my followers are horrible

Chapter 212 Chapter 311+312 Same-sex Repel Opposite-Sex Attract + Plans Frustrated

Chapter 212 Chapter 311+312 Same-sex Repel Opposite-Sex Attract + Plans Frustrated
Guo Teng planned to ask Pariya for her opinion later to see if she would agree to awaken her soul.

In this way, a new problem arises again. If Paria brings her consciousness to the clone in front of her, she will awaken her soul from Paria's original body.

After the Paria soul in the original body was awakened, the Paria that appeared, what kind of Paria should be counted?

Paria 0?
Pa Lingya?
[My lord, please don't nest dolls. 】

Guo Teng suddenly felt that awakening the soul was not a good thing.

Too many problems arise.

"Let's wait until Paria comes back."

Watching Paria and the diplomat dancing a friendship dance, Guo Teng couldn't help frowning.

Pariya seemed to have a good impression of the middle-aged man in front of her.

"Are you jealous?"

Seeing Guo Teng frowning there, Dorothy couldn't help teasing Guo Teng.

"No, I eat woolen vinegar."

"I always feel that this man seems to have something to do with Paria."

"Does this man have something to do with Paria?"

Guo Teng asked uncertainly.

He has prosopagnosia, and anyone who knows him well knows this.

"Of course they were related. That was Paria's father, Sir Lewis Clayton."

"Do you think Pariya will smile when she sees a man?"

"Except for her father and her family, Paria has never smiled at other men."

"No, Parya smiled at me."

Guo Teng denied Dorothy's words.

"That's because you are her friend or superior, so she should smile at you no matter what."

Dorothy glared at Guo Teng angrily.

"Dorothy, do you still have any family in this world?"

Guo Teng decided to change the topic and stop putting the topic on Paria.

"I'm 102 years old, where is my family?"

After speaking, Dorothy covered her mouth abruptly.

"Well, 102-year-old grandma."

Women are all sensitive to their age, and anyone who dares to make fun of their age will never get good results.

Even Guo Teng is no exception.

Seeing the fire rising in Dorothy's eyes, Guo Teng decided to change the topic again.

"Don't you have any other relatives still alive?"

Even though Dorothy was 102 years old, she probably still had younger siblings in the world.

"No more. They all died in the battle against the Nordic Union."

The fire in Dorothy's eyes dimmed, and her whole spirit became slightly weaker.

"I was born in 1921 and joined the struggle against the Nordic Union in 1940."

"The ten-year war took away my parents, my siblings, and a shepherd dog I raised."

"When the war ended in 1950, I was the only one left in the world, living alone in this world."

"Later, he was caught by the Inquisition and tortured until last week."

"Finally met you."

"It feels like my life has regained its brilliance."

The sluggishness of the flame becomes spiritual.

The eyes reflecting the flames also turned to Guo Teng who was listening to the story.

"So I am the light of hope in your eyes?"

Guo Teng did not expect that he would still have such a great time.

"Ah, it can also be said that I met you, and I also met the belief that changes my destiny."

"Life is really incredible."


Dorothy sighed with emotion, and slapped Paria's stomach with a slap, making a crisp sound.

"When else do you want to hear, bastard Paria!"

After being hit hard, Paria sat up covering her stomach, waved her hands bitterly, and wanted to fight back.

Thinking about the physical difference between herself and Dorothy, Paria could only put away her hands in resentment, leaned towards Guo Teng, and looked at Guo Teng with aggrieved eyes.

"Family communication is over?"

Guo Teng didn't like this. When Guo's mother beat Guo Qianqian, Guo Teng would do his own thing and never get involved in their affairs.

This kind of experience and lessons helped him avoid many unreasonable disasters.

"It's done. I've been out for so long, but I didn't expect that dad has been transferred to Dahua."

"I thought he was still working in Zurich."

Paria returned to her previous sitting position, with the breast pads in place and her head resting on them.

"Paria, let me ask you something."

"If there was another identical you in the world, how would you feel?"

"Is there another one who is exactly the same as me?"

Paria, who was lying on the chest pad, raised her head and looked at Guo Teng, not understanding what he meant.

"I mean, Paria, how would you feel if you had a clone of yourself in front of you."

"This clone is alive, not the unconscious clone that was transferred by your consciousness."

Guo Teng had to make it clear to Paria, if something went wrong in the future, who would he want to take responsibility for?
"What do you want to do?"

Hearing what Guo Teng said, Paria, who was originally lazy, immediately raised her head from her breast pad and sat upright.

She already sensed a certain dissonance.

Guo Teng seems to be doing something to her and her clone.

"Did you know, Paria, that when your consciousness was transferred to other clones, there was a sleeping soul in your unconscious clone."

"When your consciousness exists, the soul of the body in which your consciousness exists is in an awakened state."

"When your consciousness leaves, the soul of this body goes dormant."

"So, I want to ask, do you have any thoughts when you face someone who is exactly the same as you?"

Guo Teng looked at Paria with apprehensive eyes, waiting for her answer.

"I, I don't want to."

"I, can I kill her?"

Paria became obviously incoherent, she didn't know what kind of mentality she should use when facing Guo Teng's question.

There are a few more identical selves in the world, what are you kidding?
How to distinguish between oneself and a copy?

Are you and her really two individuals?
"Ah, this."

Guo Teng was silent.

Even Paria objected to the existence of another self in the world.

"Paria, I mean, if your clone was a man, would you accept it?"

Guo Teng had to take out the plan given by Leah and test Paria.


Paria murmured for a few seconds, lost in thought.

A few minutes later, Paria gave the answer.

"I think it seems acceptable."

"To be honest, I haven't seen what it's like for me to be a man."

"Would you like Mr. Pascal to make me a male clone?"

From the hesitation just now to the excitement now.

Pariya, maybe you thought of something strange.

"Dorothy, what about you, if your clone was in a male state, would you still be resistant to him?"

"I shouldn't be against him like I am against the same sex."


Dorothy also gave the answer.

Well, same-sex repels each other, opposite-sex attracts, you really don't deceive me.

As soon as the gender is changed, this problem is really reduced a lot.

Guo Teng had an idea in his heart.

"Artanis, can I ask Mr. Pascal to make me a male clone?"

"I'm kind of like trying out what it's like to be a man right now."

"No, I refuse."

It's great to have two girls sitting next to you.

If suddenly become two men.

That's it.

Even if the body is filled with the soul of a soft and cute girl, Guo Teng can't accept it.

[Same sex repels, opposite sex attracts. 】

Even Leah expressed Guo Teng's inner feelings.

"Why, isn't it good for me to become a man?"

Paria was puzzled.

Not good, not good at all.

Guo Teng now regrets asking Paria about switching her body gender.

"Cough cough."

Dorothy coughed and winked at Parya.

Pariya nodded sharply, understanding what she meant.

"Hey, don't get me wrong."

"I'm a man with a wife anyway. I'm not the kind of man whose red flags don't fall at home and colorful flags flutter outside."

Seeing the two of them like this, Guo Teng quickly clarified himself.

"I heard from Guo Qianqian that when you were in college, Artanis, you were taken care of by a rich woman from Heijiaojiang, and now you still communicate with the rich woman from Heijiaojiang?"

Paria gave Guo Teng a fatal blow.

"That's a confidante! A confidante!"

"Why are you so slanderous?"

Damn, Qianqian is so able to tell other people about this!
I'll teach her a lesson later.

"We don't need to discuss this, but you have to tell us, you asked us so much, is there any new situation?"

"What task did Lord God issue to you, which made you so entangled?"

Dorothy rubbed out black tea, green tea, and honey grapefruit tea, and put them in front of herself, Guo Teng, and Paria respectively.

"That's right, the task this time is more difficult than that of the animal believers."

"As for the animal friends, I have already found the monsters of Daihua and Fuying to help me with this matter."

"They have hundreds of years of experience from animals chasing people,"

"I can now go from one observation per day to one observation every three days."

The appearance of the monster really relieved Guo Teng a lot.

"Tell me about the task that makes you find it more difficult."

"Looking at your appearance just now, this mission should be related to Paria's clone."

Dorothy took a sip of black tea and poked Paria's breast pads with her fingers.

"Yes, our next mission is to go to Mr. Galio's world and help him participate in the establishment of the Theocracy."

"The Church!"

These two words made Dorothy and Paria whisper together.

Even now the Church of Clocks is born, and space fleets line the sky.

They are still dominated by the church and have not established a church state.

Church and Theocracy are completely two concepts.

If the church is a gathering place for the parishioners of a place, the Theocracy is the holy place for all the parishioners.

Its significance is no less than a miracle.

"When will we go there?"

Dorothy, the violent leader of the Sisters of Battle, was the first to ask the question.

"We need to wait a few days. Lord God is thinking about how we will get there."

"In the first step of the plan, we may throw dozens or nearly a hundred people in the past to test the relevant conditions."

Dorothy and Paria couldn't understand Guo Teng's words. Isn't it just to send people there, why do you need to test the relevant conditions?
"Lord God, you don't plan to send us there this time. Instead, you will transfer our consciousness in a way similar to my clone, right?"

Pariya thought of Guo Teng's previous question and guessed the answer.

Guo Teng nodded.

"The teleportation of our body itself is repelled by Mr. Galio's world."

"While the Lord God has not completely eliminated Mr. Galio's world gods, we need the Lord God to consume his divine power and help us adjust the rules of the world."

"After synchronizing the rules, everyone can ensure that they can exert their original strength in Mr. Galio's world."

"Otherwise, whether Louise and the others can complete the Miracle Sanctuary last time is a question."

Guo Teng's words made Dorothy and Pariya silent at the same time.

"The Lord God means that our clones will appear in Mr. Galio's world, and then our consciousness will be transferred to the past."

"After importing, a new soul will appear in the body, isn't it?"

There was concern in Paria's eyes.

The fire in Dorothy's eyes also burned slowly.

Compared to Dorothy's worries, she was already prepared for another identical self in the world.

"Well, the same soul as yours now."

"So do you want to suggest that Lord God, when transferring your consciousness, reverse your gender?"

A new problem arises, Paria Dorothy's gender flipped.

Their souls will be squeezed and lost in the new body.

They are women. Compared with men, their new bodies have no protruding places, but they have a special feature.

This is definitely not a happy thing for the believer's soul.

Some people say that not all android believers look the same. How come they are so pretentious when they come to be human believers?

The words say so.

Artificial human believers have become accustomed to the existence of multiple identical individuals.

But human believers do not.

Just like those only children who see their parents have a second child.

What belongs to me has been divided and moistened, and I can't accept it in my heart.

"Gender flipping creates new problems."

"I'll consult Lord God Master later on how to solve these problems."

Looking at Paria, one can tell that she has complicated emotions.

Guo Teng didn't force her either, she also showed her attitude and discovered the problems in the plan.

No plan is perfect. If you want to achieve perfection, you have to eliminate the loopholes in the plan step by step.

Paria was still struggling, Guo Teng looked at Dorothy.

"How is the cleanup of the remnants of Christianity going?"

This world needs to be cleaned up so that Guo Teng can allow fighting believers like Dorothy to go to Galio's world with peace of mind and help him complete the Theocracy's plan.

"The planetary forces are accelerating the sweeping of various Christian documents."

"There will be no Christian materials on the Internet, including Christian texts and their derivatives."

"The government is searching for anything related to Christianity from the families of former Christian members and cleaning it up."

"The new history textbook is still being revised. After all, it's impossible to clean up the existence that spans thousands of years."

"But it's a delicate job."

"It will take at least three generations to completely smash the materials of Christianity."

Dorothy shrugged, a little helpless.

The crushing of Christianity involves too many places.

Not just history, but culture as well.

So many churches, so many design styles.

Renaissance, Dark Millennium, Nordic Combined Civil War Causes.

How many things need to be changed and corrected is really not something that can be done in one to two months.

Thinking of the huge power that had lasted for 3000 years and spanned three continents, it had fallen.

Dorothy was very complicated.

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the door interrupted the silence of the three people in the house.

The former president of Xingjiahui and the current nun of Clock Church, Isabel, stood at the door and bowed to Guo Teng.

"Lord Artanis, I have received a request from a special guest."

"He wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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