my followers are horrible

Chapter 4 Blessing

Chapter 4 Blessing
"Are you sure you're not a gaming system?"

Guo Teng looked at the icon shown to him by the system and asked questions.

[I am not a game system, these skills allow you to give blessings to believers more intuitively. 】

[Its performance situation is actually not important. 】

Do I now grant skills to Galio?

Guo Teng tasted the sweetness from the timely delivery of charcoal just now, and wanted to repeat the old trick.

When a person is in the most difficult time, he will never forget the person who helped him.

Galio's injury level at this time is orange level 2, which has not reached the level of red level 3.

Perhaps Galio's body will automatically repair after being fed and warmed, without using the spells bestowed by him.

It should be called divine art, which is more appropriate.

"Wait and see what happens to Galio."

[Master God, I want to remind you that giving blessings to believers requires consumption of faith points. 】

[With your current faith value, you can only bestow the faintest blessings on believers. 】

The system displayed information in front of Guo Teng, showing how much faith each skill requires.

Level 1 Rejuvenation: 100.

Level 1 healing: 800.

Level 1 Healing Touch: 100, believers are fanatics and can be given for free.

Level 1 Restoration: 200.

. . .

Guo Teng looked at these "World of Warcraft" skills, and fell silent again.

These skills are so expensive.

It was so expensive that he remembered that he had no money to learn skills when playing in the classic server, and he still used level 1 and level 2 skills for more than ten levels.

"So faith value is an economic currency?"

Guo Teng is very disappointed with this economy of everything.

[Faith is not measured by the weak rules of the economy. 】

【Faith is everything a believer has to God. 】

The system rejected Guo Teng's idea.

Guo Teng is right when he thinks about it, the rich people of the Western people donate to the church if they have nothing to do.

Can you say that he does not believe in God?
"The belief provided by Galio alone is still too little, I need more believers."

But where is this believer to be found?
This is definitely not the case in this world now. The various churches have already divided their territories, and there is no room for them to intervene.

Let’s talk about how to promote your own church by yourself.

Also, I haven't named the church yet, and I haven't written the teachings yet.

"I don't have any of these things, how did Galio find me?"

Guo Teng looked carefully at Galio, but he couldn't see anything unusual.

Except for the pocket watch in his hand.

No matter what Galio did, he never put down the pocket watch.

"Pocket watch?"

Guo Teng looked carefully, but couldn't see anything.

Galio hid his pocket watch well.

"He can't keep holding the pocket watch and wait."

Guo Teng didn't wait for Galio to put down his pocket watch. When he was chopping firewood, he hung the pocket watch around his neck, kissed him, and put the pocket watch in his arms.

【Praise my Lord! 】

Galio burst out with great enthusiasm, swung his axe, slashed several times, and chopped down the trees.

"In addition to the shoes, I also need to buy a saw for Galio, so that he can be more convenient."

Guo Teng took note of this and continued to observe Galio.

Galio, who was walking barefoot, cut the tree into pieces and carried them to the tent.

Outside the tent, logs 1 meter high have been piled up.

These woods should allow Galio to save energy and rest for 1-2 days.

"System, do you know why Galio is in this forest?"

Guo Teng was suddenly curious about this matter.

His line of sight can only be 10 meters away from Galio, no further.

From a height of 10 meters, Guo Teng looked into the distance and saw only boundless trees and no human habitation.

So Galio, how did he get here?
Guo Teng couldn't understand it.

Could it be that Galio fell from the sky?

Galio made two X frames out of wood and placed them next to the fire.

Fill the pot with snow, thread a stick through the rack and start boiling water.

He took out the compressed biscuit on the side and put it in his hand.

"Too bad, I didn't tell Galio the serving size of the compressed biscuits, so he shouldn't eat that whole pack!"

A pack of compressed biscuits and a jug of water.

Guo Teng was afraid that Galio would hold him to death.

Fortunately, Galio just took out two compressed biscuits.

After pouring boiling water into the soy milk cup, Galio took out his pocket watch and knelt on the ground.

Lifting the pocket watch with both hands, Galio began to sing the prayer.

[Thank you Lord for giving me food, giving me warmth, and giving me shelter. . .My Lord, the only God of all worlds, shines on all worlds. . .praise my lord. 】

Galio's pre-meal prayer was full of thousands of words. Guo Teng blushed in embarrassment at the beginning, but at the end, he felt a little refreshed.

"So I am like this?"

Guo Teng was secretly happy in his heart.

[Gario performed a sincere prayer, and you gained 100 faith points. 】

The system's reminder also made Guo Teng more comfortable physically and mentally.

"No wonder Westerners always pray before meals."

"Prayer plus faith is so much!"

"It seems that whoever can solve the food and clothing problem is the biggest benefactor."

Guo Teng watched Galio eat the compressed biscuit with a happy face and chew it slowly.

Then drink the hot water slowly and feel comfortable.

It seemed that this was the happiest moment of his life.

Watching Galio finish the compressed biscuits happily, Guo Teng also felt hungry at this moment.

Just when Guo Teng was about to withdraw from his sight, a voice from a distance made Guo Teng panic.


"Wolf howl?"

Guo Teng could only deduce this species from the long voice and the forest environment.

This is really not good news.

No matter in China in the previous life, or in Dahua now.

Although there is not much news about wolves, a species that was driven to the mountains, news of wolves attacking people can still be heard occasionally.

And, what's even more terrifying.

Wolves are pack animals.

[Aww~] XN.


Guo Teng was shocked again and again.

This was a big trouble, from the sound, Guo Teng heard at least 6 wolves howling.

"Gario is in big trouble!"

Looking at Galio's panicked face, he knew that he was also afraid at this time.

In the deep mountains and old forests, wolves are far more terrifying than bears and tigers.

"System, do you have any attack skills? I need to bless Galio."

The system launched a series of active and aggressive skills for Guo Teng.

But the required faith value above gave Guo Teng a headache.

It's too expensive, can we give you a discount?
A level 1 shield attack actually requires 500 points of faith.

The first level of this rubbish skill requires 1 points of faith.

But I currently only have less than 500 beliefs, what can I do!
[My lord, I suggest you give believers a level 1 sacrifice and a level 1 recovery. 】

[This can guarantee the combat ability of believers. 】

Level 1 sacrifice: 200 Faith.

Effect: Increase damage, but consume life.

Level 1 Restoration: 200 Faith.

Effect: Heals the target, restoring 15 health over 45 seconds.

Guo Teng didn't see the health value on Galio's attribute panel, but as long as the current problem can be solved, it doesn't matter what his health is or not.

Six wolves have come to Galio and are staring at him.

And Galio stood by the fire, holding a climbing axe, looking terrified.

Redeem Level 1 Sacrifice, Level 1 Restoration, and let the system mark Galio.

"Galio, accept God's blessing!"

Guo Teng whispered this second sentence, and pointed at Galio.

A golden beam of light descended from the sky, covering Galio's body.

【Praise my Lord! 】

With a big smile on his face, Galio rushed towards the pack of wolves.

(End of this chapter)

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