Chapter 35 Lao Yue!

However, after a night of crisis, the probability of finding advanced equipment in Luo Ming has increased.

Some people even shoot in blind boxes.gun!

Someone also opened the scroll of the speedboat.

We no longer lack basic materials, and basic survival needs have been upgraded to development needs.

"Xiaobai, stay in the sea ahead."

Luo Ming shouted, and then took off his clothes.let's go.

Thinking about too many things, Luo Ming's thoughts were a little confused.

Why don't you jump into the sea and swim?
Jumping from a height of more than ten meters, Luo Ming jumped into the sea like a fish.

The cold sea water stimulated Luo Ming's senses and made his brain cool.

I put too much pressure on myself.


Luo Ming, dive down to see if there are any shells or anything.

Unfortunately, this is deep water.Luo Ming dived to the extreme distance, but still did not reach the bottom of the sea.

On the contrary, there are many deep-sea fish, with dull faces, swimming past Luo Ming.

If you're not hungry now, I'll let you go.

Luo Ming stirred the water and turned a fish upside down.


“Without the animals, it would be like a vacation.”

Luo Ming was lying on the sea, with a plate of prickly pear slices floating in his hand.

"The sun is a bit harsh."

Luo Wei narrowed his eyes and put his hands in front of him.

Reaching for the prickly pear, I found nothing.

A red shadow skims across the bottom of the water.

"Nana, bring back the prickly pear!"

Luo Ming was helpless, and this little thing also went into the water.

Nana rushed out of the water with a swish, her eyes looking innocently at Luo Ming.

The remaining pulp on the tongs sold it.


Luo Ming picked up a ball of water, threw it towards Nana, and threw it into the sea.

Luo Ming no longer messed around with Nana, he began to feel sleepy lying on the sea.

When his eyes were blurred, Luo Ming found a small dot next to the sun in the sky.

"Huh? What?"

Luo Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes, but the strong light made him unable to see clearly.

The dots get bigger and bigger, and gradually you can see the colors clearly.

White, flawless white.

Plus, it's in the shape of a bird!
Look at its direction, it's coming towards you!

Luo Ming's drowsiness was swept away, and he watched the uninvited guest swoop down from the sky.

Beautiful singing resounds through the sky!
As soon as Nana heard the cry, she jumped into the sea.Soon, she appeared on Xiaobai's tail and climbed up the hill.

Luo Ming stepped on the water and watched the rabbit approaching quickly.

It is a beautiful bird with a wingspan of over 6 meters.

There is a pinch of white feathers on the top of the head, the whole body is snow-white, a pair of long thighs, red eyes, and a slender and sharp beak.

The rabbit chirped again and circled 100 meters above Luo Ming.

It has no webbed feet and is not good at paddling.

Luo Ming clearly saw the sign of the rabbit.

"Xiaobai, don't attack yet." Luo Ming comforted the nervous Xiaobai.

The rabbit tried several times to fly down in the air, but he didn't dare. He could only hover and lower his height.

This, rabbit, does not mean to attack.

Instead, there is a sense of urgency.

Luo Ming stepped on the water and was suddenly submerged by the waves.

In a hurry, the rabbit in the sky no longer cares about the sea.As soon as the wings are folded, they head straight to the sea!
It is feeding itself?

Seeing Luo Ming's white shadow digging a hole under him, he then tried to pull himself out of the sea.

The seawater left no trace on the rabbit's feathers, but was isolated by the oleophobic layer of the feathers.

【Man!Discover intelligent creatures, Bai Yu! 】

[Note: They are kind to any creature and will help the weak in distress. 】

[Note 2: They have only one partner in their life, and when the other partner dies, the other will die with them. 】

[Note 3: Their feathers are made of high-grade materials, and the meat can greatly replenish physical strength. 】

Luo Ming looked at the rabbit under him, and his heart moved.

It sees itself as a drowning animal, and also sees itself as a weakling.

Feeling dumbfounded, Luo Ming also felt a sense of warmth from being rescued.

Compared with the eagle, this white is completely extreme.

The rabbit chirped and carried Luo Ming to the sky above Xiaobai.

The rabbit landed smoothly and walked towards Luo Ming gracefully.

Small head, small head close to Luo Ming's face.

"Thank you." Luo Ming sat up from the ground and smiled gently at the rabbit.

The rabbit was startled, and hurried back a few steps.

Luo Ming gestured to it, trying to express his kindness.

The rabbit ignored Luo Ming, but tilted his head and looked at the vegetables grown by Luo Ming.

"Do you want to eat?"

With a thought in his heart, Luo Ming opened the "Base Camp" and pushed some vegetables for the rabbit.

The rabbit stood gracefully, tilted its head, and looked at him carefully.

With a sound, the rabbit accepted Luo Ming's kindness.

A sharp beak pecked the cabbage into pieces.

It seems very hungry.
Seeing the rabbit eating gracefully, Luo Ming felt a huge gap.

"I still have it here." Luo Ming took another one. "It's me thanking you."

After eating, the rabbit looked at Luo Ming again, and stretched out its paws to grab the cabbage.

There was a gust of wind on the flat ground, and in the blink of an eye, the rabbit had rushed to a height of [-] meters.

"Tsk tsk, this speed."

Luo Ming sighed, looking at the rabbit that turned into a little black spot.He gave up the idea of ​​following directly.

Saved by a big bird.

This is the first time the world has shown a friendly side to Luo Ming.

Luo Ming was in a good mood and returned to the highest point on Xiaobai's back.

"Xiao Bai, let's keep moving. Let's explore this area today!"

The speed of the rabbit has exceeded the limit of any creature within the range of Luo Ming's cognition.

The apocalyptic falcon flies at an unparalleled speed.

and the flying height of the rabbit
Luo Ming is definitely above 1000 meters.

What a unique skill for a small reconnaissance aircraft.

It should have come out to look for food, and found itself lying dead at sea.

Looking at the empty sky again, Luo Ming let go of his thoughts.

It was the first time he saw Da Niao and said that he didn't like it, it was fake, he was human, and he was kind.


"Xiaobai, stop here."

Coming to a sea area, Luo Ming shouted.

There is a shallow sea in front, and the coral reefs on the bottom of the sea can be seen from a distance.

Xiaobai's body is too big, if she gets closer, she may run aground.

There are coral reefs, which means that there are a lot of coral rocks.

As the raw material for saltpeter, Luo Ming will not let this place go.

Gunfire is your fist, and your fist will be big and hard.

Luo Ming dragged a woven bag and plunged into the sea.

"Sea cucumber, come in."

Seeing a soft-footed sea cucumber lying on the bottom of Romin's ocean, with sand covering most of his body, he thought his camouflage was perfect.

The startled sea cucumber flinched, and a long stream of orange-yellow viscera spurted from the anus and mouth.

With the reaction force, the sea cucumber jumped several meters away.

"Jet Fighter! Go!"

Luo Ming was playing happily, walked lightly to the sea cucumber, opened the woven bag, and took the little things in.

“And lots of scallops and sea rainbows.”

Luo Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva in the sea, looking at a plate as big as a plate.

“And delicious lobster!”

"Fuck, this length is close to 1 meter."

Luo Ming looked at the lobster's whiskers exposed in the gravel, with surprise in his eyes.

To be on the safe side, Luo Ming took out a gold miner's pickaxe that had not been used for a long time from the [Base Camp], aimed at the lobster's head, and hit it hard with the pickaxe!

In the mud, Luo Ming put the faint lobster into a woven bag, and Youran left.

The dinner collection is over, and the mining is officially started!
Luo Ming tied the woven bag around his waist and dived towards a cluster of dead coral in front of him.

There are a large number of fish skeletons on the dead coral groups, and countless sea worms stick out of the upper part of the mud to suck the marrow remaining in the bones.

The ecosystem here.
When collecting coral stones, Luo Ming avoided these disgusting insects.

Not to mention, with Xiaobai’s free power bank, Luo Ming was not tired even after working for 2 hours.

At this time, most of the seabed has been searched by Luo Ming, and the coral stones on it have also been reclaimed from the sea.

Wait until the next tide, new coral spores will flow on it with the help of the ocean, and a coral forest will be born again.

"The number is about the same."

Luo Ming swam over with a woven bag and began to struggle.


Luo Ming poked his head out of the sea and waved to Xiaobai in the distance.

Towards evening, the tide has begun to rise, and Xiaobai can get closer.

"Pull up the supplies, t800!"

Luo Ming shouted at the robot.

This time, the t800 was much brighter than the morning light.Hearing Luo Ming's call, it immediately lowered the automatic fishing net.

"here you go."

Luo Ming climbed onto Xiaobai's back and looked at the wet ground.

"Hey, is the spout of this kettle in this position?"

When Romin saw the jug at the feet of the t800, he was impressed that the side-mounted spout went all the way to the top of the jug.

"Maybe I misheard."

Luo Ming wiped away the water droplets and walked to the attic muttering to himself.

"T800, come with me. I'll teach you how to cook."

After placing the big woven bag in the open space, T800 stopped working and followed Luo Ming.

The big one-eyed blinked a few times, and t800 looked down at the kettle on the open space behind.

After a good meal, the t800 came back to pick up the water bottle.

The hands form afterimages again, and the jug changes shape in the hands.

Three seconds later, a brand new jug appeared, with the top spout set back on the side.

T800 put the kettle in its original position, looked at it with wide eyes, and followed Luo Ming after he was satisfied.

However, this time the jug, spout and handle appear in the same direction

"T800, look, it's seared scallops."

Luo pried open a scallop with a knife and put it on the grill.

The one-eyed flashed, and the robot carefully recorded Luo Ming's movements.

"This is boiled sea rainbow."

Luo Ming gave t800 how to cook step by step.

"Would you? That's what you'll do next."

Luo Ming walked aside and looked at T800 with encouraging eyes.

The learning ability of the T800 is amazing, its movements are exactly the same as Romin, even its timing is perfect.

"Well, why didn't Nana come over?"

Usually Nana would come over to eat.

Although its staple food is ore, it does not delay its love of food.


With sharp eyes, Luo Ming found that Nana was hiding behind a stone.

But the stone is much smaller than Nana.

"Very tasty!"

Luo Ming picked up a scallop to lure it, and the little starfish stared at the T800 behind Luo Ming.Doudou's eyes shrank, and she slipped away quietly.

looking angry?

Nana and t800 had a great time today.

Luo Ming opened his mouth, took a mouthful of shellfish, and gave a thumbs up to the T800.

"Grilled well."


After dinner, Luo Ming lay on the ground and watched the sun set towards the sea level.

The sea breeze blows and disperses the fireworks.

T800 has no mission, just stands behind him, as a silent guard.

Xiaobai is still swimming hard.At this time, there is only a short final distance to complete all area exploration.

The tens of meters of water broke through, and Xiao Bai's figure floated and fell inside.

On the sea, a Titan is chasing the sunset.

【Man!Your territory has been marked! 】

【Man!Generate territorial sea area map! 】

With a reminder, Luo Ming's territory was officially established!

I raised my hand and clicked on the crystal panel, and a circular electronic screen immediately appeared next to Luo Ming.

On the screen, the most prominent marker is yellow.

“That’s where the first lot was.”

Luo Ming stood in front of the map, his fingers moving. He felt happy about accomplishing something big.

"The pigs on the island should be edible."

When Luo Ming thought about the pigs left on the island, the meat would definitely become fatter and more tender after such a period of time.

"This is the location of the volcanic island."

"This is the location of the mine."

“This is where the coral reefs are.”

Luo Ming will repeat the above position, he is also telling t800.

"In the future, you have to help me take care of it."

"Xiao Bai, go to the perimeter."

Luo Ming has always been keen on enclosure operations.

The vast sea is full of no man's land.

Xiao Bai happily agreed, and his body accelerated again.

The sea is separating, the islands are moving, and Luo Ming's heart is flying.

Another half hour passed and the sun had almost completely disappeared.

"Xiaobai, slow down."

Luo Ming was holding a telescope and looking at the sea in the distance.

"There's something in the sea."

A vague shadow floated above, it was pitch black and couldn't be seen clearly.

"Slow down and approach."

In the telescope, Luo Ming zoomed in on the focus.

Finally, Luo Ming saw it clearly!
That black object is a huge eagle!
Feathers were scattered and bodies were floating on the sea.

"close the door!"

Luo Ming threw out the hook and pulled the eagle's body up.

This guy is much stronger than what I saw on the island at the beginning, and his physique is extremely close to that of Eagle Head.

"It's still warm." Luo Ming looked serious, and immediately observed the surrounding airspace, but found nothing.

"Xiaobai, can you smell the sea water?!!"

Surprise, Luo Ming.I almost forgot about the biological abilities of killer whales.

"Can you tell where it came from?"

Xiaobai definitely chirped.

"take me!"

At sea, Xiaobai went forward bravely.

Luo Ming squatted on the ground, carefully looking at the wound on the eagle.

"It's scratches and penetrating injuries..."

The fatal wound was in the eagle's lower abdomen, with a long, slender hole piercing its heart from an angle.

"No enemy body tissue remains."

Luo Ming read it carefully, trying to find information about the enemy and the eagle from it.

"The stomach sac is full, it doesn't look like there is a lack of food."

Luo Ming opened the eagle's stomach bag, and the highly corrosive gastric juice scorched the ground.

“It has sea fish and shellfish in it.”

"There are no seeds of plants."

Luo Ming, be disappointed.

"This is?"

Luo Ming found clean water and washed away the mixed dirt, revealing what was inside.

"An ore?"

In the dark of night, this small stone glows green.

【Man!Object component is too small to contain! 】

Luo Ming tried to bring it into the base camp, but couldn't give a hint.

But for sure, I came across a mineral I had never discovered before.

Then your own tracking makes sense.

Luo Ming heard the little white light and raised his head to look at the sea ahead.

Several eagle carcasses were swept away by the current.

"T800, let me teach you how to operate the hook."

Facts have proved that when a thing is repeated mechanically, the success rate will be greatly improved.

After a few tries, the t800 hits the ball consistently every time.

But it still maintains the 3-meter red line range and does not dare to go near the seaside.

"100% successfully linked?"

Luo Ming looked at the t800's constant hook-throwing movements, and thought of such a word.

"It's all fatal."

Luo Ming looked at all the found bodies one by one. "In addition to the wounds that penetrated the heart, there were wounds in the head."

"What exactly is the enemy on the other side?"

Luo Ming stroked his chin, thinking carefully.

It seems to be great.

So far, I haven't seen the corpse of the opposite creature.

"Continue to go."

Along the way, Luo Ming found more and more eagle carcasses landing on the sea, more than 30 of them.

Among them, there is an eagle leader-level creature.

It's a pity that the meat crown on top is torn off, so I can't receive it.

Time was running out, and Luo Ming couldn't collect all the eagles scattered on the sea, so he could only pick up the big ones.

Advanced feathers and claws pay big dividends.

The sun has fully set and the moon is starting to climb in the sky.

"Discovered alive!"

With the faint moonlight, Luo Ming suddenly saw several shadows walking by under the moonlight.

"Xiaobai, adjust your position. I think we will find out the truth soon."

Luo Ming shouted, and at the same time a .wm appeared in his hand.

Behind him, the base of the gun rotated and the muzzle ring illuminated.

everything's ready.

Xiaobai's tail stretched out high out of the sea and was hit hard, comparable to the spreading waves of a small tsunami, which accelerated its size again.

The eagles in the sky obviously noticed the changes on the sea surface, but none of them attacked Luo Ming.

They fly in one direction at a constant speed as if on command.

The sea breeze made Luo Ming's hair fly, and her clothes grinned.

Luo Ming held a small transplanted tree and looked carefully ahead through a telescope with his other hand.


Luo Ming opened his mouth and was amazed.In the field of view at the end of the telescope, there are many eagles in flight.

The eagle circled in the air, forming a huge circle, swooping down from time to time.

Below Eagle Colony is an island with three peaks.

Facing the eagle diving against the current was a slender shadow.

The shadow flies so fast that almost every eagle that comes into contact with it will be attacked by it.


One person faces a group of people.

Luo Ming's eyes look amazing.

Are the eagles looking for some treasure?

Luo Ming continued to approach at an extremely fast speed.In the telescope, he also caught the flying shadow.

In the moonlight, the color of the shadows stands out.

it is white!
"Xiaobai, stop!"

At this time, Luo Ming came to a place 800 meters away from the battlefield and stopped.

The sudden arrival of troops naturally attracted the attention of the eagles.

A group of about 30 eagles broke away from the army and attacked Luo Ming.

This chief is the chief who wears a meat crown on his head.

"Let it go!"

Luo Ming raised one arm high and punched the flying enemy!
Several shells roared out and rushed into the flock of eagles.


All the eagles were killed except the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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