Chapter 44 Spear!

Chapter 44 Spear!
This time he placed the buoy directly next to the canoe.

and many more!

He has to see what that is!
Hold your pistol tightly in your hand and aim for the sea.

The beacon sank.

The man's hairs stood on end, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Seeing that the buoy was sinking again, he quickly reached out to grab it.

No. Don't have anything!

Suddenly a powerful force came and was about to knock him down.

"Help me!" Fortunately, he called his companion next to him.

At the same time, he also saw something underwater.

A giant pair of pliers!

"Sea monster!"

The sound resounded through the sea, and everyone looked at it one after another.

I saw the man talking incoherently, dancing and describing to the people around him.

The two looked at each other.



Looking around, the two continued to talk.

"Be careful of sneak attack!"

"Beware of Scams!"

"In groups of three, watch the movement of the sea."

"If there is a crisis, gather fire to extinguish it."


On the hillside, Luo Ming turned to his master. "How is Nana?"

Radio pulses come from strange machines in the opposite direction.

"I'm starting to wake up."

Luo Ming flipped through the notebook, made a stroke somewhere, and "cut off the back road" was crossed out.

"Tell Nana to be safe, and at the same time start a sneak attack and disconnect the canoes."

"Dividing the enemy must begin from within."

Luo Ming sighed and raised the weather controller in his hand.

"Now that the escape route has been sealed, we can increase the fire appropriately."

Black clouds began to condense over the sea area, and a "rumbling" thunder began to brew.

In ten seconds, the raindrops changed from the size of rice grains to the size of peanuts.

The light in the fog suddenly dimmed.

It started to rain and wind, and at the same time the waves were bigger than the waves.


Canoes at the edge of the two survival groups began to show signs of splintering.

"Boss! The waves are too big for the canoes at the edge of the queue."

A small captain, wearing a raincoat made of banana leaves, ran over from the next-door ship.

Wiping the rain off his face, the captain licked his lips.The heavy rain forced him to close his eyes.

"Should we reduce the scale and let people concentrate on making stronger ships?"

Chu Hua's head was calm and calm.Look at the connection between the boats made of iron rope and hemp rope.

"Wait a minute, the connection is still strong."

Looking up at the sky, Head Chu Hua said with a heavy tone: "The wind and rain will intensify, we must maintain the scale and not disperse."

"Otherwise... a canoe cannot stop the waves."

A big wave set off and directly swallowed several canoes nearby.

Fortunately, there is a connection, except for a little building damage on the top, the overall preservation is intact.

"Together we can resist."

While they were talking, a dark shadow swam under the ship.
On the edge of the survival team formation, several members were complaining.

"Brother, I think the canoe is falling apart."

"Alas, we're not core members. We're only in the canoe." Once you're on alert, look around.

"Oh, don't worry. The connection lock is made of steel and it's very strong. I just checked it, and it's fine." There was a thud in the companion's chest.

The canoe rocked.

The wind and rain covered up this insignificant voice.

"Why are you shaking so much?"

Several people were unprepared and staggered on it.

"You didn't just check. What's that!!" a man complained to his companion as he looked back to check the link lock.His voice suddenly rose, and the tool in his hand suddenly fell on his feet!

Forgetting to cry out for pain, he saw that one of the two connected locks was broken!
And the other, submerged by the waves, will break as soon as the sea falls!
Several people were shocked and their voices trembled.

This is on a raging tide!

"Captain! Save us!!!"

The out-of-control canoe spun out rapidly, and was separated from the formation by more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

When others realized it, the canoe and the people on it had disappeared into the thick fog, and only the cries for help echoed on the sea.

After a while, even the sound disappeared...

This isn't the only place where canoeing happens.The two teams were horrified to see the canoes outside disconnected one by one.

Some escaped in time, others were engulfed in the fog.

"Give up the fringe canoes! Concentrate on the center!"

"Free fire! Kill things in the sea!"

Countless orders spread around, and the two teams were tense.


The master responded to Luo Ming.

"That's enough. Let Nana pause."

Luo Ming nodded, leaned against the weather controller, opened his notebook and drew another stroke.

"Fuck its wings" was crossed out by him.

With a pen in his hand, Luo Ming wrote a new line in his notebook.

Act Two: Prelude!


There were exclamations everywhere in the survival team.

"Nearly all of our outlying canoes have been destroyed!"

"Give me specific statistics!"

Chu Hua's head looked gloomy, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his fists were clenched tightly.

After a while, my confidant stumbled over and was about to open his mouth when Chu Hua's head was covering him.

"keep quiet."

Others don't need to know too much bad news, or it will cause panic.

"40 canoes, all destroyed!"

"More than 30 brothers lost contact!"

"There is no material transferred from above. It's already alas!" I sighed heavily in my heart.

Then the assistant frowned. "The underwater creature that broke the connection lock disappeared, and the brothers didn't hurt it."

"Who knows if it will show up again."

Chu Huatou took a deep breath, raised his hand to his forehead, and looked at the swaying rain.

"Sea ships are different from canoes. Sea ships are located at a high position, and the connecting lock is more than 1.5 meters above the sea level."

"It can only move underwater and poses no threat to ships."

After some analysis, the person in charge of Chu Hua made a decision.

"Notify the brothers to strengthen the remaining connection locks and speed up the transfer of materials."

"If you really can't get into [the base camp], then give up everything."

"As for the missing brothers, please pray for them, there is nothing we can do..."

"very good."

Staring at his departure, Chu Hua rubbed her temples.

During this expedition, we have lost one-third of our strength before seeing the other party's shadow.

The materials are good, but the key is the people.

Speaking of the Kebi survival group, the person in charge of Chu Hua roared loudly when he saw Kebi's head.

Swearing can be heard from afar.

Taking a look at their size, I saw that their canoes were also badly damaged.

After the metamorphosis was a little better, Chu Hua raised his head and tapped on the crystal panel.

Find the chat history, enter some text, and confirm sending.

【Man!Your message could not be sent! 】

Chu Huatou's face turned pale!

This has never happened before!
If you don't believe me, Chu Hua's hair is back!
Once, twice, three times!
【Man!Your message cannot be sent! ] Still the same reply.

Information isolation!

Calm down, Chu Hua's leader called one of his men.

"Try your [chat] to send a message?"

"Very good." Seeing that his head looked serious, his people didn't ask this strange question.

after a few seconds
"Boss! Can't send!"

The man panicked too.

Chu Hua's head in this sea area suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky!
On it, there seemed to be a big face looking at them jokingly.

"This is only temporary." After digesting it, Captain Chu Hua frowned and took out something from his [Headquarters].

It is a tall rattan, surrounded by seaweed and topped with milky white crystals.

[Marine Garrison guards (strange things): protect the area within 100 * 100m and reduce the level of wind and waves. 】

"I'll go ahead and lead the way, and the others hurry up to make up."

The white halo dissipated, and wherever Chu Huatou went, the wind and rain turned into gentle wind and drizzle.

But still not covering the entire survival population.Even so, it cuts losses.

Chu Huatou looked pained, and needed supplies to keep going.

Hundreds of supplies last only a few minutes.

"At the fastest speed, reach the island!"

On the other side of the comparable survival group, the person in charge of comparable also took out something with heartache.

A small idol was placed on the prow, and he bowed a few times to it.

The speed of the entire survival group instantly became much faster.

"Chu Hua, if you have something good, why not take it out as soon as possible!"

"Hurry up, I won't last long, the price is too high!" Mo Ke's head shouted at Chu Hua's head.

They exchanged glances, and both nodded at the same time.

The lightweight survival team plunged into the depths of the fog.


Birds sang above Luo Ming's head.

Zhou folded his wings every day and lay beside him.

"Another survival team is here?"

"Three at a time this time?"

"No encounter, I entered the fog zone from the other three directions."

Luo Ming quickly thought about the information Zhou Tiantian brought.

"In order to speed up the progress."

With faint eyes, Luo Ming opened his notebook and wrote and drew on it.

"Some people enjoy the calm before the storm, and some people are not so lucky."

"Sir, tell Nana to make trouble for the new survival team."

"and also……"

Luo Ming stepped forward and whistled.

Another mountain in the sea moved.

"Tell Xiaobai to go outside the fog and force those people in."

In the notebook, the words "fishing in troubled waters" were crossed out by Luo Ming.

After everything was ready, Luo Ming came to the weather controller and tapped the selection button of the advanced function with the palm of his hand!


In the dark clouds, white snakes rush towards the sea.

Between heaven and earth, the wind and rain have become stronger than ever.

Oh no, isn't my curiosity broken?

In the twilight barrier, Chu Huatou looked puzzled, why the surrounding rain became the same as before.

The fog prevented him from seeing the scene 20 meters away.

The scepter was put away by him.

The howling wind and torrential rain nearly threw him off the boat.

"Boss, be careful!" Still holding him with one hand.

Chu Huatou, who picked up one, quickly took out the scepter!
He crouched on the deck, panting heavily.

It is not that the situation outside has weakened, but has intensified.Heinously strong!
I shouldn't.

The immediate difficulties made him doubt the previous sea scorpion.

With just a few of them, did they really successfully land on the island?



"Keep going at a constant speed!"

"There's a lot of wind and waves in the fog!"

"Wait for Pathfinder to discover the situation ahead!"

At the edge of the fog, a new survival team gears up.

A burly man arranged to order food.

He lowered his head and looked at the countless fragments of canoes and supplies floating in the mist on the sea.

The material has traces of artificial packaging.

Other survival groups have already joined!

Assessing the losses, Emperor De Yaoshi's leader decided to err on the side of caution and send a reconnaissance ship first.

Each scout ship has a chain tied to the stern to ensure their smooth return.

Counting the numbers in his head, when he reached 600, Emperor Deyaoshi waved his head, "Pull them back."

10 minutes is enough to explore the area 300 meters ahead.

Those guys rolled up the disc, and the chain shrunk a little.

Hua Hua-
In the process, the chain suddenly stretched straight!

"There's something pulling us over there!"

They know their own people would never do this.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense——

The chain suddenly broke!

Several people fell directly to the ground.

Emperor Yao kept his head still and his face was so heavy that water dripped out.

Without a hand on the ground, he went and grabbed the chain in his hand.

At the breaking point, it's a very rough crack.

It was being torn violently by something!

"Ah! Boss, in the back! In the back!"

At the same time, behind the survival group, a huge wave slowly rose!
The height of the spray exceeds 15 meters, and it pounces on the thousands of soldiers and soldiers of the survival group!

The instinct to survive drives everyone forward.

"Wait! Wait! The previous situation cannot be determined!" The survival leader shouted loudly, but he couldn't stop the seawater coming from behind.

A survival group was "sent" into the fog.

The fourth and fifth survival groups encountered the same situation.

What greeted them in the mist was a vision of purgatory.

The waves are so high that a single wave can overturn a ship; a gust of wind can break the mast!

People had to hold on to structures on board to keep them from being blown out to sea.

A large amount of material is picked up by the wind and flies all over the sky, which is a terrible thing to hit people.

The rain curtain mixed with the sea water, and the large amount of humidity made it difficult for everyone to breathe.


Luo Ming put down his binoculars, and in front of him was a dark cloud almost level with the crater.

With his head down, Luo Ming left a few more notes in his notebook.

Act Three: Symphony! "

In the dark sea, two teams of people marched forward wearing white masks.

"Let's go! Rush in!"

Now the leaders of the two teams have only one idea in mind.

Now all sea ships are starting to get damaged.

Maintaining these weird things consumes a lot of resources.

"Chief, nearly half of my brothers are missing..."

Covering his forehead with his heart, he walked to Kebi's head and said weakly.

He was hit hard on the forehead by a flying board and nearly died instantly.


Mo's cheek muscles twitched, and his brows were deeply knit into the word "Chuan".


Close your eyes and exhale the polluted air.

"They are all good brothers dedicated to the regiment..."

"But now we have no way out."

There was a vast fog behind me, and I couldn't even tell the direction.

"If you want to land on the island, you must land on the island, and take down the island before you can redevelop it!"

With that said, Ke Bi glanced at Chu Hua who was nearby.

They suffered heavy losses there too.

You can definitely take him down if you land on the island and raid yourself first.

"Did you observe that? What happened to Moko's loss?"

Zhu Hua shook his head, and one of his men came over leaning on the boat.

He is maintaining the function of the scepter and has no time to observe there.

"Most of them have left."

The man quietly raised his head to look at Kebi again. "The canoes are all built, and only the boats and ships remain."

"What about us?"

"It's still your height. Let some people hide in the building boats in advance. Now we only lost 40 people, and most of the supplies on the canoes have also been transferred to the construction boats."

"here you go."

The head of the group, Chu Hua, nodded.

"Inform everyone that as soon as you land on the island, you will immediately attack Kebi and catch him off guard."

While talking, Head Chu Hua found that Head Moco was chasing up from behind, keeping pace with him.

The two looked at each other and smiled, with the gratitude of "good brother, thank you" in their eyes.


"No, the waves are too big!"

In another part of the mist, Emperor Deok Yoo Se's head clutches the chains and secures himself to the boat.

"Everybody, everybody, chain yourself up!"

His fleet has been torn in two, and countless people are floating in the waves.

"Second! Second child!"

Shouting loudly, a man with the appearance of a small boss came ruthlessly, dragging an iron chain.

"Take out the energy stone!"

"No, we can't. We'll lose a ship in a second!"

In the wind and rain, the little leader's face was covered with rainwater, and he covered his ears with his hands, but he still couldn't hear the boss's words clearly.

"it is good!"

With a wave of his hand, he took out a large pile of dark red stones and tied them with ropes.

At the same time, a short machine appeared next to Emperor De Yao's portrait.

"put in!"

[Coordinated controller (main monster): It can make your navigation formation form an orderly whole and disperse external shocks. 】

The red rays of light spread, and the canoes and sea boats that were originally scattered in the waves were connected in series with the red rays of light, forming a whole.

The waves were fierce, and as a result, the ships were all in one town to disperse their forces and minimize losses.

it works!

Emperor Yao, the ruler of the world, was overjoyed and kept throwing energy stones into it.

Although it cannot protect against wind and rain, it can effectively disperse the destructive force.

"Gather the crowd, let's rush in!"

With a shout, the formation maintaining the formation rushed in.


"Brother, we can't wait any longer!"

Somewhere in the fog, a young man called out to another.

The two look alike, and their facial expressions are exactly the same.

"Just got pushed into the fog by the tsunami, we lost more than 20 people!"

It was raining heavily and there were people everywhere.

"it is good!"

The brotherly man nodded, reached into his pocket and pulled out a rock wall.

The younger brother also took out a rock wall in his pocket.

The two stone walls came out of their hands, spinning in the air, and fitting together.

A ray of green light blooms!
[Sacrifice (monster) in the Undersea Temple: Give your team the ability to "diving" and become an undersea ghost. 】

The two brothers' faces turned pale, and only by supporting each other can they stand firm.


"Dive! Saved!"

Everyone rejoiced at the sight of an invisible barrier surrounding the fleet, beginning to sink below the surface.

No matter how big the storm at sea is, it cannot shake the depths below
As long as you dive deep enough, you can touch the island from below.

The two brothers looked at each other for the rest of their lives, and sat down on their knees.


(End of this chapter)

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