Chapter 10 Bad review!

Chapter 10 Bad review!
Land is king!

Reach out and click on the map again to mark your current location.

"Xiaobai, swim to the left."

Let Luo Ming's map float in front, walk to the core in front of Xiaobai, and then stand still.Here, you can see your surroundings with the clearest vision possible.

Romin is dividing its territory, so it has invaded the territory of other sea creatures.

Sea beast!

The first step of Luo Ming's exploration plan is to clear the marine animals within the radiation range of the circle.

Xiaobai's figure is here.As long as there are no such creatures as the octopus monarch, it is basically safe.

At the same time, Luo Ming clearly remembered.

When I killed the sea beast, I provided myself with 5 advancement points!

That is to say, if you kill a sea beast by yourself, Xiaobai's advanced point will reach 100!


You can win Luo Ming's unique understanding twice.

The automatic fishing net behind Liby started to work, and the plan to collect supplies was proceeding in an orderly manner.


first zone, safe
Luo Ming marked an area on the map, which was the first sea area he searched.

I saw no shadow of the sea beast.

A little disappointed, Luo Ming instructed Xiao Bai to continue in another direction.

Xiaobai walked forward for a certain distance, and Luo Ming looked down.The water here is deeper than before.

into deep water.
Xiao Bai's voice suddenly stopped, and Luo Ming felt a little vigilant.

"Ahead, there are creatures running away."

A thought reached Luo Ming's mind, which was Xiaobai's reminder.

"Come up!"

Xiaobai's huge size is extremely disproportionate to his speed of movement.

The wide tail flicked, and the two fins exerted force, moving forward for a long distance.

The creature in front escaped too fast, Luo Ming could only catch a small black dot.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ming was a little excited.

A creature that can swim faster than Xiaobai in a short period of time must be very special.

Maybe a "normal monster" level.

Advanced this time!
Luo Ming walked to the center of Xiaobai's head and tracked the creature's position through the scope.

Some are blurry and beyond the frame of the shot.

Luo Ming was not discouraged.

"Keep chasing."


After 10 minutes passed, a sea chase drama came to an end.

The swimming speed of the creature in front slowed down significantly.

Luo Ming could see the tabby pattern on the animal's back through the sea water.

"Come here."

Depleted of energy and knowing there was nowhere to run, the creature suddenly turned around.

Dying counterattack!
Therefore, let Luo Ming suddenly see what this creature looks like.

Sea beast with black and white pattern.

Spotted krakens are less bloated than other krakens.Instead, it is streamlined with an extremely long tail that takes up 1/2 of the body.

The snout is raised and the head is long and narrow.At first glance, it was born to reduce drag in water.

Seeing that the creature in front of him dared to attack him, Xiao Bai's small eyes flashed a trace of contempt.

I don't know if I live or die!
I saw Xiaobai's mouth open, a large amount of sea water was swallowed into his mouth, and then suddenly opened!


After the sea water is pressurized, it is transformed into water and bullets with extremely strong impact.

The turtle was hit head-on by the water.The momentum stopped immediately, and the swooping figure fell backwards, writhing awkwardly in the current.

Like a fish thrown into a washing machine, the turtle's white belly poked upwards.

It's a pity that it can't control its own body.

The cold arrow shaft passed through the body, and where the arrow tip passed through the body, there was a large blood spray covering the sky and the sun.

"Happy cooperation, Xiaobai." Luo Ming waved his fist on his back.

The power of the core should not be underestimated, one hit will kill!

Plop, the sound of entering the water came.

[Man!Aquarium masters start! 】

Luo Ming swam towards the turtle in the water at an extremely fast speed.

The reason why Luo Ming dared to go into the water was because Xiao Bai told him that there were no other threatening creatures in the surrounding sea.

If there are other sea animals attracted to blood, kill them.Yes, there are not many advanced points, so it is not ruled out that Luo Ming is suspected of phishing law enforcement.

Secondly, it is because if the blood of the dead turtle is dragged onto Xiaobai's back, it will be very dirty.After all, the area is large and difficult to clean.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this thing is quite big."

At a distance of nearly 100 meters, Luo Ming quickly approached.

Luo Ming regrets that the body of the giant sea turtle in front of him is nearly 5 meters long.

The dead sea beast was still twitching nervously.

Luo Ming put his hand on the crocodile skin and found it was very hard.Its surface is a thin layer of scales.

[Man!You killed a Striped Swift Shark (normal monster). 】

【Note】Spotted Swift Shark swims extremely fast and is an excellent swimmer in the ocean. 】

[Note: When you find it, it means that death has locked you.Please stop, you can't run away. 】

Luo Ming packed his booty directly in the sea.

The swift shark is nearly 5 meters long and weighs several hundred kilograms. It has already sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Luo Ming took a deep breath and jumped into the sea.

This area is a shallow sea with a water depth of less than 20 meters.There are colorful corals on the bottom of the sea, and various fish walk through them.

Luo Ming put his feet on the bottom of the sea and checked the surrounding marine animals.

At this time, a smile appeared on his face.

[Man!You get a quick crocodile skin that can be used to craft wetsuits and special clothing. 】

[Man!You get 15 pieces of sea animal meat, which adds a little glory. 】

[Man!Because it is not the first time to capture a common monster, there is no reward for this kill. 】

[Man!You're wiping out markers in no time and getting a little advanced! 】

A little bit?Luo Ming is very disappointed, not as good as point 5.

But I think it fits the urine of this game, the higher the level, the harder it is.

Therefore, there are still two points that need to be met to meet the advanced requirements of Xiaobai 100.

No, those two points are missing.There is always a chance.

Luo Ming collected crocodile skins and marine animal meat and brought them to the base camp.

Then he lowered his head and looked carefully at the exposed rock blocks on the sea floor.

So he was beaming just now.

I didn't expect that I would get an unexpected surprise as soon as I set foot on the bottom of the sea.

I still have a headache in the morning and need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

[Man!Seabed ore detected, type: copper ore! 】

[Note: 10 piece of copper can be extracted for every 1 copper mines. 】

[Man!Submarine material and sand are detected. 】

[Note: For every 10 parts of sand, 1 part of sawdust can be refined. 】

[Man!If you find survival materials, kelp, and seaweed, you can pick them without limit. 】

This is the real treasure this time!

Luo Ming quickly bent down and reached out to clean the sand and impurities on the rocks.

The exposed seafloor rocks reflect a blue-violet light.

Make a fortune!
Luo Ming drifted to sea and called Xiao Bai.

"Xiaobai is watching here, I'm going down to collect materials."

Stepping on the water and opening the production list, Luo Ming looked at the lit icons and sighed softly.

Currently, the conditions of their own productivity remain in agricultural societies.In the unlit icon bar below, there are automatic mining machines, conveyors, etc. , These are the goals he will work hard for.

At present, there is only one kind of material that can be produced by itself-the pickaxe.

[A pickaxe (ordinary) can mine 50 units of ore per hour. 】

[Note: If the public wants to do good things, they must first sharpen their tools.If you want to mine, how can you do it without tools handy? 】

[Note: Pickaxe, you need hands! 】

Luo Ming made a calculation in his heart.

Gain 50 units of ore per hour.If the needs of the generator are met, it needs to work day and night for two days.

"Hiss~" Luo Ming took a deep breath, looking at the heavy pickaxe in his hand.Dig, there will be cocoa and cake.

After thinking about it, Luo Ming dove into the sea, dragging the sack he made a few days ago in his hand.

With the talent of the aquarium, Luo Ming worked hard on the bottom of the sea.

Luo Ming put copper ores of various shapes into sacks one after another.

When mining, Luo Ming did not forget to collect the sand that was cleaned up around him.After all, this is the raw material for making wood chips.

Regardless of the current status of wood chips in production materials, it is not important, but in the future from agricultural overproduction to mechanical productivity, wood chips will almost be an indispensable item.


An hour later, Luo Ming's figure appeared on the sea.

Luo Ming wiped a handful of seawater on his face, and thanked the genius of the aquarium for giving him this ability.

Otherwise, if you can move in deep water for an hour without breathing, mining is not so easy.

Xiaobai carried a bag of ore on his back, and Luo Ming sat down with his legs crossed to synthesize the ore.

[Man!It is detected that you have harvested 50 units of ore, which can be synthesized into copper block*5.Do you want to synthesize it? 】

Luo Ming is very sure.

(End of this chapter)

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