my followers are horrible

Chapter 33 Guo Teng may be beaten in the future

Chapter 33 Guo Teng may be beaten in the future

Guo Teng wiped the steps on the side.

Guo Qianqian looked at the dusty steps with disgust, and chose to sit on Guo Teng's lap.

Guo Teng hugged Guo Qianqian comfortably, arching like a wild boar in her arms.

"Tickle, don't move."

Guo Qianqian held Guo Teng's head and stared into his eyes.

"Brother, you said you would never lie to me."

When did I say this, why don't I know?
Guo Teng couldn't help thinking, when did he say such a flag word.

"Who is that person?"

Guo Qianqian wanted to know who the person who helped her brother and sister was.

The third-level priests of the Cro Church are already masters in every county and city.

Although in the Nordic United, it may be an ordinary character.

But in Dahua, his existence is often feared by the official forces.

Dahua has no shortage of people, but it lacks high-powered people who can unite with the Nordics, the American Group, and other national forces.

Dahua has a nuclear bomb button, which can guarantee the apparent integrity of the country's sovereignty.

In fact, many places have been infiltrated by foreign forces like their own back gardens.

If Dahua was strong, his family would not have died in his previous life.

The country is strong enough to make Xiaoxiao go far.

It's a pity that whether it is Dahua in the previous life or Dahua in the present, there is not much difference between him and the outside world.

"Why do you always struggle with the question of who he is, Qianqian, don't you care about your brother's belly?"

The takeaway was given to the delivery boy for dinner, and Guo Teng himself was still hungry.

"I want to know whether he is an enemy or a friend."

Guo Teng now looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, Guo Qianqian knows it.

She couldn't ask any more questions.

In the previous life, Guo Qianqian thought that Guo Teng had become a clergyman of a certain church and died in charge of preaching the death of his family in the previous life.

But seeing the old man just now.

Guo Qianqian felt that their family was affected by some kind of conspiracy.

She now finds that history has returned to the previous life.

"Could it be that I can't escape the fate of my family's death in this life?"

Guo Qianqian felt very sad.

She shed tears again in sadness.

"Don't cry, Qianqian, I was wrong, let me make it clear to you."

Guo Teng looked at Guo Qianqian who was crying, and felt that he made her cry again.

"He is the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Galio Fording."

Guo Teng held Guo Qianqian in his arms, took out a tissue, and gently wiped her tears.

"The Knights of the Silver Hand are not very big at the moment."

"Mr. Galio, we are looking for more like-minded people to form this knight order."

Guo Teng started to talk nonsense, first to fool Guo Qianqian.

Anyway, she is not Yuhui, so she can detect that she is lying.

"However, shouldn't the church's armed group be called the church? Why is it called the knights?"

Guo Qianqian lay in Guo Teng's arms, tugging at Guo Teng's newly grown beard and asking.

"Well, maybe the people who join the Knights of the Silver Hand are paladins."

Guo Teng thought about it carefully, maybe it should be the reason.

"Then why is it called the Knights of the Silver Hand and not the Knights of the Golden Hand?"

"I see that Mr. Paladin is golden all over?"

Guo Qianqian was no longer sitting sideways on Guo Teng's lap.

She sat on Guo Teng's lap and looked at Guo Teng.

How did I know this!
"Gold is something that serves the gods, so Mr. Galio should have considered this reason when he formed the knight order."

Guo Teng thought about it carefully, no matter what Blizzard thought.

Anyway, Guo Teng has this idea now.

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Guo Qianqian nodded, thinking that this might be the reason.

"Brother, is your church big? How many people are there?"

If the church is powerful, it should be able to give his brother enough protection.

Then my family in my previous life would definitely have died in a church dispute.

If this is the case, then I have to make a plan with Yuhui to let Guo Teng take a higher position.

I hate Yuhui very much, but for the sake of my brother, I can only let go of my grievances with her.

"It seems that it should be quite big."

“I have only been in the church for a few days, and I don’t know much about the various institutions.”

Guo Teng slapped a haha.

I dare not say the real number of people in my church.

Those who can fight and those who cannot fight add up to less than 10 people.

Oh, what a sad reminder.

In fact, Guo Qianqian ignored one thing.

Whether it is a righteous god or an evil god.

All church members will not dress too casually when going out.

The green military coat and big mid-winter cotton-padded shoes that Galio wore just now were covered by the golden light and ignored by her at the same time.

"Brother, where is your church cathedral?"

A cathedral is usually the headquarters of a church.

The Zhengshen Church will choose a suitable place to build a cathedral to spread its glory and spread its faith.

At the same time, it is also proved by other forces.

Grandpa has taken this place.

Guo Qianqian wanted to judge the strength of the church through the cathedral of Guo Teng's faith church.


Guo Qianqian's question stopped Guo Teng from asking.

"In the Eastern Plaguelands."

"Eastern Plaguelands? Where is that?"

Guo Qianqian sat upright in Guo Teng's arms and looked at Guo Teng.

The Eastern Plaguelands, so to speak, and the Western Plaguelands.

With the word plague, it must be a remote place with poor mountains and harsh waters.

The word plague made Guo Qianqian feel even more ominous.

"Idiot brother won't believe in some evil god."

This thought flashed through Guo Qianqian's mind, and she was suddenly startled.

She had always thought that Guo Teng believed in righteous gods.

The demise of one's own family is a dispute between the two churches.

However, evil god.

That will also lead to the pursuit of all Orthodox churches.

This is also one of the reasons that led to the death of my family!

"The Eastern Plaguelands are in Lordaeron."

"There is a city of the dead, Stratholme."

When Guo Teng said this, Guo Qianqian's heart turned cold.

What my brother believes in is really an evil god!

"The god I believe in is there to suppress Stratholme and the East and West Plaguelands, and prevent them from coming out to harm Lordaeron."

Guo Teng's eyes were full of sincerity.

Then he hugged Guo Qianqian and let her chin rest on his shoulder.

The reason for not doing so is that he is about to laugh.

Hey, it's fun to lie to my silly sister.

"Lordaeron, there's no place like this in Northern Europe and America, right?"

As a top student, Guo Qianqian really didn't see this place on the map.

"It's a small place that belongs to Mozhou."

"I also met Mr. Galio by chance."

"It was him who recommended me to join the Clock Church."

Guo Teng named the church so casually.

"So it is."

At this time, Guo Qianqian felt that her understanding of Guo Teng had deepened.

But he didn't know that none of Guo Teng's words were true.

Rather than believing in a man's mouth, it is better to believe that there are ghosts in the world.

Compared with Guo Teng, Guo Qianqian is still too tender.

"Brother, has Mr. Galio been active in Shangping?"

"I have something, I want to ask him."

Guo Qianqian got up from Guo Teng's shoulder and asked him a request.

(End of this chapter)

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