Chapter 16 Agitation!
Chapter 16 Agitation!
All kinds of news are screened in the [World Chat] channel.

Luo Ming continued to click on "Regional Comprehensive Strength List".

No.1: Bai Zhijie, team leader: Jiang Yuer, with 500 points in overall strength and 50% material bonus.

No.2: The dungeon is not a chief, the leader: Sun Kai, with a comprehensive strength of 410 points and a 30% material bonus.

No.3: Superman in green underwear, team leader: Rong Yong, with a comprehensive strength of 400 points and a 10% material bonus.



A name is a good low point.... Romin retches inwardly.

This is accelerating competition, and at the same time, Luo Ming also sees exaggerated dividend effects.

By activating this new mode, all survivors will receive supplies much faster.

“Can one person form a survival group?”

[Yes, 1 point of glory is required to form a survival group. 】

Luo Ming's heart moved, and he looked at the giant beast Xiaobai under his feet, as well as the earth core and houses erected on Xiaobai's back.

"It costs 2 points of glory."

"The name of the survival group - Tibetan Mastiff."

[Man!A survival group is formed! 】

[In the calculation of comprehensive strength.]
According to your current situation, how much can you rank in the survival group?

While waiting for the numerical results of comprehensive strength, Luo Ming thought carefully.

I own at least one piece of land, and if I am not strong enough, I can at least enter the top 100?

Open [Basecamp] and take a look at your resources.Although some of it is lost when making other materials, what is left is still quite abundant.

The power of one man against the power of a dozen other survival groups.

Luo Ming nervously waited for the result.

[Man! "Tibetan Mastiff" comprehensive strength calculation completed! 】

[Man! The comprehensive strength of "Tibetan Mastiff" is 4300 points! 】

"Um 4300, what? 4300!"

Luo Ming almost bit his tongue.Did you hear me right?

Opening the leaderboard of the survival group, Luo Ming's eyes went straight to No.1.

The name "Tibetan Mastiff" came first, overthrowing the original "white mysophobia".

Behind the "Tibetan Mastiff" is the comprehensive strength of 4300 points that crushed the strength of the lower 500-point "White Cleanliness" to zero.

What a gap!

No.2 is like a clown.

Although ranked second, judging from the numerical comparison, the leader of "Jiang Yu'er" is of course not very good-looking.

"Well, there is only a name, no profile picture."

Luo Ming saw on the ranking list that in addition to the name of the survival group, there was also the name of the group leader, but there was no avatar.

Exactly what I want.

Wretched development, slowly growing up.

[Man!You get the first prize bonus!All harvested materials will enjoy a 50% bonus. 】

I see a small box next to Romin's name on the crystal panel.

[Material bonus 50%, effective! 】

The effect is good.

[Man!It is detected that the comprehensive physical strength of "Tibetan Mastiff" has exceeded 1000! 】

[Do you want to advance to the advanced leaderboard? 】

A huge question mark suddenly appeared in Luo Ming's mind.

[Advancing to the advanced rankings will cause you to lose your existing bonuses, but at the same time, if you become the top survival group there, you will have unexpected rewards! 】

I'm currently on the leaderboard, so it's Novice Village?

Above, there are more advanced divisions.

Luo Ming pondered for a while and decided to move on.

The unexpected reward made him very curious.

"Enter the advanced rankings."

As Luo Ming's voice fell, the leaderboard in front of him changed.

The names of the aforementioned survival groups disappeared and were replaced by others.

Some simple survival swarm interfaces have been turned into gorgeous ones, with golden streamers swimming next to each name.

At the top of the list, the words "Comprehensive Strength Ranking (Advanced)" stand out.

Where will your survival group line up?

Romin, browse from the bottom.

"." After watching for a while, Luo Ming's eyes sparkled.

Powerful people abound.

Entering the survival group here, the comprehensive strength all exceeds 1000 points. On this page, the highest point has reached 1600 points!
Luo Ming still doubts whether his numerical value is accurate.

400 points.
Luo Ming swallowed and turned directly to the first page!
I don't want to be No.1, but I can be in the top 10.Luo Ming thinks I can still take risks.

Then, at the top of the list, a colorful name almost made Luo Ming unrecognizable.

[No.1: Tibetan Mastiff, leader: Luo Ming, comprehensive strength 4300 points, enjoy 80% material bonus and 50% mineral bonus, and get an extra 10 points of glory every day! 】

Unbelievable, I didn't expect the first prize to be so rich.

Luo Ming thought about it carefully. Those who could be included in the list of this survival group must have been exposed to more advanced material production. The huge demand for ore became the main reason.

Similarly, at this stage, the places that require glory points are also increasing everywhere.

In this way, survival group rewards can be rationally explained.

Luo Ming looked at his name narcissistically for a while, and then continued to look down.

How big is the gap between yourself and No.2?

[No.2: Suez Excavator Corps, leader: Zongheng Xiaodong, with a comprehensive strength of 2500 points, enjoy 60% material bonus and 30% mineral bonus, and get an extra 6 points of glory every day! 】

[No. 3: Deep Sea Titan, leader: Wei Jieke, with a comprehensive strength of 2100 points, enjoys 40% material bonus and 10% mineral bonus, and gets an extra 2 points of glory every day! 】

I won by a narrow margin of less than 2000 points.

Luo Ming rubbed his open mouth and hummed a tune.

I want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it.

Taking out a bottle of happy water from the [Base Camp], Luo Ming happily unscrewed it.


Raising his hand to reopen the world chat channel, Luo Ming continued to collect useful information for himself.

After forming a survival group and immediately occupying the first place on the advanced ranking list, Luo Ming felt that he had done a small thing.

"'''''Green Underwear Superman''''' has already picked up people, and those who come here can get 1 serving of drinking water every day!"

A message caught Luo Ming's attention.

Isn't this terrible name the survival group ranked third on the youth rankings?

As soon as this news appeared, it triggered everyone's participation.

"I attended!"

"Count me in!"

You know, in front of those survival groups, the condition for joining is to hand over your own materials.

A living vampire.

And this survival group with a very funny name is a condition for joining the group on the condition of actually distributing supplies, and it is extremely precious drinking water!
"Boss! I am willing to spend 50% of my materials to join!"

Numerous news emerge, all of which are yearning for this maverick survival group.

Luo Ming watched quietly.

If the guess is correct, one of the ways to accelerate the rapid growth of the overall strength of the survival team is to recruit new members.

When the base is large, the overall strength will naturally increase.

It's just that some people have gone astray.
Start looking for supplies by hiring.

"Brother's underwear is upstairs, you broke the rules, did you discuss this with us?"

An inopportune message appeared, which stood out against the coincidence of voices.

A group of people were about to scold, which bastard prevented them from joining.

But seeing my name, I chose to keep it secret.

Because the speaker belongs to "White Shark".

"Hush! It's the 'White Sharks'. They're said to be a vicious bunch. When you meet them, you'll not only clean up all your supplies, but they'll wreck your canoe."

"It's not about keeping people alive."

"I can't help it. Their leader has a crossbow in his hand."

"Underwear Superman is miserable. It's rare to meet such a good survival group."

"You're too naive, brother. There's no good in getting something for nothing."

On the public screen, "White Shark" and "Superman in Green Underpants" have already launched a duel.

"I broke the rules? Did you make the rules?"

"Rules are made by powerful people." "White Shark" said, "I want to lure people to you and then suck their blood. I know a lot."

"We don't need you to analyze how our survival group expands."

"In addition, you said that the rules are made by powerful people, so what about your ranking?"

"Tell me, the strength ranking of your survival group."

The member of "Green Underwear Superman" had a strong tone.


"Joke, we don't need a ranking!" The "White Shark" on the other side was stunned, but he couldn't lose his momentum.

"I don't even know the ranking, and dare to say I broke the rules."

The member of "Green Pants Superman" said contemptuously: "Go away, you guy who doesn't even have a ranking."

At this time, other people in the group spoke up, "I know what the ranking is. It is a list that can only be seen by the top 1000 in the regional survival group!"

"If you belong to a survival group with a strength of 1000, you won't be able to see the list."

"That represents the overall strength of the survival team!"

"Upstairs 'Superman in Green Underwear' is now #[-]!"

"So, the 'White Shark' just now is not even 1000?"

(End of this chapter)

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