Chapter 57 Everyone
Chapter 57 Everyone

Master immediately expressed his understanding!

It turned out that the girlfriends were lying together to hatch eggs.

But looking behind Luo Ming, he didn't find the egg.

Forget it, I can’t wrap my head around it, so don’t ask.

The master shot a laser in his one eye, scanning Li Ting up and down.

"Luo Ming, what is it doing?" Seeing the master's movements, Li Ting was a little scared, leaned towards Luo Ming, and asked in a low voice. "It examines your body."

Luo Ming explained, "After staying at sea for so long, parasites and injuries are the biggest factors that threaten the lives of survivors."

The master made an electronic sound, and Luo Ming listened to it.

"Congratulations, Li Ting. You are in good health."

The master raised his arm again, and a metal ring fell off the arm.

Luo Ming took it, his face moved.He glanced at the master approvingly, took Li Ting's hand and put it on her.The ring immediately tightened itself to fit her wrist perfectly.

"A gift from an adult."

"In times of crisis, spending glory points to activate can form a set of physical defenses."

Just now, as soon as the bracelet arrived in Luo Ming's hands, he immediately received a reminder.

【Man!New technology bracelet (rare): spend 2 glory points to get a layer of adaptive protection. 】

[Note: Inspired by an agent's observation of a starfish. 】

"Thank you, I like it!"

Li Ting touched the bracelet on her wrist in surprise, all kinds of delicate main structures snapped together to form a beautiful pattern.

Luo Ming snapped his fingers, and two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine appeared in the open space.

"Let's have a drink..." Luo Ming looked at the yellow sky. "How about an early dinner?"

"Yes." Li Ting agreed without thinking.

The master was grilling, and Luo Ming and Li Ting leaned together, looking at the sea at dusk, clinking glasses and drinking from time to time.

After drinking two glasses of wine, both of them blushed slightly.

On the firewood, sparks flew everywhere, and some sparks swirled in Li Ting's hair, before the hair was scorched, it turned into ashes.

Sweep the ashes off Li Ting's hair and look at Li Ting who is eating barbecue.

"Li Ting, say something."

"If you point to drinking red wine to lift your spirits, I don't know when to wait."

At first, Luo Ming found that Li Ting would lose her mind sometimes, and occasionally dare not look at her.


Putting down the things in her hands, Li Ting sighed, and the words in her stomach were blocked in her mouth.

"speak out."

Luo Ming looked at her tenderly. "I respect your opinion."

Looking up at Luo Ming, Li Ting mustered up her courage. "Luo Ming, if I don't want to go with you, will you be angry?"

As she spoke, her eyes turned red.

"I want to be with you, but... I don't want to follow you."

"I'm glad we like each other, but there's just too much distance between us."

One day before, she would carefully think about how much material to grab every day, and would stay up all night thinking about the development of the Survival Group.

A small pistol, a solid wooden bed, and unpalatable food when she is full are the source of her sense of security.

But after meeting Luo Ming, things changed.Except for the familiar Luo Ming, everything around him is strange.

The power to destroy the five major survival groups, sophisticated technology bracelets, highly humanized artificial humans, and even survival resources are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"Luo Ming, give me some time."

"I want to go back to the Survival Team, help my cousin make the Survival Team stronger, and try to catch up with you."

"I don't want to be just the little girl behind you, letting you protect me from the wind and rain."

“I would rather stand by your side one day and face the storm with you.”

Speaking of this, Li Ting burst into tears.

She was unwilling to leave Luo Ming, but she had to.

The split between rationality and sensibility made her heart feel as uncomfortable as being pricked by needles.

Putting a hand on her face and wiping away tears, Luo Ming approached her.

"Your idea... I totally agree. It's a choice you can make, the first one I met."

"You made your choice when you said that, didn't you?"

Li Ting threw herself into his arms, shrugged, and sobbed violently.

Luo Ming touched her hair, his eyes were on fire.

"You're right. Go back to your sister. We have different goals."

I don't know when the owner has left, leaving a space for two people.

"Even if you don't tell me, I'll tell you that I'm leaving tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"It's a very far away place, but I will come back again." Luo Ming's eyes looked at the northern sky faintly.

"Now, let's talk more."

When I did leave, we couldn't even talk.

Luo Ming added in his heart.

"Then we agreed that you would come back to me." Li Ting raised her head, tears and snot coming out, looking very cute.

"If you dare not come back, I will jump into the sea and worry about you to death."

Luo Ming smiled, brushed her messy hair away, and looked at her face like a cat.

"The hook."

"Not only hooks, but also strawberries!" Li Ting, be bold.

"it is good……"

Chapter 108 A little science popularization!Romin is gone!

The sun has completely disappeared from the sea.

Floating lamps were released to illuminate the sea from the fleet of ships staying outside the stormy waters.

Li Ting should be back soon, right?
Mina leaned on the railing and looked at the sea in the distance.

In the darkness, the territory of the sea was like a terrifying beast entrenched there.

Luo Ming appeared too suddenly and disappeared too quickly.

Full of complaints, she asked Luo Ming for advice.

"Sister, there is movement in the stormy waters!"

A man with a telescope quickly ran down from the watchtower and handed her the telescope in his hand.

"Right over there! A boat!"

Mina picked up the binoculars and put them in front of her eyes.Just now, the shadow of the ship was getting closer and closer.

That is!
Mina's pupils narrowed, and the hand that held the binoculars tightened.

The speedboat is coming!

The speedboat hit the wind and waves on the sea, and the two headlights illuminated the sea road ahead.

Speedboat!Mina once saw it in the [Production] column.

The manufacturing process is extremely complicated, with various metals, various scarce materials, and various prerequisites.

Excellent handling and domineering appearance fascinate her.

But what I saw in the system appeared in front of me for the first time.

Luo Ming may not have escaped.

The speedboat sped forward and soon came to the front of the fleet.

Mina was already there waiting.

The roar of the engine stopped, the door on the side of the speedboat opened, and Luo Ming stuck his head out first.

Then he reached in and took Li Ting's hand.


Sensing her sister's gaze on her, Li Ting raised her head and gave a sweet cry.

(End of this chapter)

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