my followers are horrible

Chapter 37 Electric mice turn out to be water

Chapter 37 Electric mice turn out to be water
"Qianqian, why did that crow priest chase you down?"

Guo Teng took Guo Qianqian to a secluded place. After ordering something, he asked her.

"As a cult, the Cro Church wants to make money everywhere."

"In the afternoon, I saw their congregants cheating those old people's pension money again, so I went over and taught them a lesson."

Guo Qianqian's eyes are very normal, and she has no sense of accomplishment for doing this kind of thing.

"All killed?"

If it was a simple lesson, Guo Teng didn't think that crow priest would come to his door.

Judging from the results, Guo Qianqian did not take advantage of a lesson.

Otherwise, your legs won't hurt.

"No, just crippled."

"Excessive electricity was applied to their spinal nerves."

Guo Qianqian stretched out her finger and made a little gesture.

Well, Guo Qianqian is still that kind and lovely girl.

It's just turning people into disabled people.

No wonder the crow priest was so angry and came directly to the door.

The congregation is disabled and needs justice.

"Thank you."

The waiter brought over the big pot of crayfish, grilled skewers, cold dishes and drinks that Guo Teng ordered.

Guo Teng quickly reached out and put these things on the small table in front of himself and Guo Qianqian.

"Qianqian, when you were fighting just now, why didn't you use thunder and lightning in the middle of the fight?"

"Throw a stone at him instead. Can a stone kill him?"

Guo Teng thought again why Guo Qianqian didn't use an electromagnetic cannon to shoot him just now.

"The priests of the church are gifted by the gods, and they have certain resistance to various elemental effects."

"The higher the level of the priest, the higher the resistance to elemental effects."

"The priest of Crow Church is a third-level priest, and he is already watched by the gods."

"My lightning can't break through his barrier."

"We can only use the laws of physics to fight against him."

Guo Qianqian looked a little helpless.

God's servants are so unreasonable.

A believer, if he is favored by the gods.

It is not impossible to leap from mortal to servant god.

However, other professionals need to rely on their own efforts to pursue becoming stronger.

Really more popular than dead people.

Guo Qianqian bit off the skewers bitterly and chewed them in her mouth.

"Qianqian, why didn't you use the electromagnetic cannon when you were fighting just now?"

"We must know that magnetism generates electricity, and electricity generates magnetism."

"You use electric energy to generate magnetic energy to push the iron block and make the iron block move at high speed to achieve the effect of an electromagnetic gun."

As a magical girl, Guo Qianqian, why doesn't she use her scientific skills?
Let’s talk about electromagnetic knowledge, let’s talk about physics in junior high school.

Railgun, how powerful.

Except Caldari and Gallente trash 425.

Cheating [-], the shame of the Federation.

Every EVE player knows it.

425, bah, what rubbish!
Guo Teng still remembers how regretful he was when he entered the 425 pit.

"I, I don't have enough battery."

Guo Qianqian blushed slightly, feeling very embarrassed.

"What's not enough, battery? Shouldn't it be magic power?"

Could it be that you are really the electric mouse Pikachu?
"My magical affinity is the water attribute."

"But the aggressiveness of the water attribute is too weak."

"I had no choice but to give up the magic of the water attribute in exchange for the more powerful thunder attribute."

"But also because of this, I need to consume several times the magic power to achieve the same attack ability as other people with lightning affinity."

Guo Qianqian was very disappointed.

Head down, bangs drooping, covering eyes.

"Brother, am I useless?"

Guo Qianqian couldn't help but think back to her past deaths, her voice was very low.

"What are you thinking about?"

Guo Teng reached out and pressed Guo Qianqian's face, looking into her dull eyes.

With dim eyes, Guo Teng only saw himself in them.

One person filled Guo Qianqian's pupils.

"If you think you are useless, then I am even more useless."

"At least I don't dare to jump from the sixth floor."

Guo Teng comforted Guo Qianqian.

You can actually dance too.

Invincible when landing.

That's how paladins play, hey.

The golden light is shining, step on the ground, and look up at the sky.

There is a bear head in the sky.

"Pfft hahaha."

Guo Teng suddenly thought of the little bear just now, and his words of comfort turned into laughter.

"Why are you laughing, laughing at your sister!"

Guo Qianqian thought Guo Teng was laughing at him, and her good impression of Guo Teng's comfort turned into anger and she glared at Guo Teng.

"Qianqian, put on safety pants when you go out in the future."

"I just suddenly thought of the bear, hahaha."

Guo Teng couldn't help laughing again, God knows why Guo Qianqian is still wearing bear underwear instead of blue and white striped underwear.

Guo Qianqian blushed.

"Pervert, peeking at girls' underwear."

"I'm called a pervert. I'm just looking at whether it's good or not!"

Guo Teng felt that the title of pervert was too slanderous.

I really see it openly.

Besides, when you fell from the sky, didn't you consider other people's feelings?

"I don't care, anyway, you are a perverted brother."

Guo Qianqian chopped up the crayfish into eight pieces.

Crush the shrimp with chopsticks.

"Leah, do you have anything here that can convert the attributes of the human body?"

Guo Teng wants to exchange Guo Qianqian for something that can convert attribute affinity.

Although I don't know why my sister wants to pursue the lightning attribute, but as long as she wants it.

A brother must help her do it.

[Thunder fruit, 1000000 beliefs. 】

What kind of BMW or Porsche does my wife want? Isn't Emma's electric car also available?

Seeing the 100 million beliefs, Guo Teng resolutely severed his brother-sister relationship with Guo Qianqian.

into a husband and wife relationship.

I'll just make do with my yellow-faced woman's abilities. Anyway, I will protect her in the end.

"Brother, I always feel that you are thinking of something strange?"

Guo Qianqian looked at Guo Teng's changing expression and felt that he was thinking about something.

"Absolutely not, Qianqian, you have to trust me."

How could Guo Teng admit what he was thinking just now.

The conscience of heaven and earth, 100 million beliefs is really not a small number.

Maybe the faith of 100 million in the future is not worth mentioning to me.

But now, it's only the second day since I became a god, so let's forget it.

"You said my brother wouldn't lie to my sister."

Guo Qianqian still suspected that Guo Teng had some bad intentions.

"A brother won't lie to a sister."

In fact, what Guo Teng thought was that the husband would always lie to his wife.

Guo Qianqian felt something was wrong, but she didn't see anything wrong.

In the end, he bit down the crayfish bitterly and ate it into his stomach.

"By the way, Qianqian, what does Teacher Li have to do with you?"

Guo Teng suddenly thought of this.

Li Far must have known about the conflict between Guo Qianqian and the Cro Church.

So what is the relationship between her and Guo Qianqian?
"She is the contact person of Xingjiahui in Shangping, responsible for Xingjiahui's diplomatic affairs in Shangping, as well as task release."

"But in reality, it's just a mix of eating and drinking."

Guo Qianqian looked disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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