Chapter 42 Sleepy!

"But he doesn't appreciate my concern at all." Li Ting showed an annoyed expression.

Then she remembered something and said to Mina.

"Cousin, can we hurry up? He said he was leaving."

"Where to go?"

Mina finds her cousin, a friend, a little mysterious.

"He hasn't said anything. He's been playing tricks."

Li Ting said to sit down, open the crystal panel, and read Luo Ming's reply over and over again.

I watched it over and over again, then reluctantly turned it off.

Mina stood in the pilot's position, squinting at the sky, thinking more.

Being able to occupy a rich place reflects from the side that its own strength is not weak.

No wonder he didn't join himself.

Is he alone, or is there a team behind him?

Think of the Tibetan Mastiff, which ranks first on the list.The leader's name is also Romin
Looking at the absent-minded Li Ting, Zhang Bo sighed.

It was impossible to count on her.

If the two are one person, then he is No.1 in this sea area!
I can't help but feel sorry for the rapacious survival groups.

Luo Ming still exchanges magical soap from the mysterious store.

Today's Mystery Shop items are so scarce.

Even “reusable toilet paper” is out.

Romin doesn't even know how to describe its function.
With a moderate amount of soap in hand, Luo Ming couldn't wait to go to the attic bathroom.

After taking a shower, I felt refreshed.

Luo Ming was lying on a big bed that could accommodate four people, dealing with the items in the "exchange" column.

The purchase information I hung up got a reply.

After giving away the supplies, Luo Ming received 10 corals and 2 treasure boxes.

The treasure chest is a silver treasure chest, and no one in Luoming has obtained the more advanced gold treasure chest.

【Man!Two silver treasure chests were opened! 】

【Man!You get a bike! 】

Bell Bell~
A cross-beam frame electric car was born.

Want to be something worth remembering.

Unfortunately, the space is limited and it is not possible to move around.

It's also good to put it away as a collection.

Luo Ming hit it into the "base camp" with a backhand.

【Man!You get a pool party macho version (outfit)! 】


Luo Ming sat up from the bed and looked at a set of blue clothes floating in the air.

[Pool Party Macho Version (Clothes): Wearing it can increase your swimming speed by 2%. 】

With a wave of his hand, this name full of bad taste came into Luo Ming's hands.

There are two pieces, which are adorned with a large number of waves and seagulls, an eagle is embroidered on the back, and an emergency life buoy is hung from the waist.

Better than my coquettish pink dress right now.

As the most beautiful babe on the sea, macho clothes are suitable for you.

Luo Ming threw away his current clothes without hesitation.

But then again, the cotton has been harvested and I haven’t had time to make clothes yet.

Open the [Base Camp] to see the remaining goods inside.In addition to providing a large amount of meat, cattle and sheep during the day also provide a large amount of fur.

But wearing a big coat in the summer Luo Ming himself vetoed this stupid decision.

Calm down first.

Opening the crystal panel again, Luo Ming came over to chat and continue diving.

"Big news, big news, the names of the six survival groups are all exposed!"

"They are all well-known in the advanced rankings!"

"All survival groups are within 30!"


"Chu Hua!"


"Bright Ridge!"


"Huang De Shi Yao!"

One name after another added fuel to the hot chat group.

"God, it's just a piece of land. Where are these people?"

"Whether you can find it or not is one thing."

"You don't understand this, it's a high-end place!"

"This is the boss's guess. According to the information currently exposed, there is only one piece of high-grade land!"

"It can be said that whoever gets this island can do anything wrong at sea!"

People watching the news gasped.

"Then this Luo Ming is dangerous."

"In the sea, if you can't, it's better not to take advantage of good things." A particularly explosive voice appeared.

"We, Chuhua, let you know that we have accurately determined the location of the island. This island is ours, and no one can stop it. We said it first!"

"Damn it, people from Chu Hua showed up. They are ranked ninth. It is said that all the staff have hot weapons."

"The tone is so loud, my monkey hasn't spoken yet."

Another man jumped out and said lazily.

"We monkeys have no other intentions, just go for a walk, but get out of the way."

In the following speech, news about Popular Science Monkey appears.

"It is said that their leader has something in his hand that even animals dare not approach!"

"How do you know so well? Did you see it?"

"Cut, brag."

At this time, a sober person appeared. "Aren't they worried that Luo Ming and Tibetan Mastiff Luo Ming are the same person?"

"From now on, it's very possible!"

"Even so, he is Luo, but there are six teams here!"

"It's hard to beat four legs with two fists, and now you still have six legs!"

"I have shown my cards. I don't pretend. I am Luo Ming." A speech suddenly appeared.

They saw that this person really had the name "Luo Ming".

"Me too!" Another person came out.


"+2!" So a dozen gangsters and hundreds of Luo Ming came to sign up.

"Get out of here! Now Luo Zhen will hide quietly in the morning."

Countless curses drowned out "Luo Ming".

Athoo! !
In the attic, Luo Ming smiled wryly and wiped his nose with his hand.

It turns out that being scolded behind the scenes really makes you sneeze.


Luo Ming grinned again and exited [chat].

hard to convince the damn ghost
I said I am myself, why don't you believe me?
Turning over, Luo Ming fell asleep.


Outside the attic, the little chameleon goes to work, its slow movements during the day becoming more agile, chasing dancing insects.

In Nana's cave, Nana's "ka ka" sound came.There were a few cracks in the operation, and the green light flashed.

The master sat on the rock, holding a flower in his hand and looking at it carefully.

Zhou Tiantian and his wife cuddled together and continued to incubate the eggs. The radiation source stones floated green dots into the eggshells.
Wall-E flies around the island, using his new body to adapt to the terrain.

Xiaobai spits out bubbles boredly, and takes a big mouthful of fish from time to time.


the next day!
Luo Ming pushed open the door of the attic and stretched.

I slept soundly last night, and I dreamed that there was someone else on the bed besides him.
Smashing his mouth, Luo Ming gargled, returning from fantasy to reality.

The nearby islets are filled with morning mist, and seabirds come and go on them.

"Go to the island!"

Luo Ming brought his master to the volcanic island and chose an open place.

"Looking for the Dragon Jue and Obtaining Gold and Seeing Mountains, the first entanglement is..."

Muttering in his mouth, Luo Ming stopped and stopped.

I'm not looking for a tomb, I'm looking for a place that looks pleasing to my eye.

"This is it."

Luo Ming clapped his hands, pinched his waist, and looked around.

The view here is wide and you can clearly see most of the island.

"Check in!"

【Man!The check-in rewards on the seventh day are being drawn! 】

Before I knew it, it was the seventh day
Luo Ming quietly waited for the award.

【Man!Congratulations you got the weather controller! 】

With the sound of rewards, an oversized box appeared in front of Luo Ming!
Luo Ming's eyes turned red immediately, it was just in time!The time is just right!
If this thing is the same as the game he played in the last days, he is 100% sure that those survival groups will not be able to make it to the island!
I want to hit ten!
At the same time, a second notification rang!

【Man!Extra points for clocking in for seven days! 】

【Man!Congratulations on getting the base portal (legendary)! 】

This time, the system is generous.Items that only appear once in the mystery shop are stuffed straight into your pocket.

[Base Portal (Legendary): Placed in your island base, you can travel freely between the two places. ] 0 2
Weather Controller!
Luo Ming looked at the big red and yellow box with these words engraved on it.


【Man!Do you want to relocate immediately? 】

[Weather controller installation conditions: requires a lot of energy. 】

[Note: Once placed, the position cannot be changed twice. 】

Luo Ming turned around and looked around.While the perspective here is good, he doesn't quite understand what's going on around the island.

Go up a little more.

At this time, Luo Ming thought of the location of the eagle leader's nest at that time.

It overlooks the whole sea.

A smile appeared on Luo Ming's lips. It turned out that they had already chosen the best location.



The super strong Luo Ming was running fast in the mountains, breathing heavily.

The weather controller was brought into [Base Camp] by him.As for the entrance of another reward base in [Base Camp], Luo Ming hasn't had time to look at it yet.

Along the way, Luo Ming was thinking.

Should we immediately use the portal at the base to connect our two landmasses so that supplies from the other side can reach here?

Luo Ming frowned slightly, that piece of land was just an ordinary piece of land.

The resources above are not abundant.

There is little point in building a portal.

In addition, Luo Ming has a bold idea.

Because the origin island is also an island
How about it.
When you discover the Origin Island, then capture it and build the base portal on it, you will have a shortcut to the Origin Island and here.

The area of ​​Origin Island is comparable to that of a city.

Be patient again, good things are used in key places.

Moreover, the land is in the center of stormy seas, so safety can be guaranteed.


In the gap of thinking, Luo Ming has arrived at the original location of Eagle's Nest.

All traces of the eagle have disappeared except the dung on the rocks and the feathers in the crevices of the rocks.

Luo Ming walked around and chose a flat place.

Waved again to summon the weather controllers.


The huge box shook, and purple light burst out of it.

Countless currents appear around a wonderful machine.

The building is 10 meters high, with a huge sphere at the top and six huge pillars at the bottom.

Numerous cables extend from the base to the ball.

The unique solemnity of the building is leisurely.

A workbench as smooth as a mirror was displayed in front of Luo Ming.

【Man!The weather controller is successfully installed! 】

【Explore energy! 】

【Man!The discovery of volcanic geothermal energy, the collection of building energy! 】

Under the weather control, the ground kept shaking, and small stones jumped up.

In the past 5 minutes, Luo Ming only felt the shaking of the weather controller, and then it became quiet.

A red beam lights up and shoots through the cable into the ball at the top.

Like breathing, purple lightning began to appear on the ball.

Luo Ming’s hair and hair exploded out of thin air.

Static electricity starts to build up in the air.

Looks like a great guy.

Luo Ming exhaled, walked up and put his hand on the operation screen of the weather controller.

【Man!The weather controller is activated! 】

[Operating Instructions] Basic functions: Absorb geothermal energy and can create heavy fog, heavy rain, strong winds and other weather conditions within a radius of 10 kilometers. 】

[Advanced functions: Energy consumption increases significantly, basic functions increase, resulting in dense fog, heavy rainfall, hurricanes and other weather conditions. 】

[Ultimate function: Overload: Absorb energy beyond the limit, create uninterrupted thunder and lightning storms in an area, and come with advanced functions!Cooling time is 1 day. 】

【Man!Please note that using the ultimate function will accelerate the exhaustion of the target's energy, please use it with caution! 】

Stable, the security of this island is stable.

Luo Ming's eyes fell on the fourth note, "The energy of the accelerated target is exhausted."Now I'm on a volcanic island.

The energy accumulated by a volcano for tens of thousands of years cannot be consumed by one or two thunderstorms.

Perpetual motion machine!
A stream of data flowed into Luo Ming's mind, and he became self-taught on how to operate the machine in front of him.

Standing in front, Luo Mingshuang was operating quickly.

"Basic functions, turn on!"

Fingers focus on running.The ball on top of the weather controller starts to glow.After a burst of pulse energy storage, a bolt of lightning shot out from above, reaching into the sky!
Medal of Merit
The invisible energy fluctuations spread, and Luo Ming looked up.

In the area 500 meters away from the island, fog began to spread, the smell of water vapor in the air reached, and the sound of howling wind reached the island.

In less than 10 seconds, an endless maze of mist enveloped the volcanic island.

When Luo Ming looked at the thick dark clouds on the sea and the terrible wind and rain inside, he couldn't help but smile.

I'm like a game boss, waiting for the survival team to break through.

Try the advanced features again!

Luo Ming became interested and patted him on the advanced function options!
In an instant, the sky in the distance changed.


Lightning appeared in the clouds, the hurricane roared, and huge waves of more than 5 meters were directly set off on the sea.The rain poured down and merged with the sea water.At this moment, there is no dividing line between the sky and the sea.


Luo Ming couldn't help applauding.He was quite satisfied with the effect.

At this point, few survivors are able to cross the 10-kilometer zone.


After testing the weather controller, Luo Ming came to the crater again.

The spar around the crater is less obvious.

At the other end of the crater, a small figure was busy, constantly collecting the ejected crystals.

"Wall-E!" When Luo Ming said hello, the little guy immediately looked like a child who saw a loved one.The track rotated quickly, picking up a bit of smoke and dust, and wrapped around Luo Ming's leg from the other end.

"Master.Stone fundraiser boasts
After the redo, Wall-E seemed to have Luo Ming's orders engraved into the program, even though Luo Ming canceled the excavation work.But it came as soon as I got back to the island.

"Wali, the mining of spar can be put down. We now have radiation source stone as an energy substitute."

Walli stammered, "Walli. Help master."

Luo Ming smiled, touched Wali's head, and stopped blocking it.

Finally, Luo Ming went down to the crater to inspect his rubber forest.

"Ah? Why is there a big hole here?"

Luo Ming stopped in the rubber forest with a question mark on his face.

a thief?
The thief's crime methods were too low-level, and the crime scene was not cleaned up. Specifically, it was the scene where the body was "dumped."

Check out the cut marks on this gear.
Wall-E, you Xiong Haizi. No wonder you took the initiative to help yourself.It turns out that you made a mistake and were afraid of being discovered by yourself.

Coming to the plantation again, thanks to the addition of the horn of the harvest god, all the crops are now ripe.On the way to the place of origin, Luo Ming picked them all at once to use as materials and sowed new seeds.

At this time, beautiful birdsong sounded in the sky!
Ming raised his head.I saw a small black spot on the high clouds.The little black dot quickly swooped down towards the island, and arrived at Luo Ming in the blink of an eye.

Whispering incited Zhou Tiantian to land gracefully.

A kind of consciousness passed into Luo Ming's heart.

"What? Found traces of the survival group?" Luo Ming suddenly raised his head.

Early in the morning, Luo Ming sent Zhou Tiantian to explore the way.With Zhou Tiantian's flying speed and altitude, nothing could threaten it.

After estimating the time, it takes about an hour and a half from discovery to return to the island every day.

According to the speed of this group of people, it would take at least a whole day to reach the outskirts of the island.

Okay, the actors are about to go on stage
"Good job, Zhou Tiantian." Luo Ming picked up the notebook and marked a "1" on it.

"Keep exploring!" Luo Ming kicked Zhou Tiantian out again.

Squinting his eyes, Luo Ming looked east.As the host, how could he not impress the visitors?
Luo Ming built a simple barbecue stand on the beach.He is grilling lamb chops tonight.

By the way, there is a master who needs to ask him to come down and study barbecue together.Romin loon has a genetic attack.

With a whistle, a small mountain floated on the surface of the sea, and Xiao Bai slowly approached.

After jumping into the sea, Luo Ming quickly climbed onto Xiaobai's back. At this moment, the master came.

A consciousness came over, and Luo Ming was stunned. "You mean Nana has a problem?"

Turn quickly to Nana's safety.

Crouching down, Luo Ming explored the cave with his master, Nana's red shell became like porcelain, and the old shell cracked to reveal a new shell with cyan inside.

Nana's body in her old shell began to tremble slightly.

The bombardment was successful!

"Nana, Nana, can you hear me?" Luo Ming called softly from outside.

Nana's shell peeled off again.

There was another loud bang, and Nana's pliers fell off completely.

On to the new pliers.Has a metallic sheen.Nana used the pliers to tear away bit by bit the old shell that was hampering her movements.

More than 10 minutes later.A large, soft, pale blue starfish appeared.

Da da da-
Nana said she was hungry now
Although she had no strength at all, Nana still stubbornly stretched out a pair of stubborn pliers.

Nana felt like she had just had a long dream.

Eating a few rocks is like flipping a switch in the body, making it feel sleepier than ever.

In the past, Nana didn't know what sleep was.

now it finally knows
Um?why can't you move

(End of this chapter)

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