There is a god simulator at the beginning

Chapter 46 Do You Think You're Right? !

Chapter 46 Do You Think You're Right? !

Chapter 46 Do you think you are right? !
The Bright Ridge Survival Group focuses too much on personal development, causing their canoe upgrades to lag far behind other survival groups.

It has to be said that in a 1v1 man fight, everyone in Guangming Ridge is worthy.

"How much is the canoe broken?"

"one third."

The leader thought for a while, waved his hands and shouted.

"Gather everyone together and start the next plan."

"Director, do you really want to do this?"

The bosom friend looked anxiously at the light ball behind him, and swallowed.

"Let's get out alive first."

"it is good!"


Luo Ming released the thunder cloud.

On the screen of the weather controller, silver flowers were scattered all over the place.

It was a thunderstorm.

In the fog, shells fell with lightning.

"Luo Ming, you little trash, you can't afford it!"

Emperor Yao's head was clumsily holding a core, submerging it in sea water.

His ship was hit by a cannonball, followed by a flash of lightning.

The ship disintegrated instantly and a large number of people fell into the water.

The coordination controller he possessed could not dispel the power of the lightning storm, and had been overloaded and scrapped.

Death Tour!

"Luo Ming, I know you can hear me!"

"Listen, I am willing to hand over all supplies, just please let me out of here!"

He shouted to the sky: "I know the location of the other land, and I'm [-]% sure I can find it!"

"Exchange these for my life!"

The thunder drowned out his cries, and the lightning struck indiscriminately.


Lightning struck the sea near him, and he immediately stiffened and rolled his eyes.

The limbs gradually become stiff, and the breath of life disappears

"Zhou Tiantian!"

Luo Ming touched his chin. "Take off and check along the fog in case someone forces a way out."

These guys still have some secrets.

You can't capsize in the gutter.

"If you find the enemy, destroy it immediately!"

Zhou Tiantian responded excitedly, waving his wings and soaring into the sky.


"Brother, our plan worked!"

Under the deep sea, the elder brother stood up on his knees and looked at each other with joy.

"Hmph, even if this Luo Ming wanted to break his head, he wouldn't have thought that we would emerge from the water!"

The elder brother nodded, looking at the isolated sea water above. "It was too noisy up there, maybe there was a fight."

"We can reap the profits."

My brother shook his fist violently. "Go to the island, steal his lair, and defeat Luo Ming by surprise."

"Then deal with some other survival groups and absorb the results. We are the number one survival group on the sea!"

The elder brother nodded sternly and took out food to replenish his strength.

"I did the math just now, and our twins are only a small part missing."

"With our weapons, it's no problem facing everyone!"

The elder brother patted his elder brother on the shoulder. "I'll go out and take a look. I think I'll be able to see the island base soon."

thud thud
My brother’s footsteps gradually faded away, and soon I heard his conversation with the pilot boat.

"Chief, the island is ahead!"

"Ah? No, how did that island come to our side?"

"My goodness!"

"what is that??"

Countless shouts came from outside the cabin.

"The island is moving!!"

"Change direction quickly! The island has hit us!" It was my brother's voice, full of panic.

In the cabin, my brother wondered why a group of people were talking so strangely.

"Brother, what happened..."

The younger brother stuck his head out of the cabin and looked out.

My brother took one look and suddenly shook his head. "What the hell?"

I took another look and my brother slapped me across the face.

"Am I dreaming?"

In front of the survival group of hundreds of people, the approaching island showed its true colors.

A titan-like monster of the deep sea! !
Due to its huge size, only a part of it can be seen.

But the deep mouth dozens of meters wide scared everyone else!
A low whimper sounded from the beast's mouth.Although it wasn't harsh, everyone felt a severe cramp in their internal organs.


With his mouth open, his brother was covering his chest, facing this huge monster, he was about to suffocate.

Under the deep sea, Xiaobai looked at the human survival team in front of him.

So small, so fragile.

It's just a bit off.

But they are like a group of strong fish, except for their mouths, there are no other shortcomings.

With another low cry, Xiaobai's mouth slowly opened.

【Waterspout!start! 】

Within 500 meters in diameter, a huge vortex appeared on the sea surface.

The death center of the whirlpool is Xiaobai's big mouth!
As long as the canoe is next to the whirling current, it will be reduced to dust in an instant.

No matter how strong a ship is, it can't last a moment.

"Speed ​​up, speed up! Get out!"

The younger brother picked up the collapsed younger brother and shouted to the front.

"Second in command, I can't..." My subordinate turned his head, with an expression of extreme despair on his face. "Gravity is too great for us to escape."

Everything in the canoe was washed to pieces by the sea.

In the sea, there is a layer of scarlet

Every day in Maximized Ride, a cloud of sonic booms looms behind you.

Above the clouds, the sky is clear.

Ahead is the edge of fog!
Every week, a pair of eyes radiates green light, filtering everything they see.

"Come out! Finally come out!"

Somewhere in the fog, a majestic figure appeared.

He was naked, naked, and covered with scars.

With a big bald head, exhaling the mist in the air outside.

That's what it's like to have a narrow escape.

leave here!

After taking a few breaths, Baldy paddled away with a ball of light in his hand.

This is a restricted area!

Spreading the word is necessary.Luo Ming is a huge threat to everyone!

Thinking anxiously, the bald man looked back again.

He lost everything in the fog.

A chirping overhead caught his attention.

And birds?Help me regain my strength!
The bald man was overjoyed and looked up at the sky with a cruel expression in his eyes.

The sharp chirping stung his eardrums.

A large bird descends rapidly and approaches.

The target is yourself!

The bald man froze for a moment, realizing something was wrong.

This bird is so fast!
A sonic boom cloud bloomed behind him again, and Zhou Tiantian rushed straight towards this person!
A layer of armor appeared, covering Zhou Tiantian's head.

【The second form!rainbow! 】

The bald man on the sea rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

There's something wrong with this big bird that swoops down on him!

The metal feathers on the surface of the celestial body have a wave-like movement and turn into more compact tiny scales.

The tail extends up to 5 meters long from the tail.

Seven colors of light appeared behind it, and the rainbow light streaked across the sky, and Zhou Tiantian turned into a gorgeous rainbow bird.

Two green rays of light extended from Zhou Tiantian's neck to both wings, and Zhou Tiantian's speed suddenly accelerated!

The air friction becomes hot, and you can even see the red light!
The bald man was surprised when he saw it.This is using yourself as prey!
In this posture, I'm afraid I'm going to commit suicide by diving!
The bald man paddled with all his might.

Just after running out of the fog carrying thunder and lightning, it was the period of weakness.

"It's still alive!"

The bald man looked in Zhou Tiantian's direction, cursing and following him.

Hit if you can't escape!
This Strange Bird Might Be Romin's!
The bald man roared, and his whole body swelled by three points again!

The color of the table has also changed!

A huge black man raised his arms and stood in front of him!

A distance of several hundred meters can be reached in an instant at a daily speed!
Zhou carries terrifying potential energy every day and has close contact with him!
There is a huge noise on the sea!
The air was compressed to the extreme, the sea sank, and then hundreds of meters high waves erupted!

When the weather is calm, the sea is empty.

A few seconds later, the sea surface suddenly changed, and something below emerged from the water!

Every day, Zhou disappeared into the sky with an ivory prickly pear in his mouth.
Sporadic blood sprayed out with the sea water.


The fisherman jumped up, and the harpoon in his hand plunged deeply into the lower jaw of the shell.

The cannonball struggled violently, and its huge body stirred up huge waves, affecting countless people.

The big shark opened its mouth and bit a piece of meat on the shell's belly.A large amount of black flesh and blood fell off and disappeared into the sea.

"You're not real."

The fisherman's sharp eyes saw the blood evaporate, and he muttered.


After saying that, the fisherman stepped on the shark and flew up from the back of the big shark.In the process, he regained possession of the harpoon.


The fisherman used his flexible body to record it on the shell and came to the back of the shell.


The fisherman roared in the wind and rain, and the lightning carved his figure in the eyes of the people present.

Raise your harpoon with both hands and drive it down with the might of hosts!

The shell froze, followed by a piercing scream.

Starting from the head of the shell, its scales exploded one by one, and the flesh and blood split into black air.

They just looked at it, and the huge shell disappeared into nothingness.

"Huh—" the fisherman let out a breath of white air, and threw the harpoon into the sea.

"Hero! Save us!"

"Help us... I am willing to atone for our sins!"

"You are not immune to destruction."

The fisherman stood on the back of the big shark, and the waves beat him.


Lightning came again, and what he faced were faces full of expectation.

"You're just like those cowards in town."

"I hope the sea here accepts your filth."

The fisherman bent down and grabbed the harpoon from the sea.

At the end of the harpoon, a statuette is impaled by a sword.

The big shark wagged its tail and took the fisherman into the fog.


Xiaobai's mouth slowly closed, and a moment later, a turbulent stream of water gushed out.

In front of Shura, the water of hell was emptied.

All the dirt is gone.

The little white whale is the one who pays attention to hygiene.

I only eat fish and nothing else.If I have diarrhea, I will go swimming with Li Xiang.

In the soil, there were two coin-sized things brought by it with water.

This thing, the owner should like it.

If it hadn't stopped, those people would have disappeared long ago.

With a happy hum, Xiao Bai slowly turned around in the sea.

Please go to the master!

On the other side of the ocean floor, a large rock moved.

Two eyes appear on the stone.

His eyes looked around and then overhead.

Nothing happened up there.
I was so scared of Crab just now that such a big shell almost killed me when it hit the sea.

Start fishing in troubled waters.

Nana moves across the ocean floor, heading toward a place with many ships.

ah?Why are there so few ships?
has it ended?

Nana looked around but couldn't find her target.

It's over, no one was sent to complete Luo Ming's mission.

Frustrated at the bottom of the sea, Nana came back.

Just then, a faint white light appeared from a crack in the rock.

Nana crawled over, stretched out her big pincers, and crushed the rock hard.

A truncated core emerged, topped with a glowing stone.

Good. I remember Romin seemed to like rocks.

Take this back, you shouldn't blame me.

Nana cheered up, lifted the "glowing stone" high with a pair of pliers, and headed towards the island.


Luo Ming shook the coconut and found that it was empty.

"Almost." Luo Ming said, and adjusted the function of the weather controller to the advanced level.

"Wait another half an hour."

Be as safe as possible.

"The leader of the survival team who didn't come is a smart man."

Luo Ming stood up and moved his stiff neck.


In the hot boiling pool of the crater, a fish-like figure was swimming around in it.

That's Carter.

Carter's size has changed dramatically.

The reptiles on the lower body disappeared and became propellers.

The surface is metallized in white, which can well block high temperature.

A pair of big eyes scanned the bottom of the water, and Carter looked for the source of the spar.

A large number of bubbles emerged from the bottom of the lake, carrying a strong smell of sulfur.

Carter moved his head and found that countless bubbles were emitting red light.

found it!
Carter swam faster and found a very deep cave.

A gentle stream of water gushes out from it, and a red spar is stuck there.

Carter stretched out a main arm and pulled out the flame spar.

After pulling it out, another one appeared in the cave.

one two Three
Carter dunked one, then another.

With a big heart, Carter extended his other major arm.

Spin the teeth to clear excess rock around the cave.

Then, two flints suddenly appeared in the cave.


With a third arm out, Carter decided to do a big project!


The singing of birds came from the sky, it was Zhou Tiantian who came back.

It gently landed next to Luo Ming, opened his mouth, and a white pear landed at his feet.

"what's up?"

Luo Ming picked it up, and a prompt appeared immediately.

Luo Ming immediately understood what Zhou Tiantian meant, and he said, "Is there really a fugitive? Did he give it to you?"

"here you go."

Knowing the function of prickly pear, Luo Ming turned his hand and put it away.Now he didn't know what to do with it.

Make good use of it, it will help you a lot.

It didn't work. Luo Ming shook his head and turned into a sea monster.

While meditating, Luo Ming felt tremors under his feet.
The deep and powerful voice made people panic.

After brewing for a while, Luo Ming suddenly heard a shocking loud noise from behind him.

Looking back, I found that the crater was billowing with smoke!
Fuck, the volcano is about to erupt!

Luo Ming picked up the binoculars and saw a small figure running crazily on the steep slope below the crater.

It's Carter! ! 0 2
The shaking in the ground is alarming.

Rocks of various sizes rolled down the hillside and crashed into the sea, causing huge waves.

On the surface of the sea, ripples spread, and the fish in the water fled desperately.

The rock walls are pushed away by internal pressure, and chunks of rock fall off.


Thick yellow sulfur smoke spurted out, corroding the rock walls, and a fiery red surge emerged deeper into the mountain!

The coconut in Luo Ming's hand fell to the ground.

"Carter, you son of a bitch!"

Veins were exposed on his forehead, and Luo Ming took a deep breath.

Wave after wave, volcanic eruptions are more troublesome than survival groups.

Maybe the island is doomed.

Master retracted the tentacles from the side of the conveyor, and many light spots appeared in the one-eye.

There was another muffled thunder, and the crater was like a patient with a mouth full of phlegm for a thousand years, spewing out a cloud of black mist.

Luo Ming already felt that the temperature around him began to rise, and the birds on the island took off in large numbers.

Zhou leaned against him every day, his feathers turned into ladders, ready to escape with him.

The volcanic black clouds had covered the sun, and the sky on the island suddenly turned into evening.

The master suddenly approached Luo Ming and sent him a telegram.

After listening for a while, Luo Ming began to show disbelief.

"Is there really a way?"

My Lord's one-eyed signal flickered violently, and an inexplicable aura of self-confidence appeared inexplicably, just like that day.

That day, that is, the night when Zhou Tiantian carried out subjective transformation.

"It is possible to store some volcanic energy, but do you need high-purity energy as the storage core?"

Luo Ming breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is a way.

Luo Ming stood on the ground looking at the smoking crater, and put his hand on the weather controller.

You can't stop an eruption yourself, but you can delay it.

Bang, bang, bang!
Luo Ming's fingers quickly operated on the screen, and clusters of thunderstorms were released.

This time, it was an indiscriminate and intensive release.

After a while, the screen was full of rotating "little white flowers".

A large amount of volcanic energy is extracted from the ground, and the small ball on the top of the weather controller emits a dazzling light.

Thunder came to the world!

It was a complete sweep, and lightning went crazy and fell on the sea.

Large amounts of seawater are ionized into hydrogen and oxygen.

Dead fish came up with their stomachs turned upside down.

The escaped fish in the survival group also died completely under this lightning!

Luo Ming looked up at the crater and found that the smoke trend had weakened a lot.

it works!

After that, Luo Ming and his master were picked up by Zhou Tiantian and quickly flew to the bottom of the island.

Luo Ming whistled in the air.

A hill appeared in the sea.

Xiaobai is back!
"Xiaobai! Come on!"

Zhou landed steadily on his back every day, and then walked to the bird's nest with graceful steps, bowing his head to comfort some restless partners.

Tsk, Luo Ming sighed after seeing it.

At this time, don't forget to feed a bite of dog food.

Following Master Luo Ming to the main workshop, "Master, can you use radioactive source stones to make high-purity energy?"

Luo Ming turned his palms one by one, and a radiation source stone the size of a football appeared.

"It needs to be processed, so it can't be used directly?"

Luo Ming frowned, time waits for no one.

It seems that the volcano will definitely erupt in ten minutes.

"How about accelerating with glory points?" Luo Ming proposed another method.

At this time, my master was a knowledgeable scientist, and once again denied Luo Ming's idea.

(End of this chapter)

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