Chapter 219

"I said can you stop listening to the song, the single has been repeated dozens of times, it's not boring!"

Seeing that Yuchiyan was angry, Pei Li reluctantly pressed her phone, exited the Kugou software, and asked: "Something interesting?"

Chang Xiao, who had eavesdropped on a lonely person outside the wall and was about to leave, suddenly found that the magical sound of "Time Walks Slower" finally stopped, and he immediately took back the steps he had just taken.

"Yes, I searched the Internet just now, and found that the abbot who talked empty words is not an ordinary person. He performed ritual rituals for people before, and ended up defrauding people twice."

Such a nice voice... Well, it's the woman who shamelessly stripped naked and sent out tasks.Chang Xiao, who finally heard the voice, secretly analyzed it, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. He wanted to hear the other party's information, but it seemed that he was just talking about empty talk and gossip.

"Fraud corpse? So powerful!"

Well, this time it's Pei Li's voice.But what are you excited about?Is it honorable to fake a corpse?Chang laughs and secretly slanders.

"That's right, our sect has been unable to do something for thousands of years. I didn't expect him to get it right. I was shocked. Why didn't the head of the sect notice this news?" Yu Chiyan's voice was completely audible. Turns out it's full of surprises.

what's going on?The amount of information is a bit large, I have to go through it, often laughing and confused.

The words "zongmen" and "headmen" confirmed Chang Xiao's conjecture that Yu Chiyan was indeed a member of the martial arts world, but the specific sect was yet to be eavesdropped.

But what the hell is "great"?How come the fraudulent corpse, which makes empty talk shameful and wants to die, is as glorious as winning the Olympic Games in the eyes of these two beauties?

"In the past few days, I will get closer to Master Kong Tan, try to find out something, and make a great contribution to the sect. Not only that, I am also very interested in that one-eyed dragon."

Hearing Yu Chiyan started talking about herself, Chang Xiao hurriedly stopped thinking too much and paid attention to how she sounded.

"Isn't it Elder, have you taken a fancy to him too? But yes, he is so strong, so mighty, and so rough, even a woman likes him."

Chang Xiao: "..."

Touching his beard, Chang Xiao fell into deep thought. It turns out that not all women like sissies. Are there women with normal aesthetics?

No wonder when we had dinner together before, this Pei Li kept picking up food for me and asking questions. I thought she was trying to talk back to me.

Chang Xiao was thinking about it, when Yu Chiyan's voice came from the room again.

"Where are you thinking! Let's not talk about your weird aesthetics, please don't be a nympho, think about who he looks like? Still can't remember? It's the traitor of the Sifanghui, 'One-eyed Taisui'!"

"We've all seen his arrest warrant for martial arts, have you forgotten? It's almost exactly the same, and the height, fat and thin are also exactly the same. I also observed carefully. He definitely has profound internal strength."

Outside the house, Chang smiled and rolled his eyes. Even if he put on makeup casually, he could still make faces with others. He was like no one else. The key was that he was still a wanted criminal.

It's okay to hit the face, Chang Xiao is concerned about what Yu Chiyan wants to do, and the other party didn't disappoint him, and said everything.

First came Pei Li's voice: "Elder, don't you want to catch him? The Sifang Council and our sect are not allies, and you are still injured, so there is no need to take risks."

Then there was Yu Chiyan's voice: "Hehe, you don't know about that. Ordinary people only know that One-eyed Tai Sui killed another elder of the Sifang Association and was wanted. But the people we planted in the Sifang Association have already spread the truth. Only people above the level of Zongmen elders know. It is not intentional not to tell ordinary disciples, but I am afraid that you will be greedy and seek your own death. After all, One-eyed Tai Sui is very powerful, and ordinary people can only seek death if they arrest him. Living with him may bring great benefits."

Want to catch me?Chang Xiao was a little depressed, he didn't expect to put on make-up and cause trouble, it's not good to fight with Yu Chiyan, it's just a trouble, the key is that he can't show his true face.

Just as he was thinking about whether to leave Qingshan Temple first, Pei Li's voice came again.

"Elder, even in the heyday, it's hard to say that you've just settled for one-eyed Tai Sui. Now you're still injured, isn't it too risky?"

But Yu Chiyan said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I'm not an idiot who rushes up to beat and kill as soon as my brain gets hot. The hero is sad about the beauty pass. I heard that the one-eyed Tai Sui is lustful by nature, won't I use a beauty trick? "

Hey~ Even though it was already late at night, Chang Xiao suddenly wasn't sleepy at all.

Yu Chiyan wants to trick the beauty, shall we just do it?

Early the next morning, Chang Xiao walked out of the room to have breakfast, and saw Kong Tan sitting cross-legged doing morning class, and Yu Chiyan sitting next to him muttering something.

Recalling the content of the eavesdropping last night, Chang Xiao understood, obviously Yu Chiyan had started to act.

Kong Tan Changxiao didn't want to interfere. He also felt that Kong Tan's "magic technique" of deceiving corpses was a bit strange. It would be a good thing if Yu Chiyan could find out what happened.

I looked around, but I couldn't find Pei Li, it seems that I should have gone to Jingfa Temple.Chang Xiao filled a bowl of porridge by himself, and sat down to eat with his back to Kong Tan and Yu Chiyan. In fact, his ears were already closed, and his attention was all on eavesdropping.

They were a little far away, and Yu Chiyan and Kong Tan were only talking in a low voice, so they shouldn't be able to hear them, but Chang Xiao's five senses are far more sensitive than ordinary people, and they can hear quite clearly.

Just listen to the empty talk explaining helplessly: "Benefactor, how many times do you have to tell me before you believe me. I really don't have that ability. Even if I had that ability, I would never do it. Otherwise, wouldn't the Buddha blame me?"

Yu Chiyan seemed to have finally given up, and asked instead: "Okay, then... what happened to the two dead people after they faked their bodies? How did you subdue them?"

If you ask me this way, you obviously still don’t believe it.Kong Tan really wanted to tie his long white eyebrows into a knot, and sighed: "I don't have that ability. The old woman who bit her son and daughter-in-law to death was controlled by the police. I heard she was taken away and incinerated. "

Kong Tan didn't notice the regretful look on Yu Chiyan's face, and continued: "As for the young daughter-in-law before, I heard that she disappeared, and she hasn't been found yet."

Yu Chiyan couldn't hide the joy in his eyes when he heard this, and asked about the deceased's information in detail, such as what was his name, where was his home, and so on.

There was no doubt in the empty talk, and they answered one by one: "Her name is Lin Mo, and she lives in..."

Then, Yu Chiyan was still not satisfied, and asked every detail of the empty talk method in detail.

Kong Tan also understood Yu Chiyan's meaning, he just wanted to find out from the details what caused the corpse change. To put it bluntly, he firmly believed that the fraudulent corpse was the "masterpiece" of Kong Tan.

Fortunately, Kong Tan is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao. He is very self-restraining, he is not angry at all, and he is very patient. He answered one by one, and even recited the scriptures he had recited at that time.

Chang Xiao also heard it clearly, whether Yu Chiyan gained anything or not, anyway, he couldn't see any problem with the empty talk.But the name "Lin Mo" seemed familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

So far, Yu Chiyan has understood all the information, finally let go of the empty talk, turned around and walked towards Chang Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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