my followers are horrible

Chapter 180 Chapter 247+248 Lack of Time + High and Low Matching

Chapter 180 Chapter 247+248 Lack of Time + High and Low Matching
"How about it, have you found anything we are interested in from Wagner's body?"

Guo Teng pointed at Dorothy, signaling her to sit in front of him.

"Members of the analysis team are rushing to analyze Wagner's body."

"As for his soul, in 384 years, even if the research department is speeding up the browsing of his memory, it will take a certain amount of time."

"I just brought a more critical matter for us."

Dorothy sat in front of Guo Teng and brushed her hair up.

In two days, her hair grew rapidly and reached the back of her neck.

I believe that it won't be long before Dorothy will become that waist-length beauty again.

Then he cut off his hair again under Guo Teng's regretful eyes.

"Analysis team?"

Guo Teng was very surprised, what kind of department was this, why hadn't he heard of it.

"It was just established, so that someone can have more time to stay in his hut, drinking tea and chatting with our beliefs."

There were thorns in Dorothy's words, and she said to Guo Teng very bluntly.

She prayed day and night just to get a little attention from her faith.

Let him have a look at himself.

But the more Dorothy thought about the jerk in front of her, the more she couldn't help getting angry.

"Uh, okay."

"Let's talk about what is not good for us."

There is nothing to be afraid of anymore.

Whatever bad news Dorothy brings, Guo Teng can face it calmly.

"Orthodoxy is deliberately returning to the rule of Christianity."

"What kind of bad news is this?"

One god and two religions, whether they merged or not, they were all enemies in Guo Teng's eyes.

Why, you two separated and thought I would let you go Zhengjiao?

What a sweet dream.

Moreover, Guo Teng could not tell the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Cross. In Guo Teng's eyes, these two churches were both enemies with crosses.

"Isn't it bad news that their power has increased?"

Dorothy looked at Guo Teng who was puzzled, and became confused by Guo Teng's infection.

"But Orthodoxy is also our enemy in my eyes?"

"Could it be that the Orthodox Church is merciful to your Witch Society?"

Guo Teng scratched his head and looked at Dorothy with a puzzled expression.

"That's not what I meant to say."

"Christianity and Orthodoxy, these two churches are one God and two religions."

"They are also competing in private."

"In the past hundred years, the struggle between the two is not necessarily small."

At this time, Dorothy figured out what Guo Teng meant. Guo Teng had classified the two churches as enemies a long time ago.

It seems that his own pattern is still low.

At this time, Guo Teng also understood what Dorothy meant.

The two churches stopped fighting and began to cooperate.

The previous friction can be regarded as the internal friction of the organization. Now there is no internal friction. For Guo Teng, it is indeed bad news.

"It's bad news, but not too big or too small."

"The friction of a hundred years is not so easy to integrate."

"Dorothy, you have to know that when it comes to cultural conflicts, just like the boss in the gang, only one voice is allowed."

"Religion is even more extreme. Saying one is one, saying two is two."

"I don't know if our recent assassination of the Second Sect led to their integration or promoted their integration."

"I am not optimistic about the integration between them."

The competition between psychology and psychology almost knocked out the brain.

One god and two religions.

Oh, the simplest point is who will be the pope.

Whether it is interests or ideas.

Guo Teng felt that if the two churches could be integrated.


With a swipe, Guo Teng's expression changed.

He thought of a possibility.

The guy behind the Christian Orthodoxy took action.

It is true that the two churches are split, but they still believe in the same God.

You believe in what is said and you don't listen?

The god you believe in directly said that you were excommunicated by Lao Tzu, and there is no orthodox or Christian religion in the world.

Fusion, why not fusion.

You can combine whether it is a white ball or a red ball.

Why can't they fit together?
Guo Teng thought that the integration of the two religions brought by Dorothy was not a threat.

Now, he felt that the threat was really coming.

"What's wrong with you, Artanis."

"Your face looks very bad."

Dorothy looked at Guo Teng whose expression suddenly changed, and couldn't help reaching out to caress Guo Teng's face.

"I think of two words, so don't say anything."

God battle.

Guo Teng took a deep breath and finally thought of an unexpected sense of violation.

That's right, he has already fought a battle of gods in his own world ahead of Galio.

Moreover, his own believer has already fought against the opponent's believer, and they have won a small victory for the time being.

But this small victory could not solve his predicament.

The Nordic Union, the North and South American Group, Lanya, Ostrilia, and even parts of Dahua are all Christian sites.

And he, on the corner of the corner, didn't even have a place to show his worldly brand in a serious way.

Guo Teng's pressure suddenly rose at this time.

In this case, how to break the situation?

Is it possible that 9S, A2, and ZB are really going to send a shot to the planet and directly flip the table?
Guo Teng couldn't help tapping the coffee table with his hands.

Dorothy also slowed down her breathing to weaken her presence, trying not to disturb Guo Teng's thinking.

It is true that men who are thinking are the most attractive.

At this time, Dorothy saw the tall Guo Teng in her mind again.

The Pope in her mind.

Dorothy was in a nympho, and Guo Teng was constantly thinking about how to break the situation.

"The territory, I am not as broad as the Christianity."

"Population, I am not as large as the Christianity."

"Faith, I haven't experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, conquests in troubled times, and I don't have the piety of Christianity."

Thinking of this, Guo Teng felt depressed.

"I'm on a horse, I don't believe that I can't fight through this predicament."

"At worst, let 9 seconds shoot out the antimatter bomb, breaking the foundation of your Christianity."

What is the foundation of Christianity?
That is the planet.

You are a Christian, and you have a great career. I am barefoot. Is it possible that I am afraid that you will wear shoes?
Why is the devil who is living a good life so afraid of Pangpang going to beat him up.

Because Pangpang only had two or three pieces of money in his hands, the Japanese who had lived a good life did not want to die together with this short and poor man.

Guo Teng is almost the same as Pangpang now.

Now that there are not many believers in hand, it is not too easy to pull 10,000+ people to settle in Nier World.

But that's a bad idea, unless it's a last resort, Guo Teng will never choose this method if he can't outplay others.

"Site, I have 5 worlds, not as vast as Christianity?"

"Population, five worlds with a population of tens of billions, how many continents can you teach you if you can't play the cross?"

"Faith, as long as you give me time, I can play your Christian explosion in an instant."

What is the most important difference between Guo Teng and the old Christian organization?
It's time.

Once he had enough time, he could sweep Christianity into the dust of history in minutes.

But now, he is short of time.

Leah found herself last Monday, and it has only been 8 days.

In 8 days, a small organization was created to overthrow a large organization that has gone through thousands of years.

A little difficult.

Dot X novels dare not write like this.

Writing in this way will be sprayed as too fake, and then the grades will hit the street, causing the author to slap the knife and go straight to the eunuch.

No matter how the writer who hit the street gets sprayed, it has nothing to do with Guo Teng.

Since the grandson on the opposite side is hiding behind the scenes to make a move, Guo Teng can only see his tricks.

Dorothy must not cause large-scale disturbances during this period of time.

If she wanted to make trouble, she had to wait for herself and the other Anbu to reincarnate once before making trouble.

It would be even better if you can wait until a month before making trouble.

Anyway, now that we have met with the Christianity, it will be life and death in the future, and there is absolutely no such thing as surrender.


Guo Teng let out a long breath, opened his eyes again and looked at Dorothy.

"The God behind Christianity has appeared."

"My lord God told me."

Guo Teng's words caused the flames in Dorothy's eyes to rise suddenly, and then went back silently.

"So, do they also have gods?"

Dorothy pressed the floor firmly with both hands, digging the floor out of the depression, and couldn't help murmuring.

"Thousands of years of wind and rain, no matter what, can turn an ordinary person into a god."

"I know your hatred, Dorothy."

"The next confrontation is the confrontation between Lord God and the other side."

"You and I, mortals, are just pawns on a chessboard now."

Guo Teng knew how deeply Dorothy's hatred for the thousands of years of Christianity was.

A young girl who had dedicated herself to the country was treated as an enemy by the church and tortured for decades.

If it were Guo Teng, he would be so angry that he would crush the Christians.

"Next, you rest and recuperate in the church. I will make specific plans after the Lord God makes arrangements."

"Now, we need to lurk."

"I see."

Dorothy nodded, stood up, and left the cabin.

Watching Dorothy walk slowly towards the church, Guo Teng had to make a new plan for the grandson's bad move.

"It's a little tricky."

"The only level [-] that you can hold in your hand is Galio."

"The faith is still a bit short. After the altar of the elders is built in Xi World, Dorothy should also be able to be strengthened to the seventh level."

"Even so, I still lack the power to make the final decision."

"How about throwing Galio into the Elder Altar first?"

"His reincarnation should be able to be promoted to the eighth level of the world's strongest?"

The eighth level is the level of the gods on the ground, and the combat power is the same as the previous incarnation of the crow, reaching 50.

Guo Teng silently thought about how to strengthen the power in his hands.

Turn SSR into SP.

"All Anbu's reincarnation is only up to the fifth level."

"To reach level six, there is still a long time to go."

Fingers tapped lightly on the coffee table, making a rattling sound.

Guo Teng raised his head, looked at the red sky outside the skylight on the roof, and thought about what he needed to break the situation.

The sign of the Clock Church will be erected in Dayu later.

At that time, the Christianity, which has been attacked by surprise, will definitely send people over to celebrate.

Then he studied Guo Teng at night and razed his church to the ground.

An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

How many fancy intestines can a foreigner have?
"National defense forces pay attention to a combination of high and low."

"The higher self has it."

Specifically refers to the endless days in the sky.

"Low, it's the believer's personal power in my hands."

It is this low now, which makes Guo Teng feel very unsuitable.

"Leah, can we throw the Red World Apostle into the Elder Altar?"

Believers are now in a symbiotic state with the Red World Apostle.

Guo Teng was kicked out of this world, so the Red World Apostles in the Greek world would have no source of vitality.

In other words, they had to suffocate again.

If these red world apostles can be put into the altar of the elders, they can be used by him.

This low, he will not be low.

In a sense, this low may have to reach the middle position.

[You can do this. 】

[However, Lord God, the Red World Apostle is under Yu Xi's orders. If you increase her power, it may be very difficult for us to control her in the future. 】

"that's OK."

"We are short of time now, as long as we have enough time, we are not afraid of that little girl turning the world upside down."

Guo Teng has never been fooled by Xi's stupidity in front of him.

You know, the current her will slowly decline without Guo Teng.

Without Liya, Xi would definitely squeeze Guo Teng dry.

With Liya's presence, Xi can only be like a puppy, begging for mercy in front of Guo Teng.

Survive, don't shiver.

"So what about strengthening the Red World Apostle to the level of the incarnation of God, you must know that we control the life of this world."

"As long as we leave, this world will surely die."

[I hope you are right, Lord God. 】

"Then the question comes again, whether the red apostle who was reincarnated through the altar of the elders can go to this world."

Don't pursue these bigwigs to go out and kill the awesome figures of the Christianity, just ask them to see a home.

[The teleportation spar can be synchronized with the rules of the Greek world, these red world apostles can stay around the teleportation spar. 】

"If that's the case, then what are we afraid of?"

Guo Teng has the existence of the Red World Apostle, so what is the difference between the Christianity coming to the door and the death.

[Here comes the crux of the problem, my lord, the faith in our hands has only accumulated to 26. 】

[It will take some time before the two teleportation spars have 100 million beliefs. 】

"It's really a hassle."

The lack of faith in his hands has always been a major problem for Guo Teng that has restricted his development at the same time.

Guo Teng stood up and went outside his house, looking at the dark red and dark world in the distance, which was constantly glowing with new vitality.

This didn't make him happy, on the contrary, it made him very worried as he pondered another problem.

If he gets rid of this shackle, will he never look back, and he will never be able to change back to the gentle and kind self before.

Leah didn't speak about the question Guo Teng was thinking about now.

She didn't dare to speak, she was worried that every word she uttered would become evidence that Guo Teng would blame her on her in the future.

"Hello, Teng."

"Hello, Xi."


"No, seeing Teng unhappy, I don't want to eat anymore."

If Xi's consolation is for Guo Teng who is in love, it will be very consoling.

But thinking about a crucial issue, he is not in the mood to pay attention to Xi Tie's eagerness.

"Hey, what do you think of your apostles?"

In his own eyes, Xi is invisible, but has thinking.

The same is true for the Red World Apostle.

So how did the other party in their eyes, and they, see human beings like Guo Teng?

"What do you think?"

"They are the same as me."

Xi Ruan's cute voice made Guo Teng heave a sigh of relief.

That's not what he asked.

"Ten, what's wrong?"

"Are you unhappy?"

The cotton-like soft touch was gently kneaded on Guo Teng's face.

Trying to make Guo Teng, who is in a bad mood, happier.

Xi's gentleness finally allowed Guo Teng to slowly discharge the unhappiness in his heart.

He also made a decision in his mind.

"Leah, can we create an electronic life that believes in me, and then copy it infinitely, so that it can provide us with a lot of beliefs?"

This is where Guo Teng kept thinking and struggling just now.

Can the belief in electronic life allow Guo Teng to complete the accumulation of primitive beliefs in an instant, and is no longer subject to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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