Chapter 27

Guo Teng thought of the position of bishop.

A bishop is usually the head of a regional church.

Responsible for all work of the church in the area.

If it is a theocratic country, then the bishop is still the biggest talker of local politics and religion.

"I currently have three or two kittens. It's not appropriate to call Galio a bishop."

Guo Teng wants to establish Galio's status.

As the earliest believers, but also the earliest devout believers.

Galio has extraordinary meaning to Guo Teng.

"The issue of identity, let Galio solve it by himself."

"When the believers develop to a certain level, Galio himself should be elected as the Patriarch."

Guo Teng suddenly felt that he was worrying blindly.

This kind of thing, Galio will handle it by himself.

After Galio had the spell and the basic survival supplies provided by Guo Teng.

The pressure of survival is much, much less.

The taste of compressed biscuits is average, but it is good for hungry people.

It was absolutely delicious.

The three Galios have finished their work and are eating.

Put compressed biscuits in water and cook into batter.

Galio distributed the wolf meat to the other two.

Before eating, the three prayed, allowing Guo Teng to earn a large amount of faith.

"Basic food, housing and transportation, I have provided three things for three people."

"For this thing, the demand in the forest is not very big for the time being."

"Even if there is a request from the industry, Ke Keti and Lulu's transformation into bears can solve this problem."

"Shouldn't you wait a few days before they pray to me again, and give them the travel gesture?"

There are too many things bestowed today, so let's wait a few days to talk about them.

"Leah, can I check what Lu Yiyi and the others are doing?"

Today's work on Galio's side is almost done.

As the evening approached, they didn't have much entertainment either.

Even if there are entertainment activities, Guo Teng can't see if they are.

His eyes cut to Lu Yiyi's side.

Guo Teng's time here has reached 7 o'clock at night, and Lu Yiyi's time is 7 o'clock in the daytime.

"Time dislocation in different worlds."

Guo Teng didn't pay more attention to time.

Lu Yiyi has already returned to the small rented house in the suburbs.

At this time, he was mopping the floor.

His wife Wang Jia is persuading him.

【It's not like your leukemia is gone, let's take a break. 】

Wang Jia intends to take away the mop, but Lu Yiyi avoids it.

[I am in very good health now, and feel almost like a normal person. 】

[Look at me mopping the floor without even breaking a sweat. 】

Lu Yiyi pointed to his forehead, and then showed his back, without a drop of sweat on it.

[Even if you are in good health, you will also have a rest. 】

Wang Jia's attitude is very tough.

Lu Yiyi didn't stop him, he handed the mop to Wang Jia, picked up the rag, and started to wipe the table.

【You man. 】

[What's wrong with me, my lord let me get well, what should I do. 】

[I cleaned the table and the room, and I will pray to God later. 】

There is a long strip wrapped in red cloth on the coffee table.

The bursts of rhythm let Guo Teng know that this is the totem of faith he bestowed on Lu Yiyi.

After cleaning the table, Lu Yiyi found a stand, opened the red cloth, and put the totem of faith on it.

He knelt down on the ground and said the prayer of thanksgiving silently.

[The believer Lu Yiyi performed a devout prayer, and you got 300 Faith. 】

"I really didn't save you in vain."

Guo Teng was very happy.

The beliefs of the previous few points were so jumping, thinking that Lu Yiyi's beliefs were not pious.

But judging from this pious prayer, Lu Yiyi is still very pious to himself.

Lu Yiyi's wife Wang Jia and his children also knelt on the ground.

[Wang Jia, a general believer, performed a gratitude, and you gained 20 beliefs. 】

"Pan-believer, thank you?"

From a literal point of view, general believers should be counted as their own believers.

But what does pan mean?

"Leah, do you know what that means?"

[This believer has a wide range of beliefs. She believes in both you and other gods. 】

[Because every god believes in it, pan believers provide less beliefs. 】

[It is recommended that you do not pay too much attention to pan believers. 】

"alright, I got it."

Guo Teng remembered that the characteristic of Chinese people before was that they worshiped every god, regardless of whether it worked or not.

Anyway, for peace of mind.

After praying, Lu Yiyi and Wang Jia started cooking and planning for the future.

Guo Teng did not pay more attention to the two.

He looked at He Yiqiang and Zhang Ziwei and his wife.

The two were waiting for a long-distance bus at the long-distance station, and it seemed that they were going back to their hometown.

He Yiqiang is eating magic muffins.

Thinking it was too bland, he sprinkled hot sauce on it and ate it in his stomach.

Zhang Ziwei was smiling, leaning on He Yiqiang's shoulder.

I don't know what to think of, the smile on Zhang Ziwei's face is even bigger.

Let Guo Teng feel warm in his heart.

"You guys have to be good."

Guo Teng sent blessings to the two.

Let the two have a feeling, they raised their heads and looked up to the sky.

[Hey you, what are you doing! 】

He Yiqiang, who was eating biscuits, suddenly pointed to the distance.

An ordinary-looking person immediately put away his hands and quickly walked to the side.

Act like nothing happened.

He Yiqiang was about to catch up, but Zhang Ziwei shook his head at him.

[Don't go, there are too many of them. 】

Railway stations, bus stations, there are too many right and wrong in such places.

What's more, it was a few years ago.

If the police don't care about it, ordinary people will force their way out to find fault.

And, a lot of the time.

Bandits can run rampant in this kind of land, and most of the time, they are protected by some kind.

Guo Teng has already seen several people with malicious intentions approaching.

It seems that he wants to teach He Yiqiang a good lesson about what it means to be beaten by society.

"It's not a good thing."

"Good people should have good rewards, not the harassment of you insects."

Guo Teng couldn't help frowning.

But then make a decision.

Justice must be upheld.

"Believer He Yiqiang, I will give you strength."

"I want you to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm."

Golden light descended from the sky.

Not only brought Guo Teng's words, but also the skills Guo Teng bestowed on He Yiqiang.

He Yiqiang contributed 300 beliefs to Guo Teng, and Guo Teng gave him the 300 beliefs.

[Swoop, 100 Faith. 】

Effect: Lower your body and move forward quickly.

[Dive Xiangquan, 100 Faith. 】

Use an uppercut attack on the enemy while diving, which can make the enemy float in the air.

[Dive straight fist, 100 Faith. 】

While swooping down, throw a straight fist attack at the enemy, which can knock the enemy into the air.

[Dive belly fist, 100 Faith. 】

Punching hard at the enemy's abdomen during the dive can put the enemy in a state of rigidity for a long time and have a certain chance of causing them to be stunned.

"The extra 100 beliefs are a reward for your injustice."

In his previous life, Guo Teng saw road robbery and petty theft.

Forced by life, he dared not speak out.

Now, he not only wants to speak out, but also wants believers to practice this creed
What goes around comes around.

Believers are doing it, and gods are watching.

 Thank you Gushan Qinsou for watching Guoan's monthly pass, and thank you for your recommended tickets, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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