my followers are horrible

Chapter 209 Chapter 305+306 Strong Answer Sheet+Forgotten Huahua

Chapter 209 Chapter 305+306 Strong Answer Sheet+Forgotten Huahua
Guo Teng's eyes came to Qiang's side.

When he came up, he saw Qiang playing Laifu.

No, it's a card game.

The little villain who had been bullying Qiang in the first season was helpless at this time when he was beaten by Qiang's attack.

The shield in Qiang's left hand kept slapping Kaden's face.

The strong slap made Kaden back up and made him dizzy.

He shook his head, trying to wake up, but was slapped in the face by the powerful shield.

[Qiang, give him some color! 】

In the stands, Ruby stepped on the railing, stretched out her right hand, and yelled at Qiang regardless of her skirt being open.

[cough cough. 】

Dean Glinda gave Ruby a sideways glance, and Little Red Riding Hood immediately sat back in her original position and became a good girl.

【You can't do this. . . 】

Carden still wants to struggle.

[PANG! 】

Another touch of shield and face.

This time the shield slammed with force.

Carden was staggered by a shield, took a few steps back, shook his body a few times, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

【Well, it's really a big improvement, Mr. Yake. 】

[I hope that Mr. Carden will not have a concussion because of your roughness. 】

Glinda came to the center of the classroom, looked at Caden lying on the ground, and motioned to other members of the CRDL team to carry Caden away.

Nodding to Glinda, Qiang returned to his team.

[Good job, strong. 】

Nora slapped Qiang's shoulder hard and cheered.

Lie also gave Qiang a thumbs up, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Pilar, who winked at Qiang, made a cheering gesture.

Qiang also gestured YES to others.

Galio's training, Pila's help, and systematic motivation allowed him to gain two years of combat experience from other students in just a few days.

【Okay, gentlemen and ladies, there are still ten days left, and your first semester is over. 】

[After the semester exams are over, you will have a 15-day holiday. After the holiday, you will usher in the second semester. 】

[The much-anticipated Werther Festival will also appear at that time. 】

[I hope that you will make up your cultural homework in the last ten days of the first semester! 】

Granda, who had a calm face, became no longer calm at this time.

He squeezed his wand hard and pointed at all the students in front of him.

[Hunters not only need to be able to fight beasts, but also need to learn various other knowledge. 】

[Remember, gentlemen and ladies, you are human when you are not fighting. 】

[Then, get out of class is over. 】

Glinda walked out of the classroom.

The other students also left behind her.

[Yo, vacation! 】

[Qiang, Pila, do you have any plans? 】

Nora sat on Lie's back and looked at Qiang and Pila.

[I may be going to shoot commercials. 】

[During the semester, my parents suppressed a lot of commercial shooting plans, and half a month should be enough for me to finish shooting these commercials. 】

【Qiang, what about you? 】

Pila's words made the three of them focus on Qiang.

[Um, me. 】

【Well, my vacation may not be so smooth. 】

【My teacher told me that during the [-] days of the holiday, I might join the Silver Hand Knights to participate in the liberation movement. 】

[God's will, liberate those slaves, as well as the oppressed people. 】

There was something unnatural on Qiang's face.

He really wanted to go back home to see his parents and sister during the holiday.

However, Mr. Galio's words forced Qiang to give up this plan.

[We are also believers, why didn't the gods let us pass? 】

Lie is very strange.

His question was exactly what Nora wanted to ask.

Nora sat on Lie's neck, looked at Qiang, and waited for his answer.

【While I am the head of the Argent Dawn Order, I am also a private soldier of the Silver Hand. 】

Qiang patted his breastplate with pride on his face.

At this moment, his previous homesickness was also suppressed.

[In other words, this operation is not part of Silver Dawn's participation? 】

Yang Xiaolong poked his head out from Qiang's back and asked him.

As a battle madman, Yang Xiaolong is extremely sensitive about fighting.

Without a fight, it was as if she was going to die.

Yang Xiaolong asked a good question. Since he is participating in the battle, there is no reason for the members of the RWBY world Silver Dawn to be idle here.

They can also participate in Galio's strategy for the Kingdom of Doubloon.

The school's greenhouse can't grow any flowers.

[Another world, I want to see it. 】

[Isn’t it freezing cold there? As a member of the Xue Ni family, I like this kind of environment the most. 】

Wei Si also came to Yang Xiaolong's side and made her declaration.

【Trust me, Weiss, you probably won't like it there. 】

Qiang shook his head, he was impressed by the temperature of Galio's world.

That kind of cold, I believe no one will like it.

Even Weiss is the same.

[Maybe we can pray to our god, let us go with Qiang? 】

[A different world, it’s so romantic! 】

Ruby hugged Yang Xiaolong, her face full of anticipation.

【Forehead. 】

Qiang shook his head, giving up the idea of ​​persuading his friend.

The future of the Silver Dawn is also about fighting, maybe you should let your companions see different enemies.

[Hey, Blake. 】

Qiang said hello to Blake who walked out, but she walked over as if she ignored her.

[Are you having a conflict? 】

The rest of the Strong Enquirer RWBY team.

He didn't think there was anything about him that annoyed Blake.

[Ah hehe, this, let's go over and take a look. 】

Ruby, Yang Xiaolong, and Wei Si left Qiang and the others behind to chase Blake.

[So, what do you think? Should I go to Mr. Gallio’s world during the fifteen-day vacation, or should I go home and see my relatives? 】

Qiang asked the other three people.

Speaking of relatives, Lie's expression was a little unnatural.

[I want to go to Mr. Galio’s world with you. 】

[Nora is going too! 】

Nora, who was riding on Lie's head, made a move.

[Okay, then the three of us, as well as Ruby, Wei Si, and Yang. 】

Stretch out five fingers.

【Ahem, have you forgotten me? 】

Pi stretched out his fingers, snapping off the strong breastplate.

【Pila, are you not going to shoot commercials yet? 】

Qiang was puzzled.

"This kid."

Guo Teng couldn't help shaking his head, he wasn't smart when he should be smart, and he was smart when he shouldn't be smart.

For a while, Guo Teng was also speechless about Qiang's state.

Lie and Nora, who understood what Pila meant, couldn't help shaking their heads speechlessly.

They also saw that Pila was really slow because he was strong.

[We are a team, and at any time, team members must act together. 】

What Pila said was normal, so sincere that Nora and Lie couldn't help shaking their heads speechlessly again.

When will you two be truly honest.

As Qiang continues to grow steadily, Guo Teng's expectations for Qiang begin to slow down.

In the past, my team was often unavailable.

Now the growth of each member has indeed greatly relieved the pressure in Guo Teng's heart.

"Galio, Osha, Andrea, Dorothy, Paria, Qiang, Pascal."

"The current situation is much better than last week."

【Master God, have you forgotten an important believer? 】

[Although it looks ugly, it is also doing its best to preach for you. 】

【You forgot it so much, okay? 】

Li Ya's words made Guo Teng stunned, and he had forgotten which important believer.

[Fat orange cat follower, Huahua. 】

"Ah, yes, it's been several days. I really don't care much about Huahua's life, Leah, turn my attention to Huahua."

Guo Teng couldn't help but feel ashamed, Huahua had been released by him, and he didn't know what was going on now.

As the first animal believer, Huahua, Guo Teng didn't put much effort into it.

Although I slapped my head, I came up with the matter of preaching to animals.

But in fact, for animal believers, Guo Teng not only wants to turn them into humans, but also to find a home for them.

Guo Teng didn't give much help to these cuties.

As for Huahua, the boss of the orange cat, Guo Teng had forgotten about it for several days.

Changing his gaze, Guo Teng saw that Huahua kept scratching the door with his paws, wanting to go out.

【let me out!let me out! 】

Huahua whined at an old lady there.

The white-haired old lady, with kind eyes, was holding the soles of her shoes.

The thick and long needle was pushed through by the thimble on the finger.

The old lady then pulled out the needle that had come out.

The long white thread hangs in the air, and it is dyed a little orange by the sun setting in the west.

【What are you going out for, are you being eaten by other monsters? 】

The old lady responded casually to Huahua, biting off the extra thread.


The old lady's words caught Guo Teng's attention.

This is terrible news. Guo Teng originally thought that all the monsters with Hua had already GG, but he didn't expect that there were still monsters left.

So what is this old lady in front of me?

monster?Or someone who is against monsters?
Guo Teng looked around.

Very ordinary family living room, sofa, coffee table, TV.

The green plants on the window sill and the floors outside the window.

The old lady and Huahua should be in a unit in a community.

Put the unfinished soles into the flower basket.

The old lady stood up, walked behind Huahua, and bent down.

Pinch the back of Huahua Destiny's neck and lift it onto the table.

[You little cat, you were born at an untimely time. 】

[It's a pity that you have enlightened wisdom, but you don't have enough aura to help you reshape your physical body. 】

The old lady stretched out her hand, touched Huahua's head, and then rubbed Huahua's ears.

[Let me out, I want to preach! 】

Huahua still remembered the heavy responsibility on her body and wanted to jump off the table.

The jumping Huahua was caught by the old lady.

As usual, pinching Huahua's back, the old lady put Huahua on the table again.

[I kindly tell you that this little brat is dangerous outside, but you still don't listen. 】

[Are you asking for a fight? 】

The old lady stretched out her fingers and flicked Huahua's forehead.

Make a "boom boom" sound.

Judging from the sound, the old lady was pretty heavy handed.

【If you hit me again, I will let my god send a good man to beat you! 】

Huahua, the big orange cat, was hurt by the beating, covered her forehead, and yelled at the old lady.

Guo Teng was stunned by Huahua's words.

In your eyes, cooperating with me is just calling out to beat someone up, right?

[You, a big yellow cat, still believe in God. 】

The old lady pushed Huahua onto the table and scratched its stomach with her hand.

Poor Huahua, because of her obesity, she could only lower her head and watch the old lady rubbing her stomach back and forth.

The four short legs of the plus-fat cat waved feebly in mid-air.

If you want to resist, you have more than enough heart but not enough strength.

Can only send out the meow call sign of "don't, don't".

Weirdly cute.

Huahua is not in danger, Guo Teng plans to meet the old lady in front of him later.

This old lady is probably also a monster. As for what kind of monster it is, we won't know until Guo Teng passes by later.

Huahua was tired from struggling, and didn't bother to resist the old lady, she just lay there as if appointed, and let the old lady rub her stomach at will.

After a while, Huahua's angry cry turned into a meow of enjoyment.

"The revolutionary will is not firm, Huahua."

Seeing Huahua with a happy face, Guo Teng couldn't help shaking his head. Looking at Huahua's appearance, he knew that he was already addicted to the belly massage given by the old lady.

[Little lazy cat. 】

The old lady let go and walked towards the kitchen.

It seems that she is going to cook.

With a face full of enjoyment, Huahua raised her head and looked at the back of the old lady.

The pupils reflected the action of the old lady washing the vegetables, Huahua turned over a sea cucumber, from lying on the table to standing on the table.

Guo Teng couldn't help being a little shocked by Huahua's actions.

I originally thought that Huahua would need a lot of strength to get up from the table, but I didn't expect it to be so flexible.

The big eyes observed the old lady's movements again.

Huahua came to the door with her hands and feet pinched, and stopped scratching them.

It looked at the doorknob and jumped hard.

The yellow sea cucumber flew into the air in a performance that violated the norm of gravity.

"Huahua can still dance!"

Guo Teng really didn't expect a 30-jin yellow sea cucumber to jump up so flat.

It's unbelievable.

Huahua's front legs rested on the doorknob, and her body suddenly fell.

The door didn't open, Huahua was hit by the gravity of her fall, squatting at the door and screaming.

[Little yellow cat, don't even think about getting out, you can't get out. 】

The old lady's voice came from the kitchen. She had already observed what happened at the door on the LCD screen on the refrigerator.

In a fully automated home, no one can come in and no one can go out without the old lady's permission and face recognition.

Huahua had no choice but to curse and yell at the old lady.

The old lady cooked three courses.

Tomato eggs, roasted eggplant, fried fish with dried peppers.

The smell of the food came from the kitchen, making Huahua curse and turn into a meow wanting to eat again.

The food was brought to the table, and the old lady also prepared an extra bowl.

She hugged Hua Hua to the chair and let her front legs lie on the table.

【You have enlightened your mind, you will not be able to eat on the ground in the future. 】

[Eat again, you have to eat on the table, in a bowl. 】

[You have to learn from people and eat like normal. 】

The old lady filled Huahua's bowl with a small bowl of rice and added vegetables to it.

[I'm not used to eating like this. 】

Huahua wanted to jump on the table and eat in front of the bowl like before.

It's just that it just jumped up, and was put down by the old lady again.

【If you want to eat, you have to eat like this. 】

[You are already different from ordinary cats, you know? 】

The old lady nodded her fancy head and taught it a lesson.

Huahua still didn't want to, it was too uncomfortable.

[I'm still a kitten, I haven't turned into a human yet. 】

Huahua was still fighting, but the old lady's cold gaze made Huahua calm down immediately.

[It's also good to eat like this. 】

. . .

Guo Teng simply couldn't complain about Huahua.

But to be honest, this old lady is really good at training cats, and Guo Teng even has thoughts of the past.

"Leah, teleport me to the door of this old lady's house."

"I'm going to visit her."

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, Yoko will bring her mother and other monsters over.

Zhuo Peilin is an ordinary person, facing these old monsters, the pressure is not ordinary.

Since the old lady in front of Huahua can talk to Huahua, it proves that she is not a simple person.

It doesn't matter if the old lady is a human, a demon, or a mixture of human and demon.

Guo Teng felt that she was of great importance to his animal believer school.

"Perhaps the position of teaching director is suitable for this old lady."

(End of this chapter)

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