my followers are horrible

Chapter 217 Chapter 321+322 Warning+A Long Way to Go

Chapter 217 Chapter 321+322 Warning+A Long Way to Go
My father was a big-hearted person and drove out early in the morning to go fishing.

It's okay to stay at home, Guo Tenghe helped Guo Ma clean up the rice, noodles, grains and oils that were placed everywhere.

Then she also went out to play mahjong, leaving Guo Teng at home alone.

"Okay, world peace, what to do."

With nothing to do, Guo Teng lay on the sofa and started his daily activities, spying on believers.

"Leah, look what Galio is doing?"

After Guo Teng planned to kill the gods in Galio's world, he quickly promoted the civilization of his world to the interstellar era.

After Galio got used to it for one to two years, the preparations for the consciousness of the believers were almost the same.

At that time, Guo Teng will not have to take care of things, and he can rest assured that the Pope's position will be given to Galio.

Wherever you want to go, you can go there, and you can do whatever you want.

The blood was on the white snow, and the red was very bright.

The slashed bodies were collected on one side, collected by special personnel, and put into the pit for burial.

Qiang who followed Galio was very disappointed.

He looked at the humans who were killing around him, and then at the howling captives.

He followed Galio without saying a word.

【Qiang, do you think we are evil people? 】

Galio felt Qiang's heart, stopped, patted his shoulder and asked.

【I. 】

Qiang flinched a little, looking at the terrified prisoners around him and the terrified expressions on their faces.

Head down.

The formerly fresh blond hair lost its vitality at this moment, covering his forehead and covering his eyes.

【I have no idea. 】

Qiang lowered his hand and replied weakly.

[Aggression is not just in the first place. 】

[In front of our enemies, we are the aggressors. 】

[You are not wrong to think this way. 】

Galio smiled at Qiang.

No more words, just keep moving forward.

Qiang was a few steps behind, but he still followed.

【Teacher, why do we want to deprive noble merchants of their assets? 】

[That is their private property, their own property. 】

Qiang Galio was behind him, asking him for answers to certain questions.

【Qiang, let me ask you, before the nobles were not nobles, where did their assets come from? 】

Galio didn't answer Qiang's question, but asked him a rhetorical question.

【Work hard? 】

Qiang is not sure.

He is not a nobleman, nor are his relatives great nobles.

Maybe Weiss should know the answers to these questions.

It's just that Wei Si is no longer here, and it will take some time for others to come to this world.

[Yes, hard work, sweat, and blood are exchanged for inexhaustible wealth. 】

[So strong, let me ask you another question. 】

[If a person works all his life, he will work hard and shed blood and sweat like the ancestors of the nobles. 】

[Then why don't they enjoy inexhaustible wealth like nobles. 】

[It's about getting up early and returning late every day, working hard all day, and getting something to eat. 】

Galio walked out of the town with Qiang.

The people in the town were slightly afraid of people like Galio wearing white armor, but they were not overly defensive.

Just change the lord and continue living, everything is the same as before.

[I think it should be a matter of labor efficiency. 】

[If a person does a lot and works fast, he will get more. 】

[On the contrary, if a person does less and works slowly, he can only get less. 】

Qiang thought for a while and said his answer.

He felt that this answer should be the answer to Galio's question.

[Yes, Qiang, you are right. 】

[This is indeed the truth. 】

Unexpectedly, Galio patted Qiang on the shoulder, smiled at him, and agreed with him.

Guo Teng's gaze was on Galio's side, and he didn't think much more.

Qiang has never seen Marxism-Leninism-Mao, and many problems are completely incomprehensible to him now.

Without speaking along the way, Galio brought Qiang to the quarry, in front of a group of unkempt people.

They were happily drinking porridge from the man in white armor.

The men in white armor promise that when their hair is washed and their showers are done, they will have clean clothes and bread to eat.

These unkempt people now think the future lord is too good to be true.

[Qiang, do you know those people? 】

When they came to the distance where these people were eating porridge with happy faces, Galio patted Qiang on the shoulder for the third time and asked him.

[They are, slaves? 】

Qiang is not sure.

He had read about slave explanations in books.

Just seeing the appearance of the slave in front of him, he still couldn't help being surprised.

【Qiang, do you think they are human? 】

Galio pointed at those who were drinking porridge, and asked Qiang another question.

Qiang was silent, he knew what Galio wanted to say.

[They are human, but not human. 】

[Deprived of freedom and personal rights, it became the private property of noble lords and merchants. 】

[Generation after generation of slaves has built the inexhaustible wealth enjoyed by great lords, nobles, and great merchants. 】

[According to common sense, their wealth should be enjoyed by themselves. 】

【However, why does the person appearing in front of you and me look like this? 】

Patting Qiang on the shoulder, Galio didn't continue to speak, and then walked forward.

This time Qiang didn't hesitate, followed Galio's footsteps and moved forward.

Guo Teng's gaze moved forward following the two of them.

He is also thinking about whether exploitation and oppression will still exist if the consciousness of believers soars in the future.

"That naturally exists."

"From the distance of the signal transmission, an instruction is conveyed, and the believers on the other side may receive this instruction after thousands of years."

"After the most distant believer completed this instruction, he received the instruction that the nearest believer completed after an unknown number of years."

Liya appeared in Guo Teng's sight, telling Guo Teng some kind of future.

"Even if it is some kind of welfare, while the believers on one side have enjoyed it for thousands or tens of thousands of years, the believers on the farthest side may still be self-reliant."

"These are all possible things."

Guo Teng's gaze was fixed in front of Liya, looking forward.


Guo Teng wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Liya was right, when countless believers were spread in the boundless universe.

Then believers on this side must communicate with believers on that side after tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years.

It depends on the current speed of light, and even the future quantum state.

It is really quite difficult to achieve synchronous messages.

"It seems that I should feel a lot of pressure when I step into the ranks, or I still feel a lot of pressure."

Guo Teng found that he has never been easy on the issue of believers.

"If you treat them as virtual data in the game, then naturally you won't pay too much attention to their words and deeds."

"In your eyes, they are your believers, where you care and devote your heart and soul."

"Unless Lord God, you can give up your feelings and treat them as virtual data, then you will naturally have nothing to worry about."

Li Ya's words made Guo Teng suddenly think of what it means to be too forgetful and ruthless.

As long as people have no emotions, can they do absolutely rational things?
Guo Teng thought of the sentence that was misunderstood by countless Xiaobai.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent and regard all things as cud dogs.

Heaven and earth treat everything the same, neither is particularly good to anyone, nor particularly bad to anyone, and everything develops naturally.

In other words, no matter what things become, that is the behavior of all things themselves.

"So, Lord God, unless you can always intervene in what the believers do, otherwise, the believers will always develop according to their own will."

What Liya said is correct, if there is no strong external intervention, all behaviors of believers in the future will deviate from Guo Teng's vision.

"It's useless to think about this. Let's just see what the believers do."

Guo Teng fell into a bad mentality, gave up thinking, and continued to spy on believers.

【Teacher, why don't we just restore their freedom and let them go home, but continue to let them work in this mine? 】

Seeing many people put on new clothes, eat toast, and then go back to work in the mine, I can't understand.

Now that these serfs have been rescued, why not let them go.

[Strong, people must learn to think. 】

[What do you think will happen to their lives after they leave? 】

Galio shook his head and continued to question Qiang.

[Work hard, and then eat and wear warm? 】

Qiang thought about the answer, causing Galio to shake his head.

Galio knew that the strong world didn't understand all kinds of production relations.

If it weren't for the various theoretical books given to him by Pastor Liu, combined with his own situation, I believe he would be the next big lord, big nobleman, and big businessman.

Now, Galio is not the same Galio as before.

[They will become serfs again. 】

[Back to the mine again, the mine. 】

[Not enough to eat, not warm enough to wear. 】

[Squeezed and exploited by noble lords. 】

Galio's words made Qiang's eyes widen, and he didn't know why.

Now that he was free, why would he lose him again.

[Qiang, read these books 10 times. 】

[Try to read it well and memorize the contents inside. 】

[After you read these contents, you will be able to understand when you encounter certain things. 】

Patting Qiang's shoulder, Galio handed Qiang five books wrapped in red silk.

"Hey, Pastor Liu gave Galio all these five books!"

"How many books did Pastor Liu give Galio?"

If it wasn't for the golden light of faith connecting him, Guo Teng almost thought that Galio had changed his flag.

With ignorance, Qiang took the five books that Galio handed him.

[It’s okay, you can watch it now, we still need some time to spread the teachings and solve the problems in this territory. 】

Leaving Qiang standing still, Galio returned to the gate of the town to pray.

[My lord, please grant me some crystals to guard this land for you. 】

Galio's prayer came into Guo Teng's sight.


The teleportation spar appeared above Galio's head, making a buzzing sound.

[Thank you, my lord. 】

After expressing his sincere thanks to Guo Teng, Galio cleaned his armor with a cleansing technique, took out the Liberation Theology Textbook, and grabbed a young man who was walking by him.

[Young man, have you heard of the Lord of the Ring? 】

[If you haven’t heard about my faith, that’s okay, now, I will tell you about the glory of our Lord. 】

With the scripture in one hand and the shield in the other, Galio began to preach to the young man in front of him.

Guo Teng didn't know how to feel when he saw the fearful look of the young man in front of him, and the pious look at Galio.

Let him go.

"Leah, look at Osha and Andrea."

Both Osha and Andrea have changed, and it makes no sense that Galio has not changed.

Even Qiang, under the influence of Galio, has changed from being ignorant and aggressive to the current calm appearance.

However, thinking of Galio's transformation from a gentle person to a gentle person wrapped in steel, Guo Teng didn't know whether it was good or bad.

From the unchanging fortitude in his eyes, Guo Teng could know that Galio was still the same Galio.

The eyes came to Osha and Andrea, who were teaching six people to train.

[Pay attention to controlling your magic power, Manado, you are a priest. When fighting, you should pay attention to controlling your magic power loss and positioning. 】

【Are you standing in front of me because you want to replace Moguso as the team's tank? 】

When he cut his gaze, Guo Teng saw Osha yelling at Manado.

Looking at Osha's appearance, if it wasn't Moguzo, she was going to give Manado a kick.

【Yes, I know I was wrong! 】

Manado immediately admitted his mistake.

Osha's accusation is responsible to him, and he understands the harshness in these words.

[I leapfrog ten laps around the playground. 】

【Yes! 】

Manado responded loudly, squatting on the ground, and began leapfrogging around the playground.

Guo Teng looked at the environment to the left and right. Surrounded by woods, there was a big house in front of him.

The house should have been built by Osha with a few people, and the roughness of the wood of the house can be seen from the outside.

In front of the house is a lawn, and outside the lawn is a circular runway.

Guo Teng estimated that the circumference of the runway should be about 2 kilometers.

"Frog jumping 10 kilometers, tsk, won't this Manado's two legs be paralyzed?"

"My lord, please pay attention to whether this person's occupation is good or not."

Li Ya accosted in Guo Teng's ear.

Think about it too, as a priest, this kid can definitely heal himself.

"It's a talent, but unfortunately it can't be used by me."

Guo Teng is quite interested in this Manado who has already believed in other gods.

"Oh, I think the thief who keeps rolling has more potential."

Liya's words made Guo Teng look at Haruhiro, who was rolling around under the branch between Andrea's toes.

"Does this kid have any potential?"

Looking at Haruhiro's embarrassed look, Guo Teng didn't think there was anything more worthy of attention about this kid.

After reading it a few times, Guo Teng overturned his previous thoughts.

This kid does have some strength.

Even if Andrea only had one foot out and two toes on it.

That is not something that ordinary adventurers can compete with.

You must know that Andya is at level 49. Converted to Guo Teng's world, she is already close to a level [-] professional.

It's impossible to not be so embarrassed at her feet.

Watching Haruhiro throwing the dagger at Andrea with all his might while rolling over.

Guo Teng really thought this kid was interesting.

[Moguso, you can't even withstand the power of a magician like me. Do you think you are so big because you attract fire and waste healing magic? 】

While observing Haruhiro moving at Andrea's feet, Osha yelled out the scolding words to Moguso again.

Indeed, with such a large size, Moguzo, like the Tauren, is a good tank material.

However, if a tank can't stand still, it's really a waste of healing mana.

[However, Captain, you are not only a magician, you are also a paladin. 】

Moguzo covered his head and argued to Osha.

Well, what this kid said seems to make sense.

Osha, who is also Andrea's 49th level, few people should be able to resist that kick.

There is a long way to go, everyone in the Eagle Group.

(End of this chapter)

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