my followers are horrible

Chapter 72 Interrogation

Chapter 72 Interrogation
[It’s really interesting that you betrayed your faith. 】

Galio pointed Doran's sword at the black clover and stabbed it hard.

【Well! 】

【Zizzizi! 】

Linde's painful groan, and the sound of Dolan's sword being corroded.

【You are so courageous that you actually became a degenerate. 】

【I originally thought you drew this. 】

Galio looked at Dolan's sword, which was half corroded, with distressed expression on his face.

This is a gift from the Lord God, but now it is destroyed by him.

[When you go out, you must ensure your own safety. 】

[A believer in God will not wantonly touch a fallen person. 】

[Unless they are like me, hahaha. 】

Lind smiled playfully, which annoyed Galio.

He yanked Linde's sock off.

【don't want!Please do not!Please, don't do this! 】

Linde looked at Galio who had rolled up his socks, and prayed in his mouth.

He guessed what Galio was going to do.

If he really did something like that, he would rather die.

【No no no! 】

Linde wanted to spit out his stinky socks, but he didn't expect Galio to find a piece of cloth and seal his mouth.

Guo Teng couldn't help giving Galio a thumbs up.

This is really a good idea.

"Leah, do you know what a degenerate is?"

[Get the answer from the consciousness of the believer Galio. 】

[A type of person who gives up his or her original faith and converts to believe in demons and evil gods. 】

[It is considered to be the embodiment of misfortune, the source of disaster. 】

Guo Teng looked at Linde lying on the ground like a mummy.

"The incarnation of misfortune, the source of disaster."

"That's it?"

Guo Teng felt that the title of "Degenerate" was too childish.

[Maybe there are other ways to bring misfortune, I'm not sure either. 】

[Anyway, the consciousness of believer Galio explains it this way. 】

Leah's explanation was too general, she said it was Galio's explanation, and Guo Teng couldn't refute it.

[Master Galio, he. 】

Ke Keti came over, looked at Linde who was still struggling on the ground, and questioned Galio.

[A suspicious person who may endanger the territory, I am interrogating him, you just need to appease your tribe. 】

Galio sat by the fire, watching the blazing flames.

【Yes. 】

Seeing that Galio didn't want to say more, Ke Keti didn't ask any more, and went back to his clansman, comforting him softly.

Galio looked at the fire and did not speak, while Linde in the tent was still trying to get the stinky socks out of his mouth.

Guo Teng felt very bored, and Galio had been in this position for 3 minutes.

"Leah, do you know what Galio is thinking?"

【family. 】


【Master God, although you are an orphan, you still have a family, right? 】

Guo Teng felt that Liya was scolding him, but he had no evidence.

Resisting Guo Teng who hammered his head, he carefully observed Galio's expression.

His eyes were slack, his lips trembled slightly, and he really seemed to be missing something.

"Can you read Galio's consciousness exactly?"

Guo Teng wanted to know what Galio was thinking now.

[My lord, do you want someone to spy on your privacy? 】

Of course I don't want to, but there is a pervert in my brain or soul, blatantly peeping at my memory and thoughts all the time, it's also very difficult for me.

Guo Teng's long thoughts blinded Liya.

After a while, Li Ya's words appeared in Guo Teng's sight.

[Actually, I don’t want to see it either, but Lord God, your memories and thoughts are right in front of me, so I’m also very helpless. 】

"It's still my fault for co-authoring, isn't it!"

Galio, who was in sight, looked up at the sky.

But the crow spirit protective cover on his head blocked his thoughts of looking for the moon and stars.

【Ugh. 】

Galio let out a long sigh, as if he was ten years old.

But then, he beat his chest hard, scooped up the snow on the ground, and wiped his face.

The Master of the Knights of the Silver Hand is back.

[Mr. Linde, now I ask, you answer. 】

【If you cooperate well, I won't stuff your panties into your mouth. 】

【If you behave badly. 】

Galio took off his shoes under Linde's frightened eyes.

[I haven't washed my feet for more than ten days, I hope it can satisfy you. 】

Galio fanned the air in front of his nose with a look of disgust.

His actions made Guo Teng recall the smell of Guo's father's feet.

Linde nodded in a hurry. It is true that he has become a degenerate, but it does not mean that his living habits have changed.

For him, the harm of such a dirty punishment method has far exceeded physical punishment.

Galio took out the sock from Linde's mouth, and Linde retched immediately.

It was obvious that he was feeling very uncomfortable.

[What is your purpose here? 】

[Avoid chasing and killing. 】

Galio stuffed the sock back into Lind's mouth.

【Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 】

[I'll give you another chance, if you don't grasp it well. 】

Galio puts his sock in Lind's face.

Linde nodded vigorously.

[People from the Church of the Sun are cleaning up heresies in the southern countries. 】

[Anyone who does not believe in Ms. Fulla, or who disagrees with Ms. Fulla, will be beheaded for public display. 】

[In my memory, Ms. Fulla was not so extreme. 】

Galio interrupted Linde, who was very confused by Linde's words.

As one of the righteous gods, the sun goddess Fulla, her main teaching is to tolerate everything.

Whether for believers or non-believers.

Bathing in the sunshine is her care for the world. No one will disrespect such a god.

Likewise, Ms. Fulla would never persecute anyone who disrespects her.

However, news of the Church of the Sun's persecution of others came out of Linde's mouth, which made him wonder if Linde was lying.

This is contrary to the main teaching, and it is simply impossible.

[The priest of the Church of the Sun in Rabiris City personally arrested the person and moved his hands. I swear that I am absolutely not lying. 】

【As a fallen person, the oath you made is worthless. 】

Galio was still skeptical of Linde.

"Fula, the goddess of the sun."

Guo Teng couldn't help thinking.

Sprout said before that the north and south are ready to start drying up.

The believers take action first, and after a life-and-death fight, the gods come to the end.

Is the action of the Church of the Sun mentioned by Linde a sign of an early move?
With too little information, Guo Teng couldn't analyze anything.

We can only wait for Galio's next interrogation.

[Second question, how did you find our place. 】

The Audit Shelter is located northeast of the Wind Forest.

According to Linde, he escaped from the south, and the nearest route to the north was not at Miracle Sanctuary at all.

So how he accurately found the miraculous shelter in the wind and snow was a big problem.

This is about the safety of everyone in the shelter.

【I. 】

【No no no! 】

Galio stuffed his sock into Lind's mouth.

[I will give you a period of time to weave lies. 】

Galio threw Linde back into the tent and began to write and draw on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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