Chapter 130 Turn Back!

Chapter 130 Turn Back!
Fang Wei wiped off his cold sweat.At this time, he couldn't wait to hug this doctor named Luo Xu and give him a big kiss.Without his mother's death, Li Yong would definitely cause trouble.Once things get serious, his health director can't absolve himself of the blame.The competent hospital invited a doctor from another hospital to perform an operation, which resulted in the death of the patient.This is his responsibility for mismanagement, and he has to use his head.

At this time, Fang Wei had a post-meeting meeting and called in the directors of several hospitals in the county and sternly told them not to invite experts.But when you think about something like this, there's just no way you can prevent it.The patients who can afford experts are human beings with money and connections.The relationships here are complicated and almost impossible to eliminate, because those who want to hire experts to perform surgery may have to find connections with the county magistrate.The county magistrate said he could still be stopped by the health chief.Obviously impossible.

Thinking of this, Fang Wei sighed.It can only be stricter when going back to the meeting and asking several hospitals in the county to select experts.Don't look for someone like Fang Wei, otherwise if the operation fails, things will be troublesome.

This society is so cruel.Before Fang Wei underwent surgery, he was still a respected expert and professor, but when the operation failed, he was classified as a doctor with poor skills by Fang Wei and others.It is estimated that no one in Shancheng will seek him for surgery in the future.It is unfair to Fang Wei that the reputation he has worked so hard to gain has been ruined by a failed operation.This operation was not caused by human error, but the patient's special situation.

Don't talk about Fang Wei.Even with the best gynecologist in Jiangcheng Hospital, failure is inevitable.Not everyone has perspective glasses like Luo Xu's to observe the situation inside the patient's body.With the current medical technology on the earth, you can't find that the cancer has attached to the common iliac artery.If this situation is not found, it cannot be concluded that there is a high chance of cancer cells invading the vessel wall of the common iliac artery.

In a world where no one has Luo Xu's powerful divergent thinking, it is conceivable to use a small gelatin sponge to strengthen the toughness of the blood vessel wall, and finally achieve the purpose of suturing to stop bleeding.China's education system has rigidified people's thinking, and doctors are also trained by this educational system, so most people's thinking is too rigid to think of this method.

But even if I think about it, I can't sew it.Obstacles such as abdominal cavity, common iliac artery, and blood in the mouth.How to suture if you can't see the blood vessels?Only Luo Xu, who wears perspective glasses and has dexterous hands, can do this.

Fang Wei sat in the doctor's office in the operating room in a daze.He knew what a failed operation meant to him.The reputation he had earned through decades of hard work was ruined.It's too hard to turn over.He doesn't want to, but what if he doesn't?operation failed.

The profession of doctor has something in common with other professions.It always focuses on the result rather than the process.Your skill level is good and the procedure was beautiful.But as long as the operation fails, you are a failure, a poor doctor.

In business, a person who fell down because of his own negligence can start all over again and create brilliant achievements.When he stood in the previous high position, others would only admire him and would not think about anything else.But the profession of a doctor is not good, and it is difficult to start all over again, because a failed operation means a life is lost.This is a matter of human life, not a business plan.If the business plan fails, it can still be done, but it is impossible.

When a person dies, the doctor who performs the operation will wear a hat with no skills on his head all his life, and he cannot take it off at all.

Doctors are human beings, and human beings also make mistakes, but doctors are not allowed to make mistakes, because once they make mistakes, a life may be lost.This is a contradiction, but it is also a contradiction that cannot be changed.The doctor is a little sad and pitiful.

Many medical workers have said, "If you can do it all over again, you will never be a doctor." Is this the tragedy of the doctor or the tragedy of the patient?No one has an answer.

The world is a complex of contradictions, and everyone is also a complex of contradictions.Everyone lives in contradictions from birth, which cannot be changed in a lifetime, and the same is true for doctors.They love their job, but they hate it.

When he was desperate, a nurse ran in and said urgently: "Professor Jin's bleeding has stopped, it has stopped."

"What?" Fang Wei stood up suddenly, unable to believe his ears.Without asking the nurse what was going on, he strode into the operating room, so anxious that he even forgot his hat.

Zhou Chao is worrying about what he will do in the locker room.Now Fang Wei's operation failed, which also means that his reputation has been ruined.Following such a teacher will not bring any benefits to Zhou Chao, but will have a great impact on his future medical career.He gritted his teeth and decided to ask his father to find him a teacher when he went back.Only in this way can he get rid of the hat of a student who failed the operation.

At this moment, Zhou Chao saw his teacher running in, then opened the door of the operating room corridor and ran in.He wondered why his steady teacher was in such a hurry.What's going on inside?The curious Zhou Dynasty also followed in.

When the two walked into the operating room one after the other, they saw Luo Xu standing busy as a surgeon.At this point he had cut off his mouth and was stitching up the stump, treating the cardinal ligament.By this time the surgery was almost done.

Fang Wei couldn't believe his eyes.In front of him, the young man not only stopped the bleeding of the common iliac artery, but also almost finished the old is he?I will be 25 years old.How can such a young doctor perform such a major operation, and the technique is quite clever?Even if compared with himself, he will not give up too much.

Zhou Dynasty was also dumbfounded.He couldn't believe that the skilled operator was Luo Xu whom he had always looked down upon.He doesn't know how to perform surgery himself, but he is so proficient?Impossible, must be dazzled.Thinking of this Zhou Dynasty, I rubbed my eyes, but at present, the doctor called in the county hospital is doing an operation, and the director is just his assistant.

Guan Jian came in and laughed. "Professor Kim, thank you today, he stopped the bleeding with a gelatin sponge."

"What? Gelatin to stop the bleeding? It's impossible, right?" Fang Wei's eyes widened.After asking this sentence, he immediately figured out the principle of gelatin sponge to stop bleeding.Thinking of this, he smiled wryly and said, "Why didn't I think of that? I'm really old." When he said this, Fang Wei's face was full of loneliness, as if he had aged a few years, and he had just arrived The hospital is no longer the same.

Luo Xu looked at Fang Wei and sighed, then cut the last thread.The operation here has been basically completed, and the last step of abdominal tightening is still missing.But Fang Wei's reputation was completely ruined, even if Luo Xu wanted to help him, he couldn't help him.The medical world is big, but small.This matter has been known by the patient's family members, and it will not take long for people in the circle to know about it.Fang Wei will bear the hat of a failure of surgery all his life, and no one can change this.

With a wry smile, Fang Wei walked over, looked at the situation in the abdominal cavity, and said, "Pretty, doing better than me. It seems that I am old, really old. Is Luo Xu interested in taking my graduate degree?"

Luo Xu did not expect that Fang Wei would allow himself to be admitted to graduate school under such circumstances.He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm sorry, Professor Jin, I'm busy with work recently, I'm afraid I don't have time to review."

Luo Xu is also an expert and professor's graduate student of Jiangcheng Hospital.He definitely did not choose Fang Wei.This is not because Fang Wei's operation failed.In the future, my status in the medical circle has plummeted and I don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, just because I want to be in the same hospital as Li Na, that's all.

Fang Wei smiled and said, "I will help you get through the joints. The exam is just a formality."

Now that Fang Wei's reputation has been ruined, it stands to reason that he should not consider recruiting graduate students, but should consider how to restore his reputation.Even if he couldn't, he still wanted to minimize the impact, but he wanted Luo Xu to be admitted as his graduate student. In order to save his reputation, he would not hesitate to open the door for convenience.

Fang Wei's operation failed, but Luo Xu himself managed to turn the failed operation into a success.If Luo Xu is Fang Wei's student, this action cannot be said to be Fang Wei's failure.After all, he is a teacher of Luo Xu.His teacher made a mistake during the operation, but his student saved the operation.What does it mean?It shows that Fang Wei is following the rules, and it shows that Luo Xuqing is better than Lan because of Lan.Fang Wei's reputation will not be damaged, but will be improved.That's why he wanted Luo Xu to be his student.

Hearing Fang Wei's words, Yang Jiayi and the others were quite jealous.Fang Wei is an expert at the BJ Military Hospital.As long as you are a student, staying in the Military Region General Hospital is definitely not a big problem.As long as Fang Wei helps Luo Xu do the surgery well, it will not be a problem for Luo Xu to become a military doctor with military rank.

This is a great thing.What does medic mean?It means that the treatment and status are much better than ordinary doctors, and they are still working in such a big hospital.If Luo Xu left, Yang Jiayi and the others would have to call the teacher when they saw him in the future, because Luo Xu was a doctor at a higher-level hospital.

This is definitely a good opportunity to get ahead.Countless people wished for it, but this Luo Xu's boy didn't really want to go.At that time, Yang Jiayi and others couldn't wait to ask him to agree.

At this time, I said, "I'm sorry, Professor Jin. I'm really not in the mood to take the postgraduate entrance examination recently." I knew my own affairs.First of all, Luo Xu is going to be a graduate student, an expert and professor at Jiangcheng Hospital.In a city where his mother strongly opposed him going to BJ, although Luo Xu didn't know why, he still didn't dare to go to BJ alone.He didn't want his mother to come out.

"You can think about it later, I will give you my personal phone number after your operation." Fang Wei sighed and left, he also knew that this kind of thing was my wish.If Luo Xu refuses to agree to him no matter what, there is no other way.However, if Luo Xu agrees, he will not only help Luo Xu pass the exam to make him a graduate student, but also use the relationship to make Luo Xu hospitalized.This is compensation for Luo Xu helping him restore his reputation.

Zhou Dynasty can become a student not by his ability, but by his father, the dean.Fang Wei is very strict in selecting students.If it weren't for Dean Zhou's father, he wouldn't have become a graduate student.But now Fang Wei has opened the door to let Luo Xu become his graduate student.This situation was a bit unacceptable to the Zhou Dynasty at that time, and he was extremely jealous in his heart.

He wanted to say something sarcastic, but what could he say?Also said that Luo Xu is a junior doctor in a county-level hospital and has no technical level?A shameless person like Zhou Chao couldn't say it.Even though Fang Wei couldn't do anything about the operation, he still managed it.What does it mean?This shows that Luo Xu's skills are higher than Ming Wei's.If Zhou Chao still said that Luo Xu's skills were not good, then he would slap himself in the face, and others would treat him as an idiot.

So in the end, Zhou Chao could only leave with jealousy in his heart, because he was afraid that Luo Xu would turn his gun around and laugh at his nonsense.

If Luo Xu said that, he was really confident.Even Fang Wei, the teacher of the Zhou Dynasty, could not do this operation well.How can the students of this Zhou Dynasty still do it?Obviously impossible.Isn't it wrong to call him nonsense?
This is obviously a villain from the Zhou Dynasty.Luo is too lazy to talk to people like him.In his opinion, Zhou Dynasty is just a puddle of stinky dog ​​feces, and he is afraid of getting his shoes dirty if he steps on it.

After closing the abdominal cavity, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked up and said, "Director Yang, this patient should be sent to the ICU. Although the bleeding stopped, the common iliac artery was more seriously invaded by cancer cells. It is too fragile. Maybe It's going to bleed. If it does, it's dangerous, so it's safer in the ICU."

As Luo Xu said, Li Ting's operation seemed to be over, but she hadn't passed the critical period yet.If you put her in the maternity ward, there is no dedicated nurse or doctor to take care of her 24 hours a day.Once the family members can't find it, it will be troublesome.If she is placed in the ICU, there will be special doctors and nurses watching her.Once bleeding occurs, it can be detected in time.

Nodded, "Okay, then send it to the ICU, but why didn't you agree to Professor Jin? You can stay in the military hospital when he graduates. What a great opportunity?"

Luo Xu smiled wryly and said, "I really have no intention of taking the postgraduate entrance examination. I went out first, and the surgical gown was covered in blood, and it was really uncomfortable to wear." Luo Xu ran away after speaking.

Guan asked: "What does this kid think? Such a good opportunity has been missed?"

Yang Jiayi shook her head and said he couldn't understand either.Then he said: "But he'd better stay. After this operation today, we have an expert professor of obstetrics and gynecology. I believe there will be more diseases in a few days."

Luo Xu, a well-known expert and professor of Fang Wei, completed the operation that could not be performed, which means that Luo Xu's technology is better than Fang Wei's.Once this matter gets out, Luo Xu's status and identity will be greatly improved.Although it cannot be said that he can reach Fang Wei's level, his status as an expert in Shancheng is solid, so are there still few patients looking for him?
Patients with one more Yang Jiayi will earn more, and the drug commission is also a lot of money.However, in order to stabilize Luo Xu, Yang Jiayi said that he had to deduct part of his drug commission, but he had to pay more.

(End of this chapter)

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