Chapter 19 Coffee
Chapter 19 Coffee

The second stage is the collection stage of mineral resources, which refers to the period when a large amount of copper ore, gemstones and other materials are needed.

Its function can help survivors manufacture mid-to-high-end materials and advance relatively primitive production methods.

A more intuitive description is the transition from primitive times to the Iron Age.

This stage will greatly widen the gap between survivors.

【Man!Mineral Lucky Bag successfully opened! 】

【Man!You get copper ore*20, zinc ore*20, silver ore*20, agate ore*20, amphibole*10! 】

Luo Ming glanced over, and the corresponding comments appeared on the copper, zinc, and silver mines.

When Luo Ming's eyes rested on the last two ores, he found a line of question marks displayed on them.

[Agate mine (rare): special function, has not yet reached the ornamental level. 】

[Amphibole (rare): A rare ore, the specific function has not yet reached the ornamental level. 】

This is the first time Luo Ming has seen a rare ore.

Luo Ming picked up an agate mine and placed it in front of his eyes.

The whole ore is black in color with fine lines on the surface.If you look closely, you will find that its color is dark purple.

Particles divide the ore into small particles and arrange them tightly together.

After observing for a while, Luo Ming found nothing.

"keep it."

Luo Ming put a shining marble in front of his eyes to observe.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the light in the base camp tended to be dim.

And the amphibole in Luo Ming's hand emits white fluorescence.

The whole stone is milky white and irregular in shape.On the surface, there are no fine lines like agate stone, but it is a whole piece.

"It feels like suet jade."

The touch is smooth and round, and the faint fluorescent light gives people a warm illusion.

"It sells much better than agate stone."

After thinking about it, Luo Ming put these shiny marble fragments on the bookshelf in the base camp as decorations.

After doing all this, Luo Ming got up and walked to the planting box next to the base camp.

Luo Ming has 4 points left, not including the 2 points of glory used to build his own survival group.

The planting of Chinese cabbage is the third day.

"Consume 4 Glory Points to accelerate the growth of cabbage for 4 days!"

Luo Ming said softly.

Now I am ranked first in the advanced ranking list, and I will get an extra 10 glory points every day.Please use these 4 points.

【Man!The cabbage is cooked!You get cabbage*45! (Ranking award is in effect!)】

Luo Ming smiled with satisfaction.

I planted 25 Chinese cabbage seeds myself.Now the first prize in the advanced ranking list will increase the material bonus by 80%.

Under the bonus, I actually got 45 cabbages!
Just looking at the data cannot intuitively understand how rich this reward is, and it can only be experienced in the actual harvest results.

45 green cabbages neatly stacked together.

This is a rare green food at sea.

Luo Ming squatted down, tore off a leaf and put it in his mouth.

Slight sweetness and bitterness characteristic of plant leaf tissue.

Perfect cultivation.

Luo Ming got up and came to the planting box after harvesting.

He plans to grow another batch of cabbages.

At this moment, a familiar female voice reminded Luo Ming.

【Man!The first batch of crops has been successfully planted, and the blind boxes for the first cultivation are being distributed. 】

[Note: This blind box can only be claimed once. 】

【Man!You get the blind box for the first farming.Would you like to open it now? 】

Of course it is.Luo Ming couldn't wait to see what he gave himself.

The first blind cultivating box fluttered in front of Luo Ming, continuously turned into green fluorescent light, and finally landed in the planting box in front of Luo Ming.

The light dissipated and the three packs were revealed.

【Man!You get a piece of high-quality soil! 】

[Note] It can be used to plant high-level crops, and the production of common crops can also be increased by 10%. 】

【Man!You got Potato Seeds (Advanced)*20! 】

[Note] Advanced crop seeds can only be planted in native soil!Ordinary soil will kill the seeds! 】

【Man!You get 6 coconut saplings (common)! 】

[Note] Fast-growing coconut tree (common) can grow into wood in one month, producing coconut fruit, core and coconut leaves. 】

Luo Ming wasn't too dirty, so he bent down, picked up a handful of high-grade soil, and observed it in his hand.

The soil is moist and moderately loose.

The smell of humus from black soil can be seen at a glance that it is superior to ordinary brown soil.

"Make a planter box."

Luo Ming was anxious, and the core in the base immediately lost 6 yuan.

"There is still too little soil."

While spreading high-grade soil evenly in the planter box, Luo Ming planned his tree planting plan.

Right now I only have three normal grow boxes, plus the advanced ones I have now built.

There are four in total.

It is simply impossible to grow coconut trees.

One coconut tree will occupy one unit of the planter box.

Luo Ming's core is not lacking at all.What is missing is soil.

This kind of material that can only be obtained by opening boxes at sea cannot be exchanged in Luo Ming.

Take drinking water from the advanced water filter, Romin first moistens the advanced planting soil to prevent the bottom soil from drying out.

Potato seeds are the size of quail eggs and have sparse roots.

In the old world, during Chinese New Year, you can see people selling potato seeds wrapped in a layer of sugar on the street.

Rubbing the seeds with his fingers, Luo Ming dispelled the nostalgia in his heart.

Afterwards, Luo Ming buried the potato seeds in the soil three palms wide, and applied a thin layer of soil on top.

【Man!Sow Potato Seeds, Harvest in 3 Days! 】

[Note: Don't underestimate this small seed, its yield is quite amazing. 】

[Note: You can spend 2 points of glory to speed up your growth for one day! 】

Sure enough, Luo Ming said in his heart, "Advanced crops also need high glory points."

It has matured in three days. Luo Ming looked at the piled cabbage at the same time.With his current situation, there is no need to ripen it in advance.

45 cabbages are enough for me for a while.

After watering the potato seeds, Luo Ming walked to another planter box with a small bowl.

Cotton box.

The 20-day growing cycle is much longer compared to other crops.Now the cotton seedlings only grow a 5 cm bud.

Although the cotton buds are small, they are green and grow happily.

Here, crops are free from disease disturbance.

After watering the cotton buds, Luo Ming turned over and returned to the base camp.

The night was already very deep, and the wind was blowing on the sea, which was much stronger than the previous two nights.

The clouds in the sky were blown away by the wind, revealing the half-covered moon.

Under the moon, the huge white building with its back on its back broke away from the waterline and slowly swam in the ocean.

It was the place where Luo Mingding set his direction again.Luo Ming's site inventory plan has not yet been completed.Here he has marked, but he can return at any time.

Wash hands with drinking water and rinse body briefly.Luo Ming wrapped his messy hair behind his head with hemp rope.

"Please don't get a haircut." Luo Ming complained casually, and began to prepare his own dinner.

Fish steak with cabbage and pineapple soup.

Luo Ming handles the cabbage very carefully, only peeling a small part.

The dinner here is getting richer every day.


The flames licked the bottom of the pot. This is a new pot that Luo Ming made.

The red and tender oranges are deformed by heat, and transparent oil seeps out of the tissue, and turns into white smoke floating in the air after being heated.

Luo Ming fanned his nose with his hand and took a deep breath.

"It's delicious."

Frying the oranges, Luo Ming sprinkled black pepper and pepper on the other side of the oranges that had turned brown.

"Wait for 2 minutes and you can eat."

"Da da da--"

At this time, a voice like a telegram came from under Luo Ming's feet.

Luo Ming looked down and was immediately happy.

At your feet, something the size of a cake is protesting with pincers.

"Huh? Nana, why do you expand so much in a day?"

Luo Ming put down the shovel, picked up the shell of the little starfish, and placed it in front of him.

"From Dough to Cake."

"No wonder it was pulled out of the aquarium."

The red "cake" in Luo Ming's hand was waving the pliers, blowing his beard and staring. Luo Ming held it like this, feeling insecure.

Because it noticed that the cheap owner's eyes were always looking back and forth between himself and the pot.

A water arrow shot out from Nana's mouth, shooting the fish steak that Luo Ming had grilled to the ground.

struggle keep struggling
Nana wriggled in Luo Ming's hand and aimed at the orange.

It is attracted by the fragrance.

"Glutton ghost."

Luo Ming curled his lips, and Nana threw it to the ground with a "slap".

This guy has adapted to this place and has become a foodie with peace of mind. He regards this place as his new home.

It seems that I don't need to see it myself.

(End of this chapter)

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