Chapter 56

Guo Qianqian is still doubting life.

Guo Teng has already turned on his mobile phone and found the group where he often plays games.

The fourth natural disaster countermeasure room.

Clumsy Potato: "It's the 10th anniversary of the ship CBR, did any of you get my wife?"

Don't steal or grab Anduin: "No."

Almighty Pandaren: "No."

There was no word, and a total of 120 messages were swiped.

Guo Teng looked at the total number of the fourth natural disaster group, 266/1666.

Feng Haizi on Mingyue Ri: "Is there no Azuma in this game? After 100 rounds, the sky is blue and white clouds appear. Xiao Qi, are you going to lose your horse?"

Now the planner of "Fleet CBR" is Xiao Qi. After he came to power, the majority of players and people are struggling.

Big bone boiled into soup: "You only get 100 rounds, and I get 800 rounds, only 3 purples."

The big bones were boiled into soup: "Since I left Fat Mansion, this crappy game has become more and more serious, and I almost want to quit."

That's what the big bones say, but in fact, everyone knows how difficult it is to get out of this game.

Stand-up painting color, high interaction.

The ship's wife came up and called her husband.

Which dead house can stand it.

Even if it is not a dead house, the average player does not say that they have left the game.

The only drawback is that it’s getting more and more expensive.

Krypton is needed for Dajian, krypton is needed for ship space, and krypton is needed for wife's clothes.

What, no krypton?

Don’t you have any talent?
Ah, you female players are not good at it.

That's it.

The fat house that everyone said refers to Guo Teng.

Back then, he was the one who made the first planning for "Ship CBR" and gathered a group of die-hard fans.

Then start animations, sell peripherals, out-of-print items, and hold offline gatherings.

The dead house of combined punching is unnecessary.

Under the influence of various games, I persist to this day.

It can’t be said that longevity is great, but it is definitely included in the Dahua longevity game.

The fat man who was watching secretly: "No way, no way, no one has built my wife before the National People's Congress."

After browsing the records, Guo Teng immediately taunted.

Clumsy Potato: "The damn fat guy is finally willing to go online. Where have he been these past few days? He doesn't post pornographic pictures of driving."

Guo Teng's main role in the group is to post pornographic pictures and drive.

A deduction group is bound to have the existence of those who send out pornographic pictures, those who drive, those who build politics, those who cross-dress, and those who brag.

Without these few people, the group is not active, and it will disappear after a while.

Fatty secretly observed: "I have learned a new posture, and I have developed it completely, and I will show it to you."

Almighty Pandaren: "I don't believe it, unless you fly upside down and boil the nails with boiling water."

On a rainy night with an umbrella but no knife: "I don't believe it, unless you fly upside down and add boiling water to iron the nails."

It's another copy and paste of water, despise Guo Teng.

Guo Teng took his cell phone, took photos of Guo Qianqian, who was still in a daze, and sent the photos to the group.

Almighty Pandaren: "I don't think one can play games with Yangshou."

Pa Yunzi: "Your photo belongs to P, it must belong to P!"

Neither stealing nor robbing Anduin: "Does your family own this game?"

Guo Teng clicked Guo Qianqian's cell phone to the dormitory, and the thirty wives looked at Guo Teng neatly.

Guo Teng took a picture with his locked phone.

The fat man who was secretly observing: "Did you see, she is my wife."

The fat man who secretly observed: "You single dogs don't have wives."

The fat man who was secretly observing has been banned and has 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes left.

Almighty Pandaren: "I heard someone called us single dogs?"

Urgot under the cherry blossom tree: "Don't silence the panda, you silence me, how do we know how he built such a wife?"

Jun's: "If you ask, then ban him. If you don't ask, why would you ban him?"

0 Helpless 0: "Untie it first, and wait until we all have wives to silence him."

The words of 0 helplessness and 0 aroused approval, and the bottom was copied and pasted one after another.

You have been unbanned.

The fat man secretly observing: "Panda, I am your father!"

The fat man who was secretly observing has been banned and has 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes left.

Almighty Pandaren: "I allow you to reorganize the language."

You have been unbanned.

Fatty secretly observed: "Panda, I am your father!"

Almighty Pandaren: "Brothers and sisters, you have seen that this guy provoked me, didn't I intend to silence him, didn't I?"

0 Helpless 0: "Two brothers, don't make trouble, please tell us the solution quickly, fat brother"

Pale laziness: "Fat brother, I'm begging you, can we stop making trouble? I gave you 2000 and now I don't even have any gold, so I'm fucking Xiao Qi."

Pale and lazy: "I want my wife!"

Pale and lazy won the support of the masses, and everyone issued this slogan together.

Only then did Guo Teng realize the business.

"NND, I knew I wouldn't have given the group leader to the Almighty Pandaren back then."

Guo Teng cursed and began to type in his thoughts.

"Brother, what are you doing again?"

Guo Qianqian stared at Guo Teng's cell phone for a long time. After seeing that he was not chatting with Yu Hui, she felt more at peace and asked Guo Teng what he was doing.

"Master Almighty asked me to preach on a small scale."

"But preaching is not that easy. You also know that our church does not accept bad people."

"I thought about it for a while, and the dead house who likes to play 18 banned games is more docile."

"It should be a good missionary target."

Guo Qianqian looked at Guo Teng's button group, and everyone in it was begging Guo Teng to release the method quickly.

"But bro, how do you want them to accept your preaching?"

Guo Qianqian didn't understand. Could it be that KouKou group chat could also teach?

She didn't look at the specific chat records on Guo Teng's phone, and she didn't know many key information.

If she knew, she would understand what Guo Teng wanted to do.

"Whatever people want, Lord God Lord will fulfill their wishes."

"When hopes are realized, people will thank the people who helped them from the bottom of their hearts."

"Maybe there are many heartless people who won't be grateful, but that's a minority."

"Come and sit with me."

Guo Teng stood up and gave up his seat to the pregnant woman who had just boarded the subway.

"Thank you."

The pregnant woman sat down and smiled gratefully at Guo Teng.

"Is that so?"

Guo Qianqian looked at the pregnant woman beside her.

The degree of belly bulge is already large, and the pregnant woman is putting her hand on her hand and stroking it gently.

Noticing Guo Qianqian's gaze, she smiled at Guo Qianqian.

Guo Qianqian felt that what Guo Teng said made sense.

Her gaze rests on the pregnant belly.

I don't know what to think of, and my face suddenly turns red.

Guo Teng posted the written words to the group.

The fat man who was watching secretly: "Before Dajian, face the southeast and northwest, each of you shouting 'Pray to the Lord of the Ring to let me have my wife in Dajian'."

The fat man who secretly observed: "The louder you shout, the higher the probability of shipment. Stop shouting if it sounds like a panda."

The fat man who was secretly observing: "Believe me, even Admiral Mo Zhou can come clean this time!"

Clumsy Potato: “Brother Fatty, are you really not going to lie to us?”

Pa Yunzi: "It feels so stupid, I don't want to do it."

Almighty Pandaren: "Everyone, are you done? I'll mute Fatty when it's over."

Don't steal or grab Anduin: "Picture."

In the picture, the colored Azuma is ranked first, leaving three gold, three purple and three blue.

The fourth natural disaster countermeasure room was silent for three seconds.

After that, everyone online said two words together.


(End of this chapter)

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