sword skills." Liu Jianhan's ferocious expression finally eased a little, and he clicked on a tree on the screen.

The expected picture of the big tree being cut down did not appear, but a dialog box popped up instead:

Please write an essay of no less than 800 words on tree cutting, requiring novel ideas and implementing the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development.One hour time limit (please enter).


Liu Jianhan pressed ALT+F4 (force exit shortcut key).

Then, I pressed the refund application without hesitation, gave a 1-star rating, and attached a comment below: @#$^&%!$#……*&%¥&@34%#!

Three days later, Chang Xiao opened the backstage of Steam, and saw the single-digit download data, as well as various comments greeting the developer’s family and women. He was not angry at all, but couldn’t wait to pick up his phone to take pictures.

Then, Chang Xiao sent the photos, as well as the whole process of him killing Liu Xing, with every detail, to Po Meng on WeChat.

Chang Xiao remained motionless, staring nervously at the phone screen.

1 minutes passed.

5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.


An hour passed, and Po Meng didn't respond.

It's normal for a normal person not to reply to WeChat for a long time, but a person who came to the door specifically, kept saying that he wanted to make a deal with him, and even made a move for 100 million.

Logically speaking, if this is a conspiracy, Po Meng is the big boss behind the scenes, right?
It's even possible that it's an evil god or something, waiting for Chang Xiao to sell her soul.

No matter what the situation is, it doesn't make sense not to reply to WeChat for a long time.

The big boss behind the scenes doesn't even have a minion, does he?Wechat transactions have to be done by ourselves, there is no pony who is dedicated to wechat?

If it is an evil god or something, let alone, how can there be such a frustrated god.

Is the goddess taking a bath?

Still shopping?

Or take a sauna?

Yes, that's right, Granny Meng is just busy and has no time to look at her phone.

Absolutely yes, the goddess did not abandon me.

Chang Xiao couldn't accept the reality, and desperately tried to find a reasonable explanation for himself.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly raised his hands to the sky, and muttered in a godlike voice: "O God Meng Po, please reply!"

He was also in a hurry, went to the doctor in a hurry, and even wanted to try the trick of praying to God and worshiping Buddha.

Unfortunately, except for a gust of hot wind, there seemed to be no response.

Is it the wrong way of speaking, or the lack of sincerity in the posture?
Otherwise, let's kneel down and worship, often laughing and thinking, really put the mobile phone on the stone bench in front of him respectfully, kneeling on the grass, with a pious expression on his face.

A senior student, instead of going to the campus job fair to submit his resume, kneels on the grass and kowtows and bows three times. One can imagine what others will think when they see it.

"Look, isn't that Chang Xiao? Hey, Chang Xiao, what are you doing?"

A voice came from behind, Chang Xiao had to stop praying and looked back.

I saw some men and women walking towards him, all of them were classmates.

Chang Xiao's relationship with his classmates is mostly good or bad, so he got up and said hello, "It's nothing, just make a wish and ask for a job."

One sentence made the students bend over with laughter, and a female student curled her lips and said, "You are so stupid to pray to God and Buddha, why not ask Li Yuan."

The Li Yuan she was talking about was one of the two male classmates and the central figure surrounded by this group of people.

"How to say?" Chang Xiao asked.

The female classmate said proudly: "You don't know, Li Yuan has just been hired by Nankou Trading Group, and Nankou Trading Group appreciates him very much, so let him recommend an equally outstanding talent."

Oh, that is to say, not only did Li Yuan have a good job, but he also had a recommendation spot. No wonder this group of classmates circled around him.

Nankou Trading Group is a large enterprise controlled by a state-owned enterprise, and it is usually a permanent job if you enter it. No wonder these people are tempted.

But Chang Xiao and their majors don't match each other, and Li Yuan doesn't have anything particularly outstanding. If it's not his family who "did up" the relationship, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

It's just that the process is not important, what matters is the result.

Yesterday, everyone was still an equal classmate. In a blink of an eye, these people had to fawn on Li Yuan. This is the reality of society, and ordinary people cannot be tolerated.

Li Yuan obviously felt the same way, and said unabashedly proudly:
"Chang Xiao, don't ask me too. Just now they said they wanted to invite me to the bar to have fun and celebrate my finding a job. Why don't you go too? As long as I have fun, it's not like I can't consider recommending you."

Hehe, would you recommend me?Chang Xiao doesn't even believe in punctuation marks.

Yes, including the big exclamation mark on Li Yuan's head.

Even if the punctuation mark belonging to the sensitive part is really a task recommended for him after opening, Chang Xiao doesn't believe it.

If you guessed right, the recommendation quota must be on one of the female students named "Huang Siyuan".Because she is a class flower, and Li Yuan has been pursuing her.

Huang Siyuan had never agreed before, but since she also came out this time, she was already tempted, and she was willing to trade her appearance for her career.

Take what you want, nothing to blame.

So Li Yuan just took a carrot that he would never eat, and caught the group of students in front of him, eating and drinking for nothing, and some people were vying to pay for it.

Those students actually know that their chances are very small, but when they can't find a job and face the dilemma of being unemployed after graduation, they are anxious, let alone a carrot, even a straw, and they will try their best to grasp it, no matter how slim the hope is. .

If it weren't for the great god Meng Po, Chang Xiao might also follow Li Yuan in a humble way, but now...

"No, I won't get involved. Instead of expecting your great mercy, I think it's more hopeful to continue praying to God and worshiping Buddha." Chang Xiao sarcastically sarcastically.

After that, no matter how ugly Li Yuan and the others looked, they continued to pray on their knees.

"Hmph! I don't know how to compliment, let's go." Li Yuan waved his hands and strode away.

The others, except Huang Siyuan, also understood that Chang Xiao was telling the truth, and their faces were extremely ugly.But in the end, they still caught up with Li Yuan, and caught up with the carrot that could never be reached.

Li Yuan and the others had left for a while, but Granny Meng didn't reply, but the phone rang.A drunken voice came from the other end of the phone: "Chang Xiao, come and have a drink with me."

 Surprised, there is a big guy who voted monthly votes so early, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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