Chapter 39 Please!
Chapter 39 Please!

No, how long.The previously unremarkable mechanical workshop.

【Man!Mechanical workshop upgrade complete!The chain reaction is about to start! 】

The notification sounded in Luo Ming's ears, and the owner, Zhou Tiantian, the camera crew, and the cyborgs on the volcanic island were all surrounded by thick green light.

[Mechanical upgrade! 】

Luo Ming saw that the green light continued to expand, and at the same time revealed the distorted sound of mechanical friction.

This radiation source stone is really a good thing!

Luo Ming already understands why the Eagle Clan is desperate to snatch it.


A chance for biological evolution!
With one leap, Luo Ming jumped more than 2.5 meters on flat ground. When he fell, he did not need shock absorption, and the powerful impact kinetic energy was absorbed by his body.

I also got a chance.

Over time, several green light groups finally changed!
Countless green lights shrank into the machine, revealing the true content of the things inside.

The sound is like a gear without oil, and the mechanical creature inside moves slowly.

【Man!Master, the upgrade is complete!Get a second form: the Green Goblin! 】

[Green Goblin: Energy consumption doubled, entering the form of a war machine! 】

[War Machine Form: Wearing armor and possessing a wide range of firepower. 】

After the upgrade, the master still had a dull expression on his face. He stood on the ground for a while, picked up the kettle that had fallen under his feet again, and turned around to water the flowers and plants.

In its eyes, this is the most important.

Look at Sunday and Sunday, it is much more gorgeous than before.

The red eyes turn green, and the tail feathers grow longer and end in green.

Zhou Tian spread his wings, and the hurricane on his wings disfigured his position.

With a "bang", Zhou rushed out of the dust, spread his wings and flew in the air.

【Man!Upgrades are completed every week!Get the second form: Rainbow! 】

[Rainbow: Energy consumption doubled, enter super rapid state! 】

[Ultra-fast state: Get the skill potential energy strike, the power will explode with a little bit, causing extremely destructive power! 】

After evolution, the daily speed has been significantly improved, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the last remaining VCR, Luo Ming grinned happily.

Now the video recorder in front of him is bigger than the previous two.

In the transparent energy channel, green light flows.

【Man!The video crew has been upgraded!Get endless momentum! 】

[Note: At least you won't worry about electricity for a long time~]

On the volcanic island in the distance, the green light melted, revealing the figure of a small artificial human.

The light was on, and the android continued to work according to Luo Ming's instructions-collecting rubber juice.


With a crisp sound, the outstretched arm of the artificial man cut the rubber tree from the middle!
Didi ∑(っд;)っ——

The signal light flashes rapidly, and the android panics
trouble!Destroy this tree!


In a hurry!
Of course, it's anthropomorphic and fanatical.
The android's tracks were turning, circling around the broken tree, and the signal light above its head was blinking.

The android stretched out its robotic arm, trying to pick up the fallen tree trunk and put it back.

The tree that was originally broken in two was broken into three!
Fortunately, the man-made man does not have a heart, otherwise he would have a heart attack.

Standing in place dejectedly, the mechanical arm pulled.

The mechanical arm shook for a while, trying to reach out again, but dared not.

A "person" and a tree were in a stalemate for 5 minutes.
The signal on the artificial man's head suddenly changed, and a ヾ(17'д 0717) expression appeared.

From behind it sticks out a mechanical arm with gears spinning rapidly!
Destroy the corpse!

Sawdust was flying all over the forest like it was snowing.

A few minutes later, the artificial man walked out of the rubber forest slowly, as if nothing had happened.

Except for a thick layer of sawdust behind, the ground is full of deep pits

Under the crater, among the rugged gravel, a small figure slowly moved forward.

It's an artificial human behind the ears.

Go to the crater to collect ore, and the artificial man will carry out Luo Ming's first order.

After mechanical evolution, two protrusions appeared on the top of the artificial human, just like eyes.

It kept scanning the scenery along the way, like a little butler.

A loud bang came from the other side of the island!Tons of birds flying in the jungle!

The artificial man was stunned for a moment!
This is not the sound of falling rocks!

Then came the second bang!

The artificial man reacted immediately, and the signal lights above his head simulated a series of complex signals.

E = e =(o`w`)ノ Angry!


The track under the chassis rotates rapidly, and the android sails in the direction of the noise!

"not bad!"

Luo Ming sat cross-legged on the stone, looking at the brand new home.

Beside him, there is a coconut with an open mouth and a bottle of red wine.

Red wine flows from blind boxes caught in automatic fishing nets.

In another blind box, Luo Ming also found a well-packaged braised chicken.

After the night of crisis passed, not only there were more materials, but also more types.

Romin drank all the coconut water and now he is digging into the pulp with a spoon.

Take a few sips of pulp and a sip of red wine.

Life is nondescript, but enjoyable.

Da da da-
Under the stone, Nana was chasing the master to knock again.

Go back to the stupid master and pour the water on Nana's head again.

Two guys are spinning around under a rock.
Sometimes Nana can see her master running behind her ass as soon as she turns her head.

As soon as the sea breeze blows, the smell of the sea in the air disappears, replaced by flowers full of flowers.

The chubby chameleon is lying on the treetop, with its belly exposed and its tail hooked.

In the bird's nest, Zhou Tiantian and his wife snuggle up and care for their eggs together.

Open [Chat] in a bright spot, and continue to enter as a diving salted fish.

There is a lot less negativity here.

After all, weak-willed people are screened out by the night of crisis.

"The material has been changed, wood blocks for gems 2: 1!"

"Take drinking water, take drinking water, gems 3: 1 for drinking water."

"Hey guys, I found a piece of land yesterday."

The land is also being discovered by more and more people.

Everyone has their chances.

"It's a pity that there are only two coconut trees on it, and there is not even a place to lie down."

The man complained: "I really envy people who have so much land."


"Hey, did you hear that the monkey posted a message to recruit people?"

"Their survival team has found a new piece of land that is now in dire need of manpower to develop it."

"Envy, now they are the number one channel group."

"No, no, I've always been the second child in a thousand years."

"That Tibetan mastiff trampled the monkey to death."

Countless people are gossiping, like the idolization of the end times.

Romin and other survival groups have huge followings.

"Worthless, unfortunately, I haven't seen any news about the recruitment of Tibetan mastiffs."

"By the way, I have seen Wei's monkey head. When I passed by a sea area in the morning, I happened to meet them fishing. They are as strong as tigers."

"Hey, why didn't I leave you?" someone joked.

"Oh, I've joined other survival groups."

"To be honest, I really want to know what the head of a Tibetan Mastiff looks like."

"It's just as magnificent, and it's still a great beauty..."

Before that, the tense atmosphere eased a lot.After a brief existential crisis, the jokes began.

Luo Ming shook his head with a smile, and opened the "communication" channel to release the news.

“Buy Coral, 100 Gems, or 50 Copper Coins for exchange, unlimited.”

"Buy a treasure chest, exchange for 100 gems or 50 copper coins, the number is not limited."

Treasure chests, now many people don't choose to open them after they get them, but put them in the "exchange" to exchange materials.

Typical blind box psychology.

Knowing that expectations might fall short, many bought anyway.

We have a successful example before us.Someone traded 40 gems for a treasure chest.Ever since, a high-end kayak came out from here.

At this moment, Luo Ming received news from the outside.

【Man!Your premium land "Volcano Island" is being invaded! 】

【Man!Invasion range 2%! 】

Luo Ming was immediately pulled back to God, and withdrew from the crystal panel.

Land invasion? ! !

Luo Ming felt speechless, and really wanted to come up with something.

While acquiring the land, with this in mind, defenses were deployed on the island.

Opening the map, Luo Ming looked at the volcanic island in the distance.

"It will take about half a day."

Too much land is also a hidden worry.

Luo Ming scratched his head and jumped off the rock.

"Little Bai, go at full speed!"

"Destination, Volcanic Island!"

Not afraid of being occupied, even if it is occupied, Luo Ming has the confidence to get it back.

He cares about what grows on it.

According to the prompt given by the system, this area has been occupied by 2%, and it should not be fully occupied before going back.

There is still time.


Behind a large tree, the small figure of an android is spotted.

The signal light above its head flickered.

┻━┻︵╰(‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

On the open grassland 300 meters away, a goat fell in a pool of blood, and a group of people laughed around it!
That is the property of the owner!
"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that. There is so much money here!"

"Brothers, give me a good search and take away all the good things here!"

"Boss, I think there are traces of farming here. I'm afraid this island has an owner."

There was another gunshot, and the man at the head of the crowd snorted disdainfully.

"I have this. Is that enough?"

"Hmm..." His subordinate smiled passively. "Enough. Enough."

"If the master here dares to appear, even he will be killed together!"

"Old boss, killing people is not good for us."

The man suddenly remembered something and frowned.

He looked confused: "Let's take a little, a little material is enough..."

"What the hell!"

"Can people take what pirates do? We are just robbing!"

The leading man slapped the man on the shoulder, "This is the sea, not the society before that!!"

"If the employers and employees hadn't looked at you and helped you, you would have fed the livestock long ago!"

"Stuttering, you've made the boss angry again."

"Just follow us, no need to kill."

Another dark-skinned man dragged the stuttering man behind him. "But you must be searched."

From what he said, it had been done no more than once or twice.

The stuttering man's face was pale, and the iron gun in his hand was dangling.

Seeing this photo of him, the others roared with laughter.

"Ahem! Okay, be serious!"

The man in the lead brandished a pistol and waved to the left and right.

"Break into two groups and mark material locations in the chat group."

After a short pause, the leader of the survival team showed a sinister smile: "I met the owner of the island, he was a man, he forced me to find out where the supplies were hidden, and then buried them on the spot."

"Boss, where did you meet this woman?" The man deliberately asked loudly, and after a while the others booed.

The leader of the survival team glanced at him: "I eat meat, you drink soup."

"Thank you, brother!"


The artificial man behind the tree moved, and the signal lights flashed rapidly, as if to cheer himself up.

Two thin mechanical arms stretched out and picked up two stones on the ground.

Watched The Gang over and over again.

Seeing that this group of people is about to split up and head towards the depths of the island.

No way!
This is the master's island!

The human mind does not know what is a robber and what is a territory.It just thinks he needs to protect his master!
"By the way, stammer, if you dare not follow us, stay here and deal with that goat."

"I haven't eaten mutton in a long time."

The black-faced man walking in front turned around and laughed at the stuttering man for a while.

"I and I follow you and you."

The stuttering man was timid for a moment, and trotted a few steps to his side.

He felt flustered on this island, as if something bad would happen at any moment.


With a sneer, the man in black waved his hands and shouted: "Come on, sweep up!"

call out!
There was an ear-piercing piercing sound, and a big black hole appeared on the ground in front of the dark man!


call out!
After the dark man opened his mouth and yelled out the first word, another surprise sounded!
This time, the man in black was completely speechless.

A small stone pierced his jaw and smashed his throat!

The dark-skinned man covered his neck with his hands, blood gushed from his mouth, and his throat made a sound like a bellows.

The stuttering man walking beside him sat on the ground, his limbs trembling.

"team leader!"

"Big brother!"

Several other people gathered around and looked at the wounds of the man in black on the ground.

"The enemy is in the bushes ahead!"

What happened here naturally attracted the attention of the leaders.After a quick glance, he immediately spotted the dangerous position.

"Everyone pay attention to concealment, be careful!"

Rushed to this side, the team leader looked down at the man in black.


In the eyes of the dark man, Krizman showed a desire to survive, while the stuttering man whispered beside him.

"Save your head!"

After a thorough inspection, the leader shook his head. "There's no hope. It's dead. Bury it."

Everyone around was embarrassed, and only the stuttering man struggled to stop the bleeding.

"Mind your own business."

The leader kicked out the stutterer. "His weapon is yours. Don't waste time on him."

"Ha ha……"

The gasp in the man's throat weakened, and his eyes gradually became confused.

"I'm very sorry……"

The stutterer reached for the gun in his hand, but did not move it.


Looking at the black-faced man again, I found that he had died.

The stutterer tried to snap off his other finger, and he grabbed the gun in his hand.

With a weapon, his sense of security increased.

"Friend, come out."

"Do you want to hide behind a tree all the time and be a villain?"

The leader smiled and shouted forward.

The bullet hit the tree trunk accurately, and the sawdust exploded.

"You, you and you, outflank from both sides." The leader ordered in a low voice.

Several people exchanged glances and left quietly.

Soon, there was movement behind the tree.

A small figure appeared timidly.

"This. Fuck me!" Everyone was shocked!
What did they see! !

An artificial human with reptiles!

At this time, the mechanical arm dancing around the mechanical arm and the pebbles on the mechanical arm were exposed, confirming its identity.

Just Raiders!
Seeing so many intruders at once, one (cowardly) appeared on the signal light above his head.

But then it became (angry).

These people shot at it!
"Kill it! Whatever it is!" The leader fired first.

In a panic, the artificial man threw out all the pebbles in his hand.

call out!call out!call out!
It's powerful, but not good at aiming.

All the rocks were blocked by the bunker, except for one unlucky man who hit the rocks with his face.

The time has come!
The leader of the bunker poked his head out and watched the movement on the other side.

A wave!
boom! boom! boom!
On both sides of the android, dozens of gunshots suddenly sounded!

When, when, when! !

The artificial surface is littered with sparks and shaken from side to side!
"Rush over!" The leader suddenly jumped out from behind the bunker.

Nylon knots and sacks kept emerging from his hands as he ran.

Take control of the androids!

"Keep shooting!"

The leader saw that the artificial man could still move, so he kept drinking.

Finally, a bullet hit the artificial signal light!

la la la!
A string of sparks came out, and the movements of the artificial man froze in place.

Call up-
A nylon knot descended from the sky, and figures appeared around to tie the artificial man firmly.


The leader fired another shot, "Damn it, kill me both."

The artificial signal lights were pitch black and completely unresponsive.

Staring at the artificial man, the leader spat, "Stutter, dismantle it for me!"

The person who stuttered was an engineer in the last days, and he had some ink in his stomach, so he was left in the team.

"what exactly is it?"

"Has the island master made it?"

During his journey to survive, he has seen many animals, but this is the first time he has encountered a mechanical creature.

If true, then its owner is a fat sheep.

The chief's face was stern, and frustration at the loss of his men gave way to greater greed.

"Old boss, it's not right!"

shouted the stutterer who was working on the android.

"What a fuss. Is it just a piece of scrap iron. Huh?"

Pieces of green light emerged from the artificial man wrapped in the rice dumpling.

The green light continued to spread, enveloping the artificial man like a cocoon.

"Keep a distance and shoot!"

Nip all changes in the cradle!

There was a lot of gunfire in the jungle, but the bullets melted into green light.

At the same time, "click" sounds continued to be heard in the cocoon of the green light.

A silhouette emerges from the light cocoon.

It's like... a cicada without its shell!

"There's always some uneasiness in my heart."

Luo Ming squatted on Xiaobai's back, looking at the vast sea ahead.

At this time, Xiaobai is a fast-moving battleship.

The waves turned sideways and spread like an avalanche.

Luo Ming's ears were filled with the sound of the wind, and his mind was also constantly thinking.


"It's just a miner, so it shouldn't be discovered by intruders."

(End of this chapter)

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