my followers are horrible

Chapter 43 Goblin Slayer

Chapter 43 Goblin Slayer

The only downside to sacrifice is that it costs health.

Because it is not a game now, Guo Teng has already felt the consequences of sacrifice when he fought against the Tauren before.

A burning sensation in the internal organs like a bad cold and fever.

The burning sensation slowly disappeared as he recovered from his release on himself.

The combination of sacrifice and heavy blow not only smashed the head of the large green skin into the chest cavity, but also smashed its entire body to the ground under its feet.


The huge and heavy body hit the ground, making a dull sound.

"Shield Slam!"

Shouting skills, Guo Teng smashed his shield hard on the head of a goblin or a goblin.

Shield Slam Guo Teng didn't learn it, he just used the special effect of sacrifice to bless the shield's attack.


The crunch of skulls and tinwood shields.

The green-skinned creature's head blossomed and died on the spot.


Dodging the sneak attack of the green-skinned dwarf, Guo Teng stepped on it and crushed its head.

Green blood splashed under Guo Teng's feet accompanied by some kind of paddle.

In dark caves, it's less noticeable.

"Wow wow wow wow."

The few remaining green-skinned creatures on the field uttered strange screams and rushed towards Guo Teng.

"Avenger's Shield!"

Throw out the shield again, smashing these monsters to death.

[The battle is over, scoring SSS, which took 14 seconds and 42 milliseconds. 】

"You're enough Leah!"

Guo Teng felt that Liya became very active after Xinya joined her.

Coming to the girl lying on the ground, Guo Teng put his big shirt on her body.


"Holy Light."

Guo Teng didn't even have cerebral palsy and went up to ask if there was anything wrong.

Directly release the healing skills to her.

"Partner, there are two other partners, goblins are chasing them."

The girl who came back to her senses shouted to Guo Teng eagerly.

It turned out that those green-skinned creatures were goblins, I thought they were goblins!
"Hold me tight!"

Guo Teng didn't talk nonsense, he put the girl on his back and asked her to hold on tight.

He has to take this girl with him.

In case a few goblins jumped out of some corner and killed the girl, Guo Tengbai would have been beaten so much by the tauren.

"What's your name?"

Guo Teng, who was running quickly, asked the girl.

"My name is Andrea."

Andya hugged Guo Teng's undulating shoulders, and answered with difficulty.

Guo Teng ran too fast in this cave!
The cave was rugged, but he was able to run so fast, which shocked Andrea.

"Did you just send out the prayer for someone to save you?"

Guo Teng had to confirm that the girl on her back was the one who sent out the faith of prayer.

This is a guaranteed believer.

In case the battle is fierce later, I have to take special care of her so that she doesn't get hurt.


"But how do you know?"

Andya clasped Guo Teng's neck to prevent herself from being jolted down.

In the dark, she felt that the only way she could feel at ease was to hug Guo Teng tightly.

"My god, after hearing your desperate plea, came here specially to ask me to rescue you."

Guo Teng did not choose to preach this time as a god.

He gave himself an identity.

A paladin of the Order of the Silver Hand.

Listen to God's will and spread hope.

He doesn't want to be regarded as a psycho by others.

[This history, I will always remember it. 】

Li Ya came to ridicule Guo Teng again, but Guo Teng ignored her.


Guo Teng heard the cries in the distance and used the acceleration skill.

Before Andya had time to ask, she felt Guo Teng's speed increase again.

"Avenger's Shield!"

The shield was thrown again, and the three goblins standing between the crying priest girl and Guo Teng were knocked out on the spot.

Guo Teng stood in front of the priest girl curled up on the ground, looked at her terrified face, and didn't know how to comfort her.

He saw a large puddle of water under the priest girl.

And there is a burning smell.

Leah doesn't seem to have the spell to dry clothes.

[Yes, Lord God. 】

[But don’t you think leakage play is very interesting? 】

I don't find it interesting.

Guo Teng came to another girl lying on the ground with dull pupils.

She was lying on the ground, her chest was no longer bleeding.



"Holy Light."

Under the triple effect, the eyes of the fallen mage girl regained their brilliance.

She looked at the glowing Guo Teng, and her collapsed pupils condensed again.

There's no begging for Goblin Slayer to take her life, as the story goes.

At this moment, Guo Teng finally understood where he was.

The first episode of the Goblin Slayer anime.

Four innocent teenage girls go out to solve a goblin's cave.

Guo Teng looked at Andya, who was hugging the priest girl, and couldn't help but rejoice in his heart.

"Fortunately, it came early, the girl was not defiled."

【Actually, she has been tarnished in your impression. 】

Guo Teng is thinking about how to block Leah's speech.

[If you can't block it, give up. 】

"Clang clang clang clang."

The sound of steel touching.

Guo Teng saw in the distance, in the darkness, the torch illuminated the steel, reflecting the penetrating light.

The hero Goblin Slayer appears.


Looking at the three girls who were downcast and depressed.

Goblin Slayer understood what was going on.

"Thank you for your assistance, sir."

Goblin Slayer nodded to Guo Teng.

"This is what I should do."

"It's just a pity that the girl's prayer was a step too late, otherwise another boy would have been saved."

"I'm going to take them back, how about you?"

Guo Teng was in a hurry to preach, and had no time to clean up the remaining goblins with Goblin Slayer.

Believers are the most important thing, goblins go to one side.

"I'm going to clean this cave."

Goblin Slayer's answer was just as Guo Teng expected.

"Blessing of power."

Guo Teng pointed at Goblin Slayer.

"Take these by the way."

Guo Teng took out another 6 magic breads.

"The bread restores vitality."

"That's all I can do to help."

The priest girl was still sitting there sobbing softly, Guo Teng didn't think she would have the courage to accompany Goblin Slayer to clean up the cave.

Guo Teng, who feels a little sorry for Goblin Slayer, can only provide minor assistance.

"thank you very much."

The changes in the body let Goblin Slayer know Guo Teng's kindness, so he took away the magic bread from Guo Teng's hand, and Goblin Slayer headed deep into the cave.


The shout of the priest girl made everyone focus on her.

"Are you going in alone, the goblins inside are very dangerous."

Guo Teng felt that what the priest girl said was nonsense, and no one knew the danger inside.

"It's okay."

Goblin Slayer walked on.

What surprised Guo Teng was that the priest girl stood up and chased after her.

"Revision of the world?"

Guo Teng saw the plot of Yuan's return and felt that this was the only possibility.

【She is being watched by this world, and the correction of the world is normal. 】

Liya's words let Guo Teng know about the plot, and it is difficult to change now.

"Let's go."

Guo Teng helped the mage girl up and looked at Andya.

"Can you carry her on your back?"

Andrea shook her head, resting her hands on the cave wall, her right leg still curled up.

"Holy Light Art!"

A golden light illuminates the cave, wrapping around Andrea's injured leg.

The mage girl looked at the golden light reflected on her pupils, and looked at Guo Teng again.

At this time, Guo Teng, in her eyes, was unusually tall and bright.

And the light on him.

The golden light not only shot at Andrea.

And light her up.

 Thank you book friend 550451 for the monthly ticket, thank you for the recommendation ticket, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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